996 resultados para Breast Neoplasm-genetics
Resumo: A decisão da terapêutica hormonal no tratamento do cancro da mama baseiase na determinação do receptor de estrogénio alfa por imunohistoquímica (IHC). Contudo, a presença deste receptor não prediz a resposta em todas as situações, em parte devido a limitações do método IHC. Investigámos se a expressão dos genes ESR1 e ESR2, bem como a metilação dos respectivos promotores, pode estar relacionada com a evolução desfavorável de uma proporção de doentes tratados com tamoxifeno assim como com a perda dos receptores de estrogénio alfa (ERα) e beta (ERß). Amostras de 211 doentes com cancro da mama diagnosticado entre 1988 e 2004, fixadas em formalina e preservadas em parafina, foram utilizadas para a determinação por IHC da presença dos receptores ERα e ERß. O mRNA total do gene ESR1 e os níveis específicos do transcrito derivado do promotor C (ESR1_C), bem como dos transcritos ESR2_ß1, ESR2_ß2/cx, and ESR2_ß5 foram avaliados por Real-time PCR. Os promotores A e C do gene ESR1 e os promotores 0K e 0N do gene ESR2 foram investigados por análise de metilação dos dinucleotidos CpG usando bisulfite-PCR para análise com enzimas de restrição, ou para methylation specific PCR. Atendendo aos resultados promissores relacionados com a metilação do promotor do gene ESR1, complementamos o estudo com um método quantitativo por matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) suportado pelo software Epityper para a medição da metilação nos promotores A e C. Fez-se a avaliação da estabilidade do mRNA nas linhas celulares de cancro da mama MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231 tratadas com actinomicina D. Baixos níveis do transcrito ESR1_C associaram-se a uma melhor sobrevivência global (p = 0.017). Níveis elevados do transcrito ESR1_C associaram-se a uma resposta inferior ao tamoxifeno (HR = 2.48; CI 95% 1.24-4.99), um efeito mais pronunciado em doentes com tumores de fenótipo ERα/PgR duplamente positivo (HR = 3.41; CI 95% 1.45-8.04). A isoforma ESR1_C mostrou ter uma semi-vida prolongada, bem como uma estrutura secundária da região 5’UTR muito mais relaxada em comparação com a isoforma ESR1_A. A análise por Western-blot mostrou que ao nível da 21 proteína, a selectividade de promotores é indistinguivel. Não se detectou qualquer correlação entre os níveis das isoformas do gene ESR2 ou entre a metilação dos promotores do gene ESR2, e a detecção da proteína ERß. A metilação do promotor C do gene ESR1, e não do promotor A, foi responsável pela perda do receptor ERα. Estes resultados sugerem que os níveis do transcrito ESR1_C sejam usados como um novo potencial marcador para o prognóstico e predição de resposta ao tratamento com tamoxifeno em doentes com cancro da mama. Abstract: The decision of endocrine breast cancer treatment relies on ERα IHC-based assessment. However, ER positivity does not predict response in all cases in part due to IHC methodological limitations. We investigated whether ESR1 and ESR2 gene expression and respective promoter methylation may be related to non-favorable outcome of a proportion of tamoxifen treated patients as well as to ERα and ERß loss. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer samples from 211 patients diagnosed between 1988 and 2004 were submitted to IHC-based ERα and ERß protein determination. ESR1 whole mRNA and promoter C specific transcript levels, as well as ESR2_ß1, ESR2_ß2/cx, and ESR2_ß5 transcripts were assessed by real-time PCR. ESR1 promoters A and C, and ESR2 promoters 0N and 0K were investigated by CpG methylation analysis using bisulfite-PCR for restriction analysis, or methylation specific PCR. Due to the promising results related to ESR1 promoter methylation, we have used a quantification method by matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF MS) together with Epityper software to measure methylation at promoters A and C. mRNA stability was assessed in actinomycin D treated MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. ERα protein was quantified using transiently transfected breast cancer cells. Low ESR1_C transcript levels were associated with better overall survival (p = 0.017). High levels of ESR1_C transcript were associated with non-favorable response in tamoxifen treated patients (HR = 2.48; CI 95% 1.24-4.99), an effect that was more pronounced in patients with ERα/PgR double-positive tumors (HR = 3.41; CI 95% 1.45-8.04). The ESR1_C isoform had a prolonged mRNA half-life and a more relaxed 5’UTR structure compared to ESR1_A isoform. Western-blot analysis showed that at protein level, the promoter selectivity is undistinguishable. There was no correlation between levels of ESR2 isoforms or ESR2 promoter methylation and ERß protein staining. ESR1 promoter C CpG methylation and not promoter A was responsible for ERα loss. We propose ESR1_C levels as a putative novel marker for breast cancer prognosis and prediction of tamoxifen response.
