994 resultados para Boarding and alighting.


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The common approach to estimate bus dwell time at a BRT station is to apply the traditional dwell time methodology derived for suburban bus stops. In spite of being sensitive to boarding and alighting passenger numbers and to some extent towards fare collection media, these traditional dwell time models do not account for the platform crowding. Moreover, they fall short in accounting for the effects of passenger/s walking along a relatively longer BRT platform. Using the experience from Brisbane busway (BRT) stations, a new variable, Bus Lost Time (LT), is introduced in traditional dwell time model. The bus lost time variable captures the impact of passenger walking and platform crowding on bus dwell time. These are two characteristics which differentiate a BRT station from a bus stop. This paper reports the development of a methodology to estimate bus lost time experienced by buses at a BRT platform. Results were compared with the Transit Capacity and Quality of Servce Manual (TCQSM) approach of dwell time and station capacity estimation. When the bus lost time was used in dwell time calculations it was found that the BRT station platform capacity reduced by 10.1%.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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The common approach to estimate bus dwell time at a BRT station platform is to apply the traditional dwell time methodology derived for suburban bus stops. Current dwell time models are sensitive towards bus type, fare collection policy along with the number of boarding and alighting passengers. However, they fall short in accounting for the effects of passenger/s walking on a relatively longer BRT station platform. Analysis presented in this paper shows that the average walking time of a passenger at BRT platform is 10 times more than that of bus stop. The requirement of walking to the bus entry door at the BRT station platform may lead to the bus experiencing a higher dwell time. This paper presents a theory for a BRT network which explains the loss of station capacity during peak period operation. It also highlights shortcomings of present available bus dwell time models suggested for the analysis of BRT operation.


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Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), because of its operational flexibility and simplicity, is rapidly gaining popularity with urban designers and transit planners. Earlier BRTs were bus shared lane or bus only lane, which share the roadway with general and other forms of traffic. In recent time, more sophisticated designs of BRT have emerged, such as busway, which has separate carriageway for buses and provides very high physical separation of buses from general traffic. Line capacities of a busway are predominately dependent on bus capacity of its stations. Despite new developments in BRT designs, the methodology of capacity analysis is still based on traditional principles of kerbside bus stop on bus only lane operations. Consequently, the tradition methodology lacks accounting for various dimensions of busway station operation, such as passenger crowd, passenger walking and bus lost time along the long busway station platform. This research has developed a purpose made bus capacity analysis methodology for busway station analysis. Extensive observations of kerbside bus stops and busway stations in Brisbane, Australia were made and differences in their operation were studied. A large scale data collection was conducted using the video recording technique at the Mater Hill Busway Station on the South East Busway in Brisbane. This research identified new parameters concerning busway station operation, and through intricate analysis identified the elements and processes which influence the bus dwell time at a busway station platform. A new variable, Bus lost time, was defined and its quantitative descriptions were established. Based on these finding and analysis, a busway station platform bus capacity methodology was developed, comprising of new models for busway station lost time, busway station dwell time, busway station loading area bus capacity, and busway station platform bus capacity. The new methodology not only accounts for passenger boarding and alighting, but also covers platform crowd and bus lost time in station platform bus capacity estimation. The applicability of this methodology was shown through demonstrative examples. Additionally, these examples illustrated the significance of the bus lost time variable in determining station capacities.


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Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Maritime pilotage is a demanding occupation where pilots are required to perform complex procedures in sometimes unfamiliar working environments. The psychological (e.g., stress) and physical demands (e.g., reduced sleep, boarding, and departing vessels) may over time have a damaging effect on pilots’ physical and mental health. This presentation will focus on findings from a recent systematic review on maritime pilots’ health and well-being.
Materials and methods
The databases Academic search complete, MEDLINE and MEDLINE Complete, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PubMed, and ScienceDirect were searched from the earliest available record until 1 May 2015. From an initial pool of 167 manuscripts retrieved, only 18 were peer-reviewed original research and discussed topics associated with maritime pilots’ health and well-being.
Twenty-nine factors associated with maritime pilot health and well-being were identified, and were categorised into physical (n=14), psychosocial (n=8), and workplace issues (n=7). The most commonly investigated factors were blood pressure or heartrate, sleep or fatigue, smoking and alcohol consumption, perceived stress, and shift duration or cycle.
Results from the review suggest that the number of modern-day pilots presenting as overweight or obese, and that the prevention of CVD and associated cardio-metabolic risk factors is of paramount importance. In presenting the findings, recommendations for multidisciplinary approaches to better quantify the impact of maritime pilotage on long-term health and well-being will be made.


