134 resultados para Briefs
Cet article a précédemment été publié par la Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke.
Topic briefs. Includes marked up topic list which can be used for exam revision purposes.
Table of Contents: White Nose Syndrome News CWD Found in Virginia Serosurveys of Feral Swine AI Serology in Wild Birds Chagas Disease Studies SCWDS Bont Tick Surveillance Brain Tumor in Deer Exotic Animal Imports and Public Health Loss of Two SCWDS Friends
Table of Contents: Piroplasmosis Hits Missouri Horses Cytauxzoon felis in Wild Felids SCIF & Mossy Oak Fund HD Research Hardware Disease in a Key Deer Wildlife Poisoning in Kansas Swine Brucellosis Infects Hog Hunters SCWDS Personnel Changes NWHC Has New Director New USDI Publication on Bats Recent SCWDS Publications Available
Table of Contents: Clams & AI Virus SCWDS Funded to Study WNS USDA Program Changes Proposed TB in Captive Cervids CWD Prions in Deer Feces TWS Position Statement on Lead WDA Awards For SCWDS Staff New Brochure for Hog Hunters
Table of Contents: USDA Seeks Comments on New CWD Rule Some of the Intricacies of CWD 3rd International CWD Symposium White Nose Syndrome Update Wildlife Poisoning in Kansas Salmonellosis in Your Backyard Trichomonosis in Songbirds Dr. Al Franzmann Staff & Student Recognition
Table of Contents: HD in 2007: A Year to Remember Ecology of AIV in Shorebirds New USDA Brucellosis Proposal TWS Seeks Comments on Draft Lead Policy Unusual Eagle Death New SCWDS Grad Students Tennessee Director Retiring 3rd International CWD Symposium Another SCWDS Student Award
Table of Contents: Piroplasmosis in Florida Horses Bovine TB Update Newcastle Disease in Cormorants Frog Virus in a Box Turtle SCWDS Vesicular Stomatitis Research Update Faculty and Staff Changes at SCWDS Lead Study Results Reported Lead Ammo and Tackle Review Our Energizer Bunny
Table of Contents: Orbiviruses New & Old - What Do We Need to Know? Orbivirus Vector Surveys Studies on H5N1 HPAI Virus in Swans and Geese Dr. Justin Brown Awards Impacted Turkey Gizzard Regional Disease Workshops in 2008-09 Dove Disease Research at SCWDS Some Staff Changes
Table of Contents: SCWDS History Continued: The Domestic Animal Connection WNV Still With Us: Other Arboviruses May Follow Avian Influenza Update – Spring 2007 Scholarship in Memory of Ed Couvillion Chronic Lead Poisoning in Raptors Unusual Deer Tumor Kevin Keel Receives Award New Edition of Wild Bird Diseases Book
Table of Contents: SCWDS Celebrates 50 Years More Bovine TB in Minnesota Developments in CWD Surveillance and Research Federal CWD Rule Update Tularemia in Backyard Wildlife Osteochondromas in Two Deer Invasive Exotic Animals in the Southeast New Field Manual Sales
H5N1 Influenza Virus in Wild Birds: A Fact Sheet Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 and Wild Birds What are avian influenza viruses? What is a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus? What is “Bird Flu” and what is “HPAI H5N1”? What do we know about avian influenza viruses in wild birds? Do we have HPAI H5N1 in North America? Is there currently a public health risk associated with HPAI H5N1 in wild birds? Is there a domestic animal health risk associated with HPAI in wild birds? What is the possibility of HPAI H5N1 entering North America via migratory wild birds? What is the possibility of this virus being maintained in wild bird populations? Do we have surveillance for HPAI H5N1 in the United States? Additional information on HPAI can be found at these websites: The recognized geographic and species distribution of chronic wasting disease (CWD) has expanded since early September 2005 to include Hampshire County in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia National Fish and Wildlife Health Initiative Guiding Principles Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) virus was isolated from seven white-tailed deer in southwestern Michigan during September 2005 During the past summer, more than 500 head of livestock in North Dakota and South Dakota were lost to one of the largest recorded anthrax outbreaks in U.S. history. Most of the losses were in cattle, but horses, bison, and farm-reared elk also were affected. Dr. John Fischer, Director of SCWDS, has received this year’s Special Recognition Award from the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA). Dr. William Randolph Davidson is retiring in November 2005.
National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, confirmed vesicular stomatitis (VS) in horses at one premises in Texas. As of July 21, 2004, infected animals were identified on a total of 45 premises in Colorado (11), New Mexico (21), and Texas (13). These are the first reports of VS in livestock in the United States since the 1998 epizootic. SCWDS VS Studies Chronic Wasting Disease Developments: nearly 118,000 wild white-tailed deer, mule deer, and elk were tested in the United States from October 2002 to September 2003, with 592 animals testing positive for the CWD prion. More than $38,000,000 was spent by federal and state wildlife and animal health agencies on CWD-related activities during this same period. The Second International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium, hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, July 12-14, 2005. Crow Decoys Used in West Nile Virus Study Although Lyme disease caused by a spirochete bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, is relatively rare in the southeastern United States, a Lyme disease-like infection referred to as Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI) and thought to be caused by Borrelia lonestari, has been recognized in people in this region. The Ohio Division of Wildlife joined SCWDS as an associate member beginning July 1, 2004. The Final Report of the 2003 Hemorrhagic Disease (HD) Surveillance project has been completed and distributed to all cooperators. New of Caroline Duffie, Robbie Edalgo and wife Jen, Clay George, Darrell Kavanaugh, Lynn Lewis-Weiss’s husband, Dr. Kevin Weiss, and Nate Mechlin. New SCWDS staff include Brian Chandler, Jay Cumbee, Ginger Goekjian, Bill Hamrick, Sabrina McGraw, Kerri Pedersen, and Ben Wilcox. Recent SCWDS Publications Available
• Chronic Wasting Disease Update: Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Colorado; National CWD Management – USDA & USDI National Plan for Assisting States, Federal Agencies, and Tribes in Managing Chronic Wasting Disease in Free-ranging and Captive Cervids • West Nile virus (WNV) reaches the Pacific coast • West Nile Virus in Blue Jays • Idaho Brucellosis Linked to Wildlife: All of the epidemiological and laboratory information clearly indicates that brucellosis-infected elk transmitted the disease to the cattle herd. • Tularemia caused a die-off of captured wild prairie dogs this summer at a Texas commercial exotic animal facility that distributes the animals for sale as pets. • Raptors can acquire avian vacuolar myelinopathy (AVM) via ingestion of other affected birds. • House Finch Mycoplasmosis: bacterial eye disease of house finches • Raccoon Rabies report • Toxoplasmosis – The newest finding regarding sea otters in California is the importance of toxoplasmosis as a mortality factor. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that can invade visceral organs and the central nervous system to cause acute, disseminated tissue necrosis and fatal meningoencephalitis in susceptible animals. In recent years, 36% of dead sea otters examined have been infected. Another tissue-invading protozoan, Sarcocystis neurona, also was found in 4% of the otters. • Recovery of remnant populations of the endangered black-footed ferret have been hampered by sylvatic plague, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. • Dr. Samantha Gibbs received the Wildlife Disease Association’s Student Research Recognition Award. Dr. Cynthia Tate was selected by the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists to receive the Best Student Presentation Award. Dr. Andrea Varela won second place in the Student Presentation Award for her presentation at the meeting of the American Association Veterinary Parasitologists. Mr. Michael Yabsley received the Wildlife Disease Association Student Scholarship and the S.A. Ewing Vectorborne Parasitology Award from the University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary Medicine.