The present study investigated promoter hypermethylation of TP53 regulatory pathways providing a potential link between epigenetic changes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alterations in breast cancer patients lacking a TP53 mutation. The possibility of using the cancer-specific alterations in serum samples as a blood-based test was also explored. Triple-matched samples (cancerous tissues, matched adjacent normal tissues and serum samples) from breast cancer patients were screened for TP53 mutations, and the promoter methylation profile of P14(ARF), MDM2, TP53 and PTEN genes was analyzed as well as mtDNA alterations, including D-loop mutations and mtDNA content. In the studied cohort, no mutation was found in TP53 (DNA-binding domain). Comparison of P14(ARF) and PTEN methylation patterns showed significant hypermethylation levels in tumor tissues (P < 0.05 and <0.01, respectively) whereas the TP53 tumor suppressor gene was not hypermethylated (P < 0.511). The proportion of PTEN methylation was significantly higher in serum than in the normal tissues and it has a significant correlation to tumor tissues (P < 0.05). mtDNA analysis revealed 36.36% somatic and 90.91% germline mutations in the D-loop region and also significant mtDNA depletion in tumor tissues (P < 0.01). In addition, the mtDNA content in matched serum was significantly lower than in the normal tissues (P < 0.05). These data can provide an insight into the management of a therapeutic approach based on the reversal of epigenetic silencing of the crucial genes involved in regulatory pathways of the tumor suppressor TP53. Additionally, release of significant aberrant methylated PTEN in matched serum samples might represent a promising biomarker for breast cancer.
BACKGROUND: A 70-gene signature was previously shown to have prognostic value in patients with node-negative breast cancer. Our goal was to validate the signature in an independent group of patients. METHODS: Patients (n = 307, with 137 events after a median follow-up of 13.6 years) from five European centers were divided into high- and low-risk groups based on the gene signature classification and on clinical risk classifications. Patients were assigned to the gene signature low-risk group if their 5-year distant metastasis-free survival probability as estimated by the gene signature was greater than 90%. Patients were assigned to the clinicopathologic low-risk group if their 10-year survival probability, as estimated by Adjuvant! software, was greater than 88% (for estrogen receptor [ER]-positive patients) or 92% (for ER-negative patients). Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated to compare time to distant metastases, disease-free survival, and overall survival in high- versus low-risk groups. RESULTS: The 70-gene signature outperformed the clinicopathologic risk assessment in predicting all endpoints. For time to distant metastases, the gene signature yielded HR = 2.32 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.35 to 4.00) without adjustment for clinical risk and hazard ratios ranging from 2.13 to 2.15 after adjustment for various estimates of clinical risk; clinicopathologic risk using Adjuvant! software yielded an unadjusted HR = 1.68 (95% CI = 0.92 to 3.07). For overall survival, the gene signature yielded an unadjusted HR = 2.79 (95% CI = 1.60 to 4.87) and adjusted hazard ratios ranging from 2.63 to 2.89; clinicopathologic risk yielded an unadjusted HR = 1.67 (95% CI = 0.93 to 2.98). For patients in the gene signature high-risk group, 10-year overall survival was 0.69 for patients in both the low- and high-clinical risk groups; for patients in the gene signature low-risk group, the 10-year survival rates were 0.88 and 0.89, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The 70-gene signature adds independent prognostic information to clinicopathologic risk assessment for patients with early breast cancer.
Wnt and Notch signaling have long been established as strongly oncogenic in the mouse mammary gland. Aberrant expression of several Wnts and other components of this pathway in human breast carcinomas has been reported, but evidence for a causative role in the human disease has been missing. Here we report that increased Wnt signaling, as achieved by ectopic expression of Wnt-1, triggers the DNA damage response (DDR) and an ensuing cascade of events resulting in tumorigenic conversion of primary human mammary epithelial cells. Wnt-1-transformed cells have high telomerase activity and compromised p53 and Rb function, grow as spheres in suspension, and in mice form tumors that closely resemble medullary carcinomas of the breast. Notch signaling is up-regulated through a mechanism involving increased expression of the Notch ligands Dll1, Dll3, and Dll4 and is required for expression of the tumorigenic phenotype. Increased Notch signaling in primary human mammary epithelial cells is sufficient to reproduce some aspects of Wnt-induced transformation. The relevance of these findings for human breast cancer is supported by the fact that expression of Wnt-1 and Wnt-4 and of established Wnt target genes, such as Axin-2 and Lef-1, as well as the Notch ligands, such as Dll3 and Dll4, is up-regulated in human breast carcinomas.
