996 resultados para Brizola, Leonel, 1922-2004
A problemática central dessa pesquisa consiste na análise dos Grupos dos Onze Companheiros ou Comandos Nacionalistas. Esses grupos foram um movimento de esquerda organizado pelo então deputado federal do estado da Guanabara, Leonel de Moura Brizola em outubro de 1963 e tinham o objetivo de pressionar o presidente João Goulart para a realização das Reformas de Base. No final de 1963 o Brasil estava mergulhado numa forte crise política e econômica, e, é nesse momento de instabilidade que o país vivia e de intensas transformações na sociedade brasileira, que o deputado Brizola numa ação extraparlamentar, conclama o povo, através da Rádio Mayrink Veiga a formarem os Grupos dos Onze Companheiros. Nesse período Brizola e João Goulart representavam o expoente máximo do trabalhismo nacional, o que alimentou o imaginário conservador da sociedade que caracterizou a organização brizolista como comunista, no entanto, verificamos em nossa pesquisa que, seus integrantes, tratavam-se de simples trabalhadores urbanos, que, logo após o golpe civil/militar, foram perseguidos, presos e torturados pela ditadura militar.
Esta dissertação aborda o discurso do desenvolvimento do governo Leonel Brizola (1959-1963) no Rio Grande do Sul. A partir de uma perspectiva que associa as preocupações da Ciência Política com a abordagem da Análise do Discurso, este trabalho examina alguns dos principais aspectos da construção do referido discurso. Neste sentido, a pesquisa apresenta uma reflexão teórica sobre a noção de discurso e sobre destacadas matrizes de pensamento acerca dos modelos de desenvolvimento. Isto oferece subsídios para um exame das políticas no campo econômico por parte deste governo estadual. Dentre as medidas adotadas por esta administração, a dissertação enfatiza os processos de desapropriação de empresas estrangeiras nos setores de energia elétrica e de telecomunicações. Baseado no estudo específico destes eventos de intervenção estatal, a pesquisa analisa a constituição heterogênea do discurso do desenvolvimento do governo Brizola. Estes aspectos permitem averiguar: os distintos sentidos atribuídos ao desenvolvimento, o significado político destas encampações, a dinâmica dos elementos discursivos envolvidos e a importância de tais iniciativas governamentais na configuração de um projeto econômico para o Rio Grande do Sul.
The increase in global temperature has been attributed to increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG), mainly that of CO2. The threat of severe and complex socio-economic and ecological implications of climate change have initiated an international process that aims to reduce emissions, to increase C sinks, and to protect existing C reservoirs. The famous Kyoto protocol is an offspring of this process. The Kyoto protocol and its accords state that signatory countries need to monitor their forest C pools, and to follow the guidelines set by the IPCC in the preparation, reporting and quality assessment of the C pool change estimates. The aims of this thesis were i) to estimate the changes in carbon stocks vegetation and soil in the forests in Finnish forests from 1922 to 2004, ii) to evaluate the applied methodology by using empirical data, iii) to assess the reliability of the estimates by means of uncertainty analysis, iv) to assess the effect of forest C sinks on the reliability of the entire national GHG inventory, and finally, v) to present an application of model-based stratification to a large-scale sampling design of soil C stock changes. The applied methodology builds on the forest inventory measured data (or modelled stand data), and uses statistical modelling to predict biomasses and litter productions, as well as a dynamic soil C model to predict the decomposition of litter. The mean vegetation C sink of Finnish forests from 1922 to 2004 was 3.3 Tg C a-1, and in soil was 0.7 Tg C a-1. Soil is slowly accumulating C as a consequence of increased growing stock and unsaturated soil C stocks in relation to current detritus input to soil that is higher than in the beginning of the period. Annual estimates of vegetation and soil C stock changes fluctuated considerably during the period, were frequently opposite (e.g. vegetation was a sink but soil was a source). The inclusion of vegetation sinks into the national GHG inventory of 2003 increased its uncertainty from between -4% and 9% to ± 19% (95% CI), and further inclusion of upland mineral soils increased it to ± 24%. The uncertainties of annual sinks can be reduced most efficiently by concentrating on the quality of the model input data. Despite the decreased precision of the national GHG inventory, the inclusion of uncertain sinks improves its accuracy due to the larger sectoral coverage of the inventory. If the national soil sink estimates were prepared by repeated soil sampling of model-stratified sample plots, the uncertainties would be accounted for in the stratum formation and sample allocation. Otherwise, the increases of sampling efficiency by stratification remain smaller. The highly variable and frequently opposite annual changes in ecosystem C pools imply the importance of full ecosystem C accounting. If forest C sink estimates will be used in practice average sink estimates seem a more reasonable basis than the annual estimates. This is due to the fact that annual forest sinks vary considerably and annual estimates are uncertain, and they have severe consequences for the reliability of the total national GHG balance. The estimation of average sinks should still be based on annual or even more frequent data due to the non-linear decomposition process that is influenced by the annual climate. The methodology used in this study to predict forest C sinks can be transferred to other countries with some modifications. The ultimate verification of sink estimates should be based on comparison to empirical data, in which case the model-based stratification presented in this study can serve to improve the efficiency of the sampling design.
Embora já se tenha passado muito tempo, ainda hoje me recordo de minha avó dizendo com orgulho que em nossa família não havia “flamenguistas”, e nem “lacerdistas”. Símbolo de uma época em que a política tinha quase o mesmo poder de identificação do futebol, Carlos Lacerda teve como contraponto na acirrada política carioca dos anos 60 a figura de Leonel Brizola. Se o Fla-Flu enchia o Maracanã e inflamava as torcidas, não menos inflamado era o discurso que então alimentava a rivalidade entre lacerdistas e brizolistas na antiga capital federal. O objetivo do artigo é analisar a maneira pela qual Carlos Lacerda e Leonel Brizola se constituíram como lideranças carismáticas no Rio de Janeiro, procurando relacionar esse processo com a cultura política de uma cidade que por mais de um século fora capital do país.
