945 resultados para Brazilian Left
Essa dissertação tem como objeto o estudo da atuação dos Partidos Políticos, que compõem o Fórum de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro - quais sejam: Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU) e Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL) - na luta pela saúde, compreendendo essa última como um elemento táticoestratégico para a transformação social. A análise situa-se no município do Rio de Janeiro e compreende o período dado entre os anos de 2009 a 2013. A pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a saúde como um elemento tático-estratégico na busca pela emancipação humana, analisando os limites e as possibilidades da ação dos Partidos Políticos na área. Sua referência teórico-metodológica é o método histórico-dialético e o principal procedimento metodológico foi o levantamento bibliográfico de fontes primárias e secundárias. Além do levantamento bibliográfico, a observação participante também foi um instrumento utilizado no acompanhamento das reuniões realizadas pelo Fórum de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro. A dissertação está dividida em dois momentos: o primeiro consiste em um debate sobre concepção de saúde e atualidade do Projeto de Reforma Sanitária, no cenário brasileiro, bem como a análise sobre noção de Partido Revolucionário e discussão tático-estratégica e programática da esquerda brasileira. A segunda parte compreende o debate sobre Partidos Políticos e a saúde no município do Rio de Janeiro, na qual se encontram os resultados da pesquisa realizada.
The principles of the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) - universal attendance, integrated and decentralized administration and the users' participation - were included in the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a result of a political movement around the subject of the health which has begun in the second half of the decade of 70, together with the overcoming process of the authoritarian regimen established in 1964. This movement, which got the name of sanitary movement or movement for the Sanitary Reform, can be understood in its relationship with a process of cultural changing among the Brazilian left, that looked for new forms of facing the democracy and, with it, the social policy. This work part of the premise that one of the main influences to guide this new vision was the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci's thought. We've tried to identify, in the formation of the speech on the Sanitary Reform and in the definition of the political strategies of those that make efforts for it, the influences of Gramsci. To reach this objective, we analyzed the editorials of Saúde em Debate (Health in Debate) magazine, official vehicle of the Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde (Brazilian Health Studies Center - Cebes), which is still in activity, that represented, in the analyzed period, 1976 to 1988, the critical thought about the reality of the health in the country and finished to be the institution that supported the project of Sanitary Reform.
A máscara chinesa: Notas sobre uso das fontes produzidas pelo aparato repressivo da ditadura militar
The methodological aspects which the historians face when using documents produced by the Brazilian military dictatorship on the leftist movements which intended to trigger the revolutionary struggle are analyzed. Whereas the strategy of the repressive regime in producing and establishing the 'truth' is enhanced, the resistance strategies of the political forces targeted by the repressive apparatus are investigated. The documents on the political organization called Marxist-Leninist Popular Movement have been employed.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
O artigo analisa o impacto das transformações no Leste Europeu sobre o Partido Comunista do Brasil (PC do B), entre o 7a Congresso Partidario (maio de 1988) e o 8° Congresso (fevereiro de 1992). Esse impacto levou a mudanças no partido, as quais podem ser assim resumidas: crítica moderada a Stalin, mais importante por ser a primeira na história do PC do B (manteve-se, entretanto, a concepção de partido marxista-leninista de vanguarda); abandono da teoria das duas etapas da revolução brasileira; realinhamento político no plano internacional, em apoio a partidos comunistas dentro e fora do poder; pêndulo à esquerda na política interna brasileira.
This paper examines the conceptions of democracy in the Brazilian left among 1930-1935, in particular those expressed in the manifestos of the National Liberative Alliance (ANL) and the texts written by Luis Carlos Prestes, Virgínio Santa Rosa and Caio Prado Jr. I argue that the Brazilian left started from a common troubled field, according to which land concentration represented the biggest obstacle to genuine political expression of the Brazilian people. Despite the convergence towards land reform, designed as a sine qua non condition to democracy in Brazil, the left has developed two different answers to the practical implementation of the principle of the people's government: the first, which I call altruist vanguard, which is more emphasized on texts of Virgínio Santa Rosa and Luís Carlos Prestes, and the second, the Republican participacionismo, which is explored on the writings of Caio Prado Jr. and ambiguously in the manifests of the National Liberative Alliance.