Despite the substantial advances obtained in the treatment of localized malignancies, metastatic disease still lacks effective treatment and remains the primary cause of cancer mortality, including in breast cancer. Thus, in order to improve the survival of cancer patients it is necessary to effectively improve prevention or treatment of metastasis. To achieve this goal, complementary strategies can be envisaged: the first one is the eradication of established metastases by adding novel modalities to current treatments, such as immunotherapy or targeted therapies. A second one is to prevent tumor cell dissemination to secondary organs by targeting specific steps governing the metastatic cascade and organ-specific tropism. A third one is to block the colonization of secondary organs and subsequent cancer cell growth by impinging on the ability of disseminated cancer cells to adapt to the novel microenvironment. To obtain optimal results it might be necessary to combine these strategies. The development of therapeutic approaches aimed at preventing dissemination and organ colonization requires a deeper understanding of the specific genetic events occurring in cancer cells and of the host responses that co-operate to promote metastasis formation. Recent developments in the field disclosed novel mechanisms of metastasis. In particular the crosstalk between disseminated cancer cells and the host microenvironment is emerging as a critical determinant of metastasis. The identification of tissue-specific signals involved in metastatic progression will open the way to new therapeutic strategies. Here, we will review recent progress in the field, with particular emphasis on the mechanisms of organ specific dissemination and colonization of breast cancer.
To better understand the relationship between tumor-host interactions and the efficacy of chemotherapy, we have developed an analytical approach to quantify several biological processes observed in gene expression data sets. We tested the approach on tumor biopsies from individuals with estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer treated with chemotherapy. We report that increased stromal gene expression predicts resistance to preoperative chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC) in subjects in the EORTC 10994/BIG 00-01 trial. The predictive value of the stromal signature was successfully validated in two independent cohorts of subjects who received chemotherapy but not in an untreated control group, indicating that the signature is predictive rather than prognostic. The genes in the signature are expressed in reactive stroma, according to reanalysis of data from microdissected breast tumor samples. These findings identify a previously undescribed resistance mechanism to FEC treatment and suggest that antistromal agents may offer new ways to overcome resistance to chemotherapy.
Aim: To evaluate the sexual functioning of breast cancer patients post mastectomy and its association with their quality of life, the personal characteristics of women and their partners, breast reconstruction, cancer staging and adjuvant therapies. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a University hospital located in the SouthEast of Brazil. A total of 100 women were included in the study. The parameters evaluated were sexual functioning, which was assessed based on the Sexual Quotient Female Version (SQ-F), quality of life (QoL), evaluated by the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form (SF-36), cancer staging, breast reconstruction, adjuvant therapies and the personal characteristics of patients (age, years of study and years of marriage) and their partners (age, years of study). Results: The majority (40.48%) of women had an unfavorable to regular SQ-F score. A significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) was found between the SQ-F score and years of education (p = 0.03), and the following SF-36 domains: functional capacity (p = 0.03), vitality (p = 0.06), emotional limitations (p = 0.00) and mental health (p = 0.03). A significant negative correlation was found between SQ-F score and the age of the partners (p = 0.03). SQ-F mean value was significantly higher (p = 0.04) among women who underwent breast reconstruction. Conclusions: Women with low educational level, who have older partners, and who did not have a breast reconstruction should receive special attention with respect to their sexuality, and the effects of mastectomy on the sexuality of patients should be assessed. Oncology nurses are best qualified to recognize issues related to sexuality and quality of life, and can offer specific and meaningful support for breast cancer patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Several long-term studies of breast cancer survival have shown continued excess mortality from breast cancer up to 20-40 years following treatment. The purpose of this report was to investigate temporal trends in long-term survival from breast cancer in all New South Wales (NSW) women. Breast cancer cases incident in 1972-1996 (54,228) were derived from the NSW Central Cancer Registry a population-based registry which began in 1972. All cases of breast cancer not known to be dead were matched against death records. The expected survival for NSW women was derived from published annual life tables. Relative survival analysis compared the survival of cancer cases with the age, sex and period matched mortality of the total population. Cases were considered alive at the end of 1996, except when known to be dead. Proportional hazards regression was employed to model survival on age, period and degree of spread at diagnosis. Survival at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of follow-up was 76 per cent, 65 per cent, 60 per cent, 57 per cent and 56 per cent. The annual hazard rate for excess mortality was 4.3 per cent in year 1, maximal at 6.5 per cent in year 3, declining to 4.7 per cent in year 5, 2.7 per cent in year 10, 1.4 per cent in year 15, 1.0 per cent for years 16-20, and 0.4 per cent for years 20-25 of follow-up. Relative survival was highest in 40-49 year-olds. Cases diagnosed most recently (1992-1996) had the highest survival, compared with cases diagnosed in previous periods. Five-year survival improved over time, especially from the late 1980s for women in the screening age group (50-69 years). Survival was highest for those with localised cancer at diagnosis: 88.4 per cent, 79.1 per cent, 74.6 per cent, 72.7 per cent and 72.8 per cent at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years follow-up (excluding those aged greater than or equal to 70 years). There was no significant difference between the survival of the breast cancer cases and the general population at 20-25 years follow-up. Degree of spread was less predictive of survival 5-20 years after diagnosis, compared with 0-5 years after diagnosis, and was not significant at 20-25 years of follow-up. Relative survival from breast cancer in NSW women continues to decrease to 25 years after diagnosis, but there is little excess mortality after 15 years follow-up, especially for those with localised cancer at diagnosis, and the minimal excess mortality at 20-25 years of follow-up is not statistically significant. