456 resultados para Brackish


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Nesta dissertação pretendeu-se estudar a viabilidade do uso de eletrodiálise com membranas bipolares (BM) na recuperação de ácido clorídrico e de hidróxido de sódio a partir de um efluente industrial que contém 1.4 mol/L de cloreto de sódio. Estas membranas mostraram ser uma ferramenta eficiente para a produção de ácidos e bases a partir do respetivo sal. Foi feita uma seleção de diferentes membranas bipolares (Neosepta, Fumatech e PCA) e aniónicas (PC-SA e PC-ACID 60) na tentativa de encontrar a combinação mais adequada para o tratamento do efluente. Dependendo do critério, o melhor arranjo de membranas é o uso de PC-ACID 60 (membrana aniónica), PC-SK (membrana catiónica) e membranas bipolares do tipo Neosepta para maior pureza dos produtos; membranas bipolares Fumatech para maior eficiência de dessalinização e membranas bipolares PCA para um maior grau de dessalinização. Tecnologicamente foi possível obter uma dessalinização de 99.8% em quatro horas de funcionamento em modo batch com recirculação de todas as correntes. Independentemente da combinação usada é recomendável que o processo seja parado quando a densidade de corrente deixa de ser máxima, 781 A/m2. Assim é possível evitar o aumento de impurezas nos produtos, contra difusão, descida instantânea do pH e uma dessalinização pouco eficiente. A nível piloto o principal fornecedor de membranas e unidade de tratamento “stack” é a marca alemã PCA. Sendo assim realizaram-se ensaios de repetibilidade, contra difusão, avaliação económica e upscaling utilizando as membranas bipolares PCA. A nível económico estudou-se o uso de dois tipos de unidades de tratamento; EDQ 380 e EDQ 1600, para diferentes níveis de dessalinização (50, 75 e 80%). Tendo em conta a otimização económica, é recomendável uma dessalinização máxima de 80%, uma vez que a eficiência de processo a este ponto é de 40%. A aplicação do método com a unidade EDQ 1600 para uma dessalinização de 50% é a mais vantajosa economicamente, com custos de 16 €/m3 de efluente tratado ou 0,78 €/kg Cl- removido. O número de unidades necessárias é 4 posicionados em série.


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An experiment was designed to assess the occurrence of multiple antibiotic resistances in Vibrio sp from different (brackish and marine) environments. Water samples front nine marine landing sites and two coastal inland aquaculture farms were screened for the Vibrio spp and assessed their resistance to twenty-two different antibiotics, which arc commonly encountered in the aquatic ecosystem. Tissue samples (shrimp, mussel and sepia) were tested from the sampling site with highest antibiotic resistance. Of' the total 119 Vibrio isolates, 16. 8% were susceptible to all antibiotics. Of the resistant (83.19%) Vibrio strains, 30.3% were resistant against three antibiotics, 55.5% were resistant against 4-10 antibiotics, 14.14% were resistant against more than 10 antibiotics and 54% have shown multiple antibiotics resistance (MAR). Antibiotic resistance index was higher in Coastal 3, 6, Aqua farm 2 in isolates from water samples and all the tissues tested. Interestingly, incidence of antibiotic resistance in isolates from water samples was comparatively lower in aquaculture farms than that observed in coastal areas. Highest incidence of antibiotic resistance was evident against Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Carbencillin and Cefuroxime followed by Rilanipicin and Streptomycin and lowest against Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Furazolidone, Nalidixic acid, Gentamycin Sulphafurazole, Trimcthoprinr, Neomycin and Amikacin irrespective of the sampling sites. Results from various tissue samples collected from the sites of highest antibiotic resistance indicated that antibiotic resistance Vibrio spp collected from fish and tissue samples were higher than that of water samples. Overall results indicated that persistent use of antibiotics against diseases in human beings and other life forms may pollute the aquatic system and their impact on developing antibiotic resistant Vibrio sp may be a serious threat in addition to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture farms.


