807 resultados para Bone scintigraphy
Mutilation of extremities was very frequent in patients affected by leprosy in the past; although it is now much less common, it is still seen, mainly in patients with long-term disease. In general, mutilation of the nose and ears is caused by the bacillus and mutilation of the hands and feet a consequence of chronic trauma. Leprosy must be chronically treated and any decision to interrupt therapy is based on laboratory tests and biopsy. Scintigraphy is a non-invasive procedure which could be of great value in to determining disease activity. We studied eight patients (five males and three females, aged 64-73 years) who presented with mutilation of the nose (2), ear (1), feet (3) or foot and hand (2), Conventional three-phase bone scintigraphy (750 MBq) and X-ray examinations of the affected areas were performed in all patients. Bone scintigraphy was abnormal in four patients (the presence of bacilli was confirmed by biopsy in two of them), and normal in the other four. In all patients except for the one with ear mutilation, radiography only showed the absence of bone. We conclude that bone scintigraphy is very useful to determine disease activity in cases of mutilation caused by leprosy. It seems to be superior to conventional radiography and may enable bone biopsies to be avoided.
Purpose: Testicular tumors do not occur frequently. Primary treatment is surgical, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy can play important roles in cases of metastatic disease. Bone scintigraphy is used largely for early detection of skeletal metastases from several tumors, and conventional radiographic studies are less sensitive than the nuclear technique for such a purpose. The aim of this study was to identify the role of bone scintigraphy in cases of testicular tumors, regardless of the grade. Materials and Methods: The authors examined 28 patients (8 to 52 years old) with proved testicular tumors using Tc-99m MDP (750 MBq; 20 mCi) injected intravenously. Whole-body images were obtained 2 hours later, at 500,000 counts per image. Radiographic studies were obtained to investigate abnormal areas noted on scintigraphy. Results: The results of bone scintigraphy were abnormal in seven cases, consisting of variable but diffuse uptake in the iliac bone on the same side as the affected testicle. MDP uptake was substantial in five of these patients (four seminomas, one nonseminoma; only two radiographic studies were abnormal), and the two other patients had moderate uptake of the radiopharmaceutical (two seminomas; radiographic studies were normal). Metastases were confirmed by biopsy in three cases. Discussion: Early metastases from seminomas can occur through the lymphatic drainage toward the iliac lymph node chain. This could explain these findings. The scintigraphic aspects of the affected iliac bones seem characteristic. Conclusions: Early detection of metastases is very important to ensure the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Bone scintigraphy may play an important role in such cases and seems to be more sensitive than conventional radiography. Testicular tumor metastases should be considered when iliac involvement is observed. Paget's disease should be included in a differential diagnosis.
Bone scintigraphy is the standard procedure for the detection of bone metastases in breast cancer patients. FDG-PET/CT has been reported to be a sensitive tool for tumor staging in different malignant diseases. However, its accuracy for the detection of bone metastases has not been compared to bone scintigraphy.
A cintigrafia óssea de corpo inteiro representa um dos exames imagiológicos mais frequentes realizados em medicina nuclear. Para além de outras aplicações, este procedimento é capaz de fornecer o diagnóstico de metástases ósseas. Em doentes oncológicos, a presença de metástases ósseas representa um forte indicador prognóstico da longevidade do doente. Para além disso, a presença ou ausência de metástases ósseas irá influenciar o planeamento do tratamento, requerendo para isso uma interpretação precisa dos resultados imagiológicos. Problema: Tendo em conta que a metastização óssea é considerada uma complicação severa relacionada com aumento da morbilidade e diminuição de sobrevivência dos doentes, o conceito de patient care torna-se ainda mais imperativo nestas situações. Assim, devem ser implementadas as melhores práticas imagiológicas de forma a obter o melhor resultado possível do procedimento efetuado, associado ao desconforto mínimo do doente. Uma técnica provável para atingir este objetivo no caso específico da cintigrafia óssea de corpo inteiro é a redução do tempo de aquisição, contudo, as imagens obtidas por si só teriam qualidade de tal forma reduzida que os resultados poderiam ser enviesados. Atualmente, surgiram novas técnicas, nomeadamente relativas a processamento de imagem, através das quais é