931 resultados para Bone health
The consumption of mineral waters is increasing in industrialised countries. High intakes of Ca and other alkalising cations as well as a low acid intake are beneficial to bone. We examined which components of mineral waters are conditioning their Ca content and their alkalinising power, in order to define the optimal profile. European mineral waters were randomly selected on the Internet: 100 waters with less than 200 mg Ca/l (9.98 mEq/l) and fifty with more than 200 mg/l, all with complete data for SO4, P, Cl, Na, K, Mg and Ca, and most also for HCO3. For comparison, forty North American mineral waters were randomly chosen. The potential renal acid load (PRAL) was calculated for each mineral water. North American waters did not reveal significant results because of their low mineralisation. We performed correlations between all eight components in order to explore the properties of the mineral waters. In the European waters, twenty-six out of twenty-eight correlations showed a P value of <or= 0.01. In waters with PRAL >0 (acidifying waters), PRAL was positively correlated with SO4, Ca, K and Mg (P < 0.001). In those with PRAL < 0 (alkalinising waters), PRAL was negatively correlated with HCO3, Na, Mg, Ca, K, Cl and SO4 (P < 0.001). SO4 and HCO3 were not found together in high quantities in the same water for geochemical reasons. A high Ca content is associated with either a high SO4 or a high HCO3 content. SO4 theoretically increases Ca excretion, while HCO3 and low PRAL values are associated with positive effects on bone. Therefore, the best waters for bone health are rich in both HCO3 and Ca, and by consequence low in SO4.
This report presents the results of the second national audit which examines the organisation of services provided to older people for falls prevention and bone health. Falls and fractures are a common and serious problem affecting older people, with high levels of personal and financial cost. National guidelines, supported by the research evidence, require the provision of integrated services for falls and fracture prevention and treatment. Effective commissioning is needed to produce such high quality services.��This audit was commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the second cycle of audits on services for the prevention of falls and fractures in older people. It follows the first organisational audit, performed in 2005, and the clinical audit of 2007. All were audited against specific standards from the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) and guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Since the first audit, indicators have been added or updated in line with new guidance including that on falls prevention of inpatients following the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) report on slips, trips and falls in hospital (2007). For the first time, the audit also looks specifically at falls and fracture prevention in mental healthcare and a sample of care homes.
Due to the increasing survival of thalassemic patients, osteopathy is a mounting clinical problem. Low bone mass alone cannot account for the high fracture risk described; impaired bone quality has been speculated but so far it cannot be demonstrated noninvasively. We studied bone quality in thalassemia major using trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel texture measurement extracted from spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), proposed in postmenopausal and secondary osteoporosis as an indirect index of microarchitecture. TBS was evaluated in 124 adult thalassemics (age range 19-56 years), followed-up with optimal transfusional and therapeutical regimens, and in 65 non-thalassemic patients (22-52 years) undergoing DXA for different bone diseases. TBS was lower in thalassemic patients (1.04 ± 0.12 [range 0.80-1.30]) versus controls (1.34 ± 0.11 [1.06-1.52]) (p < 0.001), and correlated with BMD. TBS and BMD values correlated with age, indicating that thalassemia negatively affects both bone quality and quantity, especially as the patient gets older. TBS was 1.02 ± 0.11 [0.80-1.28] in the osteoporotic thalassemic patients, 1.08 ± 0.12 [0.82-1.30] in the osteopenic ones and 1.15 ± 0.10 [0.96-1.26] in those with normal BMD. No gender differences were found (males: 1.02 ± 0.13 [0.80-1.30], females 1.05 ± 0.11 [0.80-1.30]), nor between patients with and without endocrine-metabolic disorders affecting bone metabolism. Our findings from a large population with thalassemia major show that TBS is a valuable tool to assess noninvasively bone quality, and it may be related to fragility fracture risk in thalassemic osteopathy.
