705 resultados para Blooms


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Este proyecto es una documentación sintetizada, para los alumnos de Grado en Imagen y Sonido, de todos los conceptos que conciernen a la asignatura Sistemas Audiovisuales. No obstante puede servir para todo aquel al que le interese la materia, sin ser necesariamente estudiante. El material se basa en la recopilación de libros de diversos autores, páginas web y catálogos de productos de empresas del sector audiovisual. Se intenta con esto incentivar en el auto-aprendizaje, proporcionando multitud de fuentes de información. El documento se ha dividido en dos bloques temáticos correspondientes a los temas: 1- Dispositivos de captación y reproducción de sonido e imagen. 2- Señales y formatos de audio y vídeo. Aunque no es tema de este proyecto pero si de la asignatura hay que nombrar el tercer bloque temático, Introducción a los sistemas de transmisión de audio y vídeo. Dado que hay suficiente documentación de estudio sobre éste se ha optado por no incluirlo. Cada bloque temático a su vez contiene cuatro unidades didácticas. Cada unidad se ha desarrollado de manera independiente a las demás, es decir, que cada unidad puede ser estudiada sin necesidad de recurrir a otras unidades para comprender la/s que interesa/n. Por otro lado hay que remarcar que todos los capítulos tienen relación entre sí. La documentación se complementa al final de cada unidad didáctica con un test de evaluación que a su vez ha sido publicado dentro del entorno de Moodle en la página correspondiente a la asignatura. Para ello se ha accedido a esta plataforma on line con el rol de editor de contenido. Para la elaboración de los cuestionarios se han tomado los conceptos clave de cada unidad didáctica, de esta manera los alumnos pueden saber si han comprendido lo que se explica en la documentación y mejorar así sus conocimientos. Para la redacción y estructuración de cada unidad didáctica, así como el documento en general, se ha cogido como referencia la Taxonomía de objetivos de la Educación o Taxonomía de Bloom. Dado que el dominio cognitivo del lector se encuadra dentro del ‘nivel de comprensión’, el documento no resulta tedioso en su estudio. No obstante introduce al alumno en los temas más importantes de la materia, proporcionando una base sólida de conocimiento en sistemas audiovisuales. Es precisamente el interés en hacer lo más accesible posible este documento lo que ha dificultado su elaboración, ya que el área de estudio es muy extensa y es difícil sintetizar sin eliminar contenido importante. No obstante para hacer más fiable el documento se ha seguido las pautas temáticas y argumentales marcadas por el Departamento Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid verificando cada uno de los capítulos con los profesores de este departamento. Al tratarse de un proyecto con fines académicos, el texto se ha apoyado por figuras, esquemas, tablas, anexos y desarrollo de ecuaciones para hacer más comprensible lo que se expone. Algunos de estas informaciones se incluyen en inglés y no se ha creído conveniente su traducción dado que gran parte de la información que encontrará el alumno a lo largo de la carrera vendrá escrita en este idioma. Por último hay que decir al lector que es conveniente, pero no necesario, tener ciertas nociones de cálculo, álgebra, ondas y circuitos para seguir con fluidez lo que a continuación se expone. ABSTRACT. This project concerns all the concepts and topics of the subject Audiovisual Systems. It has been created for students of Sound and Image Degree, however everyone who's interested in this subject could use it even if isn’t a student. The document is divided into two main thematic sections corresponding to the topics: 1- Catchment and reproduction devices of sound and image. 2- Audio and video signals and formats. Even if this subject it isn’t mention in this project, it’s very important to quote a third important thematic of this block , such as Introduction about Transmission of Audio and Video System. Since there is enough study-documentation about this topic, it has been taken the choice to don’t integrate this chapter in this project. Every thematic block in this project is divided in chapters that have been developed in an independent way: that’s means that for each unit it is not necessary to look forward to other chapters in this project On the other hand it is necessary to emphasize that all the chapters are related one to each other. Every didactic unit and chapter ends with an evaluation test , that has been published with Moodle System using a content editor account. Those exercises will help in a easy way the student to improve his skills and his own ability. Collection of books of various authors, websites and product catalogs of audiovisual companies are used in this document and are included for stimulate the curiosity of the student. The key concepts of each unit have been used for making tests, so in this way students could be able to know if they have understood what the documentation explains and improve his skills. For writing and building each didactic unit, such as in the general document, it has been taken reference from Bloom’s Taxonomy. Since the skills and competence of the student are concentrated in the ‘comprehension level’, it will not be very complicated or hard to study. In spite of everything, all of thematic treated and discussed in documentation gives a solid knowledge of topic about audiovisual systems. The most difficult thing of realizing this document it was to take very complex topic and try to explain them as simply as possible In spite of everything for making this document as much accurated as possible it has been taken as point of reference rules established by the Department of Audiovisual Engineering & Communications of University School of Telecommunications Engineering (EUITT-UPM). This Project reach academic goal, for this reason in this document images, tables, annexes and outlines are enclosed in this document for an easier compression. At last, it’s necessary to say that each lector must have necessary a basic knowledge about arithmetic, calculus, waves and electronic circuits in the order that he could follow in a fluently way what the documentation set out.


