820 resultados para Bone-conduction


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The round window placement of a floating mass transducer (FMT) is a new approach for coupling an implantable hearing system to the cochlea. We evaluated the vibration transfer to the cochlear fluids of an FMT placed at the round window (rwFMT) with special attention to the role of bone conduction. A posterior tympanotomy was performed on eleven ears of seven human whole head specimens. Several rwFMT setups were examined using laser Doppler vibrometry measurements at the stapes and the promontory. In three ears, the vibrations of a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) and an FMT fixed to the promontory (pFMT) were compared to explore the role of bone conduction. Vibration transmission to the measuring point at the stapes was best when the rwFMT was perpendicularly placed in the round window and underlayed with connective tissue. Fixation of the rwFMT to the round window exhibited significantly lower vibration transmission. Although measurable, bone conduction from the pFMT was much lower than that of the BAHA. Our results suggest that the rwFMT does not act as a small bone anchored hearing aid, but instead, acts as a direct vibratory stimulator of the round window membrane.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in bone conduction thresholds before, during and after total stapedectomy.


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INTRODUCTION Sound can reach the inner ear via at least two different pathways: air conduction and bone conduction (BC). BC hearing is used clinically for diagnostic purposes and for BC hearing aids. Research on the motion of the human middle ear in response to BC stimulation is typically conducted using cadaver models. We evaluated middle ear motion of Thiel-embalmed whole-head specimens in terms of linearity, reproducibility, and consistency with the reported middle ear motion of living subjects, fresh cadaveric temporal bones, and whole-heads embalmed with a Non-Thiel solution of salts. METHODS We used laser Doppler vibrometry to measure the displacement of the skull, the umbo, the cochlear promontory, the stapes, and the round window in seven ears from four human whole-head specimens embalmed according to Thiel's method. The ears were stimulated with a Baha(®) implanted behind the auricle. RESULTS The Thiel model shows promontory velocity similar to that reported in the literature for whole-heads embalmed with a Non-Thiel solution of salts (0- to 7-dB difference). The Thiel heads' relative velocity of the stapes with respect to the promontory was similar to that of fresh cadaver temporal bones (0- to 4-dB difference). The velocity of the umbo was comparable in Thiel-embalmed heads and living subjects (0- to 10-dB difference). The skull and all middle ear elements measured responded linearly to different stimulation levels, with an average difference less than 1 dB. The variability of repeated measurements for both short- (2 h; 4 dB) and long-term (4-16 weeks; 6 dB) repetitions in the same ear, and the difference between the two ears of the same donor (approximately 10 dB) were lower than the inter-individual difference (up to 25 dB). CONCLUSION Thiel-embalmed human whole-head specimens can be used as an alternative model for the study of human middle ear mechanics secondary to BC stimulation. At some frequencies, differences from living subjects must be considered.


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OBJECTIVES To establish whether complex signal processing is beneficial for users of bone anchored hearing aids. METHODS Review and analysis of two studies from our own group, each comparing a speech processor with basic digital signal processing (either Baha Divino or Baha Intenso) and a processor with complex digital signal processing (either Baha BP100 or Baha BP110 power). The main differences between basic and complex signal processing are the number of audiologist accessible frequency channels and the availability and complexity of the directional multi-microphone noise reduction and loudness compression systems. RESULTS Both studies show a small, statistically non-significant improvement of speech understanding in quiet with the complex digital signal processing. The average improvement for speech in noise is +0.9 dB, if speech and noise are emitted both from the front of the listener. If noise is emitted from the rear and speech from the front of the listener, the advantage of the devices with complex digital signal processing as opposed to those with basic signal processing increases, on average, to +3.2 dB (range +2.3 … +5.1 dB, p ≤ 0.0032). DISCUSSION Complex digital signal processing does indeed improve speech understanding, especially in noise coming from the rear. This finding has been supported by another study, which has been published recently by a different research group. CONCLUSIONS When compared to basic digital signal processing, complex digital signal processing can increase speech understanding of users of bone anchored hearing aids. The benefit is most significant for speech understanding in noise.