There is growing evidence that consumption of a Western diet is a risk factor for osteoporosis through excess acid supply, while fruits and vegetables balance the excess acidity, mostly by providing K-rich bicarbonate-rich foods. Western diets consumed by adults generate approximately 50-100 mEq acid/d; therefore, healthy adults consuming such a diet are at risk of chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis, which worsens with age as a result of declining kidney function. Bone buffers the excess acid by delivering cations and it is considered that with time an overstimulation of this process will lead to the dissolution of the bone mineral content and hence to reduced bone mass. Intakes of K, Mg and fruit and vegetables have been associated with a higher alkaline status and a subsequent beneficial effect on bone health. In healthy male volunteers an acid-forming diet increases urinary Ca excretion by 74% and urinary C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (C-telopeptide) excretion by 19% when compared with an alkali (base-forming) diet. Cross-sectional studies have shown that there is a correlation between the nutritional acid load and bone health measured by bone ultrasound or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Few studies have been undertaken in very elderly women (>75 years), whose osteoporosis risk is very pertinent. The EVAluation of Nutrients Intakes and Bone Ultra Sound Study has developed and validated (n 51) an FFQ for use in a very elderly Swiss population (mean age 80.4 (sd 2.99) years), which has shown intakes of key nutrients (energy, fat, carbohydrate, Ca, Mg, vitamin C, D and E) to be low in 401 subjects. A subsequent study to assess net endogenous acid production (NEAP) and bone ultrasound results in 256 women aged > or = 75 years has shown that lower NEAP (P=0.023) and higher K intake (P=0.033) are correlated with higher bone ultrasound results. High acid load may be an important additional risk factor that may be particularly relevant in very elderly patients with an already-high fracture risk. The latter study adds to knowledge by confirming a positive link between dietary alkalinity and bone health indices in the very elderly. In a further study to complement these findings it has also been shown in a group of thirty young women that in Ca sufficiency an acid Ca-rich water has no effect on bone resorption, while an alkaline bicarbonate-rich water leads to a decrease in both serum parathyroid hormone and serum C-telopeptide. Further investigations need to be undertaken to study whether these positive effects on bone loss are maintained over long-term treatment. Mineral-water consumption could be an easy and inexpensive way of helping to prevent osteoporosis and could be of major interest for long-term prevention of bone loss.
Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant hereditary syndrome, affecting skin, neural tissues and skeleton. Hallmarks of NF1 include benign cutaneous neurofibroma tumors, pigmentation lesions on the skin and in the iris, learning disabilities and predisposition to selected malignancies. Low bone mineral density (BMD) and osteopenia/osteoporosis are common in NF1. Osteoporosis is a systemic disorder characterized by low bone mineral density and increased fracture risk. Treatment of osteoporosis aims to prevent falls and decrease fracture risk. Osteoporosis is diagnosed in adults by measuring BMD and evaluating clinical risk factors of the patient. Bone turnover is a process of old bone resorbed by osteoclasts and new bone formed by osteoblasts. Multinuclear osteoclasts are derived from osteoclast progenitors, which can be isolated from peripheral blood. Osteoclast progenitors were isolated from 17 NF1 patients and healthy controls, and cultured in vitro to osteoclasts. NF1 osteoclasts are hyperactive, displaying increased differentiation and resorption capacity, abnormal morphology and tolerance to serum deprivation compared to control osteoclasts. These findings expanded the study to evaluate the effects of bisphosphonates, drugs designed to treat osteoporosis, in osteoclasts derived from blood samples of 20 NF1 and control persons. The number of control osteoclasts was expectedly reduced after bisphosphonate treatment. However, NF1 osteoclasts tolerated the apoptotic effect of alendronate, zoledronic acid and clodronate in vitro compared to controls. NF1-related osteoporosis was found in ~20 % of the patients, and selected laboratory parameters were measured. Patients with NF1 have increased levels of serum CTX and PINP, reflecting increased bone turnover in vivo. BMD decreases progressively in NF1 as evaluated in 19 NF1 patients 12 years after their initial BMD measurement. Patients with NF1-related osteopenia often progress to osteoporosis. This was found in patients aged 37-76.