possível gerar imagens cintigráficas com contagem reduzida de qualidade comparável àquela obtida com o protocolo considerado como standard. Ainda assim, alguns desses métodos continuam associados a algumas incertezas, particularmente no que respeita a sustentação da confiança diagnóstica após a modificação dos protocolos de rotina. Objetivos: O presente trabalho pretende avaliar a performance do algoritmo Pixon para processamento de imagem por meio de um estudo com fantoma. O objetivo será comparar a qualidade de imagem e a detetabilidade fornecidas por imagens não processadas com aquelas submetidas à referida técnica de processamento. Para além disso, pretende-se também avaliar o efeito deste algoritmo na redução do tempo de aquisição. De forma a atingir este objetivo, irá ser feita uma comparação entre as imagens obtidas com o protocolo standard e aquelas adquiridas usando protocolos mais rápidos, posteriormente submetidas ao método de processamento referido. Material e Métodos: Esta investigação for realizada no departamento de Radiologia e Medicina Nuclear do Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, situado na Holanda. Foi utilizado um fantoma cilíndrico contendo um conjunto de seis esferas de diferentes tamanhos, adequado à técnica de imagem planar. O fantoma foi preparado com diferentes rácios de atividade entre as esferas e o background (4:1, 8:1, 17:1, 22:1, 32:1 e 71:1). Posteriormente, para cada teste experimental, o fantoma foi submetido a vários protocolos de aquisição de imagem, nomeadamente com diferentes velocidades de aquisição: 8 cm/min, 12 cm/min, 16 cm/min e 20 cm/min. Todas as imagens foram adquiridas na mesma câmara gama - e.cam Signature Dual Detector System (Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.) - utilizando os mesmos parâmetros técnicos de aquisição, à exceção da velocidade. Foram adquiridas 24 imagens, todas elas submetidas a pós-processamento com recurso a um software da Siemens (Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.) que inclui a ferramenta necessária ao processamento de imagens cintigráficas de corpo inteiro. Os parâmetros de reconstrução utilizados foram os mesmos para cada série de imagens, estando estabelecidos em modo automático. A análise da informação recolhida foi realizada com recurso a uma avaliação objetiva (utilizando parâmetros físicos de qualidade de imagem) e outra subjetiva (através de dois observadores). A análise estatística foi efetuada recorrendo ao software SPSS versão 22 para Windows. Resultados: Através da análise subjetiva de cada rácio de atividade foi demonstrado que, no geral, a detetabilidade das esferas aumentou após as imagens serem processadas. A concordância entre observadores para a distribuição desta análise foi substancial, tanto para imagens não processadas como imagens processadas. Foi igualmente demonstrado que os parâmetros físicos de qualidade de imagem progrediram depois de o algoritmo de processamento ter sido aplicado. Para além disso, observou-se ao comparar as imagens standard (adquiridas com 8 cm/min) e aquelas processadas e adquiridas com protocolos mais rápidos que: imagens adquiridas com uma velocidade de aquisição de 12 cm/min podem fornecer resultados melhorados, com parâmetros de qualidade de imagem e detetabilidade superiores; imagens adquiridas com uma velocidade de 16 cm/min fornecem resultados comparáveis aos standard, com valores aproximados de qualidade de imagem e detetabilidade; e imagens adquiridas com uma velocidade de 20 cm/min resultam em valores diminuídos de qualidade de imagem, bem como redução a nível da detetabilidade. Discussão: Os resultados obtidos foram igualmente estabelecidos por meio de um estudo clínico numa investigação independente, no mesmo departamento. Foram incluídos cinquenta e um doentes referidos com carcinomas da mama e da próstata, com o objetivo de estudar o impacto desta técnica na prática clínica. Os doentes foram, assim, submetidos ao protocolo standard e posteriormente a uma aquisição adicional com uma velocidade de aquisição de 16 cm/min. Depois de as imagens terem sido cegamente avaliadas por três médicos especialistas, concluiu-se que a qualidade de imagem bem como a detetabilidade entre imagens era comparável, corroborando os resultados desta investigação. Conclusão: Com o objetivo de reduzir o tempo de aquisição aplicando um algoritmo de processamento de imagem, foi demonstrado que o protocolo com 16 cm/min de velocidade de aquisição será o limite para o aumento dessa mesma velocidade. Após processar a informação, este protocolo fornece os resultados mais equivalentes àqueles obtidos com o protocolo standard. Tendo em conta que esta técnica foi estabelecida com sucesso na prática clínica, pode-se concluir que, pelo menos em doentes referidos com carcinomas da mama e da próstata, o tempo de aquisição pode ser reduzido para metade, duplicando a velocidade de aquisição de 8 para 16 cm/min.