Com a fundação do Partido dos Trabalhadores, para os militantes da nova esquerda brasileira, o sonho de um futuro socialista para o país começava a se tornar realidade. Mas ao olhar com atenção para o fenômeno, foi ficando claro que o PT rompia os padrões conhecidos de um partido operário, não somente por ser um amálgama de tendências, mas também pela forte presença cristã. E daí veio a pergunta: que partido é esse? A partir das análises teológicas desenvolvidas por Paul Tillich, procuramos nesta tese construir um caminho novo para explicar o surgimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores e a importância do pensamento cristão social em sua formação e desenvolvimento. Utilizamos como referencial teórico dois autores, Paul Tillich e Enrique Dussel. Os textos socialistas e os conceitos da teologia da cultura de Tillich, assim como as abordagens sobre a religião infraestrutural e sobre o fator religioso no processo revolucionário latino-americano desenvolvidas por Enrique Dussel norteram nossa leitura metodológica. O projeto de pesquisa foi, assim, o socialismo no Partido dos Trabalhadores, a partir de uma abordagem teológica, por isso a tese mostra a importância da Teologia no debate interdisciplinar sobre o socialismo no Partido dos Trabalhadores. De todas as maneiras, a inclusão da Teologia na análise crítica da construção do pensamento socialista no Partido dos Trabalhadores, sem negar a importância dos diálogos interdisciplinares, amplia o horizonte de compreensão dos estudos sobre política, cristianismo e socialismo no Brasil, e mostra, também, a importância da abordagem comparativa representada pela presença da Teologia na discussão da política e do socialismo. A pesquisa bibliográfica primária e qualitativa partiu dos documentos oficiais de encontros e congressos do Partido dos Trabalhadores, assim como de artigos, editoriais e entrevistas publicadas pela imprensa do PT e pela imprensa não partidária.
The present study was to apprehend the controversies that underlie the political organization of the category nowadays. The research established time frame as the decade from 2003 to 2013, more precisely the situation that opens with Lula's election to the Presidency and its repercussions for the Brazilian left, social movements and for the category. Through documentary research, we studied the professional aspects that are organized politically in different fields , notably the Federal Council of Social Service (CFESS) and the National Federation of Social Workers (FENAS). Seeking to understand their relationship with the Ethical - Political Project of the profession, public documents were analyzed expressing the political positions of these entities, placing the controversies and political differences between them and understanding the political organization as a means to building professionals and corporate projects many.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
If the Conservative party wins Britain’s General Election in 2015 the incoming Government intends to negotiate a new settlement with the EU, and then hold an in-out referendum. Opinion polls suggest a narrow majority would vote to leave. To exercise an informed choice the electorate would need to know what feasible alternatives are available, so that these can be assessed and debated. Furthermore, in the event of a no vote the Government must be ready to implement its alternative strategy: Plan B. This implies that both a new EU settlement, and Plan B, need to be negotiated concurrently. There has been no serious attempt to explain what Plan B would mean for UK farm policy. Would, for example, British farmers continue to receive the level of support that they currently enjoy; would support be more focussed on environmental objectives? WTO rules on most-favoured-nation treatment and regional trade agreements would apply. Could a WTO compatible agri-food trade agreement be negotiated with its former EU partners, or would Irish and Brazilian beef face the same tariff barriers on imports into the British market? For the EU, the loss of a major net contributor to EU finances could result in a re-examination of the CAP budget.
The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the main factors that determine the first-day return and the Flipping activity in Brazilian IPOs, taking into account expected results according to national and international researches. The data base encompasses IPOs that took place between May 2004 and February 2011, summing up to 129 IPOs and approximately R$ 128 billion offering. The first-day return, which means the “money left on the table”, was on average 4.6% taking into consideration the issue price, while the Flipping activity totalized R$ 7.2 billion, meaning 5.6% of the offering. The first-day return was analyzed before and after the first trade, and evidences were found supporting (a) the exogenous determination of the issue price, (b) the opening price dependence of prospectus disclosure and of other variables, observable previously to the bookbuilding process, and (c) the cascade behavior of investors in the pricing after the first trade, particularly driven by the underwriter behavior. In regards to the Flipping, it was notorious depending on how much the IPO succeeded, being concentrated in and homogeneous along the first-day, despite the intense negotiation in the first minute. As a general contribution to literature, it was concluded that Information Asymmetry Theory arguments are not sufficient to explain the first-day Underpricing and the Flipping, being necessary arguments based on Behavioral Finance adapted to an intraday perspective.
This paper analyzes the placement in the private sector of a subset of Brazilian public-sector employees. This group left public employment in the mid-1990’s through a voluntary severance program. This paper contrasts their earnings before and after quitting the public sector, and compares both sets of wages to public and private sector earnings for similar workers. We find that participants in this voluntary severance program suffered a significant reduction in average earnings wage and an increase in earnings dispersion. We test whether the reduction in average earnings and the increase in earnings dispersion is the expected outcome once one controls for observed characteristics, by means of counterfactual simulations. Several methods of controlling for observed characteristics (parametric and non-parametrically) are used for robustness. The results indicate that this group of workers was paid at levels below what would be expected given their embodied observable characteristics.
This study assesses the impact of unconditional transfer resources on the health indicators of Brazilian municipalities. This transfer refers to the Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM) where at least 15% of its value should be spent on public health. Based on a discontinuity of the rules of transfers, we explore Regression Discontinuous Design for the years 2002 to 2010, and find: (i) no significant effect of FPM on mortality reduction; (ii) a robust and significant reduction in morbidity, treated municipalities – on the right side of thresholds – on average have a per capita rate of morbidity 0.00821% lower than those on the left side of the cutoff points; (iii) the mechanisms through which a reduction on morbidity could be operated would be due to estimated increases in preventive measures such as consultations and medical and nurses visits, these were bigger for the treated group in, respectively, 0.32%, 0.038% and 0.039%.