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La asignatura Sistemas Operativos presenta dificultades para su aprendizaje, pero poco se conoce acerca de las mismas, ya que no han sido determinadas ni estudiadas por la literatura. Asimismo, los trabajos existentes sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje de Sistemas Operativos se limitan a proponer distintos enfoques para impartir la asignatura y en general no evalúan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes para comprobar la eficacia del método propuesto ni usan metodologías de investigación rigurosas. Por otra parte, la impartición de la asignatura Sistemas Operativos en modalidad online ha sido escasamente estudiada y podría tener dificultades adicionales a las de la modalidad presencial, ya que el contexto online impone una serie de restricciones tanto para el profesor como para el estudiante. En la presente tesis se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación formativa en la asignatura Sistemas Operativos, perteneciente al Grado de Ingeniería Informática de una universidad online. El objetivo inicial de la evaluación era descubrir las dificultades de los estudiantes para la comprensión de los conceptos de la asignatura. Posteriormente y, dada la buena aceptación de la evaluación por parte de los estudiantes, se ampliaron los objetivos del trabajo para explorar los efectos de la evaluación realizada sobre el aprendizaje. La evaluación formativa diseñada está basada en la taxonomía revisada de Bloom y sus principales objetivos son: (a) promover el aprendizaje significativo y (b) hacer a los estudiantes conscientes de su proceso de aprendizaje. La metodología de investigación utilizada es el estudio de caso cualitativo y la muestra está constituida por 9 estudiantes del total de 13 matriculados en la asignatura. Los datos cualitativos analizados proceden de las pruebas de evaluación formativa llevadas a cabo por los estudiantes durante la impartición de la asignatura. Los conceptos de sistemas operativos que han resultado más difíciles de comprender en el curso online estudiado han sido las interrupciones y los semáforos. Además, alrededor de estos conceptos se han identificado las dificultades específicas y sus posibles causas. Las dificultades descubiertas acerca de los semáforos corroboran las investigaciones existentes en el área de programación concurrente. El resto de las dificultades identificadas no habían sido determinadas por la literatura existente. En cuanto a los efectos de la evaluación formativa sobre el aprendizaje, la evidencia empírica muestra que ésta ha provocado en los estudiantes una reflexión profunda sobre los conceptos de la asignatura y sobre su propio proceso de aprendizaje. El estudio de caso presentado puede ayudar a los profesores del área de ingeniería a crear evaluaciones formativas en cursos online. La tesis, por tanto, realiza aportaciones relevantes en las áreas de enseñanza y aprendizaje de sistemas operativos, evaluación formativa, metodologías cualitativas y educación online. ABSTRACT Operating Systems is a difficult subject to learn; however little is known about said difficulties, as they have not been studied nor determined by the relevant literature. Existing studies on teaching and learning the subject of operating systems are limited to presenting different approaches for teaching the subject and generally do not evaluate students’ learning to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods, nor do they use rigorous research methodologies. On the other hand, there are very few studies on teaching operating systems online, which may inherently present more difficulties than the in-person format, since an online context imposes a series of restrictions on both professors and students, such as not having face-to-face interaction for communications. This thesis studies a formative assessment of the subject of operating systems, as part of the Degree in Information Technology Engineering for an online university. The initial objective of this assessment was to determine the students’ difficulties in conceptual comprehension for this subject. Once students had accepted the assessment, the study’s objectives were expanded to include an investigation of the effects of the assessment on learning. The designed formative assessment was based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy with the following main objectives: (a) to promote meaningful learning and (b) (b) to make students aware of their learning process. The research methodology involves a qualitative case study with a sample consisting of 9 of the total 13 students registered for this course. The qualitative data analyzed comes from the formative assessment tests taken by these students during the course. The most difficult operating systems concepts