975 resultados para Breaking strength
The objective of this experiment was to determine the normal values of Bone Radiographic Density (BRD) by using the optical densitometry in radiographic images and the Bone Breaking Strength (BBS) of broiler femurs at different ages (8, 22 and 42 d of age). A total of 60 Cobb male broilers were distributed in three age groups of 20 birds. The BRD and the BBS (maxim force and rigidity) values increased (p<0.01) over the course of ages, presenting greater values at 42 d of age when comparing to 8 and 22 d of age, evidencing a biomechanical adaptation of femur to growth. This experiment offers results that can be used in other experiments of broilers fed with different nutritional levels and they can also be related to pathological values, allowing the diagnosis of diseases that affect the integrity of the poultry leg. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2011.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Despite the fact that bone mineral density (BMD) is an important fracture risk predictor in human medicine, studies in equine orthopedic research are still lacking. We hypothesized that BMD correlates with bone failure and fatigue fractures of this bone. Thus, the objectives of this study were to measure the structural and mechanical properties of the proximal phalanx with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), to correlate the data obtained from DXA and computer tomography (CT) measurements to those obtained by loading pressure examination and to establish representative region of interest (ROI) for in vitro BMD measurements of the equine proximal phalanx for predicting bone failure force. DXA was used to measure the whole bone BMD and additional three ROI sites in 14 equine proximal phalanges. Following evaluation of the bone density, whole bone, cortical width and area in the mid-diaphyseal plane were measured on CT images. Bones were broken using a manually controlled universal bone crusher to measure bone failure force and reevaluated for the site of fractures on follow-up CT images. Compressive load was applied at a constant displacement rate of 2 mm/min until failure, defined as the first clear drop in the load measurement. The lowest BMD was measured at the trabecular region (mean +/- SD: 1.52 +/- 0.12 g/cm2; median: 1.48 g/cm2; range: 1.38-1.83 g/cm2). There was a significant positive linear correlation between trabelcular BMD and the breaking strength (P = 0.023, r = 0.62). The trabecular region of the proximal phalanx appears to be the only significant indicator of failure of strength in vitro. This finding should be reassessed to further reveal the prognostic value of trabecular BMD in an in vivo fracture risk model.
Influence of moisture and specific gravity on the strength of mango wood is discussed. The co-efficient of correlation between specific gravity and breaking strength was found to be non-significant. The relation of strength and moisture was found to be highly significant. The mean strength values indicated a reduction in strength when the moisture increased from 8.5 to 18.8%. However no appreciable difference in strength values could be observed when moisture increased above 37%. The strength-moisture relationship is a straight line, passing approximately through the fibre saturation point. By using the exponential formula, the breaking strength corresponding to any moisture level between zero and fibre saturation can be determined.
The prevalence of keel bone damage as well as external egg parameters of 2 pure lines divergently selected for high (H) and low (L) bone strength were investigated in 2 aviary systems under commercial conditions. A standard LSL hybrid was used as a reference group. Birds were kept mixed per genetic line (77 hens of the H and L line and 201 or 206 hens of the LSL line, respectively, per pen) in 8 pens of 2 aviary systems differing in design. Keel bone status and body mass of 20 focal hens per line and pen were assessed at 17, 18, 23, 30, 36, 43, 52, and 63 wk of age. External egg parameters (i.e., egg mass, eggshell breaking strength, thickness, and mass) were measured using 10 eggs per line at both 38 and 57 wk of age. Body parameters (i.e. tarsus and third primary wing feather length to calculate index of wing loading) were recorded at 38 wk of age and mortality per genetic line throughout the laying cycle. Bone mineral density (BMD) of 15 keel bones per genetic line was measured after slaughter to confirm assignment of the experimental lines. We found a greater BMD in the H compared with the L and LSL lines. Fewer keel bone fractures and deviations, a poorer external egg quality, as well as a lower index of wing loading were found in the H compared with the L line. Mortality was lower and production parameters (e.g., laying performance) were higher in the LSL line compared with the 2 experimental lines. Aviary design affected prevalence of keel bone damage, body mass, and mortality. We conclude that selection of specific bone traits associated with bone strength as well as the related differences in body morphology (i.e., lower index of wing loading) have potential to reduce keel bone damage in commercial settings. Also, the housing environment (i.e., aviary design) may have additive effects.