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Background: Maritime pilotage is a demanding occupation where pilots are required to perform complex procedures in sometimes unfamiliar working environments. These psychological stressors, in addition tothe physical demands associated with the role (e.g., reduced sleep, boarding, and departing vessels), may over time have a damaging effect on pilots’ physical and mental health. Therefore the aim of this paper was to systematically review the existing literature on maritime pilots’ health and well-being.Materials and methods: The databases academic search complete, MEDLINE and MEDLINE complete, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PubMed, and ScienceDirect were searched from the earliest available record until 1 May 2015. From an initial pool of 167 manuscripts retrieved, only 18 were peer-reviewed original research and discussed topics associated with maritime pilots’ health and well-being.Results: In total, 29 factors associated with maritime pilot health and well-being were identified. These were loosely categorised into physical (n = 14), psychosocial (n = 8), and workplace issues (n = 7). The most commonly investigated factors were blood pressure or heart rate, sleep or fatigue, smoking and alcohol consumption, perceived stress, and shift duration or cycle. Conclusions: Findings from the review suggest that the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and associated cardio-metabolic risk factors seems to be of paramount importance, with ample evidence indicating that modern-day pilots present as being overweight or obese. What remains unknown is whether these physical factors are associated with variations in psychosocial functioning. Therefore, it is recommended that future pilotage investigations adopt a multidisciplinary approach to better quantify the impact of maritimepilotage on long-term health and well-being.


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Introducción: El boarding es el fenómeno que ocurre cuando existen pacientes hospitalizados en urgencias sin una cama de hospitalización a la cual trasladarse, en la literatura mundial se ha identificado como un factor que repercute en la calidad y seguridad de la atención en urgencias. Este trabajo busca describir la prevalencia de dicho fenómeno en el servicio de urgencias de la Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá Metodología: Estudio observacional de prevalencia. Se incluyeron pacientes del mes de octubre de 2015 atendidos por especialistas en medicina de emergencias de la Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá. Se tomaron datos del turno realizado (mañana, tarde y noche), y datos del servicio de urgencias para su descripción. Resultados: La mediana de ocupación por boarding en urgencias fue del 68% con un rango intercuartil de 54-75%; en términos de tiempo en minutos, la mediana fue de 1054 minutos, con un rango intercuartil de 621-1490. Existen diferencias numéricas del tiempo en minutos de acuerdo el turno (mañana: 992,77 DE 519, tarde:1584,13 DE 1000,27 noche:1304,13 DE 2126,43). Discusión: El tiempo de boarding reportado para urgencias de la Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá es comparativamente mayor al descrito en la literatura mundial, se deben explorar en estudios analíticos posteriores los factores o variables que se asocien a la presencia de este fenómeno.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar alguns dos ideários sócio moralizantes que foram repercutidos na construção do pensamento social brasileiro, através das políticas pró-educação implementadas na década de 1940. O processo histórico que culminou com a edificação da Cidade dos Meninos, em Duque de Caxias no Rio Janeiro, surge, portanto, como um locus privilegiado para a investigação deste modelo educacional. Nesse contexto, as reflexões da intelectualidade à época, eram revestidas de uma expectativa moralizadora: "salvação pelo trabalho". Desta forma, surgiram espaços escolares que funcionavam em regime de internato e semi-internato, como a Cidade dos Meninos. Tratava-se de uma instituição destinada para essas populações "desvalidas", que seriam alvo de uma política educacional direcionada para a oferta do ensino "das letras" e do ensino profissionalizante de caráter elementar. Contudo, em 1950, ao ter uma fábrica de pesticidas instalada em seu interior, e com o posterior abandono desta, em virtude da mesma ter se tornado inviável economicamente em 1960, esse espaço foi alvo de uma contaminação ambiental e humana. Somente cerca de 30 anos depois, a referida contaminação foi trazida a público a partir de denúncias jornalísticas. A principal conseqüência foi o fechamento das escolas e a interrupção dos projetos de assistência social prejudicando muitos dos assistidos e antigos funcionários que assentaram residência na localidade, fazendo com que o problema social e de saúde pública se desdobrasse também numa questão fundiária. Todo esse movimento parece ter levado os atores sociais envolvidos no processo à uma elaboração pragmática sobre o papel da educação, do Estado, da pesquisa científica e do tipo de política que se destina a populações em situação de "periculosidade". A análise das memórias e das "trajetórias exemplares" de alguns moradores contribuíram para a compreensão da relação entre as políticas sociais e a perspectiva dos assistidos. Esse fato denota a possibilidade, na atualidade, de que os pressupostos que idealizaram tais políticas "sócio moralizantes" ainda apresentem vestígios no discurso e na ação tanto das autoridades, quanto dos próprios pesquisadores, desqualificando seus interlocutores e obscurecendo a solução do problema no referido local


