994 resultados para Brassica pekinensis L.
The novel antimicrobial peptide MiAMP1, originally isolated from the seeds of Macadamia integrifolia, was constitutively expressed in transgenic tobacco and canola plants to test its effect on disease resistance. Analysis of plants transformed with 35S-MiAMP1 construct by northern and western blot analyses demonstrated the presence of MiAMP1 mRNA and the mature peptide in the transgenic plants. The MiAMP1 purified from the leaves of transgenic plants was biologically active with the same in vitro antifungal activity as native MiAMP1 purified from the seeds of macadamia. The effect of MiAMP1 expression on the economically important canola pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans (causal agent of blackleg disease) was evaluated in comparison with an untransformed control line and an azygous segregant derived from one of the transgenic lines. Lesion development on the cotyledons of the inoculated canola seedlings was significantly reduced in the T-2 progeny of seven independently transformed transgenic lines. These results suggested that, transgenic canola expressing MiAMP1 may be useful for the management of blackleg disease.
An experiment was carried out to study the effects of the following population densities cauliflowers (plants per ha): 20,833 (0.60 m x 0.80 m), 25,641 (0.60 m x 0.65 m), ....37.037 (0.60 m x 0.45 m) , 55.555 (.0.60 m x 0.30 m), and 111,111 (0,60 m x 0,15 m) ; variety Snow ball. It was concluded that the effects of plant population density are greater on curd quality (weight and size) than on production per ha. The best plant population density to produce cauliflowers curd for Brazil market is from 20,000 to 25,000 plants/ha while for mini-curd is above 55,000 plants/ha.
Com a finalidade de se obter o quadro sintomatolgico das carências de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e B, assim como os níveis analticos correspondentes, mudas de colza foram cultivadas em vasos contendo sílica moída, irrigadas com solução completa e deficiente nos nutrientes. Foram descritos todos os sintomas de deficiência. Os níveis analticos em folhas sadias e deficientes são: N- 2,04% - 0,70%; P- 0,40% - 0,10%; K- 1,17% - 0,10%; Ca - 1,20% - 0,13%; Mg- 0,70% - 0,11%; S- 0,49% - 0,42%; B- 71ppm-18ppm.
Com a finalidade de se estudar as possíveis propriedades alelopáticas da couve (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC), foi conduzido um bioensaio, em condições de laboratório, na E.S.A."Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba, SP. Foram utilizadas sementes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv.Santa Cruz) colocadas para germinar em soluções com diferentes concentrações (0; 25; 50 e 100%) do extrato obtido da parte aérea (folhas) da couve. Constataram-se efeitos pronunciadamente inibitórios de germinação das sementes de tomate nas maiores concentrações do extrato de couve. As plntulas que germinaram, nas parcelas tratadas com o extrato, mostraram-se com o crescimento reduzido, morfo-fisiologicamente anormais, e com maior tempo para o início da germinação. Todas essas características foram mais pronunciadas nas parcelas com maiores concentrações do extrato.
A composição química e a qualidade biolgica da torta de colza obtida da semente, variedade CTC-4, foram determinados. A farinha foi preparada me diante prensagem da semente e extração da gordura com solvente, lixiviada durante 2 horas, com água corrente na proporção de 1:5, e agitação constante, a fim de reduzir os níveis de glicosinolatos. O efeito tóxico foi observado através do peso dos órgãos e da histopatologia dos órgãos em experimento de 60 dias. A qualidade biolgica da torta desintoxicada, ao nível de 5% e 10%, foi semelhante ao da caseína (PER controle 3,18 vs 3,08, 5% e 2,98, 10%). O PER da torta crua foi de 2,28. Os ratos que receberam a farinha crua tiveram órgãos maiores. As tireóides dos ratos submetidos as dietas 2 e 3, não demonstraram alterações que suspeitassem de um efeito bociogênico e as alterações ocorridas nas tireóides dos animais que receberam, D-4 foram semelhantes àquelas ocorridas nos grupos 2 e 3. Não houve danos célulares graves em relação ao fígado, os rins, o coração, baço e supra-renais para todos os grupos observados. O método de extração dos fatores tóxicos da colza foi eficiente de acordo com os resultados obtidos para o presente estudo.
A method for the simultaneous determination of intact glucosinolates and main phenolic compounds (flavonoids and sinapic acid derivatives) in Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis was proposed. A simplified sample extraction procedure and a UPLC separation were carried out to reduce the total time of analysis. Brassica oleracea samples were added with internal standards (glucotropaeolin and rutin), and extracted with boiling methanol. Crude extracts were evaporated under nitrogen, redissolved in mobile phase and analyzed by UPLC with double detection (ESI--MRM for glucosinolates and flavonoids, and DAD for main sinapic acid derivatives). The proposed method allowed a satisfactory quantification of main native sinapic acid derivatives, flavonoids and glucosinolates with a reduced time of analysis.