Lymphoscintigraphy is the technique of choice for sentinel lymph node detection in women with early breast cancer, but there is limited information evaluating the value of this technique in animals. We investigated mammary lymphatic drainage in 25 young female mongrel dogs by intramammary injection of 18.5 MBq of Tc-99m-dextran (70,000 Da). Lymph node anatomical referencing was obtained using an external marker, bone scintigraphy, or scintiscanning the body contour. Cranial and caudal thoracic mammary glands drained into the cranial sternal lymph node and axillary lymph center. The cranial thoracic mammary gland also drained into the superficial cervical lymph node in two of five animals. The cranial abdominal gland was drained by the axillary lymph center. The caudal abdominal mammary gland was drained by the superficial inguinal lymph node in all animals and simultaneously by medial iliac lymph nodes in four of five animals. In one dog, this mammary gland was also drained by the mediastinal and the superficial cervical lymph nodes. The inguinal mammary gland was drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes and simultaneously via the medial iliac lymph node in one animal. Lymphatic communications between lymph nodes were identified in 11 of 25 (44%) animals. Tc-99m-dextran mammary lymphoscintigraphy was easy and rapid to perform and may provide valuable information for further studies.
Aims: This paper aims to address some of the main possible applications of actual Nuclear Medicine Imaging techniques and methodologies in the specific context of Sports Medicine, namely in two critical systems: musculoskeletal and cardiovascular. Discussion: At the musculoskeletal level, bone scintigraphy techniques proved to be a mean of diagnosis of functional orientation and high sensibility compared with other morphological imaging techniques in the detection and temporal evaluation of pathological situations, for instance allowing the acquisition of information of great relevance in athletes with stress fractures. On the other hand, infection/inflammation studies might be of an important added value to characterize specific situations, early diagnose of potential critical issues – so giving opportunity to precise, complete and fast solutions – while allowing the evaluation and eventual optimization of training programs. At cardiovascular system level, Nuclear Medicine had proved to be crucial in differential diagnosis between cardiac hypertrophy secondary to physical activity (the so called "athlete's heart") and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in the diagnosis and prognosis of changes in cardiac function in athletes, as well as in direct - and non-invasive - in vivo visualization of sympathetic cardiac innervation, something that seems to take more and more importance nowadays, namely in order to try to avoid sudden death episodes at intense physical effort. Also the clinical application of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has becoming more and more widely recognized as promising. Conclusions: It has been concluded that Nuclear Medicine can become an important application in Sports Medicine. Its well established capabilities to early detection of processes involving functional properties allied to its high sensibility and the actual technical possibilities (namely those related with hybrid imaging, that allows to add information provided by high resolution morphological imaging techniques, such as CT and/or MRI) make it a powerful diagnostic tool, claiming to be used on an each day higher range of clinical applications related with all levels of sport activities. Since the improvements at equipment characteristics and detection levels allows the use of smaller and smaller doses, so minimizing radiation exposure it is believed by the authors that the increase of the use of NM tools in the Sports Medicine area should be considered.
The foot and the ankle are small structures commonly affected by disorders, and their complex anatomy represent significant diagnostic challenges. SPECT/CT Image fusion can provide missing anatomical and bone structure information to functional imaging, which is particularly useful to increase diagnosis certainty of bone pathology. However, due to SPECT acquisition duration, patient’s involuntary movements may lead to misalignment between SPECT and CT images. Patient motion can be reduced using a dedicated patient support. We aimed at designing an ankle and foot immobilizing device and measuring its efficacy at improving image fusion. Methods: We enrolled 20 patients undergoing distal lower-limb SPECT/CT of the ankle and the foot with and without a foot holder. The misalignment between SPECT and CT images was computed by manually measuring 14 fiducial markers chosen among anatomical landmarks also visible on bone scintigraphy. Analysis of variance was performed for statistical analysis. Results: The obtained absolute average difference without and with support was 5.1±5.2 mm (mean±SD) and 3.1±2.7 mm, respectively, which is significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: The introduction of the foot holder significantly decreases misalignment between SPECT and CT images, which may have clinical influence in the precise localization of foot and ankle pathology.