We studied the association between socioeconomic status (SES), school attended and bone health measured by bone speed of sound (SOS) among adolescent females in Canada. 412 participants from six randomly selected schools in Southern Ontario were examined. Bone SOS was measured by quantitative ultrasound. Participant’s school and aggregate area-based census-derived (AABCD) SES were evaluated as predictors. Mean participant age was 15.7 (SD 1.0) years. Average median family income was $68,162 (SD $19,366). Median family income was non-linearly associated with bone SOS and restricted cubic splines described the relationship. Univariate regression, accounting for clustering of participants in schools, revealed a significant non-linear association between AABCD-median family income and non-dominant tibial SOS (LRT p = 0.031). Multivariable regression revealed school to have a significant impact (LRT p = 0.0001). High schools had a strong influence on the bone health of female students and this effect overrode the effect of SES.
This study examined the bone mineral content (BMC) in young women with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), treated with a brace (27.9 ±21.6 months, for 18.0±5.4 h/d) during adolescence (AIS-B, n = 15, 25.6 ±5.8 yrs), versus women with AIS but no treatment (AIS-NB, n = 15, 24.0 ±4.0 yrs), and women without AIS (C, n = 19, 23.5 ±3.8 yrs). After controlling for lean body mass, calcium and vitamin D daily intake, and strenuous physical activity, femoral neck BMC was lower in the AIS-B compared with AIS-NB and C (all p’s < .05). In summary, women with AIS, braced during their growing years are characterized by low lower limb BMC. However, the lack of a relationship between brace treatment duration and BMC, suggests that bracing was not the likely mechanism.
High fat diet (HFD) consumption in rodents alters body composition and weakens bones. Whether female offspring of mothers consuming a HFD are similarly affected at weaning and early adulthood is unclear. This research determined whether maternal HFD contributes to long-lasting alterations in body composition and bone health of female offspring. Rats were fed control or HFD for 10 weeks prior to and throughout pregnancy and lactation. Female offspring were studied at weaning or 3 months of age (consumed control diet). Main findings in female offspring: maternal HFD decreased lean mass, increased fat mass and femoral BMD at weaning, but not at 3 months; weanling femoral lipid composition reflected maternal diet, persisting to 3 months of age (decreased total and n6 polyunsaturates, increased saturates); and no differences in femoral strength at 3 months. In summary, 3 month old female offspring have similar body composition and bone health regardless of maternal diet.
Exposure to isoflavones (ISO), abundant in soy protein infant formula, for the first 5 days of life results in higher bone mineral density (BMD),greater trabecular connectivity and higher fracture load of lumbar vertebrae (LV) at adulthood. The effect of lengthening the duration of exposure to ISO on bone development has not been studied. This study determined if providing ISO for the first 21 days of life, which more closely mimics the duration that infants are fed soy protein formula, results in higher BMD, improved bone structure and greater strength in femurs and LV than a 5-day protocol. Female CD-1 mice were randomized to subcutaneous injections of ISO (7 Q1 mg kg/body weight/day) or corn oil from postnatal day 1 to 21. BMD, structure and strength were measured at the femur and LV at 4 months of age, representing young Q2 adulthood. At the LV, exposure to ISO resulted in higher (P,0.05) BMD, trabecular connectivity and fracture load compared with control (CON). Exposure to ISO also resulted in higher (P,0.05) whole femur BMD, higher (P,0.05) bone volume/total volume and Q3 lower (P,0.05) trabecular separation at the femur neck, as well as greater (P,0.05) fracture load at femur midpoint and femur neck compared with the CON group. Exposure to ISO throughout suckling has favorable effects on LV outcomes, and, unlike previous studies using 5-day exposure to ISO, femur outcomes are also improved. Duration of exposure should be considered when using the CD-1 mouse to model the effect of early life exposure of infants to ISO.