for students in the online course were interrupts and semaphores. Additionally, the specific difficulties and their possible causes have been identified. The students’ comprehension difficulties with semaphores corroborate the existing research in the area of concurrent programming. The other identified difficulties were not discussed in the existing literature. Regarding the effects of the formative assessment on learning, the empirical evidence shows that it causes students to reflect carefully on the subject’s concepts as well as their own learning process. The presented case study can help professors in the area of engineering to create formative assessments for online courses. This thesis, therefore, makes relevant contributions to the areas of teaching and learning operating systems, formative assessment, qualitative methodologies, and online education.


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Marine diatoms require dissolved silicate to form an external shell, and their growth becomes Si-limited when the atomic ratio of silicate to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (Si:DIN) approaches 1:1, also known as the “Redfield ratio.” Fundamental changes in the diatom-to-zooplankton-to-higher trophic level food web should occur when this ratio falls below 1:1 and the proportion of diatoms in the phytoplankton community is reduced. We quantitatively substantiate these predictions by using a variety of data from the Mississippi River continental shelf, a system in which the Si:DIN loading ratio has declined from around 3:1 to 1:1 during this century because of land-use practices in the watershed. We suggest that, on this shelf, when the Si:DIN ratio in the river decreases to less than 1:1, then (i) copepod abundance changes from >75% to <30% of the total mesozooplankton, (ii) zooplankton fecal pellets become a minor component of the in situ primary production consumed, and (iii) bottom-water oxygen consumption rates become less dependent on relatively fast-sinking (diatom-rich) organic matter packaged mostly as zooplankton fecal pellets. This coastal ecosystem appears to be a pelagic food web dynamically poised to be either a food web composed of diatoms and copepods or one with potentially disruptive harmful algal blooms. The system is directed between these two ecosystem states by Mississippi River water quality, which is determined by land-use practices far inland.


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Os reservatórios urbanos estão suscetíveis a uma variedade de interferências antropogênicas que acarretam grande variabilidade espacial e temporal. Contudo, possuem uma dinâmica própria na qual o hidroclima e micro e macro-eventos meteorológicos atuam sobre os processos físicos, químicos e biológicos resultando em respostas particulares de cada corpo de água. No presente estudo a existência de padrões espaciais e temporais na formação de florescimentos de algas, cianobactérias e macrófitas no reservatório Guarapiranga, São Paulo, SP, foi avaliada por meio de experimento de curta escala de tempo durante o evento da entrada de uma frente fria. Foram amostrados 64 pontos em todo o reservatório, e o estudo intensivo de florescimento algal e de cianobactérias em dois ciclos nictemerais, em um ponto selecionado no reservatório. Um modelo tridimensional de hidrodinâmica foi aplicado ao estudo compartimentalizado dos tempos de residência e imagens de satélite foram analisadas para determinação de padrões temporais e espaciais durante períodos de tempo mais amplos. Os resultados revelaram que os períodos mais favoráveis ao surgimento de florescimentos de cianobactérias são geralmente os meses mais quentes, de dezembro e janeiro, ou aqueles em que ocorrem estratificações mais fortes como no fim do inverno, em julho, e após as primeiras chuvas nos meses de setembro e outubro. Existem padrões espaciais recorrentes na formação dos florescimentos, controlados em grande parte pela ação do vento, que no reservatório Guarapiranga é predominantemente nas direções leste e sudeste empurrando os florescimentos na direção da foz dos tributários Embu Mirim e Embu Guaçu e ocasionalmente na direção da foz do rio Parelheiros. As simulações hidrodinâmicas evidenciam as forçantes que determinam os padrões observados e reforçam a importância de se discretizarem os tempos de residência de diferentes compartimentos do reservatório. As séries temporais amplas permitiram a determinação da qualidade da água em cada região e fornecem subsídios para o futuro manejo do reservatório. Como esse comportamento não se restringe ao reservatório Guarapiranga, o tipo de modelagem aqui utilizada pode ser útil para obter informações importantes no processo de planejamento e seleção de medidas para o gerenciamento de reservatórios urbanos tropicais polimíticos, em geral.


