1000 resultados para Brasil História Guerra dos Farrapos, 1835-1845
Este artigo tem como objetivo repensar a história da Guerra dos Farrapos contemplando a presença e a participação indígena nessa rebelião. As populações ameríndias, ao contrário do que se pensava, participaram dos conflitos imperiais, mas seguem como os esquecidos dessa guerra deflagrada em plena fronteira do Império do Brasil.
Analizar las condiciones de aparici??n, desencadenantes e influencias, de los estudios e institutos de Segunda Ense??anza en Espa??a entre 1835-1845. Hace una introducci??n a la sociedad y pensamiento liberal, ubicando posteriormente los primeros institutos dentro del espacio hist??rico, as?? como la historia de su creaci??n, se determinan las causas socioculturales que influyeron en su inicio. Al final se extraen factores limitantes e influyentes en la aparici??n de los institutos de Segunda Ense??anza, seg??n el autor, no propiamente conclusiones. Bibliograf??a, textos legislativos, monograf??as sobre institutos, textos escolares. An??lisis bibliogr??fico e hist??rico. La instrucci??n es siempre reflejo de la sociedad en la que se desarrolla y, a la par, un factor de interacci??n en los cambios que se originan en esa sociedad. La historia de los primeros institutos de Espa??a es la historia de las contradicciones existentes en el interior de la sociedad espa??ola en la que nacen.
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
The following article has as the main concern and tendency to think and offer some ideas on the Teaching of Philosophy in Brazil and historically conceptions constructed about the philosophy, this constituting itself a challenge to Brazilian education and the formation of people. It is pertinent to the conciliation in the Teaching of Philosophy, from the History of Philosophy, the philosophize and not to join immediately to philosophical systems and their conceptions, but that is structured from the real problems of each situation and experienced in education space and society in general as an macrostructure that requires reflection about your problems. Note that, during the 500 years of education in Brazil, especially in this aspect of Teaching Philosophy characteristics with respect to the concerns and the philosophical problems have been modified, initially, a more obedient to the rules, passing, sometime later, the valorization of polemic and, finally, the systematization of reality and reflection of the real problems faced by a society such as the Brazilian. In this sense, it is proposed to understand and analyze the Teaching of Philosophy in both, the primary and secondary education and, especially, in the university.
There are three distinct and complementary objectives The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm), including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand evening openings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the students needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.