11 resultados para Bothidae


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A new species of a philometrid nematode, Margolisianum bulbosum, is described from the subcutaneous tissue in the mouth (larvigerous females), head (males, ovigerous, and larvigerous females), and eye (preovigerous females) of the southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma, from Mississippi Sound. It is placed in a new genus diagnosed by the combination of 8 large, paired but separate cephalic papillae; no inner cephalic papillae; an esophagus with a separate, muscular anterior bulb; a prominent mononuclear esophageal gland; and variable, irregularly distributed cuticular bosses in the females, as well as a vestigial rectum, particularly in larvigerous females. Some female specimens exhibit rows of lateral grooves and longitudinal ridges near the posterior end. Males have two small slightly subequal spicules, a barbed gubernaculum, 4 pairs of small cephalic papillae, and a bipartite hypodermal extension within a membranous cuticle on the posterior end. Males, ovigerous females, and larvigerous females appear to be present year round in this sporadic infection in Mississippi.


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Ecomorphology is a science based on the idea that morphological differences among species could be associated with distinct biological and environmental pressures suffered by them. These differences can be studied employing morphological and biometric indexes denominated Ecomorphological attributes , representing standards that express characteristics of the individual in relation to its environment, and can be interpreted as indicators of life habits or adaptations suffered due its occupation of different habitats. This work aims to contribute for the knowledge of the ecomorphology of the Brazilian marine ichthyofauna, specifically from Galinhos, located at Rio Grande do Norte state. 10 different species of fish were studied, belonging the families Gerreidae (Eucinostomus argenteus), Haemulidae (Orthopristis ruber,Pomadasyscorvinaeformis,Haemulonaurolineatum,Haemulonplumieri,Haemulonsteindachneri), Lutjanidae (Lutjanus synagris), Paralichthyidae (Syaciummicrurum), Bothidae (Bothus ocellatus) and Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroidestestudineus), which were obtained during five collections, in the period time of September/2004 to April/2005, utilizing three special nets. The ecomorphological study was performed at the laboratory. Eight to ten samples of each fish specie were measured. Fifteen morphological aspects were considered to calculate twelve ecomorphological attributes. Multivariate statistical analysis methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis were done to identify ecmorphological patterns to describe the data set obtained. As results, H.aurolineatumwas the most abundant specie found (23,03%) and S.testudineusthe less one with 0,23%. The 1st Principal component showed variation of 60,03% with influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to body morphology, while the 2nd PC with 23,25% variation had influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to oral morphology. The Cluster Analiysis promoted the identification of three distinct groups Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes. Based on the obtained data, considering morphological characters differences among the species studied, we suggest that all of them live at the medium (E.argenteus,O.rubber, P.corvinaeformis,H.aurolineatum,H.plumieri,H.steindachneri,L.synagris) and bottom (S.micrurum,B.ocellatus,S.testudineus) region of column water.


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The karyotypes and cytogenetic characteristics of flatfishes species Paralichthys orbignyanus, Paralichthys patagonicus, Citarichthys spilopterus and Etropus crossotus (Paralichthyidae), Bothus ocellatus (Bothidae) and Symphurus tessellatus (Cynoglossidae) were investigated by conventional [Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag- and chromomycin (CMA(3))-stainings] and molecular [in situ hybridization (ISH)] cytogenetic techniques. The results showed 2n = 46 and FN = 48 (2msm + 46sta) in P. orbignyanus, 2n = 46 and FN = 46 (46sta) in P. patagonicus, 2n = 26 and FN = 44 (18msm + 8sta) in C. spilopterus, 2n = 38 and FN = 64 (26msm + 12sta) in E. crossotus, 2n = 32 and FN = 50 (18msm + 14sta) in B. ocellatus, and 2n = 46 and FN = 62 (46msm + 62sta) in S. tessellatus. All species exhibited weak C-band positive segments in terminal and centromeric positions of some chromosome pairs. Silver staining of the nucleolus organizer regions (Ag-NOR) technique showed a single Ag-NOR-bearing chromosome pair in all species except E. crossotus. All these sites were CMA(3) positive and showed clear ISH signals after probing with a 18S rRNA probe. Etropus crossotus presented until seven chromosomes with Ag-NORs and CMA(3) positively stained segments in five chromosome pairs. Conversely only one chromosome pair was identified with the ISH experiments in this species. The available results show that the fishes of the order Pleuronectiformes experienced a marked chromosome evolution that included reduction in diploid number, mainly due to Robertsonian rearrangements, and several chromosome inversions. (c) 2007 the Authors Journal compilation (c) 2007 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The phylogenetic relationships of the order Pleuronectiformes are controversial and at some crucial points remain unresolved. To date most phylogenetic studies on this order have been based on morpho-anatomical criteria, whereas only a few sequence comparisons based studies have been reported. In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships of 30 flatfish species pertaining to seven different families were examined by sequence analysis of the first half of the 16S mitochondrial DNA gene. The results obtained did not support percoids as the sister group of pleuronectiforms. The monophyletic origin of most families analyzed, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae, Achiridae, Pleuronectidae and Bothidae, was strongly supported, except for Paralichthyidae which was clearly subdivided into two groups, one of them associated with high confidence to Pleuronectidae. The analysis of the 16S rRNA gene also suggested the monophyly of Pleuronectiforms as the most probable hypothesis and consistently supported some major interfamily groupings.