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In a previous 16-month seasonal study on living (stained) benthic foraminifera from two fjords on the Swedish west coast, it was reported that foraminifera proliferated in response to phytodetritus input; the strongest response came from the opportunistic species Stainforthia fusiformis. In this study, our objective was to find out if that phytodetritus input resulted in a change in the carbon isotopic composition of the foraminiferal tests. We also wanted to examine if variations in salinity and temperature (due to seasonality or deep-water exchanges) were reflected in the delta18O values. From S. fusiformis that were obtained from the Havstens Fjord (20 m) and the Gullmar Fjord (119 m) during the 16-month study, we developed a time series of delta18O and delta13C. After the spring blooms in the Havstens and the Gullmar Fjord, decreases of about 0.2 per mil to 0.3 per mil in the foraminiferal delta13C values were noted; in the Gullmar Fjord after the autumn blooms, decreases of the same order were also noted. Comparing the Havstens and the Gullmar Fjord, we found a 1 per mil difference in both delta13C and delta18O; we attribute this to hydrographic differences between the two fjords. Using calculated values of delta18O, together with the measured ones, we noticed that S. fusiformis in the Gullmar Fjord seems to calcify close to equilibrium with respect to the oxygen isotopes. During autumn, water temperatures were relatively high in the Havstens Fjord, and foraminiferal abundance in the fjord was also high after a phytodetritus input; but, the measured delta18O values do not reflect these higher temperatures. This apparently contradictory combination of results might be explained by a varying delta18O composition of the water during the year, which counterbalances the temperature effect.


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Surface sediments from the Laptev Sea and adjacent continental slope were studied for their composition of particulate organic matter (OM) by means of maceral analysis. The composition of macerals in sediments gives information about the environment, terrigenous supply from the hinterland, and marine OM. With reference to their biological sources, we distinguish between terrigenous and marine macerals. We found that the particulate OM in the surface sediments of the Laptev Sea is predominantly of terrigenous origin (mean: 78%). However, distinct variations exist when looking in detail. In the shelf area, sediments may contain up to 99% terrigenous OM. Freshwater algae occur directly north of the river mouths, reflecting the strong fluvial influence. Relatively high amounts of marine OM (20-40%) are restricted to the upper continental slope, the Vilkitsky Strait and west of the New Siberian Islands, explained by increased surface-water productivity due to increased fluvial nutrient supply, open-water conditions, and phytoplankton blooms at the ice-edge.