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An experiment was designed to assess the occurrence of multiple antibiotic resistances in Vibrio sp from different (brackish and marine) environments. Water samples front nine marine landing sites and two coastal inland aquaculture farms were screened for the Vihrio spp and assessed their resistance to twenty-two different antibiotics, which arc commonly encountered in the aquatic ecosystem. Tissue samples (shrimp, mussel and sepia) were tested from the sampling site with highest antibiotic resistance. Of' the total 119 Vihrio isolates, 16. 8'7(, were susceptible to all antibiotics. Of the resistant (83.19%) Vibrio strains, 30.3% were resistant against three antibiotics, 55.5% were resistant against 4-10 antibiotics, 14.14% were resistant against more than 10 antibiotics and 54% have shown multiple antibiotics resistance (MAR). Antibiotic resistance index was higher in Coastal 3, 6, Aqua farm 2 in isolates from water samples and all the tissues tested. Interestingly, incidence of antibiotic resistance in isolates from water samples was comparatively lower in aquaculture farms than that observed in coastal areas. Highest incidence of antibiotic resistance was evident against Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Carbencillin and Cefuroxime followed by Rilanipicin and Streptomycin and lowest against Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Furazolidone, Nalidixic acid, Gentamycin Sulphafurazole, Trimcthoprinr, Neomycin and Amikacin irrespective of the sampling sites. Results from various tissue samples collected from the sites of highest antibiotic resistance indicated that antibiotic resistance Vibrio spp collected from fish and tissue samples were higher than that of water samples. Overall results indicated that persistent use of antibiotics against diseases in human beings and other life forms may pollute the aquatic system and their impact on developing antibiotic resistant Vibrio sp may be a serious threat in addition to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture farms.


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Fishes are one of the most important members of the aquatic food chain, and through them some toxicants may reach human beings as well. The selection of organisms for toxicity test is mainly based on certain criteria like its ecological status, position within the food chain, suitability for laboratory studies, genetically stable, uniform populations and adequate background data on the organism (Buikema et al., 1982). The species selected for the present study Etroplus maculatus satisfy most of the above protocols. Rechten (1980) opined it as a laboratory favorite of fish researchers. However, there are difficulties in the rise of fishes for pollution assessment impact. Most important of these is our limited understanding of the mechanism of toxicity. The interpretation of the significance or specificity of a measured biological response could there for become difficult. Not withstanding these limitations, attempts have been made to the normal haematology and to analyze the impact of heavy metal at realistic levels to the experimental media, on the haematology, and enzymatic activity and histology of Etroplus maculatus


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Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli in the water and sediment samples of brackish water aquaculture ponds adjacent to Cochin backwaters was analysed. More than 50% of the water samples and more than 80% of sediment samples from all the sampling stations were tested positive for £. coli. Risk assessment of the E. coli strains was carried out using multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing. Majority of the strains were found to be multiple antibiotic resistant suggesting their origin from high risk sources of contamination such as human where antibiotics are frequently used. While none of the £. coli strains were resistant against amikacin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin and trimethoprim, considerable levels of resistance was encountered against ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin G and vancomycin. High prevalence of £. coli in the water and sediment samples of this extensive brackish water ponds indicates high degree of faecal pollution of this environment. The high risk nature of the strains warrants efficient post harvest and processing measures to avoid health risk to consumers


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A packed bed bioreactor (PBBR) was developed for rapid establishment of nitrification in brackish water hatchery systems in the tropics. The reactors were activated by immobilizing ammonia-oxidizing (AMONPCU- 1) and nitrite-oxidizing (NIONPCU-1) bacterial consortia on polystyrene and low-density polyethylene beads, respectively. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated the presence of autotrophic nitrifiers belong to Nitrosococcus mobilis, lineage of b ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizer Nitrobacter sp. in the consortia. The activated reactors upon integration to the hatchery system resulted in significant ammonia removal (P\0.01) culminating to its undetectable levels. Consequently, a significantly higher percent survival of larvae was observed in the larval production systems. With spent water the reactors could establish nitrification with high percentage removal of ammonia (78%), nitrite (79%) and BOD (56%) within 7 days of initiation of the process. PBBR is configured in such a way to minimize the energy requirements for continuous operation by limiting the energy inputs to a single stage pumping of water and aeration to the aeration cells. The PBBR shall enable hatchery systems to operate under closed recirculating mode and pave the way for better water management in the aquaculture industry.


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The addition of commercial nitrifying bacterial products has resulted in significant improvement of nitrification efficiency in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). We developed two nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) from marine and brackish water as start up cultures for immobilizing commercialized nitrifying bioreactors for RAS. In the present study, the community compositions of the NBC were analyzed by universal 16S rRNA gene and bacterial amoA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This study demonstrated that both the consortia involved autotrophic nitrifiers, denitrifiers as well as heterotrophs. Abundant taxa of the brackish water heterotrophic bacterial isolates were Paenibacillus and Beijerinckia spp. whereas in the marine consortia they were Flavobacterium, Cytophaga and Gramella species. The bacterial amoA clones were clustered together with high similarity to Nitrosomonas sp. and uncultured beta Proteobacteria. FISH analysis detected ammonia oxidizers belonging to b subclass of proteobacteria and Nitrosospira sp. in both the consortia, and Nitrosococcus mobilis lineage only in the brackish water consortium and the halophilic Nitrosomonas sp. only in the marine consortium. However, nitrite oxidizers, Nitrobacter sp. and phylum Nitrospira were detected in both the consortia. The metabolites from nitrifiers might have been used by heterotrophs as carbon and energy sources making the consortia a stable biofilm.


