6 resultados para Boomtown
This creative work was commissioned by the Queensland Music Festival (artistic director: James Morrison) as the signature regional event for the 2013 festival. With book by David Burton and music by Scott Saunders, this original music theatre piece was creatively developed and directed by Sean Mee under the overall control of creative Producer, Marguerite Pepper. The production was created using the stories of Gladstone and performed by over 300 local artists, school children and industry partners on the foreshore of the Gladstone Marina on a purpose built stage, designed by Josh McIntosh. The production played over 4 nights (18-21 July 2013) to an estimated audience of just under 20,000.
On the 18th of July 2013, three hundred local members of Gladstone, Queensland erupted into song and dance performing the fraught history of their community harbourside through tug boat ballets, taiko drumming, German bell ringing and BMX bike riding. Over 17,500 people attended the four performances of Boomtown, a Queensland Music Festival event. This was the largest regional, outdoor community-engaged musical performance staged in Australia. The narrative moved beyond the dominant, pejorative view of Gladstone as an industrial town to include the community members’ sense of purpose and aspirations. It was a celebratory, contentious and ambitious project that sought to disrupt the traditional conventions of performance-making through working in artistically democratic ways. This article explores the potential for Australian Community Engaged Arts (CEA) projects such as Boomtown to democratically engage community members and co-create culturally meaningful work within a community. Research into CEA projects rarely consider how the often delicate conversations between practitioners and the community work. The complex processes of finding and co-writing the narrative, casting, and rehearsing Boomtown are discussed with reference to artistic director/dramaturge Sean Mee’s innovative approaches. Boomtown began with and concluded with community conversations. Skilful negotiation ensured congruence between the townspeople’s stories and the “community story” presented on stage, abrogating potential problems of narrative ownership. To supplement the research, twenty-one personal interviews were undertaken with Gladstone community members invested in the production before, during and after the project: performers, audience members and local professionals. The stories shared and emphasised in the theatricalised story were based on propitious, meaningful, local stories from lived experiences rather than preconceived, trivial or tokenistic matters, and were underpinned by a consensus formed on what was in the best interests of the majority of community members. Boomtown exposed hidden issues in the community and gave voice to thoughts, feelings and concerns which triggered not just engagement, but honest conversation within the community.
Upplevelseindustrin växer och får allt större ekonomisk betydelse. I den här rapporten riktas intresset mot projektet BoomTown som är en regional näringslivspolitisk satsning med syfte att skapa ett kluster inom populärmusikbranschen. Det existerar emellertid olika uppfattningar mellan de som hävdar att det är möjligt att med näringslivspolitiska insatser bygga upp ett branschkluster och de som hävdar att ett sådant växer fram organiskt omöjligt att implementera genom planerade insatser. De som menar att det är möjligt att implementera ett branschkluster företräds främst av aktörer som på olika nivåer i politiska och administrativa organ arbetar med näringslivspolitiska insatser. De som hyser tvivel är framför allt forskare inom detta område. De anför att ett kluster i stället är resultatet av historiska händelser och oförutsedda faktorer, där slumpässiga händelser spelar en viktig roll. Syftet är från dessa utgångspunkter att beskriva och diskutera möjligheten att på en näringslivspolitisk grund skapa ett regionalt populärmusikkluster. Rapporten bygger på ett följeforskningsuppdrag, genomfört som en kvalitativ fallstudie. Resultatet visar att BoomTown har lagt en grund till något som skulle kunna utvecklas till ett regionalt musikkluster inom populärmusik. Strategin har varit att dels skapa en organisation som här benämns som ”BoomTown-familjen”. Regionala näringslivspolitiska insatser spelar i det här sammanhanget en viktig roll eftersom det i många fall inte finns någon annan än offentliga organ som är villiga att gå in och finansiera långsiktiga utvecklingsprojekt med ett osäkert utfall. Näringslivspolitik är emellertid inte heller en oproblematisk aktivitet och den innehåller per se en rad möjliga komplikationer, till exempel i form av komplexa och delvis motsägelsefulla regelsystem som skapar svårforcerade hinder. Försöken att bygga ett regionalt populärmusikkluster har nu pågått under de tre projekt som tillsammans utgör varumärket BoomTown under snart 10 års tid, men trots detta återstår fortfarande flera nödvändiga insatser. Arbetet går dock vidare och det är fortfarande ett oskrivet blad vad slutresultatet kommer att bli.
Using survey and interview data gathered from educators and educational administrators, we investigate school and community impacts of unconventional gas extraction within Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale region. Respondents in areas with high levels of drilling are significantly more likely to perceive the effects of local economic gains, but also report increased inequality, heightened vulnerability of disadvantaged community members, and pronounced strains on local infrastructure. As community stakeholders in positions of local leadership, school leaders in areas experiencing Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction often face multiple decision-making dilemmas. These dilemmas occur in the context of incomplete information and rapid, unpredictable community change involving the emergence of both new opportunities and new insecurities.
A creative practice as research, UNDER THIS SKY is the latest investigation in a 12-year study into the “QMF Model”, an application of principles of community and cultural practice that generates large-scale, music spectacle events that derive their narrative and expression from the communities in which they are performed. UNDER THIS SKY is a large-scale musical specially commissioned for the city of Logan (Queensland) as the signature work of the 2015 Queensland Musical Festival. The investigation centres around the capacity of the “QMF Model” to engage with performers and musicians of Logan and then, through community consultation, create a narrative based on idiosyncratic stories and themes that would culminate in a performance event in August 2015. Previous creative projects, Boomtown (Gladstone), Behind the Cane (Bowen) and The Road We’re On (Charleville), were conducted in relatively small communities, Gladstone being the largest. In UNDER THIS SKY, the model is being tested in a large metropolitan city (Logan – 300,000). The core principles of CACD (community arts and cultural development) are being interrogated and adapted to fit this large-scale, whole of community environment. The purpose is to refine and further validate the “QMF Model” as a viable and effective process for community/artistic partnerships. Since February 2014, professional artists and managers have facilitated and shaped the work, up-skilling performers over a periods of 12 months, developing new relationships and creating opportunities for participation at all levels of experience. The research methodology involved creative practice through a continuous cycle of action, reflection, adaptation and application.