951 resultados para Brazilian psychiatric reform


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Objectives: The Brazilian public health system does not provide electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which is limited to a few academic services. National mental health policies are against ECT. Our objectives were to analyze critically the public policies toward ECT and present the current situation using statistics from the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Sao Paulo (IPq-HCFMUSP) and summary data from the other 13 ECT services identified in the country. Methods: Data regarding ECT treatment at the IPq-HCFMUSP were collected from January 2009 to June 2010 (demographical, number of sessions, and diagnoses). All the data were analyzed using SPSS 19, Epic Info 2000, and Excel. Results: During this period, 331 patients were treated at IPq-HCFMUSP: 221 (67%) were from Sao Paulo city, 50 (15.2%) from Sao Paulo's metropolitan area, 39 (11.8%) from Sao Paulo's countryside, and 20 (6.1%) from other states; 7352 ECT treatments were delivered-63.0% (4629) devoted entirely via the public health system (although not funded by the federal government); the main diagnoses were a mood disorder in 86.4% and schizophrenia in 7.3% of the cases. Conclusions: There is an important lack of public assistance for ECT, affecting mainly the poor and severely ill patients. The university services are overcrowded and cannot handle all the referrals. The authors press for changes in the mental health policies.


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In spite of a general agreement over the distortion imposed by the current Brazilian tax system, attempts to reform it during the last decade have faced several restrictions to its implementation. Two of these restrictions were particular binding: a) fiscal adjustment restriction (public sector debt cannot increase), b) fiscal federalist restriction (revenues from individual states and municipalities cannot decrease). This paper focuses on a specific reform that overcomes in principle the fiscal federalist restriction. Using Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987) model calibrated for the Brazilian economy, I analyze the short and long run macroeconomic effects of this reform subject to the fiscal adjustment restriction. Finally, I look at the redistributive effects of this reform among generations as a way to infer about public opinion’s reaction to the reform. The reform consists basically of replacing indirect taxes on corporate revenues, which I show to be equivalent to a symmetric tax on labor and capital income, by a new federal VAT. The reform presented positive macroeconomic effects both in the short and long run. Despite a substantial increase in the average VAT rate in the first years after the reform, a majority of cohorts experienced an increase in their lifetime welfare, being potentially in favour of the reform.


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PROBLEM: What is the experience from long-term psychiatric hospitalization? How can psychiatric nursing contribute to reduce the emotional suffering and the feeling of social exclusion related to this process?METHODS: This study was conducted on four women committed to long periods of psychiatric hospitalization in Brazil. Data were collected through open interviews and drawings made by the patients, and interpreted according to the theory of social representations.FINDINGS: Reports on the patients refer to a process of social exclusion, emotional suffering, and inadequate treatment in the hospital, leading to no other option but recurrent hospitalization.CONCLUSION: Negative experiences related to long-term hospitalization could possibly be minimized through adequate assistance provided by psychiatric nursing in open services, as proposed in the recent Brazilian psychiatric reform.


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There is an urgent need for expanding the number of brain banks serving psychiatric research. We describe here the Psychiatric Disorders arm of the Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Study Group (Psy-BBBABSG), which is focused in bipolar disorder (BD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Our protocol was designed to minimize limitations faced by previous initiatives, and to enable design-based neurostereological analyses. The Psy-BBBABSG first milestone is the collection of 10 brains each of BD and OCD patients, and matched controls. The brains are sourced from a population-based autopsy service. The clinical and psychiatric assessments were done by an expert team including psychiatrists, through an informant. One hemisphere was perfused-fixed to render an optimal fixation for conducting neurostereological studies. The other hemisphere was comprehensively dissected and frozen for molecular studies. In 20 months, we collected 36 brains. A final report was completed for 14 cases: 3 BDs, 4 major depressive disorders, 1 substance use disorder, 1 mood disorder NOS, 3 obsessive compulsive spectrum symptoms, 1 OCD and 1 schizophrenia. The majority were male (64%), and the average age at death was 67.2 +/- 9.0 years. The average postmortem interval was 16 h. Three matched controls were collected. The pilot stage confirmed that the protocols are well fitted to reach our goals. Our unique autopsy source makes possible to collect a fairly number of high quality cases in a short time. Such a collection offers an additional to the international research community to advance the understanding on neuropsychiatric diseases.