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CONCLUSION Bone conduction implants are useful in patients with conductive and mixed hearing loss for whom conventional surgery or hearing aids are no longer an option. They may also be used in patients affected by single-sided deafness. OBJECTIVES To establish a consensus on the quality standards required for centers willing to create a bone conduction implant program. METHOD To ensure a consistently high level of service and to provide patients with the best possible solution the members of the HEARRING network have established a set of quality standards for bone conduction implants. These standards constitute a realistic minimum attainable by all implant clinics and should be employed alongside current best practice guidelines. RESULTS Fifteen items are thoroughly analyzed. They include team structure, accommodation and clinical facilities, selection criteria, evaluation process, complete preoperative and surgical information, postoperative fitting and assessment, follow-up, device failure, clinical management, transfer of care and patient complaints.


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Thiel-embalmed human whole-head specimens offer a promising alternative model for bone conduction (BC) studies of middle ear structures. In this work we present the Thiel model’s linearity and stability over time as well as its possible use in the study of a fixed ossicle chain. Using laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV), the motion of the retroauricular skull, the promontory, the stapes footplate and the round window (RW) were measured. A bone-anchored hearing aid stimulated the ears with step sinus tones logarithmically spread between 0.1 and 10 kHz. Linearity of the model was verified using input levels in steps of 10 dBV. The stability of the Thiel model over time was examined with measurements repeated after hours and weeks. The influence of a cement-fixed stapes was assessed. The middle ear elements measured responded linearly in amplitude for the applied input levels (100, 32.6, and 10 mV). The variability of measurements for both short- (2 h) and long-term (4-16 weeks) repetitions in the same ear was lower than the interindividual difference. The fixation of the stapes induced a lowered RW displacement for frequencies near 750 Hz (-4 dB) and an increased displacement for frequencies above 1 kHz (max. +3.7 dB at 4 kHz). LDV assessment of BC-induced middle ear motion in Thiel heads can be performed with stable results. The vibratory RW response is affected by the fixation of the stapes, indicating a measurable effect of ossicle chain inertia on BC response in Thiel embalmed heads.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair process in the reconstruction of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus of monkeys with bovine bone matrix. Four adult Cebus apella monkeys underwent an ostectomy of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus. The frontal sinus mucosa and the nasofrontal duct were not manipulated. Reconstruction occurred with implants of bovine bone matrix laminae measuring 2.0 x 2.5 cm and 0.4 mm thick, stabilized under pressure in the lateral wall of the frontal sinus. The monkeys were sacrificed over a period of 150 days and routine laboratory procedures were followed for hematoxylin-eosin staining and histologic evaluation of the specimens. Neoformed bone tissue was observed in contact with the frontal sinus mucosa and the bovine bone matrix. The frontal sinus mucosa remained whole without fibrous tissue or cystic formations. There was no occurrence of cellularization as well as revascularization of the bovine bone matrix, though it has permitted bone conduction on this surface. It was possible to conclude that the demineralized bovine bone matrix was biotolerable, being incorporated into the bone without the presence of inflammatory cells with characteristics of inertness and antigenicity and behaved as an osteoconductive material.


