112 resultados para Bombus sushikini


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对青藏高原东部麻花艽(Gentiana straminea)海北居群的传粉生态学进行了3a连续的观察和实验。试验表明自然去雄、人工自交和杂交处理均结实,而人工去雄套袋和自然套袋不结实。麻花艽自交亲合,但必须依赖传粉媒介才能完成授粉过程,不存在无融合生殖。野外捕捉到14种访花昆虫,它们分别属于2个纲,7个目,8个科。观察和分析了各种昆虫的访花行为后,认为苏氏熊蜂(Bombus sushikini)是麻花艽有效而稳定的传粉者。测量表明麻花艽花蜜通道的深度和苏氏熊蜂的舌长基本吻合。苏氏熊蜂的访花频率在lO:00~12:00,13:00~15:00和16:00~18:OO时间段没有差别,单花的访花频率为0.005次/(花·rain)。和其它高山植物相比,青藏高原高山植物麻花艽的访花频率较高。熊蜂传粉和高频率的访花维持了麻花艽在极端寒旱的青藏高原环境下的有性生殖。此外,高频率的访花对于维持该地区高山植物的生殖保障具有重要的现实意义,但是否具有普遍性,还有待研究更多的高山代表类群。


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The combined occurrence of both herkogamy and dichogamy in a hermaphrodite species has been considered to strongly favour outcrossing. In this study, we investigated in detail the reproductive ecology of Gentiana straminea Maxim. (Gentianaceae), a hermaphrodite perennial endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In a series of observations and experiments over four consecutive years, we examined whether the combination of dichogamy and herkogamy in individual flowers completely prevents geitonogamous pollen transfer in this species. The mode of floral development clearly indicates that autonomous self-pollination is completely avoided through herkogamy and dichogamy in individual flowers. This implication was confirmed by the breeding experiments, since no seed was produced when flowers were isolated. However, this gentian proved to be highly self-compatible when geitonogamous selfing was artificially induced. Many flowers opened simultaneously on individual plants, the ratio of male to female phase flowers was close to 2:1 in each inflorescence, at the full anthesis phase, and they were randomly distributed amongst the upper, middle and lower parts of each stem's inflorescence. On average, Bombus sushikini Skorikov, the most frequent visitor and only legitimate pollinator of G. straminea, visited nearly two flowers per inflorescence, and four flowers per plant. Among the pollinators' foraging bouts, the proportions of geitonogamous visits to inflorescences or flowers within an individual plant were 29% and 37%, respectively. Therefore, despite the strict dichogamous and herkogamous characteristics of the individual flowers, geitonogamous selfing might still prevail in G. straininea because of the size of its floral displays and the continuous visiting behavior of B. sushkini. (C) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The genetic structure of seven mainland and island Asian populations of Bombus ignitus was investigated using nine microsatellite markers and the sequences of part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene. While microsatellite markers showed high gen


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Evolutionary conflicts among social hymenopteran nestmates are theoretically likely to arise over the production of males and the sex ratio. Analysis of these conflicts has become an important focus of research into the role of kin selection in shaping social traits of hymenopteran colonies. We employ microsatellite analysis of nestmates of one social hymenopteran, the primitively eusocial and monogynous bumblebee Bombus hypnorum, to evaluate these conflicts. In our 14 study colonies, B. hypnorum queens mated between one and six times (arithmetic mean 2.5). One male generally predominated, fathering most of the offspring, thus the effective number of matings was substantially lower (1–3.13; harmonic mean 1.26). In addition, microsatellite analysis allowed the detection of alien workers, those who could not have been the offspring of the queen, in approximately half the colonies. Alien workers within the same colony were probably sisters. Polyandry and alien workers resulted in high variation among colonies in their sociogenetic organization. Genetic data were consistent with the view that all males (n = 233 examined) were produced by a colony’s queen. Male parentage was therefore independent of the sociogenetic organization of the colony, suggesting that the queen, and not the workers, was in control of the laying of male-destined eggs. The population-wide sex ratio (fresh weight investment ratio) was weakly female biased. No evidence for colony-level adaptive sex ratio biasing could be detected.