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This multicenter study evaluated the impact of genetic counseling in 218 women at risk of developing hereditary breast cancer. Women were assessed prior to counseling and 12-month post-counseling using self-administered, mailed questionnaires. Compared to baseline, breast cancer genetics knowledge was increased significantly at follow-up. and greater increases in knowledge were associated with educational level. Breast cancer anxiety decreased significantly from baseline to follow-up, and these decreases were associated with improvements in perceived risk. A significant decrease in clinical breast examination was observed at the 12-month follow-up. Findings suggest that women with a family history of breast cancer benefit from attending familial cancer clinics as it leads to increases in breast cancer genetics knowledge and decreases in breast cancer anxiety. The lowered rates of clinical breast examination indicate that the content of genetic counseling may need to be reviewed to ensure that women receive and take away the right message. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Individuals carrying BRCA2 mutations are predisposed to breast and ovarian cancers. Here, we show that BRCA2 plays a dual role in regulating the actions of RAD51, a protein essential for homologous recombination and DNA repair. First, interactions between RAD51 and the BRC3 or BRC4 regions of BRCA2 block nucleoprotein filament formation by RAD51. Alterations to the BRC3 region that mimic cancer-associated BRCA2 mutations fail to exhibit this effect. Second, transport of RAD51 to the nucleus is defective in cells carrying a cancer-associated BRCA2 truncation. Thus, BRCA2 regulates both the intracellular localization and DNA binding ability of RAD51. Loss of these controls following BRCA2 inactivation may be a key event leading to genomic instability and tumorigenesis.
Gene expression signatures are used in the clinic as prognostic tools to determine the risk of individual patients with localized breast tumors developing distant metastasis. We lack a clear understanding, however, of whether these correlative biomarkers link to a common biological network that regulates metastasis. We find that the c-MYC oncoprotein coordinately regulates the expression of 13 different "poor-outcome" cancer signatures. In addition, functional inactivation of MYC in human breast cancer cells specifically inhibits distant metastasis in vivo and invasive behavior in vitro of these cells. These results suggest that MYC oncogene activity (as marked by "poor-prognosis" signature expression) may be necessary for the translocation of poor-outcome human breast tumors to distant sites.
The expression of a hybrid gene formed by the promoter region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 and the CAT coding region is regulated by estrogen when the gene is transfected into hormone-responsive MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, the 5' flanking region of the gene B1 alone can confer inducibility to heterologous promoters, although to a varying extent depending on the promoter used. Deletion mapping of he vitellogenin hormone-responsive sequences revealed that a 13 bp element 5'-AGTCACTGTGACC-3' at position -334 is essential for estrogen inducibility. We have shown previously that this 13 bp element is present upstream of several liver-specific estrogen-inducible genes.
PURPOSE: To evaluate and validate mRNA expression markers capable of identifying patients with ErbB2-positive breast cancer associated with distant metastasis and reduced survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Expression of 60 genes involved in breast cancer biology was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) in 317 primary breast cancer patients and correlated with clinical outcome data. Results were validated subsequently using two previously published and publicly available microarray data sets with different patient populations comprising 295 and 286 breast cancer samples, respectively. RESULTS: Of the 60 genes measured by qrt-PCR, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA or PLAU) mRNA expression was the most significant marker associated with distant metastasis-free survival (MFS) by univariate Cox analysis in patients with ErbB2-positive tumors and an independent factor in multivariate analysis. Subsequent validation in two microarray data sets confirmed the prognostic value of uPA in ErbB2-positive tumors by both univariate and multivariate analysis. uPA mRNA expression was not significantly associated with MFS in ErbB2-negative tumors. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed in all three study populations that patients with ErbB2-positive/uPA-positive tumors exhibited significantly reduced MFS (hazard ratios [HR], 4.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 11.8; HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2 to 6.2; and, HR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.1 to 7.1; all P < .02) as compared with the group with ErbB2-positive/uPA-negative tumors who exhibited similar outcome to those with ErbB2-negative tumors, irrespective of uPA status. CONCLUSION: After evaluation of 898 breast cancer patients, uPA mRNA expression emerged as a powerful prognostic indicator in ErbB2-positive tumors. These results were consistent among three independent study populations assayed by different techniques, including qrt-PCR and two microarray platforms.