ABSTRACTAssessments in agricultural crops indicate that alterations in the landscape adjacent to the crops can result in reduced productivity due to loss or low abundance of pollinating agents. In the canola crop, production is partially dependent on insect pollination. Therefore, knowledge of the faunal diversity within and near crop fields is key for the management of these insects and consequently for the increase in productivity. This study aimed to determine and compare the diversity of bees in habitats associated with canola fields in southern Brazil. Bees were captured in four agricultural areas using pan traps in three habitat classes: (1) flowering canola crop, (2) forest remnant, and (3) grassland vegetation. The highest abundance of bees was observed in the grassland vegetation (50%) and in the flowering canola field (47%). Eight species common to the three habitat classes were recorded, four of which are represented by native social bees. In addition, a single or a few individuals represented species that were exclusive to a specific habitat class; eight species were collected exclusively in the interior of the canola field, 51 in the grassland vegetation, and six in the forest remnant. The majority of the rare species recorded exhibits subsocial or solitary behaviour and inhabit open places. The composition of bee groups differed between the habitats showing the importance of maintaining habitat mosaics with friendly areas for pollinators, which promote the pollination service for canola flowers.
In a greenhouse pot experiment with kohlrabi, variety Luna, we explored the joint effect of N (0.6 g N per pot = 6 kg of soil) and S in the soil (25-35-45 mg kg-1 of S) on yields, on N, S and NO3- content in tubers and leaves, and on alterations in the amino acids concentration in the tubers. S fertilisation had no effect on tuber yields. The ranges of N content in tubers and leaves were narrow (between 1.42-1.48 % N and 1.21-1.35 % N, respectively) and the effect of S fertilisation was insignificant. S concentration in the tubers ranged between 0.59 and 0.64 % S. S fertilisation had a more pronounced effect on the S concentration in leaf tissues where it increased from 0.50 to 0.58 or to 0.76 % S under the applied dose. The NO3- content was higher in tubers than in leaves. Increasing the S level in the soil significantly reduced NO3- concentrations in the tubers by 42.2-53.6 % and in the leaves by 8.8-21.7 %. Increasing the S content in the soil reduced the concentration of cysteine + methionine by 16-28 %. The values of valine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and serine were constant. In the S0, S1, and S2 treatments the levels of threonine, isoleucine, leucine, arginine, the sum of essential amino acids and alanine decreased from 37 to 9 %. The histidine concentration increased with increasing S fertilisation. S fertilisation of kohlrabi can be recommended to stabilize the yield and reduce the undesirable NO3- contained in the parts used for consumption.
Brassica chinensis var. parachinensis, introduzida no Brasil em 1992, apresenta alto teor de vitamina A e ciclo curto. As sementes foram submetidas a 24 tratamentos em laboratório e 12 em campo, com o objetivo de avaliar o padrão de germinação e o crescimento das plntulas. Em laboratório, as sementes foram indiferentes à luz e mostraram baixa sensibilidade à ação escarificante do hipoclorito de sódio. Ácido giberélico, KNO3, escarificação e estratificação não modificaram sua germinabilidade (96-100%) nem o tempo médio de germinação (1-1,28 dias) em relação ao controle. Em condições de campo os maiores valores de emergência (89,2-96,4%) e os maiores índices de velocidade de emergência (14,2-17,4) ocorreram em solo com adubação mineral, entre 0,5 e 1,5 cm de profundidade. Os menores tempos médios de emergência foram registrados entre 0,5 e 1,5 cm de profundidade (2,90-3,97 dias), com os três adubos testados (mineral, esterco de gado e de galinha). As plntulas se mostraram sensíveis ao hipoclorito de sódio, com redução significativa do hipocótilo e da raiz primária. A estratificação das sementes por 24 horas estimulou o crescimento da raiz primária, o que beneficia o estabelecimento da plntula no solo.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined pressure/temperature treatments (200, 400 and 600 MPa, at 20 and 40 °C) on key physical and chemical characteristics of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata alba). Thermal treatment (blanching) was also investigated and compared with high-pressure processing (HPP). HPP at 400 MPa and 20–40 °C caused significantly larger colour changes compared to any other pressure or thermal treatment. All pressure treatments induced a softening effect, whereas blanching did not significantly alter texture. Both blanching and pressure treatments resulted in a reduction in the levels of ascorbic acid, effect that was less pronounced for blanching and HPP at 600 MPa and 20–40 °C. HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher total phenol content, total antioxidant capacity and total isothiocyanate content compared to blanching. In summary, the colour and texture of white cabbage were better preserved by blanching. However, HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher levels of phytochemical compounds. The results of this study suggest that HPP may represent an attractive technology to process vegetable-based food products that better maintains important aspects related to the content of health-promoting compounds. This may be of particular relevance to the food industry sector involved in the development of convenient novel food products with excellent functional properties
Nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N) in plant organic matter is currently used as a natural tracer of nitrogen acquisition efficiency. However, the δ15N value of whole leaf material does not properly reflect the way in which N is assimilated because isotope fractionations along metabolic reactions may cause substantial differences among leaf compounds. In other words, any change in metabolic composition or allocation pattern may cause undesirable variability in leaf δ15N. Here, we investigated the δ15N in different leaf fractions and individual metabolites from rapeseed (Brassica napus) leaves. We show that there were substantial differences in δ15N between nitrogenous compounds (up to 30 ) and the content in (15N enriched) nitrate had a clear influence on leaf δ15N. Using a simple steady-state model of day metabolism, we suggest that the δ15N value in major amino acids was mostly explained by isotope fractionation associated with isotope effects on enzyme-catalysed reactions in primary nitrogen metabolism. δ15N values were further influenced by light versus dark conditions and the probable occurrence of alternative biosynthetic pathways. We conclude that both biochemical pathways (that fractionate between isotopes) and nitrogen sources (used for amino acid production) should be considered when interpreting the δ15N value of leaf nitrogenous compounds
The aim of the present study was to precool cauliflower using forced-air, vacuum and high and low flow hydro cooling methods. The weight of the precooled cauliflower heads (5000±5 g) was measured before they were placed in standard plastic crates. Cauliflower heads, whose initial temperature was 23.5 ± 0.5 ºC, were cooled until the temperature reached at 1 ºC. During the precooling process, time-dependent temperature and energy consumption were measured, and during vacuum precooling, the decreasing pressure values were recorded, and a curve of time-dependent pressure decrease (vacuum) was built. The most suitable cooling method to precool cauliflower in terms of cooling time and energy consumption was vacuum, followed by the high and low flow hydro and forced-air precooling methods, respectively. The highest weight loss was observed in the vacuum precooling method, followed by the forced-air method. However, there was an increase in the weight of the cauliflower heads in the high and low flow hydro precooling method. The best colour and hardness values were found in the vacuum precooling method. Among all methods tested, the most suitable method to precool cauliflower in terms of cooling and quality parameters was the vacuum precooling method.
Cauliflower heads, which were precooled using four different methods including vacuum, forced-air, and high and low flow hydro precooling, were stored under controlled atmosphere and room conditions. Controlled atmosphere conditions (CA) were as follows: 1°C temperature, 90 ± 5% relative humidity, and 0:21 [(%CO2:%O2) – (0:21) control] atmosphere composition. Room conditions (RC) were: 22±1°C temperature and 55-60% humidity. Various quality parameters of the cauliflower heads were assessed during storage (days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35) under controlled atmosphere and room conditions (days 0, 5, and 10). During storage, weight loss, deterioration rate, overall sensory quality score, hardness, and colour (L, a, b, C and α) were evaluated. In the present study, the strength and quality parameters of cauliflower under CA and RC conditions were obtained. Vacuum precooling was found to be most suitable method before cauliflower was submitted to cold storage and sent to market. Furthermore, the storage of cauliflower without precooling resulted in a significant decrease in quality parameters.
Os testes de vigor e o teste de germinação são componentes essenciais no controle de qualidade das empresas de produção de sementes. Com o objetivo de verificar a eficiência de diferentes testes de vigor e de variações de suas metodologias na avaliação da qualidade de sementes de couve-brócolos visando diferenciação de lotes e previsão de emergência em bandeja, cinco lotes de sementes do híbrido Flrida foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: germinação; primeira contagem de germinação; emissão de raiz primária (após 48, 56, 72, 80 e 96 h após a instalação do teste de germinação); emergência de plntulas em substrato; envelhecimento acelerado com água (1g de sementes mantidas a 41ºC por 48 e 72 h a 100%UR); envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de sal (mesmo procedimento do item anterior, porém usando solução de NaCl, 40% e 76%UR); condutividade eltrica (50 sementes em 25 mL de água destilada a 25ºC e leituras após 2, 4, 6, 8 e 24 h). Todos os testes apresentaram correlação significativa com a porcentagem de emergência de plntulas em substrato, a 1% de probabilidade. Os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de sal por 48 h e de condutividade eltrica após 8 e 24 h de embebição foram eficientes e tiveram resultados semelhantes aos da emergência em substrato. Os testes da primeira contagem de germinação, emissão da raiz primária após 56 h e envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de sal por 72 h, apresentaram-se mais eficientes que a emergência de plntulas em substrato na diferenciação do vigor dos lotes.