452 resultados para Boraginaceae
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Acentuación en Química de productos Naturales) UANL, 2010.
Myosotic cameroonensis Cheek & R Becker (Boraginacene) is described from Cameroon. Its conservation status and taxonomic affinities are assessed and an updated key to the Tropical African species of the genus is presented.
Many plants are used in traditional medicine as active agents against various effects induced by snakebite. The methanolic extract from Cordia verbenacea (Cv) significantly inhibited paw edema induced by Bothrops jararacussu snake venom and by its main basic phospholipase A(2) homologs, namely bothropstoxins I and II (BthTXs). The active component was isolated by chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 and by RP-HPLC on a C18 column and identified as rosmarinic acid (Cv-RA). Rosmarinic acid is an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid [2-O-cafeoil-3-(3,4-di-hydroxy-phenyl)-R-lactic acid]. This is the first report of RA in the species C. verbenacea ('baleeira', 'whaler') and of its anti-inflammatory and antimyotoxic properties against snake venoms and isolated toxins. RA inhibited the edema and myotoxic activity induced by the basic PLA(2)s BthTX-I and BthTX-II. It was, however, less efficient to inhibit the PLA(2) activity of BthTX-II and, still less, the PLA(2) and edema-inducing activities of the acidic isoform BthA-1-PLA(2), from the same venom, showing therefore a higher inhibitory activity upon basic PLA(2)s. RA also inhibited most of the myotoxic and partially the edema-inducing effects of both basic PLA(2)s, thus reinforcing the idea of dissociation between the catalytic and pharmacological domains. The pure compound potentiated the ability of the commercial equine polyvalent antivenom in neutralizing lethal and myotoxic effects of the crude venom and of isolated PLA(2)s in experimental models. CD data presented here suggest that, after binding, no significant conformation changes occur either in the Cv-RA or in the target PLA(2). A possible model for the interaction of rosmarinic acid with Lys49-PLA(2) BthTX-I is proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tournefortia possui cerca de 150 espécies distribuídas nas regiões quentes do mundo, principalmente nos Neotrópicos. Está sendo fornecido o tratamento necessário para identificação das espécies de Tournefortia para o Brasil, exceto região Amazônica, incluindo chaves taxonômicas e descrições. Foram encontradas as duas secções: Tournefortia e Cyphocyema, abrangendo 15 espécies e uma variedade. São apresentados comentários sobre a morfologia dos caracteres utilizados na identificação e distribuição geográfica.
During the study of Heliotropium L. genus in the project Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado de São Paulo, it was verified that Heliotropium fruticosum L. presents a new geographical occurrence in Southeast of Brazil. Description, illustration and comments about relationships, distribution and phenology, as well as a summary of examined material are included in this paper.
This study aimed to define the best substrate and temperature for the emergence of Phacelia sp. seedling, annual ornamental flower gardens. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme 37 (three different types of substrates: vermiculite, sand and sphagnum combined with seven temperature conditions: room temperature, constant at 20, 25, 30 and 35C, and alternated at 20-30C and 25-35C) with 4 replications of 100 seeds each. Emergence (%E) and Emergence Rate (ER) were evaluated. The means of the resulting values were then compared by the Tukey test at 5% confidence level. There was a significant interaction amongst substrates and temperatures for all analyzed variables. For seeds sown in vermiculite and sand, the seedlings had higher %E and emerged fastest at 20C, room temperature and 20-30C that did not present statistically significant data. In sphagnum, seedlings showed greater %E in the alternated at 20-30C, room temperature and 20C and emerged quickly at room temperature and 20C that did not present statistically significant data. At room temperature and 20C, the seedlings had higher %E and emerged faster in vermiculite and sand that did not present statistically significant data. At 25, 30 and 25-35C, the seedlings showed better %E and emerged fastest in sand. At 35C, the seedlings showed either in vermiculite and sand were not significantly different in their emergence, but emerged faster in sand. There was not significantly different among substrates in their emergence at 20-30C, but the seedlings emerged faster in vermiculite and sand. It was concluded that the Phacelia sp. seedlings in all substrates showed greater %E at room temperature, 20C and 20-30C. For all temperatures, the seedlings growth parameters were superior when seeds were sown in sand.