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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method was developed for the specific and sensitive diagnosis of the microsporidian parasite Nosema bombi in bumble bees (Bombus spp.). Four primer pairs, amplifying ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments, were tested on N. bombi and the related microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, both of which infect honey bees. Only primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 could distinguish N. bombi (323 bp amplicon) from these other bee parasites. Primer pairs Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2 were then tested for their sensitivity with N. bombi spore concentrations from 107 down to 10 spores diluted in 100 mu l of either (i) water or (ii) host bumble bee homogenate to simulate natural N. bombi infection (equivalent to the DNA from 10(6) spores down to 1 spore per PCR). Though the N. bombi-specific primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 was relatively insensitive, as few as 10 spores per extract (equivalent to 1 spore per PCR) were detectable using the N. bombi-non-specific primer pair ITS-f2/r2, which amplifies a short fragment of similar to 120 bp. Testing 99 bumble bees for N. bombi infection by light microscopy versus PCR diagnosis with the highly sensitive primer pair ITS-f2/r2 showed the latter to b more accurate. PCR diagnosis of N. bombi using a combination of two primer pairs (Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2) provides increased specificity, sensitivity, and detection of all developmental stages compared with light microscopy. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Investigations of queen, worker and male bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) showed that all individuals became infected with Nosema bombi. Infections were found in Malpighian tubules, thorax muscles, fat body tissue and nerve tissue, including the brain. Ultrastructural studies revealed thin walled emptied spores in host cell cytoplasm interpreted as autoinfective spores, besides normal spores (environmental spores) intended for parasite transmission between hosts. The nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for the small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) from Microsporidia isolated from B. terrestris, B. lucorum, and B. hortorum were identical, providing evidence that N. bombi infects multiple hosts. The sequence presented here (GenBank Accession no AY008373) is different from an earlier submission to GenBank (Accession no U26158) of a partial sequence of the same gene based on material collected from B. terrestris. It still remains to be investigated if there is species diversity among Microsporidia found in bumble bees.


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The Dufour's gland is found closely associated with the sting apparatus of all female hymenopterans, playing multiple roles among bees. In some species of Bombus the gland may be involved in production of nestmate recognition pheromones, but in B. terrestris its function is not certain yet. The morphology of the :Dufour's gland of B. terrestris queens and the ultrastructural features of its cells were studied in different ages and behavioural stages using routine transmission electron microscopy. Measurements of the length and the diameter of the gland in the same conditions were also made. The Dufour's gland of the queen increases significantly in size (both in length and in diameter) with age and reproductive activity the ultrastructural features of the gland show electrondense material that comes from the haemolymph. This material is also present in the intercellular spaces, and is conducted to the subcuticular space, to be released directly into the glandular lumen. Hence at least part of the secretion is probably taken up directly from the haemolymph. The ultrastructural features indicate a more active phase of the gland corresponding to the period of egg-laying of the queen, and a decrease in activity when the queen is in hibernation as well as after the competition point. In conclusion, the gland is probably involved in reproduction, more specifically, in the marking off eggs.


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The Dufour's gland of Bombus terrestris workers, of different ages and with varying degrees of ovary development, was studied with the aim to verify its involvement in reproduction. Measurements of the diameter and the length of the gland were made using an ocular micrometer adapted to a microscope. Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the secretory cells and to analyze the secretory cycle. The glandular cells were considered to be near type II cells of NOIROT and QUENNEDEY (1974), a type that has not been described before in Hymenopterans. The results show that there is a correlation between the degree of ovary development and Dufour's gland activity of workers. The diameter of the gland and the secretory cell activity increased with increasing oocyte size in the ovary. Regressive conditions of the gland were observed, which are probably related to increasing worker age. To elucidate the production and releasing process of the secretion and to establish its precise function, a comparative analysis of the secretion process of the Dufour's gland of queens and workers is needed.