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Este trabalho discute os fundamentos históricos e conceituais do movimento da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira. A questão principal que se coloca é como realizar a transformação da assistência em saúde mental sem recorrer a teorias reducionistas psiquiátricas, psicanalíticas ou culturais, mas apontando para um pluralismo clínico. Para responder a essa questão percorremos os trabalhos de autores que fizeram uma abordagem Epistemológica sobre a constituição da psiquiatria colocando em debate duas idéias centrais. A primeira idéia é defendida por Foucault que considera a invenção da psiquiatria e de seu objeto, a doença mental, uma redução indesejável da loucura cuja conseqüência é sua exclusão do mundo. A segunda idéia defendida por Gauchet e Swain se opõe à anterior e procura mostrar que a psiquiatria foi um avanço no entendimento de um fenômeno complexo. No entanto, o modelo assistencial promovido pela psiquiatria baseado no manicômio faliu ao não oferecer eficácia terapêutica e inclusão social para uma grande parcela de pacientes. Em conseqüência desse processo iniciaram-se movimentos de reforma psiquiátrica na maior parte do mundo. Experiências pioneiras foram capazes de formular novas formas de tratamento, em que teorias psicanalíticas, fenomenológicas e sociológicas tiveram um importante papel. Baseadas nessas experiências foram formuladas políticas públicas em saúde mental que tentaram conciliar o tratamento com a não exclusão. Examinamos, a partir daí, as principais experiências de reforma, seu estado atual e suas influências no Brasil. Analisamos a reforma psiquiátrica brasileira e as críticas que lhe são feitas. Em seguida procuramos entender as bases teóricas que fundamentam a experiência reformista no país. Descrevemos três vertentes de pensamento que fundamentam as ações dos novos serviços criados pela reforma psiquiátrica. Essas vertentes, embora em alguns aspectos se superpõem, em outros se antagonizam frontalmente. São elas as perspectivas basagliana, lacaniana e pluralista. Visando fundamentar essa última perspectiva, discutimos autores que fazem a interface da psiquiatria com a filosofia pragmática e também aproximamos essa concepção do pensamento do psicanalista Donald Winnicott como uma forma de contribuição à clínica da reforma. O estudo considera a possibilidade de abordar a reforma psiquiátrica a partir da concepção de uma clínica plural que autorize a incorporação de outros referenciais teóricos e que sirvam como instrumentos de reflexão e ação prática na condução de situações clínicas complexas e multifacetadas.


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O presente trabalho toma como reflexão a saúde mental com crianças e adolescentes, estabelecendo como ponto de partida experiências vividas pelo autor como psicólogo desta área. Usa a memória e o biográfico como lugar potente para a reflexão historiográfica e um campo de composições entre forças passadas e o presente. Seguindo os rastros da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira e seu cenário dos anos 70 e 80, a tese mostra em alguns fragmentos históricos, o nascimento de uma psiquiatrização e psicologização da infância, ao mesmo tempo em que trata infância e loucura como objetos históricos a partir da presença de Michel Foucault e Philippe Àries no cenário da historiografia. Realça o fato de apesar de crianças e jovens terem ficado longe da agenda da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira, isto não significou ausência de movimentações sociais nos anos 70/80, trazendo outras cenas de militância para este público. No decorrer do estudo, discute a saúde mental e sua interface com a justiça e a educação, bem como mostra o avanço das teses cerebrais sobre a criança e os adolescentes. Ao final, o autor discute e estabelece uma reflexão dos espaços de intervenção criados no campo da saúde mental infanto-juvenil, a partir das noções de território, dispositivo, rizoma, clínica e política.


