942 resultados para Bluetooth Data Noise


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Traffic state estimation in an urban road network remains a challenge for traffic models and the question of how such a network performs remains a difficult one to answer for traffic operators. Lack of detailed traffic information has long restricted research in this area. The introduction of Bluetooth into the automotive world presented an alternative that has now developed to a stage where large-scale test-beds are becoming available, for traffic monitoring and model validation purposes. But how much confidence should we have in such data? This paper aims to give an overview of the usage of Bluetooth, primarily for the city-scale management of urban transport networks, and to encourage researchers and practitioners to take a more cautious look at what is currently understood as a mature technology for monitoring travellers in urban environments. We argue that the full value of this technology is yet to be realised, for the analytical accuracies peculiar to the data have still to be adequately resolved.


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The Bluetooth technology is being increasingly used to track vehicles throughout their trips, within urban networks and across freeway stretches. One important opportunity offered by this type of data is the measurement of Origin-Destination patterns, emerging from the aggregation and clustering of individual trips. In order to obtain accurate estimations, however, a number of issues need to be addressed, through data filtering and correction techniques. These issues mainly stem from the use of the Bluetooth technology amongst drivers, and the physical properties of the Bluetooth sensors themselves. First, not all cars are equipped with discoverable Bluetooth devices and the Bluetooth-enabled vehicles may belong to some small socio-economic groups of users. Second, the Bluetooth datasets include data from various transport modes; such as pedestrian, bicycles, cars, taxi driver, buses and trains. Third, the Bluetooth sensors may fail to detect all of the nearby Bluetooth-enabled vehicles. As a consequence, the exact journey for some vehicles may become a latent pattern that will need to be extracted from the data. Finally, sensors that are in close proximity to each other may have overlapping detection areas, thus making the task of retrieving the correct travelled path even more challenging. The aim of this paper is twofold. We first give a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned issues. Further, we propose a methodology that can be followed, in order to cleanse, correct and aggregate Bluetooth data. We postulate that the methods introduced by this paper are the first crucial steps that need to be followed in order to compute accurate Origin-Destination matrices in urban road networks.


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Travel time prediction has long been the topic of transportation research. But most relevant prediction models in the literature are limited to motorways. Travel time prediction on arterial networks is challenging due to involving traffic signals and significant variability of individual vehicle travel time. The limited availability of traffic data from arterial networks makes travel time prediction even more challenging. Recently, there has been significant interest of exploiting Bluetooth data for travel time estimation. This research analysed the real travel time data collected by the Brisbane City Council using the Bluetooth technology on arterials. Databases, including experienced average daily travel time are created and classified for approximately 8 months. Thereafter, based on data characteristics, Seasonal Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) modelling is applied on the database for short-term travel time prediction. The SARMIA model not only takes the previous continuous lags into account, but also uses the values from the same time of previous days for travel time prediction. This is carried out by defining a seasonality coefficient which improves the accuracy of travel time prediction in linear models. The accuracy, robustness and transferability of the model are evaluated through comparing the real and predicted values on three sites within Brisbane network. The results contain the detailed validation for different prediction horizons (5 min to 90 minutes). The model performance is evaluated mainly on congested periods and compared to the naive technique of considering the historical average.


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The Bluetooth technology is being increasingly used, among the Automated Vehicle Identification Systems, to retrieve important information about urban networks. Because the movement of Bluetooth-equipped vehicles can be monitored, throughout the network of Bluetooth sensors, this technology represents an effective means to acquire accurate time dependant Origin Destination information. In order to obtain reliable estimations, however, a number of issues need to be addressed, through data filtering and correction techniques. Some of the main challenges inherent to Bluetooth data are, first, that Bluetooth sensors may fail to detect all of the nearby Bluetooth-enabled vehicles. As a consequence, the exact journey for some vehicles may become a latent pattern that will need to be estimated. Second, sensors that are in close proximity to each other may have overlapping detection areas, thus making the task of retrieving the correct travelled path even more challenging. The aim of this paper is twofold: to give an overview of the issues inherent to the Bluetooth technology, through the analysis of the data available from the Bluetooth sensors in Brisbane; and to propose a method for retrieving the itineraries of the individual Bluetooth vehicles. We argue that estimating these latent itineraries, accurately, is a crucial step toward the retrieval of accurate dynamic Origin Destination Matrices.