This article intends to contribute to the Brazilian design history through a study of a selection of book covers produced in 1960 decade by Vicente Di Grado (1922 - 2004), who was the main cover artist and illustrator of a publishing house named Clube do Livro. The covers were analysed considering their visual and contextual syntax and in their relations with information design.
Chapters 3 and 15 of Joyce's Ulysses exhibit glimpses of three dreams, fantasies and eventual nightmares linked to the figure of 'Haroun al Raschid.' Historically speaking, the latter was a powerful Caliph of Baghdad, a medieval potentate about whom many of the most memorable of The Thousand and One Nights or The Arabian Nights' Entertainments were once and then again spun as tales of pleasure. Joyce seizes upon the figure of 'Haroun al Raschid' as a fictive measure to articulate the 'orientalist' fantasies of Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom. However, this evocative figure of Near Eastern history, of fabulous narrative and the progressively converging fantasies of two modern European literary characters is riddled with paradox. Such material provides Joyce a perceptive and proleptic sense of the paradoxes and brutal historical contradictions through which Western and Eastern dreams of theocratic nationalism, ethnic zealotry, colonial rebellion and Zionism are to be played out. W. B. Yeats' poem 'The Gift of Harun al-Raschid', written in 1923, the year after the book publication of Ulysses, provides both a fitting foil and a significant socio-historical point of reference for Joyce's own figurative use of the Caliph of Baghdad.
Traditionally, undergraduate students in University College Cork (UCC) have been taught to use amalgam as the first choice material for direct restoration of posterior cavities. Since 2005 the use of composite resins has replaced amalgam as the first choice material. An audit was conducted of all direct restorations placed by final year students from UCC from 2004 until 2009. Results showed that over a six year period, final year UCC dental undergraduate students placed proportionately more direct composite resin restorations and significantly fewer amalgam restorations. The need for and undergraduate exposure to, provision of amalgam restorations may have to be revisited.
El interés por desarrollar el tema de cultura ciudadana y su influencia sobre los indicadores de movilidad referidos a la accidentalidad, surge a partir de una percepción de éxito de tres alcaldías que lograron transformaciones culturales y físicas en Bogotá. El propósito era comprobar a partir de un análisis cuantitativo que la cultura ciudadana funcionó como herramienta de gestión y que había logrado afectar positivamente las crecientes tasas de accidentalidad vial en Bogotá, durante dichas alcaldías (1995-2004). Sin embargo, la caracterización de la cultura ciudadana referida a la accidentalidad vial, tenía un alto componente cualitativo que permitió comprender que las estadísticas no se podían asociar directamente a las estrategias de cultura ciudadana y que por lo tanto, la investigación debía concentrarse en dimensionar la capacidad real que tenían las acciones de cultura ciudadana sobre el problema urbano, desagregando las dos variables.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how João Café Filho constituted a discourse of advocate of the labor movement and workers in different sociability spaces. It is intended to understand, on one hand, how political relations were established between different categories of workers and the ‘middle classes’ and, on the other hand, how places were instituted to house the meeting of these relations. It a ims to understand the insertion of Café Filho in union activities in the urban world. It demonstrates specificities of the political culture in Natal emphasizing the dispute between a city politically ruled by a still reigning rural paternalistic mentality and the rise of a new way to experience the urban conflicts which appeared. Temporally, the work is delimited between 1922 (proclaimed by Café Filho himself as the initial period of his political action) and 1937 (when he broke up with Vargas and went into exile in Argentina). The research was constituted by three main document types: several published newspapers between the decades of 1920 and 1930 in the cities of Natal, Recife, São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro; the autobiographical memoirs written by Café Filho himself and memoirs of other people who lived in his time. The main pillars that have supported the work were: the concepts of society and individuals (ELIAS, 1994; 1995), political cultures (BERSTEIN, 1998) and theater of the memory (GOMES, 2004); the sociability spaces category (CERTEAU, 1994; MALATIAN, 2001; RIOX, 1996); the biography notion (DOSSE, 2009; LORIGA, 2011). We demonstrated that Café Filho acted in some sociability spaces as: the Jornal do Norte, the Federação Regional do Trabalho and the Partido Democrático Nacional. In such spaces, Café Filho, gradually, become an important leader of workers and, at the same time, linked to national entities led to the opposition that fight against the power established in the Brazilian First Republic. In Café Filho’s interpretation, workers were individuals who needed to fight against the political structures prevailing at that time because the poor living conditions and the low representativeness of this group were caused by the way the political system in the First Republic was structured. After the 1930 Movement, the 3 de Outubro Club, the Jornal and the Labor Federation of Natal were constituted in spaces where the cafeista critical discourse about the government was changed: workers should follow the official syndicalism and defend the 1930 Movement which put Vargas in the presidency of the Republic.
Traditional information retrieval (IR) systems respond to user queries with ranked lists of relevant documents. The separation of content and structure in XML documents allows individual XML elements to be selected in isolation. Thus, users expect XML-IR systems to return highly relevant results that are more precise than entire documents. In this paper we describe the implementation of a search engine for XML document collections. The system is keyword based and is built upon an XML inverted file system. We describe the approach that was adopted to meet the requirements of Content Only (CO) and Vague Content and Structure (VCAS) queries in INEX 2004.