903 resultados para Borra oleosa de petróleo. Resíduo sólido. Pirólise. Energia. Meioambiente


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The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery


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The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery


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Aiming to reduce and reuse waste oil from oily sludge generated in large volumes by the oil industry, types of nanostructured materials Al-MCM-41 and Al-SBA-15, with ratios of Si / Al = 50, were synthesized , and calcined solids used as catalysts in the degradation of oily sludge thermocatalytic oil from oilfield Canto do Amaro, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of nanostructured materials were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). The characterization showed that the synthesized materials resulted in a catalyst nanostructure, and ordered pore diameter and surface area according to existing literature. The oily sludge sample was characterized by determining the API gravity and sulfur content and SARA analysis (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes). The results showed a material equivalent to the average oil with API gravity of 26.1, a low sulfur content and considerable amount of resins and asphaltenes, presented above in the literature. The thermal and catalytic degradation of the oily sludge oil was performed from room temperature to 870 ° C in the ratios of heating of 5, 10 and 20 ° C min-1. The curves generated by TG / DTG showed a more accelerated degradation of oily sludge when it introduced the nanostructured materials. These results were confirmed by activation energy calculated by the method of Flynn-Wall, in the presence of catalysts reduced energy, in particular in the range of cracking, showing the process efficiency, mainly for extraction of lightweight materials of composition of oily sludge, such as diesel and gasoline


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Aiming to reduce and reuse waste oil from oily sludge generated in large volumes by the oil industry, types of nanostructured materials Al-MCM-41 and Al-SBA-15, with ratios of Si / Al = 50, were synthesized , and calcined solids used as catalysts in the degradation of oily sludge thermocatalytic oil from oilfield Canto do Amaro, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of nanostructured materials were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). The characterization showed that the synthesized materials resulted in a catalyst nanostructure, and ordered pore diameter and surface area according to existing literature. The oily sludge sample was characterized by determining the API gravity and sulfur content and SARA analysis (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes). The results showed a material equivalent to the average oil with API gravity of 26.1, a low sulfur content and considerable amount of resins and asphaltenes, presented above in the literature. The thermal and catalytic degradation of the oily sludge oil was performed from room temperature to 870 ° C in the ratios of heating of 5, 10 and 20 ° C min-1. The curves generated by TG / DTG showed a more accelerated degradation of oily sludge when it introduced the nanostructured materials. These results were confirmed by activation energy calculated by the method of Flynn-Wall, in the presence of catalysts reduced energy, in particular in the range of cracking, showing the process efficiency, mainly for extraction of lightweight materials of composition of oily sludge, such as diesel and gasoline


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the industrial production of soluble coffee, huge amounts of extracted coffee residues are generated; onaverage, for eachtonne of green coffee extracted, 480 kg of coffee ground waste is produced. This is a solid residue currently used to generate energy at the steam boilers from the soluble coffee industry. Some is also used or as fertilizer on agriculture fields. Seeking a better end use, the work reported here aimed to study the viability of hydrolyzing the coffee ground residue for the production of carbohydrates. Hydrolysis was undertaken with hydrochloric acid at different temperatures and pressures, using a water bath or autoclave.An enzymatic hydrolysis with Viscozyme Lwas developed using Whatman filter paper No1 and the optimal conditions were determined using a rotational central composite experimental design (DCCR).The best conditions to hydrolyze filter paper cellulose were 50 FBG (Fungal β-glucanase) of Viscozyme L at pH 4.0 for 1.0 h and 45 ºC. The ground coffee was hydrolyzed under the same conditions as described above for filter paper, however this enzymatic hydrolysis was not efficient. A combination of enzymatic hydrolysis as a pre-treatment for the ground coffee followed by acid hydrolysis using HCl conducted in an autoclave (120 C for 2.0 h) resulted in higher production of glucose as analyzed by HPLC. Another end use of the ground coffee evaluated was as source of substrate in the culture medium to grow Botryosphaeria rhodina MAMB-05 to produce the enzymes laccase and cellulase. Highest enzyme titres obtained were with 8% (w/v) coffee grounds to which was added a minimum salts medium(Vogel), under agitation conditions (180 rpm) at 28ºC. The phenolic compounds present in the coffee grounds appear to have induced laccase by Botryosphaeria rhodina.


