988 resultados para Botryosphaeria ribis EC-01


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of soybean and castorbean meals were evaluated separately, and in combinations at different ratios, as substrates for lipase production by Botryosphaeria ribis EC-01 in submerged fermentation using only distilled water. The addition of glycerol analytical grade (AG) and glycerol crude (CG) to soybean and castorbean meals separately and in combination, were also examined for lipase production. Glycerol-AG increased enzyme production, whereas glycerol-CG decreased it. A 24 factorial design was developed to determine the best concentrations of soybean meal, castorbean meal, glycerol-AG, and KH2PO4 to optimize lipase production by B. ribis EC-01. Soybean meal and glycerol-AG had a significant effect on lipase production, whereas castorbean meal did not. A second treatment (22 factorial design central composite) was developed, and optimal lipase production (4,820 U/g of dry solids content (ds)) was obtained when B. ribis EC-01 was grown on 0.5 % (w/v) soybean meal and 5.2 % (v/v) glycerol in distilled water, which was in agreement with the predicted value (4,892 U/g ds) calculated by the model. The unitary cost of lipase production determined under the optimized conditions developed ranged from US$0.42 to 0.44 based on nutrient costs. The fungal lipase was immobilized onto Celite and showed high thermal stability and was used for transesterification of soybean oil in methanol (1:3) resulting in 36 % of fatty acyl alkyl ester content. The apparent K m and V max were determined and were 1.86 mM and 14.29 μmol min -1 mg-1, respectively. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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A seca de ponteiros é uma doença que vem acarretando danos severos em plantas de eucalipto, causando cancros ao longo do ramo principal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fungicidas e extratos vegetais no controle de Botryosphaeria ribis. O teste in vitro dos fungicidas foi inteiramente casualizado com oito tratamentos: carbendazim, clorotalonil, difenoconazole, picoxystrobin + ciproconazole, ciproconazole, azoxystrobin, picoxystrobin e testemunha, quatro doses: 1 µg/mL, 10 µg/mL, 100 µg/mL e 1000 µg/mL; com cinco repetições. Após homogeneização do meio foram vertidas para as placas, repicado um disco de meio de cultura contendo o patógeno para estas placas e mantidas em BOD a 25°C por cinco dias. A avaliação foi feita através de medição diária do crescimento radial do micélio em centímetros. O delineamento experimental do controle químico a campo foi em fatorial 5x3, com cinco fungicidas e três métodos de aplicação (poda, pincelado e pulverizado), com quatro repetições. Foram feitas quatro aplicações, com intervalo de quinze dias. Os tratamentos foram: 1. azoxystrobin, 2. carbendazim, 3. clorotalonil + tiofanato-metílico, 4. difenoconazole e 5. testemunha. Simultaneamente foram feitas avaliações seguindo uma escala de notas de 1 a 6. O delineamento experimental do teste in vitro dos extratos vegetais foi em fatorial 5x4, com três repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram os extratos de: mil folhas, melão de são caetano, eucalipto , álcool e testemunha, nas concentrações de 5, 10, 15 e 20%. Os extratos e o álcool foram misturados ao meio de cultura previamente autoclavado, sendo estes colocados em placas de Petri. A avaliação foi feita através de medição diária do crescimento radial do micélio em centímetros. No teste com mudas o delineamento experimental foi em fatorial 2 x 2 x 4, sendo utilizado no experimento de duas procedências, dois modos de tratamento (preventivo e convencional) e quatro produtos para o controle (extrato de melão de são caetano, extrato de Corymbia citriodora, álcool e água). A inoculação do patógeno foi feita no caule das mudas. Foram feitas aplicações dos produtos e avaliações semanais. A avaliação foi feita através da contagem de plantas doentes. O ingrediente ativo carbendazin foi o que mostrou os melhores resultados in vitro diferindo estatísticamente dos outros tratamentos pelo teste Tukey a 1% de probabilidade; seguido pelo clorotalonil e difenoconazole. Todos os ingredientes ativos avaliados mostraram-se superiores a testemunha. A campo, azoxystrobin foi superior aos demais tratamentos e não houve diferença significativa entre os métodos de aplicação. In vitro, os extratos de mil folhas, melão e eucalipto não diferiram entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O álcool proporcionou a maior inibição do crescimento micelial e diferiu estatisticamente dos outros tratamentos utilizados. As concentrações de 10, 15 e 20% dos extratos não diferiram entre si, mas foram superiores a concentração de 5%. No teste em mudas, a aplicação preventiva mostrou-se superior a aplicação curativa, sendo que o álcool e o extrato de C. citriodora não diferiram entre si, mas foram superiores ao extrato de melão-de-são-caetano. Todos os produtos foram superiores a testemunha.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tubercularia lateritia was recorded for the first time as causing canker, characterised by a sunken centre surrounded by galls or callus, on macadamia. The fungus was isolated and inoculated on young macadamia trees in the glasshouse and produced characteristic disease symptoms from which the fungus was successfully reisolated.