Purpose: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is often associated with low bone mineral content and density (BMC, BMD). Bracing, used to manage spine curvature, may interfere with the growth-related BMC accrual, resulting in reduced bone strength into adulthood. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of brace treatment on BMC in adult women, diagnosed with AIS and braced in early adolescence. Methods: Participants included women with AIS who: (i) underwent brace treatment (AIS-B, n = 15, 25.6 ± 5.8 yrs), (ii) underwent no treatment (AIS, n = 15, 24.0 ± 4.0 yrs), and (iii) a healthy comparison group (CON, n = 19, 23.5 ± 3.8 yrs). BMC and body composition were assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Differences between groups were examined using a oneway ANOVA or ANCOVA, as appropriate. Results: AIS-B underwent brace treatment 27.9 ± 21.6 months, for 18.0 ± 5.4 h/d. Femoral neck BMC was lower (p = 0.06) in AIS-B (4.54 ± 0.10 g) compared with AIS (4.89 ± 0.61 g) and CON (5.07 ± 0.58 g). Controlling for lean body mass, calcium and vitamin D daily intake, and strenuous physical activity, femoral neck BMC was statistically different (p = 0.02) between groups. A similar pattern was observed at other lower extremity sites (p < 0.05), but not in the spine or upper extremities. BMC and BMD did not correlate with duration of brace treatment, duration of daily brace wear, or overall physical activity. Conclusion: Young women with AIS, especially those who were treated with a brace, have significantly lower BMC in their lower limbs compared to women without AIS. However, the lack of a relationship between brace treatment duration during adolescence and BMC during young adulthood, suggests that the brace treatment is not the likely mechanism of the low BMC.
Bone metabolism involves a complex balance between the deposition of matrix and mineralization and resorption. There is now good evidence that dietary components and herbal products can influence these processes, particularly by inhibiting bone resorption, thus having beneficial effects on the skeleton. For example, it has been reported that a number of common vegetables, including onion, garlic and parsley, can inhibit bone resorption in ovariectomized rats. Essential oils derived from sage, rosemary, thyme and other herbs inhibit osteoclast activity in vitro and in vitro and leading to an increase in bone mineral density. Soya, a rich source of isoflavones, has shown promising results and epidemiological evidence to support a use in maintaining bone health, and various traditional herbal formulae in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine also have demonstrable effects in pharmacological models of osteoporosis. Recently, cannabinoids have been described as having positive effects on osteoblast differentiation, and the presence of cannabinoid receptors in bone tissue indicates a more complex role in bone metabolism than previously thought. The first part of this review briefly discusses normal bone metabolism and disorders caused by its disruption, with particular reference to osteoporosis and current pharmacological treatments. The effects of natural products on bone and connective tissue are then discussed, to include items of diet, herbal extracts and food supplements, with evidence for their efficacy outlined. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Purpose: In juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (JoSLE), evidence for the association between vitamin D status, lupus activity, and bone health is very limited and not conclusive. The aim of this study was, therefore, to assess in JoSLE patients the possible relevance of vitamin D deficiency in disease and bone parameters. Methods: Fifty-seven JoSLE patients were initially compared to 37 age, race and body mass index (BMI) -matched healthy controls. The serum concentration of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) was determined by radioimmunoassay. Patients with 25OHD deficiency (acurrency sign20 ng/mL) were compared to those with levels > 20 ng/mL. Disease activity was evaluated by SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI). Bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition (BC) were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results: 25OHD levels were similar in patients and controls (21.44 +/- 7.91 vs 22.54 +/- 8.25 ng/mL, p = 0.519), regardless of supplementation (65% of patients and none in controls). Thirty-one patients with 25OHD deficiency (acurrency sign20 ng/mL) were further compared to the 26 JoSLE patients with levels > 20 ng/mL. These two groups were well-balanced regarding vitamin D confounding variables: age (p = 0.100), ethnicity (p = 1.000), BMI (p = 0.911), season (p = 0.502), frequency of vitamin D supplementation (p = 0.587), creatinine (p = 0.751), renal involvement (p = 0.597), fat mass (p = 0.764), lean mass (p = 0.549), previous/current use of glucocorticoids(GC) (p = 1.0), immunosuppressors (p = 0.765), and mean current daily dose of GC (p = 0.345). Patients with vitamin D deficiency had higher SLEDAI (3.35 +/- 4.35 vs 1.00 +/- 2.48, p = 0.018), lower C4 levels (12.79 +/- 6.78 vs 18.38 +/- 12.24 mg/dL, p = 0.038), lower spine BMD (0.798 +/- 0.148 vs 0.880 +/- 0.127 g/cm2, p = 0.037) and whole body BMD (0.962 +/- 0.109 vs 1.027 +/- 0.098 g/cm2, p = 0.024). Conclusion: JoSLE vitamin D deficiency, in spite of conventional vitamin D supplementation, affects bone and disease activity status independent of therapy and fat mass reinforcing the recommendation to achieve adequate levels. Lupus (2012) 21, 1335-1342.