Koneellinen annosjakelu on kasvava lääkehuollon osa-alue, jossa lääkkeet pakataan koneellisesti pieniin annoskertakohtaisiin pusseihin kahden viikon erissä. Aikaisemmin lääkevalmisteiden soveltuvuutta koneelliseen annosjakeluun ei ole systemaattisesti tutkittu. Tutkimus tehtiin yhteistyössä Espoonlahden apteekin annosjakeluyksikön kanssa ja sen tavoitteena oli määrittää annosjakeluprosessin kannalta optimaaliset ominaisuudet annosjaeltavalle tabletille rikkoutumisten ja siirtymien vähentämiseksi. Rikkoutuminen on lääkevalmisteen murentumista, puolittumista tai muuta rikkoutumista annosjakelun aikana. Siirtymä on lääkevalmisteen jakelu väärään annospussiin. Prosentuaalisesti rikkoutumisia ja siirtymiä on jakelumäärästä hyvin vähän, mutta määrällisesti paljon ja koko ajan enemmän koneellisen annosjakelun yleistyessä. Rikkoutumiset ja siirtymät aiheuttavat paljon lisätyötä pussien korjaamisen takia, joten niiden määrää on pyrittävä vähentämään. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää lääkkeiden valmistajilta kysyttävissä olevat asiat lääkevalmisteiden ominaisuuksista ja säilyvyydestä, jotta voitaisiin päätellä valmisteen soveltuvuus koneelliseen annosjakeluun kirjallisen tiedon perusteella. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rikkoutumisten ja siirtymien vähentämiseksi optimaalinen tablettivalmiste annosjakeluun on pienehkö tai keskisuuri, päällystetty, luja ja jakouurteeton ja optimaalinen ilman suhteellinen kosteustaso annosjakeluyksikön tuotantotiloissa olisi noin 30 – 40 %. Lääkkeiden valmistajilta kysyttäviä seikkoja ovat koon, päällysteen, murtolujuuden ja jakouurteen lisäksi valmisteen säilyvyys alkuperäispakkauksen ulkopuolella sekä valmisteen valo-, lämpö- ja kosteusherkkyys. Rikkoutumisten ja siirtymien lisäksi tutkittiin myös kosteusherkän asetyylisalisyylihappovalmisteen (Disperin 100 mg) säilyvyyttä 25 °C ja 60 % RH olosuhteissa, koska tuotantotilojen ilman kosteustasoa ei ole säädelty. Säilyvyystutkimuksen kesto oli neljä viikkoa. Se on riittävä, koska se on enimmäisaika, jonka tabletit ovat annosjakeluprosessin yhteydessä pois alkuperäispakkauksestaan ennen käyttöä. Tabletteja säilytettiin avoimessa alkuperäispakkauksessa (purkki), suljetussa alkuperäispakkauksessa, annosjakelukoneen kasetissa ja kahdessa erilaisessa annospussissa (uusi ja käytössä oleva materiaali). Tulosten mukaan annosjakelukoneen kasetti suojaa kosteudelta yhtä huonosti kuin avoin purkki. Uusi pussimateriaali sen sijaan suojaa kosteudelta paremmin kuin tällä hetkellä käytössä oleva materiaali. Raman -spektroskopiamittausten perusteella asetyylisalisyylihappotableteissa ei ehdi neljän viikon seurannan aikana tapahtua asetyylisalisyylihapon hajoamista salisyylihapoksi. Kosteus heikentää tablettien murtolujuutta, mikä saattaa aiheuttaa enemmän rikkoutumisia. Kosteustaso olisi hyvä olla säädettävissä vakioksi tuotantotiloissa tai purkaa tabletit kasetteihin mahdollisimman lähellä jakelua rikkoutumisten ehkäisemiseksi, etenkin ilman kosteustason ollessa korkea. Lisäksi tutkittiin lääkevalmisteen lämpöherkkyyttä koska annosjakelukoneen saumauslaite altistaa annospussit noin 75 °C lämmölle, jos annosjakelukone pysäytetään kesken työn. Tutkimus tehtiin XRPD:llä, jolla voidaan säätää näytteen lämpötilaa. Lämpöherkkyystutkimusten perusteella 75 °C lämpö ei ehdi tunnin aikana aiheuttaa muutoksia karbamatsepiinitabletissa (Neurotol 200 mg). Tuloksista selvisi, että tutkitun valmisteen sisältämä karbamatsepiini ei kuitenkaan ole lämpöherkin muoto, joten muita lämpöherkkiä lääkevalmisteita tulisi tutkia lisätiedon saamiseksi lämmön vaikutuksista.