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Bumblebee species declines have been reported in Europe, North America and Asia. Loss of suitable habitat to agricultural intensification is considered to be the main cause of declines in Europe. Differential impacts on species have been recorded but insufficient knowledge of species ecology means that effective conservation management prescriptions cannot be put into place with certainty. Dietary specialisation, specifically on flowers of Fabaceae, has been hypothesised as driving differential declines but the reliability of previous studies has been questioned. Here we present a three-year study of the foraging behaviour of two UK Biodiversity Action Plan bumblebee species. For the first time, analysis of nectar and pollen foraging was performed on sites where nationally rare UK bumblebees were as abundant as more nationally ubiquitous species. Results indicated that the nationally rare Bombus sylvarum collected the majority of its pollen from flowers of Odontites verna and had a significantly narrower mean nectar dietary breadth than ecologically similar species Bombus humilis and Bombus pascuorum (p = 0.004 and 0.008 respectively). In contrast, the dietary breadth of the nationally rare B. humilis was similar to the more nationally ubiquitous species B. pascuorum and Bombus lapidarius. Moreover, B. lapidarius was recorded as having the narrowest pollen dietary breadth, collected pollen from the least number of floral taxa and was the most specialised of the Bombus species on pollen of Fabaceae. Patterns of dietary specialization were inconsistent with national declines and results highlighted a need for further detailed investigation into the factors contributing to differential declines.


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兰科植物精巧的花部结构及其独特的传粉机制为自然选择理论和异花受粉优势学说提供了强有力的证据。开展兰科植物的传粉生态学研究对进一步探讨植物进化中的一些关键问题(如生殖隔离、物种形成、适应和繁育系统进化等)具有重要意义。本文通过对独花兰 (Changnienia amoena) 和扇脉杓兰 (Cypripedium japonicum) 两种兰科植物进行植物与传粉者之间关系、种内形态变异、花粉散布等方面的研究,探讨其适应进化方式、传粉系统的进化趋势,同时为开发适用的分子标记,在独花兰中初步摸索和探讨了微卫星标记的分离。主要研究结果如下: 1. 濒危植物独花兰的传粉生态学 在神农架2个地点进行了连续2年的野外观测和实验。结果表明,独花兰是一种自交亲和、需要昆虫传粉的欺骗性植物。在2个地点独花兰的传粉者种类不同,在龙门河三条熊蜂 (Bombus (Diversobombus) trifasciatus) 是主要传粉者,在关门山仿熊蜂 (B. (Tricornibombus) imitator) 是唯一的传粉者。尽管它们出现的丰度和觅食行为不同,但其传粉行为和携粉部位非常相同,因此,可以看作是一个功能群(functional group)。从种群水平上看,开花个体的分布式样不是显著的偏斜曲线图,传粉者的有效访问主要集中在开花的前、中期。由于没有花蜜,传粉者在花内停留的时间很短,花粉块输出和传粉发生在熊蜂劳而无获的访问、退出花时。自然条件下,独花兰的结实率很低,只有6%-12%,并呈现明显的年份和地点变化。传粉者限制是结实率低的主要原因。与同亚族近缘种布袋兰相比,分布于中国中部的独花兰受冰期的影响很小,其传粉环境相对稳定,在进化历史中,形成了一种稳定的传粉系统。本研究结果纠正了前人对独花兰繁殖方式的错误认识,并为其保护策略的制订提供了重要资料。 2. 独花兰种群大小、传粉者访问和花粉流 为了检验独花兰种群大小、空间格局与传粉者访问之间的关系,连续2年对10个独花兰种群的花粉块输出和输入进行了统计分析,同时对花粉块进行标记研究其散布式样。结果显示,花粉块输出比例与种群大小之间关系在2003年呈显著负相关,但在2004年这种负相关关系不显著。尽管独花兰的空间分布格局在不同种群不同,但传粉者的访问除了在有蜂巢的种群为聚集式访问外,其余种群内均为随机访问式样。花粉块的散布式样呈尖峰态分布,多数花粉块散布很短的距离,少数散布较远。花粉块的平均散布距离在龙门河为7.3 m,在关门山为10.6 m。由于各种群之间相隔很远,种群之间花粉块交流受到限制,很少有种群外的花粉块输入。花粉块传递只在种群内近缘个体中进行,有可能导致种内遗传或形态分化。 3. 独花兰种内形态变异及其适应意义 对庐山、新宁和神农架3个地点15个独花兰自然种群的形态变异进行了研究,探讨了形态多样性水平和地理变异式样及其可能的适应机制。结果表明,在物种水平上独花兰形态性状存在丰富的变异。单因素方差分析显示3个地区间多个形态性状存在极显著差异(P<0.01),UPGMA聚类分析也表明这3个地区分别形成明显不同的分支,说明3个地区种群植物形态已经出现分化。在神农架地区,龙门河和关门山两个地点间出现明显的形态分化,而这两个地点的传粉者在形体大小表现出显著差异。适合度与形态性状之间的相关性分析显示,独花兰种内形态分化是以传粉者为媒介的自然选择作用的结果。移栽实验显示,本地传粉者对本地和移栽种群花的访问表现出一定的选择性。 4. 扇脉杓兰的传粉生态学研究 与独花兰同域分布、花期不遇的扇脉杓兰是杓兰属的一个特殊类群,具有典型“Japonicum”型唇瓣类型。对神农架6个种群连续两年野外观测和实验结果表明,扇脉杓兰是一种自交亲和、需要昆虫传粉的欺骗性植物。在种群水平上开花个体的分布式样呈显著的偏斜曲线图,在短时间内迅速到达盛花期。扇脉杓兰的传粉者是三种熊蜂,其访问频次很低,访问时间很短,有效访问主要集中在开花的前、中期。自然结实率只有4.3%-8.5%,人工授粉实验证明,传粉者限制是结实率低的主要原因,且传粉者限制程度在花期不同阶段和不同地点存在差异。对欺骗性植物聚集生长、开花有利于吸引传粉者这一假说进行检验,结果显示,克隆群丛大小与传粉者有效访问(花粉块输出比例)呈弱负相关关系。聚集生长的结实率与分散生长的没有显著差异,说明繁殖成功与开花个体的密度无关。扇脉杓兰的花粉集结为未蜡质化的花粉块,是杓兰属中粘质花粉和蜡质花粉块的中间进化类型。传粉生态学和形态学证据显示C. acaule和扇脉杓兰是东亚-北美间断分布的姐妹种对。 5. 独花兰微卫星位点的分离 为了深入研究独花兰种群的基因流和交配系统,用Dynabeads和选择性杂交法分离微卫星位点、筛选引物。首先将基因组DNA用合适的内切酶消化为400-1000 bp大小的片段,然后用生物素标记的简单重复寡核苷酸序列做探针与其杂交,杂交复合物用抗生链霉素蛋白包裹的磁珠吸附,经过一系列洗脱、沉淀,得到富含重复片段的DNA,然后在进行克隆、测序,利用SSR两侧翼区设计引物,经过多态性分析可得到微卫星标记。结果显示,35个克隆序列中18个(51.4%)含有重复片段(SSRs),说明用Dynabeads富集效率明显高于传统方法。到目前为止所得引物共4对。这一实验方法的探索为以后分离杓兰属等兰科植物微卫星位点、进而进行群体遗传学研究奠定了一定的基础。