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An experiment was designed to assess the occurrence of multiple antibiotic resistances in Vibrio sp from different (brackish and marine) environments. Water samples from nine marine landing sites and two coastal inland aquaculture farms were screened for the Vibrio spp and assessed their resistance to twenty-two different antibiotics, which are commonly encountered in the aquatic ecosystem. Tissue samples (shrimp, mussel and sepia) were tested from the sampling site with highest antibiotic resistance. Of the total 119 Vibrio isolates, 16. 8% were susceptible to all antibiotics. Of the resistant (83.19%) Vibrio strains, 30.3% were resistant against three antibiotics, 55.5% were resistant against 4-10 antibiotics, 14.14% were resistant against more than 10 antibiotics and 54% have shown multiple antibiotics resistance (MAR). Antibiotic resistance index was higher in Coastal 3, 6, Aqua farm 2 in isolates from water samples and all the tissues tested. Interestingly, incidence of antibiotic resistance in isolates from water samples was comparatively lower in aquaculture farms than that observed in coastal areas. Highest incidence of antibiotic resistance was evident against Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Carbencillin and Cefuroxime followed by Rifampicin and Streptomycin and lowest against Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Furazolidone, Nalidixic acid, Gentamycin Sulphafurazole, Trimethoprirn, Neomycin and Amikacin irrespective of the sampling sites. Results from various tissue samples collected from the sites of highest antibiotic resistance indicated that antibiotic resistance Vibrio spp collected from fish and tissue samples were higher than that of water samples. Overall results indicated that persistent use of antibiotics against diseases in human beings and other life forms may pollute the aquatic system and their impact on developing antibiotic resistant Vibrio sp may be a serious threat in addition to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture farms.


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Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in 157 fish bone collagen samples from 15 different archaeological sites in Belgium which ranged in ages from the 3rd to the 18th c. AD. Due to diagenetic contamination of the burial environment, only 63 specimens produced results with suitable C:N ratios (2.9–3.6). The selected bones encompass a wide spectrum of freshwater, brackish, and marine taxa (N = 18), and this is reflected in the δ13C results (−28.2‰ to −12.9%). The freshwater fish have δ13C values that range from −28.2‰ to −20.2‰, while the marine fish cluster between −15.4‰ and −13.0‰. Eel, a catadromous species (mostly living in freshwater but migrating into the sea to spawn), plots between −24.1‰ and −17.7‰, and the anadromous fish (living in marine environments but migrating into freshwater to spawn) show a mix of freshwater and marine isotopic signatures. The δ15N results also have a large range (7.2‰ to 16.7‰) indicating that these fish were feeding at many different trophic levels in these diverse aquatic environments. The aim of this research is the isotopic characterization of archaeological fish species (ecology, trophic level, migration patterns) and to determine intra-species variation within and between fish populations differing in time and location. Due to the previous lack of archaeological fish isotope data from Northern Europe and Belgium in particular, these results serve as an important ecological backdrop for the future isotopic reconstruction of the diet of human populations dating from the historical period (1st and 2nd millennium AD), where there is zooarchaeological and historical evidence for an increased consumption of marine fish.