Sisal hemp (Agave sisalana) leaves were harvested and processed using the beating and decomposition methods. The fibres obtained were washed, dried and finally spurned in to cordage of about 4mm diameter 39 pieces of ropes, each measuring 2 meters were altogether spurned. 30 pieces of these ropes were immersed in water for a period of 24 weeks, 6 were placed in a shaded and airily place and 3 were used for the head and footling of gillnet, sinker line of cast net and the main line of long line. Every other week, the ropes in water and air were tested for its breaking strength using an improved 50kg spring balance. At the end of the experiment, it was found the immersed ropes maintained a tensile strength of over 50kg/F for the first 18 weeks, thereafter; there was a gradual weekly reduction in the strength until the 23rd week when the tensile strength was less than 1kg/F. The cost benefit analysis showed that about 5,3146 tons processed fibers could be obtained fro 1ha. capable of being spenced in to 528300m of 4mm diameter cordage. This paper finally recommended the growth of sisal hemp plants by fisher folks so that there will be constant stock for intermittent harvesting for rope spurning
The organoleptic characteristics such as appearance, textural condition, colour and odour indicated that the M. rosenbergii stored in ice for 5-6 days was acceptable for processing in the industry while P. monodon under similar ice storage condition was acceptable for 8-9 days. In both species, samples stored in headless condition in ice had longer shelf life than that of stored in head-on condition. Physical changes were evaluated by determining expressible moisture and breaking strength of sample of muscles. The expressible moisture increased continuously in both samples with the lapse of storage period. The expressible moisture increased up to around 44% in 4-5 days of ice stored M. rosenbergii muscle while it was around 40% in 8-9 days ice stored P. monodon. At the end of 9 days of ice storage, the expressible moisture content in M. rosenbergii increased up to 60%, while it was up to 47% in P. monodon after 11 days of ice storage. The breaking strength declined from 0. 78 kg/cm² to 0.53 kg/cm² in tiger shrimp after 8 days of ice storage, while in case of immediately killed prawn, the breaking strength of muscle was 0.8 kg/cm² which declined to 0.43 to 0.35 kg/cm².
Biaxial stretching of melt mixed high density polyethylene (HDPE)/multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanocomposites was conducted in the melt state at different stretching ratios (SRs). The addition of MWCNTs leads to significant strain hardening in the HDPE, greatly improving the stability and thus processability of the stretching process. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the MWCNTs in the polymer matrix are gradually disentangled and randomly oriented in the stretching plane with increasing SRs. All the stretched samples exhibit an increase in crystallinity (about 10%) due to strain induced crystallization and a broadened distribution of crystallite size according to the XRD and DSC results. The mechanical properties of the composites improve with increasing SRs, while they drop off after a SR of 2.5 for the neat HDPE which is likely to be due to the relaxation of polymer chains prior to solidification. The presence of the MWCNTs appears to inhibit this relaxation thus helping to maintain the orientation and mechanical properties at high SRs. The modulus, yield strength and breaking strength of stretched composites with 8 wt% MWCNTs increase by approximately 54%, 85% and 193% respectively compared with the neat HDPE at a SR of 3. The electrical percolation threshold for the unstretched material occurs at 1.9 wt% MWCNTs. As SR increases, the values of critical concentration increase from 1.9 wt% to 4.9 wt% implying the destruction of conductive networks due to an increased inter-particle distance. A loading of 6 wt% MWCNTs is sufficient to ensure that the sheet conductivity is robust to changes in the SR. Decreased values of critical exponent from 1.9 to 1.1 and morphological investigation reveal a transformation of the system structure from three dimensional to two dimensional as SR increases.
The structure and properties of melt mixed high-density polyethylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (HDPE/MWCNT) composites processed by compression molding and blown film extrusion were investigated to assess the influence of processing route on properties. The addition of MWCNTs leads to a more elastic response during deformations that result in a more uniform thick-ness distribution in the blown films. Blown film composites exhibit better mechanical properties due to the enhanced orientation and disentanglement of MWCNTs. At a blow up ratio (BUR) of 3 the breaking strength and elongation in the machine direction of the film with 4 wt % MWCNTs are 239% and 1054% higher than those of compression molded (CM) samples. Resistivity of the composite films increases significantly with increasing BURs due to the destruction of conductive pathways. These pathways can be recovered partially using an appropriate annealing process. At 8 wt % MWCNTs, there is a sufficient density of nanotubes to maintain a robust network even at high BURs.