BACKGROUND: Histologic grade in breast cancer provides clinically important prognostic information. However, 30%-60% of tumors are classified as histologic grade 2. This grade is associated with an intermediate risk of recurrence and is thus not informative for clinical decision making. We examined whether histologic grade was associated with gene expression profiles of breast cancers and whether such profiles could be used to improve histologic grading. METHODS: We analyzed microarray data from 189 invasive breast carcinomas and from three published gene expression datasets from breast carcinomas. We identified differentially expressed genes in a training set of 64 estrogen receptor (ER)-positive tumor samples by comparing expression profiles between histologic grade 3 tumors and histologic grade 1 tumors and used the expression of these genes to define the gene expression grade index. Data from 597 independent tumors were used to evaluate the association between relapse-free survival and the gene expression grade index in a Kaplan-Meier analysis. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: We identified 97 genes in our training set that were associated with histologic grade; most of these genes were involved in cell cycle regulation and proliferation. In validation datasets, the gene expression grade index was strongly associated with histologic grade 1 and 3 status; however, among histologic grade 2 tumors, the index spanned the values for histologic grade 1-3 tumors. Among patients with histologic grade 2 tumors, a high gene expression grade index was associated with a higher risk of recurrence than a low gene expression grade index (hazard ratio = 3.61, 95% confidence interval = 2.25 to 5.78; P < .001, log-rank test). CONCLUSIONS: Gene expression grade index appeared to reclassify patients with histologic grade 2 tumors into two groups with high versus low risks of recurrence. This approach may improve the accuracy of tumor grading and thus its prognostic value.
BACKGROUND Breast cancer survivors suffer physical impairment after oncology treatment. This impairment reduces quality of life (QoL) and increase the prevalence of handicaps associated to unhealthy lifestyle (for example, decreased aerobic capacity and strength, weight gain, and fatigue). Recent work has shown that exercise adapted to individual characteristics of patients is related to improved overall and disease-free survival. Nowadays, technological support using telerehabilitation systems is a promising strategy with great advantage of a quick and efficient contact with the health professional. It is not known the role of telerehabilitation through therapeutic exercise as a support tool to implement an active lifestyle which has been shown as an effective resource to improve fitness and reduce musculoskeletal disorders of these women. METHODS / DESIGN This study will use a two-arm, assessor blinded, parallel randomized controlled trial design. People will be eligible if: their diagnosis is of stages I, II, or IIIA breast cancer; they are without chronic disease or orthopedic issues that would interfere with ability to participate in a physical activity program; they had access to the Internet and basic knowledge of computer use or living with a relative who has this knowledge; they had completed adjuvant therapy except for hormone therapy and not have a history of cancer recurrence; and they have an interest in improving lifestyle. Participants will be randomized into e-CUIDATE or usual care groups. E-CUIDATE give participants access to a range of contents: planning exercise arranged in series with breathing exercises, mobility, strength, and stretching. All of these exercises will be assigned to women in the telerehabilitation group according to perceived needs. The control group will be asked to maintain their usual routine. Study endpoints will be assessed after 8 weeks (immediate effects) and after 6 months. The primary outcome will be QoL measured by The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 version 3.0 and breast module called The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire. The secondary outcomes: pain (algometry, Visual Analogue Scale, Brief Pain Inventory short form); body composition; physical measurement (abdominal test, handgrip strength, back muscle strength, and multiple sit-to-stand test); cardiorespiratory fitness (International Fitness Scale, 6-minute walk test, International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form); fatigue (Piper Fatigue Scale and Borg Fatigue Scale); anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale); cognitive function (Trail Making Test and Auditory Consonant Trigram); accelerometry; lymphedema; and anthropometric perimeters. DISCUSSION This study investigates the feasibility and effectiveness of a telerehabilitation system during adjuvant treatment of patients with breast cancer. If this treatment option is effective, telehealth systems could offer a choice of supportive care to cancer patients during the survivorship phase. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01801527.