Objective: Osteitis pubis is a noninfectious painful inflammatorydisorder of the symphysis pubis. Etiologic factors are numerous, themost common are: osseous extension of adductor, enthesis due tosport overuse, irritation after urological and abdominal procedures,and systemic inflammatory disorders in particularspondylarthropathies. Many cases are idiopathic. The symptomsconsist of regional chronic mechanical and sometime nocturnal pain.Diagnosis is usually confirmed by either bone scintigraphy or by MRI.There are no standard treatments but conservative approachesincluding rest and NSAIDS are generally recommended. In 2001, agood clinical and radiological response of three refractory cases with3 to 6 monthly perfusions of pamidronate was reported [1].Ibandronate is a much more powerful and long-lasting bisphosphonatethan pamidronate, and has not yet been reported in literature to ourknowledge in this indication.Patients and Methods: We present two cases of idiopathic origin:one woman (63 years old) and one man (36 years old).The symptomswere present >3 months in the first patient and one year in the second.The diagnosis was confirmed by MRI which showed bone edemaon both sizes of symphysis and in the second case bony erosionsadjacent to the joint were seen. Both cases failed to respond toconservative measures. Both patients received one single direct ivInjection of 3 mg of Ibandronate.Results: The injections resulted in a rapid (within a few days)resolution of pain that lasted more than 6 months in both patients.No side effects were observed. In the first case, an isotope bone scanperformed 4 months after the injection showed no residual uptake. Thesecond patient had a repeated MRI after 6 months. It demonstrated anattenuation of bone edema compared to the first MRI.Conclusion: IV Ibandronate may constitute a safe and effectivetreatment option for patients with refractory osteitis pubis.References1 Maksymowych WP, Aaron SL, Russell AS. Treatment of refractorysymphysitis pubis with intravenous pamidronate. J Rheumatol.2001;28(12):2754, 2001.
Résumé : Objectif: Analyse d'un traitement de chimiothérapie à base de cisplatine de type néoadjuvant en comparaison à un traitement de radio-chimiothérapie suivi de la résection chirurgicale chez des patients présentant un carcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules de stade Ill (N2) prouvé histologiquement par médiastinoscopie. Evaluation de la morbidité postopératoire, du down-staging ganglionnaire, des taux de survie globale et sans récidive ainsi que du site de récidive. Matériel et méthodes : 82 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude entre Janvier 1994 et Juin 2003, parmi eux 36 ont été traités avec une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante à base de cisplatine et doxétacel (groupe l). Les autres 46 patients ont été soumis à une radio-chimiothérapie néoadjuvante avec administration de 44 Gy (groupe II), soit de façon séquentielle (25 cas) soit concomitante (21 cas). Dans tous les cas des métastases à distance ont été exclues par une évaluation préopératoire comprenant une scintigraphie osseuse, un Ct scan thoraco-abdominal, ou un examen PET scan ainsi qu'une IRM cérébrale. La médiastinoscopie effectuée avant le traitement d'induction chez la totalité des patients, de même que la résection chirurgicale de la tumeur pulmonaire et la lymphadenectomie médiastinale ont été effectuées par le même chirurgien. Résultats : La tumeur pulmonaire était de stade Ti à T2 dans respectivement 47% et 28% des patients des groupes (e II, T3 dans 45% et 41% et T4 dans 8% et 31% des cas. Le type de résection effectué (lobectomie, lobectomie en manchon, pneumonectomie) était comparable dans les deux collectifs (p=0.03) Le taux de mortalité postopératoire à 90 jours était de respectivement 3% et 4 "Vo (p=0.6). Une résection complète (RO) a pu être obtenue dans 92% et 94% des cas (p=0.6) avec un downstaging ganglionnaire médiastinal dans 61% et 78% des patients respectivement (p<0.001). Les taux de survie globale à 5 ans et de survie sans récidive à 5 ans s'élevaient à 40% et à 36% respectivement, sans différence significative entre des tumeurs de stade Ti à T3 et T4. Le taux de survie globale n'était pas significativement différent entre les deux modalités de traitement d'induction, toutefois après radio-chimiothérapie on observait une plus longue survie sans récidive (p.0.04). Il n'y avait par ailleurs pas de différence significative, en termes de morbidité post-opératoire, résecabilité, downstaging ganglionnaire, survie globale et sans récidive, entre les patients traités par radio-chimiothérapie séquentielle ou concomitante. Conclusions : En cas de carcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules de stade III (N2) un traitement d'induction par radio chimiothérapie suivi de la résection chirurgicale est associé avec un meilleur downstaqing médiastinal ainsi qu'une plus longue survie sans récidive en comparaison au traitement d'induction par chimiothérapie seule. Abstract : Objective: Comparison of prospectively treated patients with neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy vs radiochemotherapy followed by resection for mediastinoscopically proven stage III NZ non-small cell lung cancer with respect to postoperative morbidity, pathological nodal downstaging, overall and disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. Methods: Eighty-two patients were enrolled between January 1994 to June 2003, 36 had cisplatin and doxetacel-based chemotherapy (group I) and 46 cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy up to 44 Gy (group II), either as sequential (25 patients) or concomitant (21 patients) treatment. All patients had evaluation of absence of distant metastases by bone scintigraphy, thoracoabdominal CT scan or PET scan, and brain MRI, and all underwent pre-induction mediastinoscopy, resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection by the same surgeon. Results: Group I and II comprised T1/2 tumors in 47 and 28%, 13 tumors in 45 and 41%, and 14 tumors in 8 and 31% of the patients, respectively (P=0.03). There was a similar distribution of the extent of resection (lobectomy, sleeve lobectomy, left and right pneumonectomy) in both groups (P=0.9). Group I and II revealed a postoperative 90-d mortality of 3 and 4% (P=0.6), a RO-resection rate of 92 and 94% (P=0.9), and a pathological mediastinal downstaging in 61 and 78% of the patients (P<0.01), respectively. 5y-overall survival and disease-free survival of all patients were 40 and 36%, respectively, without significant difference between T1-3 and T4 tumors. There was no significant difference in overall survival rate in either induction regimens, however, radiochemotherapy was associated with a longer disease-free survival than chemotherapy (P=0.04). There was no significant difference between concurrent vs sequential radiochemotherapy with respect to postoperative morbidity, resectability, pathological nodal downstaging, survival and disease-free survival. Conclusions: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy was associated with a similar postoperative mortality, an increased pathological nodal downstaging and a better disease-free survival as compared to cisplatin doxetacel-based chemotherapy in patients with stage III (N2) NSCLC although a higher number of 14 tumors were admitted to radiochemotherapy.