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to identify the psychosocial and environmental predictors and the pathways they use to influence calcium intake, physical activity and bone health among adolescent girls. Methods. A secondary data analysis using a cross-sectional and longitudinal study design was implemented to examine the associations of interest. Data from the Incorporating More Physical Activity and Calcium in Teens (IMPACT) study collected in 2001-2003 were utilized for the analyses. IMPACT was a 1½ year nutrition and physical activity intervention study conducted among 718 middle-school girls in central Texas. Hierarchical regression modeling and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to determine the psychosocial predictors of calcium intake, physical activity and bone health at baseline. Hierarchical regression was used to determine if psychosocial factors at baseline were significant predictors of calcium intake and physical activity at follow-up. Data was adjusted for included BMI, lactose intolerance, ethnicity, menarchal status, intervention and participation in 7th grade PE/athletics. Results. Results of the baseline regression analysis revealed that calcium self-efficacy and milk availability at home were the strongest predictors of calcium intake. Friend engagement in physical activity, physical activity self-efficacy and participation in sports teams were the strongest predictors of physical activity. Finally, physical activity outcome expectations, social support and participation in sports teams were significant predictors of stiffness index at baseline. Results of the baseline SEM path analysis found that outcome expectations and milk availability at home directly influenced calcium intake. Knowledge and calcium self-efficacy indirectly influenced calcium intake with outcome expectations as the mediator. Physical activity self-efficacy and social support had significant direct and indirect influence on physical activity with participation in sports teams as the mediator. Participation in sports teams had a direct effect on both physical activity and stiffness index. Results of regression analysis for baseline predicting follow-up showed that participation in sports teams, self-efficacy, outcome expectations and social support at baseline were significant predictors of physical activity at follow-up. Conclusion. Results of this study reinforce the relevance of addressing both, psychosocial and environmental factors which are critical when developing interventions to improve bone health among adolescent girls. ^
Background: Adequate calcium intake may have a crucial role with regards to prevention of many chronic diseases, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, different types of cancer, obesity and osteoporosis. In children, sufficient calcium intake is especially important to support the accelerated growth spurt during the preteen and teenage years and to increase bone mineral mass to lay the foundation for older age. Objectives: This study aimed to assess daily calcium intake in school-age children to ensure whether they fulfill the FGP dairy serving recommendations, the recommended levels of daily calcium intake and to assess the relationship between dietary calcium intake and major bone health indicators. Patients and Methods: A total of 501 Iranian school-age children were randomly selected. Calcium intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Bone health indicators were also assessed. Results: Dairy products contributed to 69.3% of the total calcium intake of the children. Daily adequate intake of calcium was achieved by 17.8% of children. Only 29.8% met the Food guide pyramid recommendations for dairy intake. Dietary calcium intake was not significantly correlated with serum calcium and other selected biochemical indicators of bone health. Conclusions: The need for planning appropriate nutrition strategies for overcoming inadequate calcium intake in school age children in the city of Tehran is inevitable.