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The study of the relationship between macroscopic traffic parameters, such as flow, speed and travel time, is essential to the understanding of the behaviour of freeway and arterial roads. However, the temporal dynamics of these parameters are difficult to model, especially for arterial roads, where the process of traffic change is driven by a variety of variables. The introduction of the Bluetooth technology into the transportation area has proven exceptionally useful for monitoring vehicular traffic, as it allows reliable estimation of travel times and traffic demands. In this work, we propose an approach based on Bayesian networks for analyzing and predicting the complex dynamics of flow or volume, based on travel time observations from Bluetooth sensors. The spatio-temporal relationship between volume and travel time is captured through a first-order transition model, and a univariate Gaussian sensor model. The two models are trained and tested on travel time and volume data, from an arterial link, collected over a period of six days. To reduce the computational costs of the inference tasks, volume is converted into a discrete variable. The discretization process is carried out through a Self-Organizing Map. Preliminary results show that a simple Bayesian network can effectively estimate and predict the complex temporal dynamics of arterial volumes from the travel time data. Not only is the model well suited to produce posterior distributions over single past, current and future states; but it also allows computing the estimations of joint distributions, over sequences of states. Furthermore, the Bayesian network can achieve excellent prediction, even when the stream of travel time observation is partially incomplete.


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This project recognized lack of data analysis and travel time prediction on arterials as the main gap in the current literature. For this purpose it first investigated reliability of data gathered by Bluetooth technology as a new cost effective method for data collection on arterial roads. Then by considering the similarity among varieties of daily travel time on different arterial routes, created a SARIMA model to predict future travel time values. Based on this research outcome, the created model can be applied for online short term travel time prediction in future.


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The discovery of contexts is important for context-aware applications in pervasive computing. This is a challenging problem because of the stream nature of data, the complexity and changing nature of contexts. We propose a Bayesian nonparametric model for the detection of co-location contexts from Bluetooth signals. By using an Indian buffet process as the prior distribution, the model can discover the number of contexts automatically. We introduce a novel fixed-lag particle filter that processes data incrementally. This sampling scheme is especially suitable for pervasive computing as the computational requirements remain constant in spite of growing data. We examine our model on a synthetic dataset and two real world datasets. To verify the discovered contexts, we compare them to the communities detected by the Louvain method, showing a strong correlation between the results of the two methods. Fixed-lag particle filter is compared with Gibbs sampling in terms of the normalized factorization error that shows a close performance between the two inference methods. As fixed-lag particle filter processes a small chunk of data when it comes and does not need to be restarted, its execution time is significantly shorter than that of Gibbs sampling.


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The aim of this study is to assess the potential use of Bluetooth data for traffic monitoring of arterial road networks. Bluetooth data provides the direct measurement of travel time between pairs of scanners, and intensive research has been reported on this topic. Bluetooth data includes “Duration” data, which represents the time spent by Bluetooth devices to pass through the detection range of Bluetooth scanners. If the scanners are located at signalised intersections, this Duration can be related to intersection performance, and hence represents valuable information for traffic monitoring. However the use of Duration has been ignored in previous analyses. In this study, the Duration data as well as travel time data is analysed to capture the traffic condition of a main arterial route in Brisbane. The data consists of one week of Bluetooth data provided by Brisbane City Council. As well, micro simulation analysis is conducted to further investigate the properties of Duration. The results reveal characteristics of Duration, and address future research needs to utilise this valuable data source.


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The invited presentation was delivered at Queensland Department of Main Roads, Brisbane Australia, 17th June 2013


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The application of the Bluetooth (BT) technology to transportation has been enabling researchers to make accurate travel time observations, in freeway and arterial roads. The Bluetooth traffic data are generally incomplete, for they only relate to those vehicles that are equipped with Bluetooth devices, and that are detected by the Bluetooth sensors of the road network. The fraction of detected vehicles versus the total number of transiting vehicles is often referred to as Bluetooth Penetration Rate (BTPR). The aim of this study is to precisely define the spatio-temporal relationship between the quantities that become available through the partial, noisy BT observations; and the hidden variables that describe the actual dynamics of vehicular traffic. To do so, we propose to incorporate a multi- class traffic model into a Sequential Montecarlo Estimation algorithm. Our framework has been applied for the empirical travel time investigations into the Brisbane Metropolitan region.