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Uma vez que o conhecimento das fases iniciais o ciclo de vida dos peixes da região norte do Brasil é insuficiente, o presente trabalho buscou realizar um levantamento da fauna ictioplânctonica da região. Foram analisadas amostras provenientes de 44 estações costeiras e oceânicas realizadas na zona econômica exclusiva do Norte do Brasil (Costa do Amapá e Plataforma do Amazonas), durante a expedição REVIZEE Norte III (1999). O ictioplâncton foi coletado por meio de rede Nêuston, malhas 500 μm em arrastos superficiais. As larvas de peixes foram triadas e quantificadas. A temperatura superficial da água tanto para a costa do Amapá quanto para a Plataforma do rio Amazonas, não apresentou variação significativa, estando em torno de 27,9°C. Foram registradas baixas salinidades para a costa do Amapá entre 4 e 23 e grande variação na região oceânica com aumento gradativo em direção ao mar aberto (10 a 37) para a Plataforma do Amazonas. Das larvas coletadas, foram identificadas 17 famílias e 3 gêneros e um índice de riqueza de 2,52. Estas famílias foram classificadas em 4 grupos ecológicos distintos: Mesopelágico (Paralepididae, Myctophidae, Bregmacerotidae e Gonostomatidae), Epipelágico (Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Exocoetidae, Carangidae, Bramidae e Scombridae), Recifal (Gobiidae) e Demersal (Ophichthidae, Bothidae, Sciaenidae, Anguillidae, Serranidae e Congridae). As larvas de famílias pelágicas (epi e mesopelágico) foram predominantes na região sendo representadas principalmente por larvas de Myctophidae. As famílias classificadas como características para as duas áreas de estudo foram: Myctophidae, Clupeidae, Carangidae, Scombridae e Gobiidae. De uma maneira geral os valores de ictioplâncton foram mais elevados no Epinêuston, em comparação com o Hiponêuston, em toda a área estudada. Durante as amostragens, a quantidade de taxa identificada no nêuston, aumentou na direção da zona de quebra do talude mais próxima ao continente. Os resultados demonstraram ampla distribuição das famílias Gobiidae, Carangidae e Myctophidae para toda área, com densidades máximas de 509,21 larvas/100m³ e 872,93larvas/10m³ na Costa do Amapá e Plataforma do Amazonas respectivamente. Diferenças significantes entre as duas áreas analisadas foram observadas, tendo a Costa do Amapá apresentado maior riqueza de famílias nas estações.


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During Cruise 50 of R/V Vityaz ichthyoplankton in surface waters was collected by a neuston otter trawl for many days in four study areas of the Western Tropical Pacific. Obtained results describe quantitative distribution of ichthyoplankton and small fishes in surface waters. The near-surface layer of the ocean (about 30-40 cm thick) can be considered as a special biotope, its population forms an independent biocoenosis - hyponeuston. Species composition of this community (particularly, composition of fish components) in the tropical zone has been studied to some degree, but structure of the biocoenosis as well as biomass and quantitative relationships of species have not been investigated at all. In this paper the authors discuss the method of collecting surface samples that is quite suitable for quantitative calculations and also present the first results obtained using this method, which described quantitative distribution of ichthyoplankton and small fishes in surface waters.