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A pesquisa tem como tema a prática de cuidado no matriciamento em saúde mental na Estratégia da Saúde da Família. Matriciamento é uma metodologia de prática de cuidado em saúde, constituído por uma equipe de profissionais especialistas, que possui o objetivo de oferecer apoio e retaguarda à equipe de profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família. A hipótese é de que a prática de matriciamento em saúde mental é um dispositivo de transformação do imaginário social sobre a loucura. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem psicossocial de referencial teórico na sociologia e na antropologia para discutir os conceitos de cultura, imaginário social, práticas de cuidado e rede social, por entender que a prática de cuidado no matriciamento em saúde mental opera em rede e produz transformação no imaginário social sobre a loucura. O estudo tem, inicialmente, como base metodológica a sociologia para a análise documental da Lei 10.216/2001 Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira - e da Portaria 154/2008 Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família NASF. Em seguida, apoiada pela antropologia, a pesquisa utiliza o método etnográfico para a realização de entrevista com quatro profissionais matriciadores, tendo a análise do discurso como caminho para discutir e problematizar os dados coletados. Conclui-se, então, que o matriciamento é um dispositivo de rede e produção de cuidado que pode favorecer a transformação do imaginário social sobre a loucura. Porém, é de fundamental importância que a rede tenha funcionalidade para que isto possa ocorrer de fato, pois o matriciamento é um dispositivo de rede e de cuidado em saúde.


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A conjuntura atual referente à política de saúde mental Brasileira tem suas ações, serviços e estratégias de intervenção direcionadas pelos princípios do projeto da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Logo, há no Brasil uma série de serviços substitutivos ao hospício que foram criados ao longo dos últimos trinta anos para substituir em sua totalidade a perspectiva da psiquiatria clássica, que pensa ser o isolamento social a única maneira de cuidar e tratar o sujeito em sofrimento psíquico. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma reflexão acerca de uma experiência política no campo da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira. O objeto de estudo se designa ao conhecimento do consórcio em saúde mental existente entre os municípios de Quatis e Porto Real situados na região Médio-Paraíba interior do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Utilizamos uma abordagem qualitativa, pois acreditamos que a mesma pode nos oferecer instrumentos de conhecimento da realidade que desejamos alcançar que são mais apropriados para desvendar os significados das ações em saúde mental e seus impactos na vida dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo. Para tal optamos por realizar uma observação participante no campo de pesquisa que se dá no CAPS Sonho Real e também a realização de dois grupos focais, um com usuários e outro com profissionais. Acreditamos que conhecer essa experiência se constitui como tarefa de sua importância para o fortalecimento e consolidação do compromisso político assumido por esses dois municípios no que tange a modalidade de consórcio de serviços de saúde, sendo dois territórios que se referenciam a um único dispositivo de saúde.


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Essa dissertação parte da experiência de trabalho em uma enfermaria psiquiátrica pública para investigar o tratamento psicanalítico das psicoses em dispositivo de internação. Para tal, faz um percurso sobre a função da internação psiquiátrica no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, apresentando como a enfermaria do Centro Psiquiátrico Rio de Janeiro procura se organizar de acordo com o paradigma da atenção psicossocial. Segue indicando como a presença do psicanalista nesse serviço significa a introdução de uma nova lógica de abordagem da psicose, a lógica do inconsciente, apresentando como Freud e Lacan tomaram as psicoses a partir dessa lógica. Através de dois casos clínicos, discute-se como os elementos da clínica psicanalítica das psicoses podem ser abordados a partir do tratamento em um serviço de internação. Aponta como o tratamento em questão é fundamentalmente tratamento pelo discurso analítico, que toma o sujeito de uma forma radicalmente nova, ao convidá-lo a historicizar seu sofrimento, trazendo os significantes fundamentais de sua história. Aproximamos o trabalho do psicanalista em enfermaria do momento do início do tratamento, abordado por Lacan através das entrevistas preliminares. Isso significa acolher a fala do psicótico, instalando-se como secretário do alienado, condição necessária ao tratamento das psicoses. Isso possibilita que aquela fala passe de um testemunho singular de sua relação com a linguagem para alguma demanda de tratamento, o que ocorrerá caso ele encontre lugar no campo do Outro para sua fala, a partir da escuta do analista. Dessa forma, esse tempo inicial do tratamento pode se desdobrar em uma psicanálise. Entretanto, esse efeito não pode ser tomado como um ideal, sob risco de apagamento do sujeito em questão