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Automatic Vehicle Identification Systems are being increasingly used as a new source of travel information. As in the last decades these systems relied on expensive new technologies, few of them were scattered along a networks making thus Travel-Time and Average Speed estimation their main objectives. However, as their price dropped, the opportunity of building dense AVI networks arose, as in Brisbane where more than 250 Bluetooth detectors are now installed. As a consequence this technology represents an effective means to acquire accurate time dependant Origin Destination information. In order to obtain reliable estimations, however, a number of issues need to be addressed. Some of these problems stem from the structure of a network made out of isolated detectors itself while others are inherent of Bluetooth technology (overlapping detection area, missing detections,\...). The aim of this paper is threefold: First, after having presented the level of details that can be reached with a network of isolated detectors we present how we modelled Brisbane's network, keeping only the information valuable for the retrieval of trip information. Second, we give an overview of the issues inherent to the Bluetooth technology and we propose a method for retrieving the itineraries of the individual Bluetooth vehicles. Last, through a comparison with Brisbane Transport Strategic Model results, we highlight the opportunities and the limits of Bluetooth detectors networks. The aim of this paper is twofold. We first give a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned issues. Further, we propose a methodology that can be followed, in order to cleanse, correct and aggregate Bluetooth data. We postulate that the methods introduced by this paper are the first crucial steps that need to be followed in order to compute accurate Origin-Destination matrices in urban road networks.


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Recently, much attention has been given to the mass spectrometry (MS) technology based disease classification, diagnosis, and protein-based biomarker identification. Similar to microarray based investigation, proteomic data generated by such kind of high-throughput experiments are often with high feature-to-sample ratio. Moreover, biological information and pattern are compounded with data noise, redundancy and outliers. Thus, the development of algorithms and procedures for the analysis and interpretation of such kind of data is of paramount importance. In this paper, we propose a hybrid system for analyzing such high dimensional data. The proposed method uses the k-mean clustering algorithm based feature extraction and selection procedure to bridge the filter selection and wrapper selection methods. The potential informative mass/charge (m/z) markers selected by filters are subject to the k-mean clustering algorithm for correlation and redundancy reduction, and a multi-objective Genetic Algorithm selector is then employed to identify discriminative m/z markers generated by k-mean clustering algorithm. Experimental results obtained by using the proposed method indicate that it is suitable for m/z biomarker selection and MS based sample classification.


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Background: Feature selection techniques are critical to the analysis of high dimensional datasets. This is especially true in gene selection from microarray data which are commonly with extremely high feature-to-sample ratio. In addition to the essential objectives such as to reduce data noise, to reduce data redundancy, to improve sample classification accuracy, and to improve model generalization property, feature selection also helps biologists to focus on the selected genes to further validate their biological hypotheses.
Results: In this paper we describe an improved hybrid system for gene selection. It is based on a recently proposed genetic ensemble (GE) system. To enhance the generalization property of the selected genes or gene subsets and to overcome the overfitting problem of the GE system, we devised a mapping strategy to fuse the goodness information of each gene provided by multiple filtering algorithms. This information is then used for initialization and mutation operation of the genetic ensemble system.
Conclusion: We used four benchmark microarray datasets (including both binary-class and multi-class classification problems) for concept proving and model evaluation. The experimental results indicate that the proposed multi-filter enhanced genetic ensemble (MF-GE) system is able to improve sample classification accuracy, generate more compact gene subset, and converge to the selection results more quickly. The MF-GE system is very flexible as various combinations of multiple filters and classifiers can be incorporated based on the data characteristics and the user preferences.


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We study the effect of two types of noise, data noise and model noise, in an on-line gradient-descent learning scenario for general two-layer student network with an arbitrary number of hidden units. Training examples are randomly drawn input vectors labeled by a two-layer teacher network with an arbitrary number of hidden units. Data is then corrupted by Gaussian noise affecting either the output or the model itself. We examine the effect of both types of noise on the evolution of order parameters and the generalization error in various phases of the learning process.


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The aims of the project were twofold: 1) To investigate classification procedures for remotely sensed digital data, in order to develop modifications to existing algorithms and propose novel classification procedures; and 2) To investigate and develop algorithms for contextual enhancement of classified imagery in order to increase classification accuracy. The following classifiers were examined: box, decision tree, minimum distance, maximum likelihood. In addition to these the following algorithms were developed during the course of the research: deviant distance, look up table and an automated decision tree classifier using expert systems technology. Clustering techniques for unsupervised classification were also investigated. Contextual enhancements investigated were: mode filters, small area replacement and Wharton's CONAN algorithm. Additionally methods for noise and edge based declassification and contextual reclassification, non-probabilitic relaxation and relaxation based on Markov chain theory were developed. The advantages of per-field classifiers and Geographical Information Systems were investigated. The conclusions presented suggest suitable combinations of classifier and contextual enhancement, given user accuracy requirements and time constraints. These were then tested for validity using a different data set. A brief examination of the utility of the recommended contextual algorithms for reducing the effects of data noise was also carried out.