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Ecomorphology is a science based on the idea that morphological differences among species could be associated with distinct biological and environmental pressures suffered by them. These differences can be studied employing morphological and biometric indexes denominated Ecomorphological attributes , representing standards that express characteristics of the individual in relation to its environment, and can be interpreted as indicators of life habits or adaptations suffered due its occupation of different habitats. This work aims to contribute for the knowledge of the ecomorphology of the Brazilian marine ichthyofauna, specifically from Galinhos, located at Rio Grande do Norte state. 10 different species of fish were studied, belonging the families Gerreidae (Eucinostomus argenteus), Haemulidae (Orthopristis ruber,Pomadasyscorvinaeformis,Haemulonaurolineatum,Haemulonplumieri,Haemulonsteindachneri), Lutjanidae (Lutjanus synagris), Paralichthyidae (Syaciummicrurum), Bothidae (Bothus ocellatus) and Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroidestestudineus), which were obtained during five collections, in the period time of September/2004 to April/2005, utilizing three special nets. The ecomorphological study was performed at the laboratory. Eight to ten samples of each fish specie were measured. Fifteen morphological aspects were considered to calculate twelve ecomorphological attributes. Multivariate statistical analysis methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis were done to identify ecmorphological patterns to describe the data set obtained. As results, H.aurolineatumwas the most abundant specie found (23,03%) and S.testudineusthe less one with 0,23%. The 1st Principal component showed variation of 60,03% with influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to body morphology, while the 2nd PC with 23,25% variation had influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to oral morphology. The Cluster Analiysis promoted the identification of three distinct groups Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes. Based on the obtained data, considering morphological characters differences among the species studied, we suggest that all of them live at the medium (E.argenteus,O.rubber, P.corvinaeformis,H.aurolineatum,H.plumieri,H.steindachneri,L.synagris) and bottom (S.micrurum,B.ocellatus,S.testudineus) region of column water.


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Ecomorphology is a science based on the idea that morphological differences among species could be associated with distinct biological and environmental pressures suffered by them. These differences can be studied employing morphological and biometric indexes denominated Ecomorphological attributes , representing standards that express characteristics of the individual in relation to its environment, and can be interpreted as indicators of life habits or adaptations suffered due its occupation of different habitats. This work aims to contribute for the knowledge of the ecomorphology of the Brazilian marine ichthyofauna, specifically from Galinhos, located at Rio Grande do Norte state. 10 different species of fish were studied, belonging the families Gerreidae (Eucinostomus argenteus), Haemulidae (Orthopristis ruber,Pomadasyscorvinaeformis,Haemulonaurolineatum,Haemulonplumieri,Haemulonsteindachneri), Lutjanidae (Lutjanus synagris), Paralichthyidae (Syaciummicrurum), Bothidae (Bothus ocellatus) and Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroidestestudineus), which were obtained during five collections, in the period time of September/2004 to April/2005, utilizing three special nets. The ecomorphological study was performed at the laboratory. Eight to ten samples of each fish specie were measured. Fifteen morphological aspects were considered to calculate twelve ecomorphological attributes. Multivariate statistical analysis methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis were done to identify ecmorphological patterns to describe the data set obtained. As results, H.aurolineatumwas the most abundant specie found (23,03%) and S.testudineusthe less one with 0,23%. The 1st Principal component showed variation of 60,03% with influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to body morphology, while the 2nd PC with 23,25% variation had influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to oral morphology. The Cluster Analiysis promoted the identification of three distinct groups Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes. Based on the obtained data, considering morphological characters differences among the species studied, we suggest that all of them live at the medium (E.argenteus,O.rubber, P.corvinaeformis,H.aurolineatum,H.plumieri,H.steindachneri,L.synagris) and bottom (S.micrurum,B.ocellatus,S.testudineus) region of column water.