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O presente trabalho relata o estudo realizado na área de lavagem de embalagens provenientes da coleta domiciliar de resíduos sólidos. Foram triadas três tipos de embalagens muito utilizados no dia-a-dia: garrafas PET, embalagens cartonadas (Tetra Pak) e embalagens diversas de PP (polipropileno). Após a triagem das embalagens, as mesmas foram cortadas de forma padronizada com uma guilhotina e submetidas à lavagem por 3 horas com cinco soluções diferentes: água da torneira, solução de detergente a 0,5 % e 1 % e solução de soda cáustica (NaOH) a 1 % e 2 %. Foram feitas coletas da água de lavagem ao início de cada experimento (0 h), antes da adição das embalagens e ao final da lavagem (3h). Foram coletadas, também, amostras aos 15 min, 45 min, 1h 30 min e 2h 30 min, para análise da Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO5). Em complemento, realizou-se a análise das variáveis físico-químicos potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), cor, turbidez, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), fósforo total, nitrogênio total de Kjeldahl, sólidos totais, sólidos totais fixos, sólidos totais voláteis, sólidos suspensos totais, sólidos suspensos fixos, sólidos suspensos voláteis, sólidos dissolvidos totais, sólidos dissolvidos fixos, sólidos dissolvidos voláteis, sólidos sedimentáveis, coliformes totais, coliformes fecais e demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5), além de uma avaliação visual do material lavado. Os resultados da caracterização do efluente de cada lavagem mostraram uma grande variabilidade nas variáveis, presença elevada de sólidos e efluente de mau aspecto. É proposto um tratamento para estes efluentes. Houve uma eficiência elevada nas lavagens, o que viabiliza a técnica, com vistas à reciclagem.


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A crescente preocupação com o meio ambiente, associada com o aumento da população e conseqüentemente da geração de resíduos, induz pesquisas no sentido de viabilizar o aproveitamento de resíduos como matéria-prima para a produção de materiais. O resíduo sólido gerado no processo de acabamento de peças de zamac é, devido às suas características iniciais, uma fonte potencialmente interessante de matéria-prima para a obtenção de produtos cerâmicos. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de obtenção de materiais cerâmicos utilizando o resíduo sólido gerado no acabamento de peças de zamac como matéria-prima. Para tanto, foi realizada a caracterização do resíduo através de análise química, mineralógica, morfológica, termogravimétrica, granulométrica, determinação do teor de umidade, perda ao fogo, área superficial, bem como a caracterização quanto aos riscos ao meio ambiente. Para comprovar o potencial de utilização do resíduo como matéria-prima para a produção de materiais cerâmicos foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova utilizando somente o resíduo. Estes corpos-de-prova foram caracterizados quanto as suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas Devido ao fato dos corpos-de-prova confeccionados somente com o resíduo apresentarem alta porosidade e conseqüentemente baixa resistência mecânica, foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova com diferentes formulações de vidro adicionado ao resíduo. O vidro utilizado foi caracterizado quanto a sua distribuição granulométrica e composição química. Estes corpos-de-prova foram caracterizados quanto as suas propriedades físicas, mecânicas, mineralógicas, microestruturais. Também foi avaliada a compatibilidade ambiental do processo de queima de corpos-de-prova, através da determinação das emissões gasosas geradas no processo. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o material cerâmico produzido pode ser utilizado como placas cerâmicas para revestimento.


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Biodiesel production has increased over the last decade because of the benefits associated with this fuel, including renewability, domestic feedstock, lower toxicity, and biodegradability. From 2008, the use of beef tallow as a feedstock for biodiesel production in Brazil has increased in significance, representing the second largest source of biodiesel, after soybeans. However, the performance of biodiesel in cold weather conditions is worse than diesel because of deposition of insoluble at low temperatures, accelerating the plugging of fuel filters and injectors of the vehicle engine. Studies have been conducted on beef tallow biodiesel, mostly related to the properties of thermal and oxidative stability. However, few studies have described the nature of the precipitate formed and its influence on product quality. Research suggests that the cause of deposition is related to the nature of saturated esters and monoacylglycerols as inducing agents. This study monitored the levels of mono-, diand triacylglycerols, the oxidation stability and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in beef tallow biodiesel samples from two commercial producers in Brazil for a period of twelve months. Filtered precipitates were analyzed by comparative techniques of GCFID, HPLC-UV/VIS, HPLC-MS-IT-TOF and TG to verify the nature, using monopalmitin and monostearin as reference standards. The formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoacylglycerols in the beef tallow biodiesel. GC-FID and LCMS- IT-TOF results confirmed the nature of the deposit as saturated monoacylglycerols, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin as the second major component. Moreover the TG analysis of the residue indicated similar thermal decomposition of the reference standards. The precipitate did not affect the oxidation stability of beef tallow biodiesel and the CFPP characteristic of blends up B60. However, the presence of iron reduced significantly the oxidation stability of biodiesel