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兰科植物传粉生物学的研究以往多集中于单个物种上,很少对两个以上的物种同时进行研究。但后一类研究对于理解一个地区或一个代表类群的传粉适应是大有裨益和非常必要的,毕竟单一种植物与其传粉者在一个居群或是一年中的相互关系所提供的有效信息是非常有限的。杓兰属Cypripedium L.是兰科植物中比较原始的类群,全世界约有50种;中国是杓兰属植物的分布中心,有30多种。但是,有关该属植物的传粉生物学研究集中在欧、美的种类,中国绝大部分物种尚未进行这方面的研究。本文通过对分布于四川省黄龙寺自然保护区的8种杓兰属植物的传粉生物学研究,探讨了该属植物的传粉机制、适应进化及生殖隔离等问题。 1. 杓兰属植物的繁育系统 虽然所研究的8种杓兰人工自交授粉均可以成功结实,但在自然条件下都必须依赖于昆虫才能结实成功,表明杓兰属植物的繁殖系统以异交授粉为主。 2. 杓兰属植物的传粉系统以及传粉系统的进化趋势 杓兰属植物一向被认为是典型的蜂类传粉物种,本文所包括的西藏杓兰C. tibeticum King ex Rolfe、离萼杓兰C. plectrochilum Franch.、绿花杓兰C. henryi Rolfe与褐花杓兰C. smithii Schltr.的传粉生物学研究也证明了这一点。但研究发现最进化的“无苞组”的3种杓兰,即无苞杓兰C. bardolphianum W. W. Smith et Farrer、小花杓兰C. micranthum Franch.与四川杓兰C. sichuanense Perner都是由蝇类传粉的,而黄花杓兰C. flavum P. F. Hunt et Summerh.则可由蜂类和蝇类共同传粉。结合杓兰的种间系统关系,本文认为杓兰属中存在从蜂类传粉系统向蝇类传粉系统的进化趋势。 3.杓兰属植物传粉系统的特化机制 传粉观察表明8种杓兰均有多种多样的访花昆虫,但只有1种或1类具有相同功能的昆虫能成为其传粉者。这说明杓兰属植物是具备特化传粉系统的种类。以离萼杓兰为例进行的花色、花香及花结构的分析表明,杓兰拥有特化的传粉者几乎完全是由于受到花结构的限制,特别是雄蕊到唇瓣底高度(AL)、柱头到唇瓣底高度(SL)、唇瓣入口直径(DL)与唇瓣出口宽度(EL)的大小。这些因素决定了昆虫是否能进入唇瓣,是否能碰触到柱头和花粉,是否能从出口挤出来。因此,杓兰的唇瓣的主要功能不仅是象原来所认为的作为“陷阱”来诱捕昆虫,而且同样作为一种促进产生“特化传粉”的机制而存在。 4. 杓兰属植物吸引昆虫的机制 杓兰属植物具有复杂的吸引昆虫的机制。离萼杓兰、黄花杓兰主要以泛化的食源性欺骗机制来吸引昆虫,绿花杓兰能通过其唇瓣和退化雄蕊的光滑特性诱使其传粉昆虫被动进入唇瓣中,西藏杓兰可以通过“筑巢式欺骗”来吸引昆虫,无苞杓兰则可通过模拟成熟果实来吸引其特化的传粉者—果蝇Drosophila spp.。 5. 杓兰属植物的花部特征与传粉系统的适应 在整个杓兰属内,不同种类植物的花色与花香和传粉者种类间没有统一的规律。但是,杓兰属植物的唇瓣大小与其传粉者大小之间存在比较明显的适应关系。体积最大的西藏杓兰、褐花杓兰与黄花杓兰由体型最大的熊蜂Bombus spp.传粉,体积中等的离萼杓兰、绿花杓兰、四川杓兰由中等大小的蜂或蝇传粉,而体积最小的无苞杓兰与小花杓兰由体型很小的果蝇传粉。 在杓兰属中,大部分种类的花粉只是粘性的团状,只有一部分能在一次访问中被昆虫带出,如黄花杓兰、西藏杓兰、离萼杓兰及绿花杓兰的花粉团。与此不同,在2个“无苞组”的杓兰,即无苞杓兰、小花杓兰中,它们的花粉凝聚成块状,而且它们的传粉昆虫(果蝇)的一次访问可带出一侧雄蕊的全部花粉。它们的花粉成块可能是对果蝇这类小昆虫传粉的一种适应。 6. 杓兰属植物的生殖隔离机制 本文的研究表明,杓兰属植物之间人工杂交授粉可以成功结实,它们主要是通过受精前隔离机制保持物种界限的。它们的受精前隔离机制多种多样。具有相同传粉者—果蝇的无苞杓兰与小花杓兰通过地理隔离机制保持物种界限; 同域的西藏杓兰与黄花杓兰通过利用不同大小的熊蜂作为传粉者来保持生殖隔离;同域的离萼杓兰与绿花杓兰可能通过花香成分的不同特化吸引同一属中不同种的传粉昆虫;而同域的西藏杓兰与褐花杓兰之间并不具备完善的生殖隔离机制。


