999 resultados para Brasil caipira
Este artigo visa apontar a importância historiográfica de interpretar e compreender de maneira ampla e exaustiva as imagens, os discursos e demais vestígios que nos permitam ter acesso às sociabilidades, representações, projetos e práticas vivenciadas pelos habitantes das cidades do Brasil caipira, que apresentaram transformações geradas pela modernidade, no limiar do XX, em decorrência da nova dinâmica capitalista gerada pelos efeitos da expansão da economia cafeeira nessa região.
Selecao das cultivares Thap maeo e Caipira para recomendacao aos produtores amazonenses, envolvendo: a) caracteristicas e recomendacoes para Thape maeo e Caipira; b) espacamento e densidade populacional; c) adubacao, para as condicoes edafoclimaticas e Manaus-AM (Brasil).
The present study aimed to characterize the thermal profile of wood fired oven used by the red ceramic industry in Parelhas, in the Seridó region/RN, aiming to propose structural interventions that can contribute to increasing productivity and product quality, optimize wood consumption and mitigate existing losses during the burning process. The study was conducted at Cerâmica Esperança in the city of Parelhas -RN, Brazil, during the period from August 2012 to September 2013. Four treatments were performed with three replicates, ie, with, a total of 12 experimental units (burnings). In the first stage 4 treatments were performed with three replicates, totaling 12 experimental units (firings). In the second stage 2 treatments were performed with three replications, totaling 6 experimental units (firings). The physical characteristics of the wood were analyzed using standard NBR 11941 and NBR 7190 for basic density and moisture, respectively. The clay was used as a reference parameter for distinguishing treatments. For both the analysis and characterization was carried out using techniques of fluorescence X (XRF) rays, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, particle size analysis (FA). In the first and second stages were monitored: the time during the firing process, the amount of wood used at each firing, the number of parts enfornadas for subsequent determination of the percentages of losses, but also product quality. To characterize the thermal profile of the oven, we measured the temperature at 15 points scored in the surface charge put into the oven. Measurements were taken every 30 minutes from preheat until the end of burning, using a pyrometer laser sight sighting from preheating until the end of burning. In the second step 12 metal cylinders distributed on the oven walls, and the cylinder end walls 8 of the furnace 2 and rollers on each side walls are installed equidistant to 17 cm from the soil and the surface 30 of the wall are installed. The cylinders distributed on the front were placed 50 cm above the furnace, and the base of the oven 20 cm distant from the ground. 10 also thermocouples were installed, and five thermocouples distributed 1.77 cm above the combustion chambers, and one thermocouple on each side, and three thermocouples in front of the oven. We carried out the measurements of the temperatures every 1 hour during the burning two hours in cooling the cylinders with a pyrometer and thermocouples for dattaloger. These were fixed with depth of 30 cm from the wall. After statistical analysis it was found that: the thermal profile of the furnace surface and at different heights was heterogeneous; and the ranges of density and moisture content of wood are within recommended for use as an energy source standards. We conclude that even at low temperatures reached during firing there was a significant production of good quality products, this is due to high concentrations of iron oxide and potassium oxide found in clay, which lowers the melting point of the piece. The average burn time for each step varied 650-2100 minutes wood consumption was on average 20 m3, product quality was on average 16% of first quality, 70% second, third and 5% to 10% loss . The distance between the wire and the surface of the oven was a significant parameter for all treatments, but with different variations, meaning that the wire should not be so generic and unique form, used as a criterion for completion of the burn process. The central part of the furnace was the area that reached higher temperature, and in a unified manner, with the highest concentration of top quality products. The ideal temperature curve, which provided the highest quality of ceramic products was achieved in the central part of the furnace
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
This written report narrates the process of writing the report “A caminho da cidade” (in English: “Going to the city”), submitted as Final Papers by Naomi Oliveira Corcovia, Journalism Student at UNESP. The author tries to elucidate how much the urbanization, the industrialization and other postmodern process have influenced São Paulo´s countrymen´s life and behavior. But before, the author studied the stereotype of the countrymen diffused by Media and Brazilian literature
O texto apresenta os traços da cultura caipira, enfatizando a importância das consequências do comércio bovino para a sua circularidade pelos espaços urbanos do Centro Sul brasileiro. Além disso, propõe reflexões sobre as maneiras pelas quais as elites trataram as expressões desta cultura em dois momentos distintos: fins do século XIX e a onda nacionalista vigente após o governo de Getúlio Vargas, em 1930. Para tanto, parte da experiência histórica registrada em Barretos, cidade do interior paulista.
Considering the experience taken from the institutional support given by the Humanization’s Brazilian Policy in three health’s regions in São Paulo State, Brazil, this text intends to expose some problems refering to the articulation process of other health’s regional networks mainly composed by cities with less than twenty thousands inhabitants. By problematizing the articulation of inlad health’s networks it is put on the agenda the process of descentraliztion and the interfederaditive relations emphasizing the political and institutional aspects that goes through and modulates these relations, mainly in the small cities. Thus, we are questioning the ways how the current health policies are implemented in these territories and the way how they are articulated, having as a goal the challenge of the process’ ascendance and transversality.
Depois das "palavras em liberdade" de Pauliceia desvairada, Mário de Andrade inaugurou, nos anos de 1920, uma nova fase de sua obra literária, que correspondia a uma reorientação do próprio Modernismo brasileiro: a busca da "contribuição milionária de todos os erros" (Oswald de Andrade, "Manifesto Pau Brasil"). Contra as regras da gramática e do discurso letrado, procurava-se imitar a "língua errada do povo". No caso de Mário de Andrade, o desejo de estilizar a fala popular resultou no projeto da Gramatiquinha da Língua Brasileira, que tinha no chamado dialeto caipira uma de suas inspirações. O diálogo com a cultura caipira ocorre em momentos centrais da sua produção literária: Macunaíma, Clã do jabuti, Os contos de Belazarte. Estudando a pintura de Tarsila do Amaral, Mário dirá que a sua brasilidade consiste no "caipirismo" das cores e das formas; algo que também se aplica, e mais radicalmente, à literatura cada vez mais enraizada de Mário de Andrade, na qual os "erros" de linguagem e a presença de personagens caipiras ou selvagens figuram o deslocamento do Brasil e o do próprio escritor em relação ao processo de modernização.
Resumen: En esta propuesta se discuten las consideraciones éticas sobre la investigación, hechas en tres códigos, a saber, la ley 1090 de 2006, que rige el ejercicio profesional del psicólogo en Colombia, el Código de Ética Profissional do Psicólogo do Conselho Federal de Psicología en Brasil y el Código Nacional de Ética de la Federación de Psicólogos de la República Argentina. El análisis de los preceptos sobre trato con personas, consentimiento informado y manejo de información, así como las investigaciones con animales, permiten apreciar carencias y fortalezas en cada país, además de las particularidades propias de una concepción del rol del psicólogo como investigador en la sociedad actual.
Análise comparativa dos web sites dos órgãos legislativos sul-americanos, com destaque para o Brasil.
Anais da Audiência Pública realizada na Câmara dos Deputados pela Comissão de Legislação Participativa, no dia 19 de outubro de 2005, para debater sobre o paradigma da justiça restaurativa como alternativa à justiça criminal.
Apresenta os debates ocorridos nas diversas audiências públicas realizadas durante o I Ciclo de Debates acerca da Crise Financeira Internacional e suas Repercussões na Economia Brasileira. O evento contribuiu para avaliar os efeitos da crise e forneceu subsídios aos parlamentares a fim de tomarem as decisões necessárias para enfrentar as demandas atuais e seus possíveis desdobramentos.