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Heliotropium indicum L. (Boraginaceae) é um subarbusto que atinge até 70 cm de altura, é amplamente distribuído geograficamente. A espécie é conhecida como fedegoso na região norte e nordeste. Diante do potencial biológico desta espécie este trabalho objetiva determinar parâmetros de qualidade da droga vegetal até o produto final e avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de suas folhas, com finalidade de se obter uma formulação fitoterápica semi-sólida. Para isso utilizou-se parâmetros de controle de qualidade físico, químico e físico-químico descritos na Farmacopéia Brasileira e literatura pertinente. A droga vegetal foi classificada como pó grosso, apresentou valores médios de perda por dessecação e cinzas totais de 12,88% e 17,14%, respectivamente. A análise termogravimétrica do pó e do extrato liofilizado mostrou que ambos apresentaram boa estabilidade térmica até 180°C. Os espectros na região do IV mostraram um aumento na intensidade das bandas de absorção do extrato liofilizado, que pode está relacionado à extração dos constituintes químicos da matriz celular. A prospecção química do extrato confirmou a presença de classes de metabólitos secundários já relatados em literatura. A fração clorofórmica sugere a presença de alcalóides pelo teste de precipitação com reagente de Dragendorff. A CCD e a CLAE mostraram uma possível presença de uma mesma substância nas frações alcaloídicas e hexânicas. O extrato bruto de H. indicum L. inibiu o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus apresentando halos de 12,5 mm±0,707 e 10,5 mm±0,707 para as concentrações de 500 mg/mL e 250 mg/mL, respectivamente. As misturas físicas do extrato com os adjuvantes farmacêuticos, utilizados no desenvolvimento da formulação fitoterápica, não apresentaram incompatibilidade física e não houve modificações significativas no perfil de absorção entre os compostos analisados. A formulação fitoterápica semi-sólida manteve-se estável após sua preparação, após a submissão do gel a força centrípeta e após ação do estresse térmico.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Numerous island-inhabiting species of predominantly herbaceous angiosperm genera are woody shrubs or trees. Such "insular woodiness" is strongly manifested in the genus Echium, in which the continental species of circummediterranean distribution are herbaceous, whereas endemic species of islands along the Atlantic coast of north Africa are woody perennial shrubs. The history of 37 Echium species was traced with 70 kb of noncoding DNA determined from both chloroplast and nuclear genomes. In all, 239 polymorphic positions with 137 informative sites, in addition to 27 informative indels, were found. Island-dwelling Echium species are shown to descend from herbaceous continental ancestors via a single island colonization event that occurred < 20 million years ago. Founding colonization appears to have taken place on the Canary Islands, from which the Madeira and Cape Verde archipelagos were invaded. Colonization of island habitats correlates with a recent origin of perennial woodiness from herbaceous habit and was furthermore accompanied by intense speciation, which brought forth remarkable diversity of forms among contemporary island endemics. We argue that the origin of insular woodiness involved response to counter-selection of inbreeding depression in founding island colonies.
El presente estudio fue realizado en El Jardín Botánico y Vivero Santa Elena, ubicado en el departamento de Managua en el Kilómetro 14 carretera norte Managua-Tipitapa. Surgió como producto de la coordinación entre La Facultad de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente (FARENA) de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA)y la se cretaría del centro de propagación de plantas Jardín Botánico y Vivero Santa Elena. El objetivo principal del mismo es la caracterización de las técnicas reproductivas a nivel de vivero que se utilizan para especies arbóreas. La metodología consistió en: (1) aplicación de entrevista dirigida a informantes claves preseleccionados (directora, coordinador del vivero y responsable del área forestal); (2) implementación de la técnica de observación de campo; (3)levantamiento de datos mediante formato pre definido; y (4) cotejo de la información con otras fuentes bibliográficas. Se identificó un total de 31 especies forestales distribuidas en 16 familias botánicas y 27 géneros. Entre las familias más representativas se encuentran: Caesalpiniaceae, Bignoniaceae y Mimosaceae con 4 especies cada una y menor a 3 especies resultó Meliaceae, Fabaceae, Combretaceae, Bombacaceae, Malvaceae y Boraginaceae. La técnica que más seutiliza es la sexual con un 96.77% y en menor proporción se implementa la técnica asexual con 3.23%; 51.61% de las especies son exóticas y el 48.39% son nativas; se utiliza como sustrato abono orgánico que incluye cascarilla de arroz, aserrín y tierra común; y el tratamiento pre germinativo más común se basas en la escarificación mecánica e inmersión en agua, que varía según la especie.
本文借助扫描电镜和光学显微镜系统地观察和研究了中国紫草科42属129种植物的花粉形态,并对其中39属45种植物花粉壁做了起薄切片,并用透射电镜研究其外壁内部的超微结构。 并根据花粉形态特征,做了聚类分析。 紫草科花粉是一个多类型的类群。大多数属种为等极花粉,少数为异极,稀为亚等极。形状以茧形花粉占优势,其次是长球形或近长球形,还有少数为球形或近球形、椭球形、卵球形,个别种为哑铃形。花粉大小变异也很大,从最小的6.09×3.4num到最大的69.16um。萌发孔结构复杂,类型繁多,在本文观察的129种植物中就有二十三种萌发孔类型,它们不仅在萌发孔数量上面且在其形状和结构上也有差别,其中以三孔沟、 三孔沟和三假沟为本科的主要类型。外壁主要为光滑和具或多或少的孔穴,少数种还具有刺状、网状、瘤状或短棒等纹饰。外壁在透射电镜下分层性明显,为完全覆盖层,偶具穿孔,柱状层大多数分化较好,小柱直立, 少数柱状层分化不明显,成团块状或结构模糊,柱状层厚度不等,有的稍厚,但有的很薄,基层一般都存在,个别种不明显,但有的的种又特别厚,外壁内层一般在萌发孔区加厚,少数加厚不明显或稍加厚。内壁明显或否。根据花粉形态特征,编了属的检索表。 根据花粉形态的演化规律,本文讨论了紫草科花粉的萌发孔、形状、大小、外壁纹饰及壁的结构等的演化趋势。 在研究花粉形态特征的基础上, 对紫草科的系统分类进行了探讨;对其中归属争议比较大的某些类群, 从花粉形态上提出了自己的观点。 最后讨论了花粉的形态与其适应性的关系。 从其花粉形态特征和高度的适应性上,显示出紫草科是一个适应昆虫传粉, 并且比较进化的类群。