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The flux of materials to the deep sea is dominated by larger, organic-rich particles with sinking rates varying between a few meters and several hundred meters per day. Mineral ballast may regulate the transfer of organic matter and other components by determining the sinking rates, e.g. via particle density. We calculated particle sinking rates from mass flux patterns and alkenone measurements applying the results of sediment trap experiments from the Atlantic Ocean. We have indication for higher particle sinking rates in carbonate-dominated production systems when considering both regional and seasonal data. During a summer coccolithophorid bloom in the Cape Blanc coastal upwelling off Mauritania, particle sinking rates reached almost 570 m per day, most probably due the fast sedimentation of densely packed zooplankton fecal pellets, which transport high amounts of organic carbon associated with coccoliths to the deep ocean despite rather low production. During the recurring winter-spring blooms off NW Africa and in opal-rich production systems of the Southern Ocean, sinking rates of larger particles, most probably diatom aggregates, showed a tendency to lower values. However, there is no straightforward relationship between carbonate content and particle sinking rates. This could be due to the unknown composition of carbonate and/or the influence of particle size and shape on sinking rates. It also remains noticeable that the highest sinking rates occurred in dust-rich ocean regions off NW Africa, but this issue deserves further detailed field and laboratory investigations. We obtained increasing sinking rates with depth. By using a seven-compartment biogeochemical model, it was shown that the deep ocean organic carbon flux at a mesotrophic sediment trap site off Cape Blanc can be captured fairly well using seasonal variable particle sinking rates. Our model provides a total organic carbon flux of 0.29 Tg per year down to 3000 m off the NW African upwelling region between 5 and 35° N. Simple parameterisations of remineralisation and sinking rates in such models, however, limit their capability in reproducing the flux variation in the water column.


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The success of any efforts to determine the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems depends on understanding in the first instance the natural variations, which contemporarily occur on the interannual and shorter time scales. Here we present results on the environmental controls of zooplankton distribution patterns and behaviour in the eastern Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean. Zooplankton abundance and vertical migration are derived from the mean volume backscattering strength (MVBS) and the vertical velocity measured by moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), which were deployed simultaneously at 64°S, 66.5°S and 69°S along the Greenwich Meridian from February, 2005, until March, 2008. While these time series span a period of full three years they resolve hourly changes. A highly persistent behavioural pattern found at all three mooring locations is the synchronous diel vertical migration (DVM) of two distinct groups of zooplankton that migrate between a deep residence depth during daytime and a shallow depth during nighttime. The DVM was closely coupled to the astronomical daylight cycles. However, while the DVM was symmetric around local noon, the annual modulation of the DVM was clearly asymmetric around winter solstice or summer solstice, respectively, at all three mooring sites. DVM at our observation sites persisted throughout winter, even at the highest latitude exposed to the polar night. Since the magnitude as well as the relative rate of change of illumination is minimal at this time, we propose that the ultimate causes of DVM separated from the light-mediated proximal cue that coordinates it. In all three years, a marked change in the migration behaviour occurred in late spring (late October/early November), when DVM ceased. The complete suspension of DVM after early November is possibly caused by the combination of two factors: (1) increased availability of food in the surface mixed layer provided by the phytoplankton spring bloom, and (2) vanishing diurnal enhancement of the threat from visually oriented predators when the illumination is quasi-continuous during the polar and subpolar summer. Zooplankton abundance in the water column, estimated as the mean MVBS in the depth range 50-300 m, was highest end of summer and lowest mid to end winter on the average annual cycle. However, zooplankton abundance varied several-fold between years and between locations. Based on satellite and in situ data of chlorophyll and sea ice as well as on hydrographic measurements, the interannual and spatial variations of zooplankton mean abundance can be explained by differences in the magnitude of the phytoplankton spring bloom, which develops during the seasonal sea ice retreat. Whereas the vernal ice melt appears necessary to stimulate the blooming of phytoplankton, it is not the determinator of the blooms magnitude, its areal extent and duration. A possible explanation for the limitation of the phytoplankton bloom in some years is top-down control. We hypothesise that the phytoplankton spring development can be curbed by grazing when the zooplankton had attained high abundance by growth during the preceding summer.


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Carbon fixation by phytoplankton plays a key role in the uptake of atmospheric CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Yet, it still remains unclear how efficiently the particulate organic carbon (POC) is exported and transferred from ocean surface waters to depth during phytoplankton blooms. In addition, little is known about the processes that control the flux attenuation within the upper twilight zone. Here, we present results of downward POC and particulate organic nitrogen fluxes during the decline of a vast diatom bloom in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in summer 2012. We used thorium-234 (234Th) as a particle tracer in combination with drifting sediment traps (ST). Their simultaneous use evidenced a sustained high export rate of 234Th at 100 m depth in the weeks prior to and during the sampling period. The entire study area, of approximately 8000 km**2, showed similar vertical export fluxes in spite of the heterogeneity in phytoplankton standing stocks and productivity, indicating a decoupling between production and export. The POC fluxes at 100 m were high, averaging 26 ± 15 mmol C/m**2/d, although the strength of the biological pump was generally low. Only <20% of the daily primary production reached 100 m, presumably due to an active recycling of carbon and nutrients. Pigment analyses indicated that direct sinking of diatoms likely caused the high POC transfer efficiencies (~60%) observed between 100 and 300 m, although faecal pellets and transport of POC linked to zooplankton vertical migration might have also contributed to downward fluxes.


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Effluent from a land based shrimp farm was detected in a receiving creek as changes in physical, chemical and biological parameters. The extent and severity of these changes depended on farm operations. This assessment was conducted at three different stages of shrimp-pond maturity, including (1) when the ponds were empty, (2) full and (3) being harvested. Methods for assessing farm effluent in receiving waters included physical/chemical analyses of the water column, phytoplankton bioassays and nitrogen isotope signatures of marine flora. Comparisons were made with an adjacent creek that served as the farms intake creek and did not directly receive effluent. Physical/chemical parameters identified distinct changes in the receiving creek with respect to farm operations. Elevated water column NH4+ (18.5+/-8.0 muM) and chlorophyll a concentrations (5.5+/-1.9 mug/l) were measured when the farm was in operation, in contrast to when the farm was inactive (1.3+/-0.3 muM and 1.2+/-0.6 mug/l, respectively). At all times, physically chemical parameters at the mouth of the effluent creek, were equivalent to control values, indicating effluent was contained within the effluent-receiving creek. However, elevated delta(15)N signatures of mangroves (up to similar to8parts per thousand) and macroalgae (up to similar to5parts per thousand) indicated a broader influence of shrimp farm effluent, extending to the lower regions of the farms intake creek. Bioassays at upstream sites close to the location of farm effluent discharge indicated that phytoplankton at these sites did not respond to further nutrient additions, however downstream sites showed large growth responses. This suggested that further nutrient loading from the shrimp farm, resulting in greater nutrient dispersal, will increase the extent of phytoplankton blooms downstream from the site of effluent discharge. When shrimp ponds were empty water quality in the effluent and intake creeks was comparable. This indicated that observed elevated nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations were directly attributable to farm operations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bloom syndrome and ataxia-telangiectasia are autosomal recessive human disorders characterized by immunodeficiency, genome instability and predisposition to develop cancer. Recent data reveal that the products of these two genes, BLM and ATM, interact and function together in recognizing abnormal DNA structures. To investigate the function of these two molecules in DNA damage recognition, we generated double knockouts of ATM(-/-) BLM-/- in the DT40 chicken B-lymphocyte cell line. The double mutant cells were viable and exhibited a variety of characteristics of both ATM(-/-) and BLM-/- cells. There was no evidence for exacerbation of either phenotype; however, the more extreme radiosensitivity seen in ATM(-/-) and the elevated sister chromatid exchange seen in BLM-/- cells were retained in the double mutants. These results suggest that ATM and BLM have largely distinct roles in recognizing different forms of damage in DNA, but are also compatible with partially overlapping functions in recognizing breaks in radiation-damaged DNA.


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The occurrence of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya and Subba Raju is a global water quality issue. The misidentification of C. raciborskii in the past is a major concern for water quality users, considering the reported cases of human and livestock poisonings associated with the cyanobacterium. Many of the available taxonomic descriptions for this species provide little or no detail of the morphology of early developmental phases that may assist with identification. Therefore, typifying the morphological changes throughout the entire life cycle for such a species requires urgent attention. In this study, five distinct morphological phases identified using a new culturing technique are reported for the process of akinete germination in C. raciborskii. Before the terminal emergence of three to four cell germlings through a ruptured akinete envelope (phase 3), mature akinetes (phase 1) elongated and the endospore separated from the akinete envelope (phase 2). After the association with the envelope was lost, four-cell germlings (phase 4a) matured into young trichomes of more than four cells (phase 4b). Throughout the process of germination, internal granular structures decreased in size and were irregular in shape in germlings and young trichomes. The culturing technique, which used a Sedgwick-Rafter cell, was successful in its application but was limiting in that the development of young trichomes after phase 4b could not be monitored.


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Large blooms of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Moreton Bay, Australia (27 degrees 05'S, 153 degrees 08'E) have been re-occurring for several years. A bloom was studied in Deception Bay (Northern Moreton Bay) in detail over the period January-March 2000. In situ data loggers and field sampling characterised various environmental parameters before and during the L. majuscula bloom. Various ecophysiological experiments were conducted on L. majuscula collected in the field and transported to the laboratory, including short-term (2h) C-14 incorporation rates and long-term (7 days) pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry assessments of photosynthetic capacity. The effects of L. majuscula on various seagrasses in the bloom region were also assessed with repeated biomass sampling. The bloom commenced in January 2000 following usual December rainfall events, water temperatures in excess of 24 degrees C and high light conditions. This bloom expanded rapidly from 0 to a maximum extent of 8 km(2) over 55 days with an average biomass of 210 g(dw)(-1) m(-2) in late February, followed by a rapid decline in early April. Seagrass biomass, especially Syringodium isoetifolium, was found to decline in areas of dense L. majuscula accumulation. Dissolved and total nutrient concentrations did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) preceding or during the bloom. However, water samples from creeks discharging into the study region indicated elevated concentrations of total iron (2.7-80.6 mu M) and dissolved organic carbon (2.5-24.7 mg L-1), associated with low pH values (3.8-6.7). C-14 incorporation rates by L. majuscula were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated by additions of iron (5 mu M Fe), an organic chelator, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (5 mu M EDTA) and phosphorus (5 mu M PO4-3). Photosynthetic capacity measured with PAM fluorometry was also stimulated by various nutrient additions, but not significantly (P > 0.05). These results suggest that the L. majuscula bloom may have been stimulated by bioavailable iron, perhaps complexed by dissolved organic carbon. The rapid bloom expansion observed may then have been sustained by additional inputs of nutrients (N and P) and iron through sediment efflux, stimulated by redox changes due to decomposing L. majuscula mats. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Blooms of Lyngbya majuscula have been reported with increasing frequency and severity in the last decade in Moreton Bay, Australia. A number of grazers have been observed feeding upon this toxic cyanobacterium. Differences in sequestration of toxic compounds from L. majuscula were investigated in two anaspideans, Stylocheilus striatus, Bursatella leachii, and the cephalaspidean Diniatys dentifer. Species fed a monospecific diet of L. majuscula had different toxin distribution in their tissues and excretions. A high concentration of lyngbyatoxin-a was observed in the body of S. striatus (3.94 mg/kg(-1)) compared to bodily secretions (ink 0.12 mg/kg- 1; fecal matter 0.56 mg/kg(-1); eggs 0.05 mg/kg(-1)). In contrast, B. leachii secreted greater concentrations of lyngbyatoxin-a (ink 5.41 mg/kg(-1); fecal matter 6.71 mg/kg(-1)) than that stored in the body (2.24 mg/kg(-1)). The major internal repository of lyngbyatoxin-a and debromoaplysiatoxin was the digestive gland for both S. striatus (6.31 +/- 0.31 mg/kg(-1)) and B. leachii (156.39 +/- 46.92 mg/kg(-1)). D. dentifer showed high variability in the distribution of sequestered compounds. Lyngbyatoxin-a was detected in the digestive gland (3.56 +/- 3.56 mg/kg(-1)) but not in the head and foot, while debromoaplysiatoxin was detected in the head and foot (133.73 +/- 129.82 mg/kg(-1)) but not in the digestive gland. The concentrations of sequestered secondary metabolites in these animals did not correspond to the concentrations found in L. majuscula used as food for these experiments, suggesting it may have been from previous dietary exposure. Trophic transfer of debromoaplysiatoxin from L. majuscula into S. striatus is well established; however, a lack of knowledge exists for other grazers. The high levels of secondary metabolites observed in both the anaspidean and the cephalapsidean species suggest that these toxins may bioaccumulate through marine food chains.