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植物与传粉者的关系并非一门独立的学科,它包含很多进化生物学的内容。传粉生物学研究为我们理解植物进化的一些关键问题,如生殖隔离、物种形成、适应进化等提供重要证据。兰科植物由于其精巧的花部结构及其独特的传粉机制,备受传粉生物学家的关注。从达尔文时代以来,有大量的文献记载了欧洲兰族植物的传粉生物学的各个方面,其中,共涉及4种欺骗性传粉方式,它们几乎代表了兰科植物中近1/3没有报偿兰花所有的欺骗类型。然而,到目前为止,尽管在中国有丰富的兰族植物资源,中国兰科植物的传粉生物学研究仍然很缺乏。 在本研究中,作者以黄龙自然保护区内兰族的2种根茎兰属植物和1种小蝶兰属植物为材料,研究它们的传粉生物学,并探讨他们之间的生殖隔离机制。 1. 根茎兰属Galearis 及小蝶兰属Ponerorchis植物的交配系统 所研究的2种根茎兰属植物和1种小蝶兰属植物人工自交授粉均可以成功结实。在自然条件下,广布小蝶兰和二叶根茎兰都必须依赖于昆虫才能结实成功,而黄龙根茎兰则是以自花授粉为主。 2. 广布小蝶兰Ponerorchis chusua的传粉系统 在黄龙自然保护区进行了连续2 年的野外观测和实验,结果表明,广布小蝶兰是一种自交亲和,但需要昆虫传粉的欺骗性植物。广布小蝶兰的主要传粉者为雌性Bombus rufofasciatus,雌性B. consobrinus wittenburg,B. cucorun的蜂王和雄性B. pyrosona。熊蜂对广布小蝶兰具有典型的欺骗性兰花传粉的特征,即访问十分迅速,并且一般一个植株只访问一朵花,避免了同株异花授粉。 3. 二叶根茎兰Galearis diantha的传粉系统 野外观察表明,二叶根茎兰只有一种有效的传粉者,其访问频率不高,访 问时间短,并且会一次访问一个植株的两朵花,不可避免的产生同株异花授粉。自然结实率为23.0-26.8%,人工授粉实验证明传粉者限制是结实率较低的主要原因。 4. 黄龙根茎兰Galearis huanglongensis的传粉系统 研究结果表明,黄龙根茎兰为自动自花授粉的植物,黄龙根茎兰的花粉约在花开放4天后,花粉块从花粉囊中掉出,由于重力作用,花粉块柄弯曲使花粉接触到柱头,完成传粉。 5. 根茎兰属Galearis及小蝶兰属Ponerorchis植物的生殖隔离机制 本文的研究表明,根茎兰属内的杂交及与小蝶兰属间植物之间人工杂交授粉均可以成功结实,它们物种之间的生殖隔离主要是通过受精前隔离机制。具有相同传粉者(B. rufofasciatus)的广布小蝶兰与二叶根茎兰通过机械隔离机制保持物种界限。