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Esta tese tem como objeto o processo de redefinição da categoria diagnóstica infecção/doença Toxoplasmose. É um estudo qualitativo, inserido no campo science studies, de abordagem crítica reformista e de natureza empírico-analítica. Vincula-se à linha de pesquisa intitulada Instituições, saberes e práticas em saúde e ao projeto Os médicos e a ciência do Instituto de Medicina Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As unidades de análise foram: 1) Agentes envolvidos na produção do conhecimento científico em nível local; 2) Documentos normativos locais; 3) Documentos normativos nacionais e internacionais; 4) Instituição: Laboratório Reconhecer do Centro de Biociências e Biotecnologia (CBB), da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF/Darcy Ribeiro). Como técnicas de pesquisa foram utilizadas a observação etnográfica, entrevistas e pesquisa documental da produção científica. Os pressupostos foram de que essa redefinição seja decorrente de uma construção (Hacking, 1999; Latour, 1997, 2000, 2001) e realizada em uma arena transepistêmica (Knor-Cetina, 1981). Foram acrescidos a esses conceitos, os de referência circulante (Latour, 2001) e os da taxonomia dos elementos dos objetos da ciência laboratorial, ou seja, os conceitos idéias, marcas e coisas (Hacking, 1992). Considerando essa dinâmica, as redefinições em relação a essa infecção/doença estariam em um período de pouca estabilização, embora elas não se definiriam completa e eternamente pela dependência que possuem do invólucro espaço-temporal (Latour, 2001) e da referência circulante.


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Este estudo teve como interesse principal o desenvolvimento de um modelo de Gestão do Conhecimento - GC, que pudesse ser aplicado em uma organização pública, contribuindo de maneira pragmática na evolução dessa abordagem. Para isso buscouse obter uma maior compreensão do fenômeno que representa um conjunto de processos que governa a criação, armazenagem, disseminação e a utilização do conhecimento para atingir a excelência organizacional, a partir do estudo de suas principais características, da melhor forma de compartilhamento dos conhecimentos individuais para a formação do conhecimento organizacional, da motivação como questão-chave para uma bem sucedida Gestão do Conhecimento, as competências essências, habilidades e tecnologias, e a metodologia para disseminar o conhecimento. O estudo foi desenvolvido sob um enfoque qualitativo, pretendendo-se analisar as abordagens e modelos atualmente existentes, sinalizando para gerentes e executivos de organizações públicas aspectos relevantes em sua implantação, trazendo, assim, um panorama sobre a temática que gera novas alternativas para esse público, na adoção de ações em relação ao assunto. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre a aprendizagem individual e organizacional sobre a gestão do conhecimento, cujo conteúdo, nesta última, se apresenta ainda reduzido. O estudo criterioso e a análise atenta de todo o material de pesquisa coletado nortearam a proposição desse modelo~ que poderá ser implantado no Ministério da Justiça e, por que não, Serviço Público Federal.


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The search for a sustainable development is result of the exhaustion of the natural resources of the planet that demands globalizated politics with practical of compatible economic development with the protection of the quality of life for the future generations. This work presents a study on the thematic on the environmental liabilities in the organizations with focus in the industry of the oil and the production of oil in land in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Some types of environmental liabilities are presented, as well as, some estimates techniques. Moreover, this work presents surveys of some variable that stimulate the organizations to implant technologies of reduction of the impacts in the environment as: the environmental legislation, costs, the main impacts of the production of oil in land. On the basis of the bibliographical research and in the identified variable, it was carried a case study with state and municipal technician that act in the sectors of fiscalization (IBAMA-RN and IDEMA-RN) with the objective to deepen the discussion regarding the impacts of the industry of the oil, the effectiveness of the current law, the performance of the institutions the federal level and how to prevent impacts in the environment. It was observed that the environmental liabilities are a little spread subject in the organizations, perhaps to be unknown and of few theoretical referencees at the national level, regarding to the evaluation techniques. At the same time, absentee in the national politics that conducts the oil exploration