High density polyethylene (HDPE)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites containing 4 wt% MWCNTs were prepared by melt mixing followed by compression moulding into sheet. Compression moulded sheets were heated to just below the melting temperature and biaxially stretched at ratios (SRs) of 2, 2.5 and 3.0. The effect of stretching on the thermal and mechanical properties of the sheet was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and tensile testing. DSC results show that the crystallinity of all the stretched samples increases by approximately 13% due to strain induced crystallization. The melting temperature of the biaxially stretched samples increases only slightly while crystallization temperature is not affected. Tensile test results indicate that at a SR of 2.5 the elastic modulus of the stretched composites increases by 17.6% relative to the virgin HDPE, but the breaking strength decreases by 33%. While the elastic modulus and breaking strength of the HDPE/MWCNT samples continue to increase as SR increases they drop off after a SR of 2.5 for the virgin HDPE. This is probably due to the constraining influence of the nanotubes preventing the relaxation of polymer chains caused by adiabatic heating at high SRs. The addition of MWCNTs results in significant strain hardening during deformation. While this will lead to increased energy requirement in forming it will also result in a more stable process and the ability to produce deep draw containers with more uniform wall thickness
The state of Rio Grande do Norte presents a great potentiality for the production of ceramic tiles because of having natural raw material in quantity and quality making its economical exploration possible, beyond the great energetic differential of the state, the natural gás. This works aims to study the influence of the dolomite and granulometry concentration and calcinations temperature in the obtaining of formulations for porous coverings which have to be coherent to the project,s specifications. The experiments have involved the physical-chemical and mineralogical characterizations of raw materials and mechanical tests in the dry and burnt proof bodies preceding a mixture experiment planning with the use of the response surface methodology, in order to get the best raw materials combinations to produce a ceramic mass with specific properties. The twelve ceramic masses studied in this work were prepared by the via dry process, characterized, shaped by uniaxial pressing and sinterized in the temperatures of 940ºC, 1000ºC, 1060ºC, 1120ºC and 1180ºC, using a fast burning cycle. The crystalline phases formed during the sintering in the temperatures in study have revealed the presence of anorthite and diopside beyond quartz with a remaining phase. These phases were the main responsible ones by the physical- mechanical properties of the sinterized proof bodies. The proof bodies after the sintering stage have presented water absorption higher than 10% and a good dimensional stability in all studied temperatures. However, the flexural breaking strength results in the temperatures of 940ºC, 1000ºC and 1060ºC, under the temperature zone of the vitrification of ceramic whiteware do not reach the flexural breaking strength specific for the porous wall tile (15 MPa), but in the temperature of 1120ºC next to the vitrification temperature zone, some whiteware ceramic (formulations) has reached the specified value for the porous wall tile. The results of this work have showed that the studied raw materials have great importance for used in the production of porous wall tiles (BIII)
Determinaram-se os níveis nutricionais de cálcio (Ca) para aves, machos e fêmeas, da linhagem ISA Label, nas fases inicial (um a 28 dias), crescimento (28 a 56 dias) e final (56 a 84 dias). Foram realizados três ensaios, um para cada fase, e, em cada ensaio, 480 aves com idade correspondente à fase de criação foram alojadas em 24 unidades experimentais com áreas de abrigo e de pastejo. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x2 (Ca e sexo), totalizando oito tratamentos com três repetiç ões de 20 aves. Avaliaram-se: ganho de peso (GP); consumo de dieta (CD); conversão alimentar (CA); teores de fósforo (PT), de cálcio (CaT) e de cinzas na tíbia (CT) e resistência à quebra óssea (RQO). Na fase inicial, recomenda-se 1,16% de Ca na dieta, para aves de ambos os sexos, na fase de crescimento, 0,78 e 0,88% de Ca para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente, e, na fase final, 0,69% de Ca na dieta para ambos os sexos.
1. This investigation was carried out to study the influence of early quantitative food restriction (40% of ad libitum intake from 7 to 14 d of age) and environmental rearing temperature (thermoneutral, cold and hot) on long bone (tibia, femur and humerus) development in broiler chickens.2. Tibia, femur and humerus were obtained at the ages of 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 d; and the variables studied were: length and width (mm, expressed as absolute values), bone breaking strength (kgf) and bone weight/bone length index (BW/BL, mg/mm).3. All bone variables increased with bird age. Food restriction reduced bone length and width but did not affect bone weight. High environmental rearing temperature reduced bone length and width at 42 d of age. Bone strength was not affected by environmental temperature but the calculated BW/BL index was reduced by heat exposure.4. The findings suggest that food restriction and high environmental rearing temperature reduce long bone growth; bone breaking strength was affected by bird age but not by food restriction nor rearing ambient temperature.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)