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通过比较一段357bp的细胞色素b的序列,分析了熊蜂属5亚属11种熊蜂系统发育关系。5亚属包括Bombus(5种)、Thoracobombus(3种)、Mendacibombus(1种)、Fervidobombus(1种)和Pyrobombus(1种)。该序列有65个单变异多态位点和71个简约信息多态位点,翻译成119个氨基酸序列后有45个氨基酸变异位点。根据P-距离构建的邻接树(NJ tree)和最大简约树(MP tree)都显示同样的结果:Mendacibombus(B. avinovielllus)分化最早;Fervidobombus(B. pensylvanicus)次之;Pyrobombus(B. impatiens)和Bombus形成姊妹群;Bombus亚属是单系群,其中B. ignitus在所研究的5个种中分化最早。


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Cryptic species diversity is thought to be common within the class Insecta, posing problems for basic ecological and population genetic studies and conservation management. Within the temperate bumble bee (Bombus spp.) fauna, members of the subgenus Bombus sensu stricto are amongst the most abundant and widespread. However, their species diversity is controversial due to the extreme difficulty or inability morphologically to identify the majority of individuals to species. Our character-based phylogenetic analyses of partial CO1 (700 bp) from 39 individuals spread across their sympatric European ranges provided unequivocal support for five taxa (3-22 diagnostic DNA base pair sites per species). Inclusion of 20 Irish specimens to the dataset revealed >= 2.3% sequence divergence between taxa and 200 m) whilst B. cryptarum was relatively more abundant at higher altitudes. Bombus magnus was rarely encountered at urban sites. Both B. lucorum and B. terrestris are nowadays reared commercially for pollination and transported globally. Our RFLP approach to identify native fauna can underpin ecological studies of these important cryptic species as well as the impact of commercial bumble bees on them.