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The psychiatric care and mental health are undergoing constant change over the History. The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, which brings up the deinstitutionalization as a structuring in the restorative care process. The Reform has as one of the mainly substitutive services the Centers for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), which work from the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS) in order to restore the autonomy and restore the dignity of users. The therapeutic workshop is some of the resources used and work several kinds of activities as: writing, handcraft, music, poetry, and so forth. This study set up to apprehend the social representations of helping of the music workshop carried out in the CAPS II east of Natal/RN, from the reports given by the participants of the workshop, using the focal group as technique. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. A total of 16 users participated in four musical therapeutic workshops from April to May 2010. The study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of UFRN. The discursive material from the workshop was submitted to the informational resource of Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d um Ensemble de Segments de Texte, ALCESTE, and analyzed based on the Theory of Representations and the Central Core Theory. The majority of subjects were men (62.5%), single (62.5%), aged 40-49 years (37.6%) and elementary school level (56.2 %). The reports were transcribed and submitted to the classification system of ALCESTE, which elected the following categories: Category 1 - Experience in the Word Family Sung, Category 2 - Musical Experiences and Approaches, and Category 3 - Feelings and emotions evoked by music. The representation of these individuals is anchored in the experience they have with the CAPS, lived and socialized by common sense, through this particular social group workshop objectified in music therapy as a therapeutic modality enjoyable. The central core revealed the intrinsic relationship between users and the music, establishing a relationship of openness to use the same while its therapeutic use in workshops of substitute services for mental health. Peripherals elements issues are related to listen, share and experience music in the family. Intermediary Elements relate to the feelings and emotions evoked by music, given her close relationship with it. It was found in the study that music can be construed as an artifact of good therapeutic responsiveness to users, configuring it as an invigorating and enjoyable therapy, confirming the need for continuity of this activity, as well as its expansion into the service


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The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform based on the desinstitucionalization of the assistance, translated to the emphasis on community/territorial treatment and in the social inclusion of the mental suffering, promoted advances in the psychiatric restructuring. In the Rio Grande do Norte (RN), we can enumerate as advances of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform the expansion of the mental health care chain and the implementation of some strategies that, together, aims to further the psychosocial attention of the individual with psych suffering and to reduce the indices of psychiatrics readmissions in the state. In the current Brazilian‟s mental health situation we were interesting in answered the following question: what the impact of the substitutes services‟ extension in the revolving door phenomenon? This search aims to analyze the revolving door phenomenon occurrences based on the news strategies of mental health care in the Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, oriented by the theoretical framework of critical-dialectical approach about the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and using the thematic oral history as method of information collects. The search was realized on the Hospital João Machado (HJM), estate reference in psychiatric treatment, and the participants was 20 professionals that work on it. The collection of information had started after the approval of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee with the opinion number 216/2011 and CAAE number 0021.0.051.000-11 and was realized using the direct observation and semi-structured interview. The study‟s results were categorized in two categories and five subcategories of analysis. CATEGORY 1) Current situation of the mental health care chain in the RN, with the subcategories: 1.1 Impact of the new services of mental health care in the revolving door phenomenon in the RN; 1.2 Implications of the new services of mental health care in assisting user to the HJM; 1.3 Issues the permeate the mental health care chain in the RN. CATEORY 2) Main causes of the revolving door phenomenon in HJM, with the categories: 2.1 Family problems; 2.2 Lack of assistance after discharge from psychiatric hospital. In summary, we conclude that the extension of the mental health care chain contributed for the reduction of the psychiatrics re-hospitalization‟s indices in RN. However, we realized that territorial services of mental health care are not the only responsible for the revolving door phenomenon. Factors as family problems and the disarticulation of the assistance after the discharge from hospital influence on the perpetuation of hospitalizations and re-hospitalizations in the local scenario. To study the revolving door phenomenon that occur in the psychiatrics‟ assistance considering the news strategies of mental health care allowed us to approach the advances and challenges brought by the RPb and by the desinstitucionatization in the state, indicating the need for further discussions and problem-solving strategies of psychosocial care.