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This descriptive study aimed to investigate what changes of emotional states more sensitive to internal and external influences and to investigate the motivating factors and stressors in basketball players of a Regional Championship of the Interior . Study subjects were 56 (fifty - six) athletes, members of 05 (five) highest ranked teams in the competition. As a measuring tool used the Frester ‟sP sychicLoad Test (1972, apud SAMULSKI, CHAGAS, 1992) . Data analys used descriptive statistics. The findings showed that the facts considered as motivators during the competition were: the audience, the fact of constantly thinking on achieving the desirable aims, and the establishment of very high aims; the stressful factors were: disagreements and conflicts with the coach, partners or family, bad sleeping the night before the competition, excessive nervousness and to be prejudiced by the referees . Therefore, we can conclude: the facts that influence the interest can be of motivating or stressful order , depending on the personal and situational perception; most athletes characterized the competiti ve sport as more stressful than motivating, and this assessment influenced by constant pressure of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that athletes suffers during the competitive environment


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利用兰州SFC加速的16O束轰击同位素118Sn ,由熔合蒸发 4n反应产生目标核13 0 Ce。为了消除本底干扰并指定13 0 Ce核 ,采用溶剂萃取法对He - jet带传输系统从靶室传输出来的反应产物进行了离线分离与纯化。将目标核13 0 Ce从大量的靶材料、反应产物及母核中分离出来 ,快速制成薄源后在铅室中进行γ单谱测量及X -γ、γ -γ符合测量。从化学分离后的产物中观察到了半衰期为 2 2 .9min的 10 8条γ射线 ,其中 10 7条是新发现的 ,该活性被指定为13 0 Ce。在此基础上 ,进一步研究这些γ线的级联关系 ,建立了缺中子同位素13 0 Ce较完整的 (EC + β+ )衰变纲图。为118Sn(16O ,4n) 13 0 Ce反应体系建立的放化分离流程的分离时间仅 10min ,化学产额大于70 %。化学分离除去 98%以上的核反应生成的13 0 La ,对其它杂质的去污完全满足13 0 Ce(EC + β+ )衰变研究的要求。


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利用142Nd(16O,5n)153Er和147Sm(16O,6n)157Yb反应并藉助与氦喷嘴快速带传输装置和x(γ) γt-符合测量技术首次建立了153Er和157Yb的(EC/β+)衰变能级纲图。 对153Er的(EC/β+)衰变纲图的分析,得到结果有, 1) 辨认了256.7KeV和634.2KeV的二条低位能级分别为d3/2和d5/2的单质子态。因此,153H0的基态 的形状为球形。在同位素链Ho(Z=67)上,随着中子数的增加,奇质量数Ho核的基态核形状由球形过渡到变形发生在中子数86和88之间。 2) 位于1700.1KeV能级为三粒子态,具有[(πh11/2 νh9/2)1+ νf7/2] , , 的结构特征。 经对157Yb的(EC/β+)衰变纲图分析,得到结果有, 1) 发现了建立在157Tm基态上的Kπ= 转动带的带头部分。用可变转动惯量的三轴行变粒子转子模型对157Tm的转动能谱的计算结果表明,157Tm的基态Kπ= 转动带所对应的形变是三轴形变,相应的形变参数为ε2=0.23,ε4=0.01,γ=35°。给出了随着中子数的增加,奇质量数Tm(Z=69)核的基态核形状由球形过渡到非球形发生在中子数86和88之间。 2) 辨认了一条位于激发能为3502KeV的同质异能态,其寿命>40ns。


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This article presents the physical structure of the land, organic substances content and the chemical composition of soil comprising subsoil of 21 urban greenery locations in the city of Poznań. As they tend to be commonly underestimated, they have also been presented with view to their vital functions in plants’ life processes. The analysed microelements are referred to their levels, the so-called geo-chemical background of Polish soils and the limit values for field soils with medium levels of nutrients.


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This paper was published in the highly respected, peer reviewed and ISI ranked journal - 'European Integration on-line paper series


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Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is a key enzyme involved in lipoprotein metabolism. It mediates the transesterification of free cholesterol to cholesteryl ester in an apoprotein A-I-dependent process. We have isolated purified LCAT from human plasma using anion-exchange chromatography and characterized the extracted LCAT in terms of its molecular weight, molar absorption coefficient, and enzymatic activity. The participation of LCAT in the oxidation of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) was examined by supplementing lipoproteins with exogenous LCAT over a range of protein concentrations. LCAT-depleted lipoproteins were also prepared and their oxidation kinetics examined. Our results provide evidence for a dual role for LCAT in lipoprotein oxidation, whereby it acts in a dose-responsive manner as a potent pro-oxidant during VLDL oxidation, but as an antioxidant during LDL oxidation. We believe this novel pro-oxidant effect may be attributable to the LCAT-mediated formation of oxidized cholesteryl ester in VLDL, whereas the antioxidant effect is similar to that of chain-breaking antioxidants. Thus, we have demonstrated that the high-density lipoprotein-associated enzyme LCAT may have a significant role to play in lipoprotein modification and hence atherogenesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.