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This review covers the surgery for the bone-anchored hearing aid (Baha(®)). PREOPERATIVE WORKUP: A review of the indications and preoperative diagnostics shows that best results are generally obtained in patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss rehabilitation when surgery is not applicable or has failed and in patients that suffer from single-sided deafness. An audiogram must confirm that the bone conduction hearing is within the inclusion criteria. A computed tomography scan is performed in cases of malformation to assure sufficient bone thickness at the site of screw implantation.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate correlations between preoperative hearing thresholds and postoperative aided thresholds and speech understanding of users of Bone-anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA). Such correlations may be useful to estimate the postoperative outcome with BAHA from preoperative data. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS:: Ninety-two adult unilaterally implanted BAHA users in 3 groups: (A) 24 subjects with a unilateral conductive hearing loss, (B) 38 subjects with a bilateral conductive hearing loss, and (C) 30 subjects with single-sided deafness. INTERVENTIONS: Preoperative air-conduction and bone-conduction thresholds and 3-month postoperative aided and unaided sound-field thresholds as well as speech understanding using German 2-digit numbers and monosyllabic words were measured and analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Correlation between preoperative air-conduction and bone-conduction thresholds of the better and of the poorer ear and postoperative aided thresholds as well as correlations between gain in sound-field threshold and gain in speech understanding. RESULTS: Aided postoperative sound-field thresholds correlate best with BC threshold of the better ear (correlation coefficients, r2 = 0.237 to 0.419, p = 0.0006 to 0.0064, depending on the group of subjects). Improvements in sound-field threshold correspond to improvements in speech understanding. CONCLUSION: When estimating expected postoperative aided sound-field thresholds of BAHA users from preoperative hearing thresholds, the BC threshold of the better ear should be used. For the patient groups considered, speech understanding in quiet can be estimated from the improvement in sound-field thresholds.


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Bonebridge™ (BB) implantation relies on optimal anchoring of the bone-conduction implant in the temporal bone. Preoperative position planning has to account for the available bone thickness minimizing unwanted interference with underlying anatomical structures. This study describes the first clinical experience with a planning method based on topographic bone thickness maps (TBTM) for presigmoid BB implantations. The temporal bone was segmented enabling three-dimensional surface generation. Distances between the external and internal surface were color encoded and mapped to a TBTM. Suitable implant positions were planned with reference to the TBTM. Surgery was performed according to the standard procedure (n = 7). Computation of the TBTM and consecutive implant position planning took 70 min on average for a trained technician. Surgical time for implantations under passive TBTM image guidance was 60 min, on average. The sigmoid sinus (n = 5) and dura mater (n = 1) were exposed, as predicted with the TBTM. Feasibility of the TBTM method was shown for standard presigmoid BB implantations. The projection of three-dimensional bone thickness information into a single topographic map provides the surgeon with an intuitive display of the anatomical situation prior to implantation. Nevertheless, TBTM generation time has to be significantly reduced to simplify integration in clinical routine.


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Bone mineral density (BMD) may be associated with hearing loss in older adults. Demineralization of the cochlear capsule has been associated with hearing loss in those with Paget's disease of the bone and otosclerosis. Osteoporosis may also result in cochlear capsule demineralization. We hypothesized that lower hip BMD and lower heel ultrasound measurements would be associated with hearing loss in a population-based sample of 2,089 older black and white men and women. Bone parameters and hearing function were measured at the fourth clinical follow-up visit. Audiometric threshold testing was used to measure air- and bone-conduction hearing sensitivity. BMD of the hip and its subregions was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Calcaneal bone measurements [broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), speed of sound (SOS) and the quantitative ultrasound index (QUI)] were obtained using heel ultrasound. After adjusting for known hearing loss risk factors, no association was found between hearing and any of the bone measurements in whites and black women. In black men, however, lower hip BMD was associated with higher odds of hearing loss; for each standard deviation decrease in total hip BMD, the odds of hearing loss were 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.08, 1.83), 1.39 (95% CI 1.07, 1.82) for femoral neck BMD and 1.65 (95% CI 1.26, 2.16) for trochanter BMD. Conductive hearing loss was associated with lower heel ultrasound measurements, though only among white men. The results of this study are mixed and inconclusive. Lower BMD of the hip and its subregions was associated with hearing loss among black men, but not among whites or black women. Lower measurements on heel ultrasound were associated with conductive hearing loss, though only among white men. These results suggest that axial and appendicular bone parameters may be modestly associated with hearing loss in older men, but not in women.


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Radiotherapy has been widely used given its increase in the successful outcomes and cure of some cancers. Aim: To evaluate the functionality of the auditory system in patients who underwent radiotherapy treatment for head and neck tumors. Materials and Methods: From May 2007 to May 2008, otorhinolaryngological and audiological evaluation (Pure Tone Audiometry (air and bone conduction), Speech Audiometry, Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex testing and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions) were performed in 19 patients diagnosed with head and neck neoplasia and treated with radiotherapy. Prospective case series study. Results: 10.5% left ears and 26.3% right ears had bilateral hearing loss soon after radiotherapy according to ASHA criteria. Conclusions: Radiotherapy treatment for head and neck cancer has ototoxic effects. Early programs of auditory rehabilitation should be offered to these patients.