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The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform proposes creating linkages / interactions of the mentally ill with civil society , through promoting citizenship and assistance to the mentally ill. The deinstitutionalization of mental health advocates from the guidelines decreased supply of hospital beds and consequently the creation of substitute services for psychosocial care, especially with regard to therapeutic practices emancipatory. From this scenario, the present study aims to investigate the relevance and challenges of the process of nursing work in CAPS III in Natal / RN. It is descriptive research with a qualitative and exploratory. The subjects are employees of the nursing team in CAPS III East of Natal / RN. This service has actions for the psychosocial care of the subjects treated with daily multidisciplinary care by behaving the length of treatment and follow-up activities, industrial and cultural activities. Employ the semi-structured interview as a tool for data collection. The data analysis was done by means of thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. Thus, this sought to bring to the discussion of how this process is consolidated in the daily service. Thus, purposed to contribute to the debate on deinstitutionalization in psychosocial care as a guideline in the process of mental health nursing work in a CAPSIII, Natal / RN


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The years 1990 disclose the consolidation of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform project, assumed as official politics by the Health Department, also stirring up discussions, lines of direction and new ways of care. Substitutive services to the psychiatric hospital as CAPS, conviviality centers, therapeutical residences and ambulatory clinics are implemented. This work analyzes the relations that the Specialized Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira establishes to the services of Mental Health of the public system in the city of Natal/RN, as well as its adjustment to the proposal of the Psychiatric Reform. Through semi-structured interviews and observation, it was possible to gather data which allowed picturing a general characterization of the service: activities, technical group, joint with other institutions, daily routine organization. Such institution develops activities that surpass the traditional character of a clinic- in other words, the psychological/medical appointments - and it mainly greets the ones proceeding from CAPS and psychiatric hospitals. It offers group activities, psychiatric appointments, therapeutical workshops, sheltering and strolls, among others. The institution is composed by a multi-professional team of psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurse s aide and art-educator. The joint of this service with others that make part of the Mental Health Assistance network in Natal is incipient. Due to this fact, some actions and activities that could and should be developed together are just not. Although facing difficulties, the professionals of the Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira are able to achieve good results and establish care in Mental Health that prioritize sheltering, listening and respect to the user s individuality. The Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira is organized according to the paradigm of the Psychiatric Reform. Therefore, it offers an attention that stimulates the re-socialization of the users and the exercise of the citizenship and autonomy of those


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The present paper proposes an analysis about the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as a public policy and deriving from a research developed with the workers of a Psychosocial Attention Centre III (CAPS III) and the managers of the Psychosocial Attention Web (REAP) in Aracaju. This analysis is developed as an investigation of the discharge at those services, understood not as a procedure, but as a dispositive from which different elements can be articulated: users, knowledge, technical procedures, police measures, juridical decisions, laws, services edifying. This, form the background of the articulation between mental alienation and the subject of right alienation, in the ways through which this articulation develops to the relations between madness,citizenship, internment and substitutive practices. Our investigation about the discharge as a dispositive was built with some narrative constructions, as a discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault s method, from the perspective of some of the main dispositive operators: workers and managers. The main aspect observed were: the articulations built by the discharge as a dispositive based on two discursive grate, the Reform as a new treatment substituting internship, and the Reform as juridical insertion and users rights practice; the exercise of these discursive grades based on the workers and managers perspective; the transference of limitations and contradictions of these grades to the competence of the dispositive operators, emerged in an outstanding way, as sometimes those operators are liable for the emergent limitations and difficulties, and some other times they are restrained by their institutional role, which is to maintain the domination relations articulated by the dispositive; finally, some aspects extracted which the dispositive operators - when they were expected to act in a way to maintain certain power relations - were capable to resist, managing other power relations from the dispositive, that we call, as Agamben, dispositive profanity


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)