OBJECTIVE: Comparison of prospectively treated patients with neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy vs radiochemotherapy followed by resection for mediastinoscopically proven stage III N2 non-small cell lung cancer with respect to postoperative morbidity, pathological nodal downstaging, overall and disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. METHODS: Eighty-two patients were enrolled between January 1994 to June 2003, 36 had cisplatin and doxetacel-based chemotherapy (group I) and 46 cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy up to 44 Gy (group II), either as sequential (25 patients) or concomitant (21 patients) treatment. All patients had evaluation of absence of distant metastases by bone scintigraphy, thoracoabdominal CT scan or PET scan, and brain MRI, and all underwent pre-induction mediastinoscopy, resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection by the same surgeon. RESULTS: Group I and II comprised T1/2 tumors in 47 and 28%, T3 tumors in 45 and 41%, and T4 tumors in 8 and 31% of the patients, respectively (P=0.03). There was a similar distribution of the extent of resection (lobectomy, sleeve lobectomy, left and right pneumonectomy) in both groups (P=0.9). Group I and II revealed a postoperative 90-d mortality of 3 and 4% (P=0.6), a R0-resection rate of 92 and 94% (P=0.9), and a pathological mediastinal downstaging in 61 and 78% of the patients (P<0.01), respectively. 5y-overall survival and disease-free survival of all patients were 40 and 36%, respectively, without significant difference between T1-3 and T4 tumors. There was no significant difference in overall survival rate in either induction regimens, however, radiochemotherapy was associated with a longer disease-free survival than chemotherapy (P=0.04). There was no significant difference between concurrent vs sequential radiochemotherapy with respect to postoperative morbidity, resectability, pathological nodal downstaging, survival and disease-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy was associated with a similar postoperative mortality, an increased pathological nodal downstaging and a better disease-free survival as compared to cisplatin doxetacel-based chemotherapy in patients with stage III (N2) NSCLC although a higher number of T4 tumors were admitted to radiochemotherapy.
Introducción: El Deslizamiento Epifisiario Capital Femoral es la enfermedad de la cadera más común en adolescentes entre los 9 y 16 años. Es de causa idiopática, más frecuente en hombres, se clasifica en 4 estadios según criterios clínicos y radiológicos. Se buscó evaluar la evolución de los deslizamientos moderados y severos tratados con una de las dos técnicas propuestas. Metodología Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con pacientes que fueron llevados a fijación in situ o luxación controlada entre 2008 y 2011. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 pacientes, los cuales el 65.4% se les realizó luxación quirúrgica controlada y el 34.6% fijación in situ. El 70,6% de pacientes tenían DECF inestable y 70,5% tenían desplazamiento severo. La evaluación de la escala WOMAC para dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional encontró mejores beneficios para el grupo de fijación in situ, estadísticamente significativos (p<0,05), no solo en términos de dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional sino menor frecuencia de complicaciones. Las complicaciones más frecuentes en el grupo de luxación quirúrgica controlada fueron un caso de infección, 7 casos (41,2%) de necrosis avascular de cabeza femoral, 5 casos (29,4%) de condrolisis y 2 casos (11,8%) de pseudoartrosis; En el grupo de fijación in situ, solo 1 (11,1%) presentó Infección del Sitio Operatorio y 1 (11,1%) Condrolisis. Resultados significativos solo para necrosis avascular. Discusión: Los pacientes con deslizamientos moderados y severos manejados con fijación in situ tuvieron una mejor resultado con menor proporción de complicaciones.