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The objective of this study is to assess the results of labyrinthine fenestration for fixed stapes in chronic ear disease. Using a prospective database, pre- and postoperative audiometric data from patients undergoing labyrinthine fenestration for fixation of the stapes in chronic ear disease others than otosclerosis between 2002 and 2012 were evaluated. Twenty-three labyrinthine fenestrations in chronic ear disease were performed (17 malleo-stapedotomies, 4 incus-stapedotomies, 1 neo-malleus-stapedotomy, 1 TORP-stapedotomy). Overall, the mean short-term (2 months) and long-term (42 months) postoperative air-bone gap (0.5-3 kHz) were 17.5 and 16.5 dB, respectively; long-term air-bone gap of <20 dB was obtained in 73 % of patients. There was no significant difference in air-bone gap closure between tympanosclerotic and post inflammatory osteogenic fixation of the stapes (p = 0.267). Hearing benefit success using the 'Belfast rule of the thumb' was achieved in 48 %. Normal bilateral hearing was achieved in 17 % and bilateral symmetric hearing impairment in 26 %. Only in 4 %, bone conduction worsened by more than 5 dB. Labyrinthine fenestration is an option in selected cases of stapes fixation in chronic ear disease and provides hearing gain without significant risk for sensorineural hearing loss. In those already selected cases, hearing benefit success 'Belfast rule of the thumb' is achieved only in half of the cases. This and the possible alternatives, should therefore be discussed preoperatively.


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A deficiência auditiva é um dos achados clínicos mais comuns em sujeitos com malformações de orelha. O tratamento consiste em realizar a cirurgia e/ou adaptar o aparelho de amplificação sonora por via óssea (AASI VO). A intervenção precoce é fundamental para favorecer a estimulação auditiva e desenvolvimento da fala e linguagem. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil audiológico de sujeitos com malformação congênita de orelha externa e/ou média e avaliar o benefício e a satisfação destes com o uso de AASI VO. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, sujeitos com malformações congênitas bilaterais de orelha externa e/ou média, deficiência auditiva condutiva ou mista, moderada ou grave e usuários de AASI VO. Avaliação do benefício utilizando teste de reconhecimento de sentenças com ruído competitivo e medidas de ganho funcional e avaliação da satisfação utilizando questionário internacional QI - AASI. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 13 sujeitos, sendo 61% do sexo masculino e 80% com deficiência auditiva condutiva moderada ou grave. Houve melhor desempenho na avaliação proposta na condição com AASI, quando comparada à condição sem AASI. CONCLUSÃO: Os AASI VO retroauriculares apresentaram vantagens para a população estudada e devem ser considerados como uma opção para intervenção. A satisfação foi confirmada pelos escores elevados obtidos no QI - AASI.


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Abstract Objective To evaluate the functionality of the auditory system in patients who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment with cisplatin to treat head and neck tumors. Study Design Case series with planned data collection. Setting From May 2007 to May 2008 by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and the Department of Oncology/Radiotherapy at Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. Subjects and Methods Audiological evaluation (Pure Tone Audiometry (air and bone conduction), Speech Audiometry, Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex testing and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions) was performed in 17 patients diagnosed with head and neck neoplasia and treated with chemotherapy, using cisplatin, and radiotherapy. Results 12 left ears (70.5%) and 11 right ears (64.7%) presented bilateral decreased hearing soon after the treatment for the frequency 1 kHz (mild auditory damage) and for the frequency 8 kHz (more significant auditory damage). Conclusion Patients with head and neck cancer submitted to the conventional radiotherapy treatment, combined with the chemotherapy with cisplatin, presented a high incidence of decreased hearing by the end of treatment. Strong evidence was observed linking auditory alteration to the amount of radiotherapy treatment.