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Differences in culture duration, metamorphosis rate and the productivity in hatchery culture of M. rosenbergii using a closed system with natural and artificial brackish water were evaluated. Reuse of brackish water in more than one hatchery cycle was also evaluated. Natural and artificial brackish water constituted the two tested treatments, which were distributed in four independent recirculating systems (tank and respective biofilter). Four batches of cultures were conducted and the 2nd and 4th reused the water from the 1st and 3rd, respectively. Mean duration of the hatchery period was 28 d in natural brackish water and 31 d in artificial brackish water. The metamorphosis rate and the average productivity for the natural brackish water treatment were 74% and 60 postlarvae/ L. respectively, and values obtained with artificial brackish water were 55% and 44 postlarvae/L. The successful hatchery culture of M. rosenbergii in this specific artificial brackish water suggests its potential use in enterprises located far from the coast. Brackish water can be used in two consecutive cultures without a negative effect on productivity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The physicochemical interactions between water, sediment and soil deeply influence the formation and development of the ecosystem. In this research, different freshwater, brackish and saline subaqueous environments of Northern Italy were chosen as study area to investigate the physicochemical processes which occur at the interface between water and sediments, as well as the effects of soil submergence on ecosystem development. In the freshwater system of the Reno river basin, the main purpose was to define the heavy metals hazard in water and sediments of natural and artificial water courses. Heavy metals partitioning and speciation allowed to assess the environmental risk linked to the critical action of dredging canal sediments, for the maintenance of the hydraulic safety of plain lands. In addition, some bioremediation techniques were experimented for protecting sediments from heavy metals contamination, and for giving an answer to the problem of sediments management. In the brackish system of S. Vitale park, the development of hydromorphic and subaqueous soils was investigated. The study of soil profiles highlighted the presence of a soil continuum among pedons subjected to different saturation degrees. This investigation allowed to the identification of both morphological and physicochemical indicators, which characterize the formation of subaqueous soils and describe the soil hydromorphism in transitional soil systems. In the saline system of Grado lagoon, an ecosystem approach was used to define the role of water oscillation in soil characterization and plants colonization. This study highlighted the close relationship and the mutual influence of soil submergence and aeration, tide oscillation and vegetation cover, on the soil development. In view of climate change, this study contribute to understand and suppose how soil and landscape could evolve. However, a complete evaluation of hydromorphic soil functionality will be achieved only involving physiological and biochemical expertise in these kind of studies.


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The algorithms designed to estimate snow water equivalent (SWE) using passive microwave measurements falter in lake-rich high-latitude environments due to the emission properties of ice covered lakes on low frequency measurements. Microwave emission models have been used to simulate brightness temperatures (Tbs) for snowpack characteristics in terrestrial environments but cannot be applied to snow on lakes because of the differing subsurface emissivities and scattering matrices present in ice. This paper examines the performance of a modified version of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) snow emission model that incorporates microwave emission from lake ice and sub-ice water. Inputs to the HUT model include measurements collected over brackish and freshwater lakes north of Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada in April 2008, consisting of snowpack (depth, density, and snow water equivalent) and lake ice (thickness and ice type). Coincident airborne radiometer measurements at a resolution of 80x100 m were used as ground-truth to evaluate the simulations. The results indicate that subsurface media are simulated best when utilizing a modeled effective grain size and a 1 mm RMS surface roughness at the ice/water interface compared to using measured grain size and a flat Fresnel reflective surface as input. Simulations at 37 GHz (vertical polarization) produce the best results compared to airborne Tbs, with a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 6.2 K and 7.9 K, as well as Mean Bias Errors (MBEs) of -8.4 K and -8.8 K for brackish and freshwater sites respectively. Freshwater simulations at 6.9 and 19 GHz H exhibited low RMSE (10.53 and 6.15 K respectively) and MBE (-5.37 and 8.36 K respectively) but did not accurately simulate Tb variability (R= -0.15 and 0.01 respectively). Over brackish water, 6.9 GHz simulations had poor agreement with airborne Tbs, while 19 GHz V exhibited a low RMSE (6.15 K), MBE (-4.52 K) and improved relative agreement to airborne measurements (R = 0.47). Salinity considerations reduced 6.9 GHz errors substantially, with a drop in RMSE from 51.48 K and 57.18 K for H and V polarizations respectively, to 26.2 K and 31.6 K, although Tb variability was not well simulated. With best results at 37 GHz, HUT simulations exhibit the potential to track Tb evolution, and therefore SWE through the winter season.


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Charophytes are found in fresh and brackish waters across the globe and play key roles in coastal ecosystems. However, their response to increasing CO2 is not well understood. The aim of the study was to detect the effects of elevated CO2 on the physiology of charophyte species growing in the brackish Baltic Sea by measuring net primary production. Mesocosm experiments were conducted in the Kõiguste Bay (N Gulf of Riga) during the field season of 2012. Separate mesocosms were maintained at different pCO2 levels: 2000, 1000 and 200 µatm. The experiments were carried out with three species of charophytes: Chara aspera, C. tomentosa and C. horrida. The short-term photosynthetic responses of charophytes to different treatments were measured by the oxygen method. The results show that elevated CO2 levels in brackish water may enhance the photosynthetic activity of charophyte species and suggest that increasing CO2 in the Baltic Sea could have implications for interspecific competition and community structure in a future high CO2 world.