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Biodiesel production has increased over the last decade because of the benefits associated with this fuel, including renewability, domestic feedstock, lower toxicity, and biodegradability. From 2008, the use of beef tallow as a feedstock for biodiesel production in Brazil has increased in significance, representing the second largest source of biodiesel, after soybeans. However, the performance of biodiesel in cold weather conditions is worse than diesel because of deposition of insoluble at low temperatures, accelerating the plugging of fuel filters and injectors of the vehicle engine. Studies have been conducted on beef tallow biodiesel, mostly related to the properties of thermal and oxidative stability. However, few studies have described the nature of the precipitate formed and its influence on product quality. Research suggests that the cause of deposition is related to the nature of saturated esters and monoacylglycerols as inducing agents. This study monitored the levels of mono-, diand triacylglycerols, the oxidation stability and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in beef tallow biodiesel samples from two commercial producers in Brazil for a period of twelve months. Filtered precipitates were analyzed by comparative techniques of GCFID, HPLC-UV/VIS, HPLC-MS-IT-TOF and TG to verify the nature, using monopalmitin and monostearin as reference standards. The formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoacylglycerols in the beef tallow biodiesel. GC-FID and LCMS- IT-TOF results confirmed the nature of the deposit as saturated monoacylglycerols, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin as the second major component. Moreover the TG analysis of the residue indicated similar thermal decomposition of the reference standards. The precipitate did not affect the oxidation stability of beef tallow biodiesel and the CFPP characteristic of blends up B60. However, the presence of iron reduced significantly the oxidation stability of biodiesel


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Cancer is one of the most hazardous effects to human health caused by the exposition to chemical agents. The search for new technological solutions in the industrial field led to a rapid increase in the productive sector, causing the workers to be exposed to millions of potentially toxic agents, substances potentially harmful to health. This study presents the mutagenic activity of sweepings from a sock and lingerie factory in Araraquara-Brazil, assayed with Salmonella typhimurium. All the extracts from the factory had mutagenic on activity the YG1024 strain, which is extremely sensitive to detect the mutagenic activity of the arilhydroxilamines, nitroarenes and aromatic amines. The extracts were non-mutagenics for the strains TA100 and TA98. The analysis of the mutagenicity of industrial residues is highly important because employees that participate in the production are directly exposed to those agents, as well as to the environment where the garbage is deposited.


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Este estudo analisa a incidência da política pública municipal de resíduo sólido sobre os catadores de materiais recicláveis no aterro sanitário do Aurá, no período de 2002 a 2008. A análise é pautada nas ações implementadas durante o governo do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) 1997-2004 e do Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB) 2005... Em termos metodológicos, trata-se de um estudo de caso baseado no exame das políticas públicas dirigidas a este segmento da população e suas formas organizativas. A situação dos catadores do aterro sanitário do Aurá, no município de Belém, constitui-se progressivamente como um problema complexo a ser enfrentado, sobretudo pelo poder público municipal por meio da implementação de políticas públicas. Assim, é objetivo deste trabalho analisar como a política pública de resíduo sólido implantada pela Prefeitura Municipal de Belém, através da Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento (SESAN), incidiu sobre a condição de vida (laboral e política) dos catadores do aterro sanitário do Aurá. Esta política, tem início com a implementação do Projeto de Biorremediação. Estruturado em dois eixos de atuação um físico e outro social. Este estudo se detém na análise deste último eixo, pois focalizou as ações para os catadores de materiais recicláveis, como representantes do mercado informal. A pesquisa revela as estratégias de sobrevivência, os níveis de empoderamento individual e coletivo dos catadores e a prática do aviamento mediando relações de trabalho e poder.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV