987 resultados para Blood Composition
Os factores de risco nos adultos jovens são fortes preditores da incidência de doença cardiovascular e mortalidade na idade mais avançada. Em Portugal, desconhecem-se estudos que avaliem os factores de risco para as doenças crónicas, em jovens adultos, na transição do ensino secundário para o universitário. Este estudo pretendeu contribuir para a promoção do conhecimento dos determinantes sócioculturais e ambientais no diagnóstico e detecção de factores de risco para as doenças crónicas, nomeadamente as doenças cardiovasculares, em estudantes universitários. Teve como objectivo principal a investigação do efeito da vida académica nos factores de risco modificáveis, estilos de vida e determinantes da saúde. Teve como objectivos específicos identificar a(s) prevalência(s) dos factores de risco cardiovascular numa população universitária, a identificação dos intervalos de referência para a homocisteína total no soro de adultos jovens portugueses, a determinação do perfil lípidico, comportamentos de saúde e dieta alimentar de tipo mediterrânico entre os estudantes universitários de acordo com o género e a área científica de frequência e a avaliação longitudinal do impacto da exposição à vida académica no estado de saúde dos estudantes universitários Participaram no estudo 781 estudantes sendo a média de idades de 20,6. Os factores de risco estudados para as doenças crónicas, foram o hábito tabágico, a pressão arterial, o índice de massa corporal, a composição do sangue (lípidos, homocisteina e glicose), a alimentação e a actividade física. O estudo mostra que a prevalência de: sedentarismo é significativamente mais elevada nos rapazes (p<0,001); dislipidemia e a hipertrigliceridemia é significativamente mais elevada nas raparigas. Mais de um quarto dos estudantes tem colesterol elevado sendo a hipercolesterolemia significativamente mais elevada nas raparigas (p<0,001); a hipertensão verificou-se em ambos os sexos (6,0%) mas foi significativamente mais elevada nos rapazes (p=0,001). O estudo identificou o intervalo de referência para a homocisteína em adultos jovens portugueses independentemente do sexo (6,2 a 11,6 μmol/) sendo que, acima de 11,6 μmol/l é condição para vigilância médica em populações jovens adultas. Quando se estudou a exposição à vida académica comparada com aqueles que acabaram de entrar na universidade, verificou-se uma associação significativa no que respeita às concentrações de lípidos no sangue, à pressão arterial sistólica e à actividade física, tendo sido as raparigas aquelas que mais se afastavam dos padrões saudáveis (p<0,001). No que respeita à adesão à dieta mediterranica, não foram encontradas associações entre este tipo de alimentação e os vários factores de risco independentemente do género. Os resultados forneceram, evidências empíricas acerca da importância da detecção dos principais factores de risco na idade adulta (jovem) na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares e vieram corroborar as orientações do Plano de Desenvolvimento Estratégico do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Português para as doenças crónicas, nomeadamente o estabelecimento de valores de referência nacionais para análises biológicas e as orientações do Plano de Acção Estratégica Global para a Prevenção e Controle das Doenças Não-Transmissíveis-2008/2013 da Organização Mundial de Saúde.
Les modèles pharmacocinétiques à base physiologique (PBPK) permettent de simuler la dose interne de substances chimiques sur la base de paramètres spécifiques à l’espèce et à la substance. Les modèles de relation quantitative structure-propriété (QSPR) existants permettent d’estimer les paramètres spécifiques au produit (coefficients de partage (PC) et constantes de métabolisme) mais leur domaine d’application est limité par leur manque de considération de la variabilité de leurs paramètres d’entrée ainsi que par leur domaine d’application restreint (c. à d., substances contenant CH3, CH2, CH, C, C=C, H, Cl, F, Br, cycle benzénique et H sur le cycle benzénique). L’objectif de cette étude est de développer de nouvelles connaissances et des outils afin d’élargir le domaine d’application des modèles QSPR-PBPK pour prédire la toxicocinétique de substances organiques inhalées chez l’humain. D’abord, un algorithme mécaniste unifié a été développé à partir de modèles existants pour prédire les PC de 142 médicaments et polluants environnementaux aux niveaux macro (tissu et sang) et micro (cellule et fluides biologiques) à partir de la composition du tissu et du sang et de propriétés physicochimiques. L’algorithme résultant a été appliqué pour prédire les PC tissu:sang, tissu:plasma et tissu:air du muscle (n = 174), du foie (n = 139) et du tissu adipeux (n = 141) du rat pour des médicaments acides, basiques et neutres ainsi que pour des cétones, esters d’acétate, éthers, alcools, hydrocarbures aliphatiques et aromatiques. Un modèle de relation quantitative propriété-propriété (QPPR) a été développé pour la clairance intrinsèque (CLint) in vivo (calculée comme le ratio du Vmax (μmol/h/kg poids de rat) sur le Km (μM)), de substrats du CYP2E1 (n = 26) en fonction du PC n octanol:eau, du PC sang:eau et du potentiel d’ionisation). Les prédictions du QPPR, représentées par les limites inférieures et supérieures de l’intervalle de confiance à 95% à la moyenne, furent ensuite intégrées dans un modèle PBPK humain. Subséquemment, l’algorithme de PC et le QPPR pour la CLint furent intégrés avec des modèles QSPR pour les PC hémoglobine:eau et huile:air pour simuler la pharmacocinétique et la dosimétrie cellulaire d’inhalation de composés organiques volatiles (COV) (benzène, 1,2-dichloroéthane, dichlorométhane, m-xylène, toluène, styrène, 1,1,1 trichloroéthane et 1,2,4 trimethylbenzène) avec un modèle PBPK chez le rat. Finalement, la variabilité de paramètres de composition des tissus et du sang de l’algorithme pour les PC tissu:air chez le rat et sang:air chez l’humain a été caractérisée par des simulations Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov (MCMC). Les distributions résultantes ont été utilisées pour conduire des simulations Monte Carlo pour prédire des PC tissu:sang et sang:air. Les distributions de PC, avec celles des paramètres physiologiques et du contenu en cytochrome P450 CYP2E1, ont été incorporées dans un modèle PBPK pour caractériser la variabilité de la toxicocinétique sanguine de quatre COV (benzène, chloroforme, styrène et trichloroéthylène) par simulation Monte Carlo. Globalement, les approches quantitatives mises en œuvre pour les PC et la CLint dans cette étude ont permis l’utilisation de descripteurs moléculaires génériques plutôt que de fragments moléculaires spécifiques pour prédire la pharmacocinétique de substances organiques chez l’humain. La présente étude a, pour la première fois, caractérisé la variabilité des paramètres biologiques des algorithmes de PC pour étendre l’aptitude des modèles PBPK à prédire les distributions, pour la population, de doses internes de substances organiques avant de faire des tests chez l’animal ou l’humain.
Probiotics are generally considered as live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. The processing method of diet and the form of inclusion of probiotic can interfere in hematological, immunological and microbiological parameters in fish. The aim was to estimate the hematological, immunological and microbiological parameters in juveniles of Nile tilapia, fed probiotic, included before and after the process of pelletization and extrusion. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments: pelleted diet without probiotic, pelleted diet with inclusion of probiotic before and after processing, extruded feed without probiotic and extruded feed with inclusion of probiotic after processing and five replications. Two hundred and fifty fish were distributed in 25 aquaria (20 L) and fed for 63 days. The blood composition (red and white) showed no significant differences except mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of control when compared to other treatments. The phagocytic capacity of the animals that had received the extruded diet supplemented with probiotic was significantly higher when compared to the other treatments. However, there were no differences between the treatments regarding to the phagocytic index. Fish fed the extruded diet exhibited significant improvement in the nonspecific immunity. The probiotic bacteria colonized the intestine, since it was possible to recover them. We can affirm that these fishes remained healthy, because the hematological parameters were not altered during the experimental. The study shows that any form type of inclusion in the feed tested (before or after and after pelletizing extrusion) may be easily used by the fish farmer.
In response to uncertainty among cattle producers in Australia regarding the need to treat Bos indices and B. indicus crossbreeds, the scientific literature relating to the productivity effects of Boophilus microplus on cattle of all breeds was reviewed. Estimates of the mean effect of each engorging tick (damage coefficient, d) were made from a simple analysis of the reported data. On average, each engorging female tick is responsible for the loss of 1.37 +/- 0.25 g bodyweight in B. taunts cattle. The comparable value for B. taurus x B. indicus cattle is 1.18 +/- 0.21 g/engorging tick. These values were not statistically significantly different, indicating that if a threshold approach to tick control were taken, then the threshold number of standard ticks would be the same regardless of cattle genotype. No studies provided useable estimates of the effect of tick infestation on pure B. indices cattle. An economic threshold for treatment, below which acaricide application is not beneficial, can be predicted, using known values for the cost of acaricide application and the price of beef. However, the application of a threshold approach to control has not been embraced by government advisers and runs contrary to the accepted principals of strategic control programs. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Theory of developmental origins of adult health and disease proposes that experiences during critical periods of early development may have consequences on health throughout a lifespan. Thesis studies aimed to characterize associations between early growth and some components of the metabolic syndrome cluster. Participants belong to two epidemiological cohorts with data on birth measurements and, for the younger cohort, on serial recordings of weight and height during childhood. They were born as singletons between 1924-33 and 1934-44 in the Helsinki University Central Hospital, and 500 and 2003 of them, respectively, attended clinical studies at the age of 65-75 and 56-70 years, respectively. In the 65-75 year old men and women, the well-known inverse relationship between birth weight and systolic blood pressure (SBP) was confined to people who had established hypertension. Among them a 1-kg increase in birth weight was associated with a 6.4-mmHg (95% CI: 1.0 to 11.9) decrease in SBP. This relationship was further confined to people with the prevailing Pro12Pro polymorphism of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ2 (PPARγ2) gene. People with low birth weight were more likely to receive angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin-receptor blockers (ACEI/ARB, p=0.03), and, again, this relationship was confined to the carriers of the Pro12Pro (p=0.01 for interaction). These results suggest that the inverse association between birth weight and systolic BP becomes focused in hypertensive people because pathological features of BP regulation, associated with slow fetal growth, become self-perpetuating in adult life. Insulin resistance of the Pro12Pro carriers with low birth weight may interact with the renin-angiotensin system leading to raised BP levels. Habitual physical activity protected men and women who were small at birth, and thus at increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes, against glucose intolerance more strongly. Among subjects with birth weight ≤3000 g, the odds ratio (OR) for glucose intolerance was 5.2 (95% CI: 2.1 to 13) in those who exercised less than 3 times per week compared to regular exercisers; in those who scored their exercise light compared with moderate exercisers (defined as comparable to brisk walking) the OR was 3.5 (1.5 to 8.2). In the 56-70 year old men a 1 kg increase in birth weight corresponded to a 4.1 kg (95% CI: 3.1 to 5.1) and in women to a 2.9 kg (2.1 to 3.6) increase in adult lean mass. Rapid gain in body mass index (BMI), i.e. crossing from an original BMI percentile to a higher one, before the age of 2 years increased adult lean mass index (LMI, lean mass/height squared) without excess fat accumulation whereas rapid gain in BMI during later childhood, despite the concurrent rise in LMI, resulted in a relatively higher increase in adult body fat mass. These findings illustrate how genes, the environment and their interactions, early growth patterns, and adult lifestyle modify adult health risks which originate from early life.
An 8-week growth trial was carried out in a semi-recirculation system to investigate the effect of high dietary starch levels on the growth performance, blood chemistry, starch utilization and body composition of gibel carp (Carassius auratus var. gibelio). Five isonitrogenous and isocarloric experimental diets were formulated to contain different starch levels (24%, 28%, 32%, 36% and 40% respectively). Triplicate groups of fish (24 fish per tank with an average body weight, of 8.5 g) were assigned to each diet. The results showed that dietary carbohydrate levels significantly affected the growth performance, hepatopancreatic lipid content, pyruvate kinase (PK) activity and whole-body lipid content. Growth performance, body crude lipid and plasma glucose concentrations showed a decreasing trend with an increase in dietary starch from 24% to 40%. Pyruvate kinase activities and hepatopancreatic lipid content showed an increasing trend with the dietary starch increasing from 24% to 32%, and then a decreasing trend with the dietary starch increasing from 32% to 40%. No significant difference in the hepatopancreatic hexokinase (HK) activity, plasma triglyceride contents, body crude protein, ash and calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) contents was observed between different treatments. In conclusion, higher dietary starch levels (32-40%) significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the growth of gibel carp in the present study.
Consuming low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training leads to improvements in body composition. Habitual aerobic exercise and dairy intake are relatively easy lifestyle modifications that could benefit a population at risk for becoming obese. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate combining increased LFM intake with endurance exercise on body composition, blood-lipid profile and metabolic markers. 40 young males were randomized into four groups: one ingesting 750mL LFM immediately post-exercise, the other 6hrs post-exercise; and two isocaloric carbohydrate groups ingesting at the two different times. Participants completed a 12 week endurance-training program (cycling 1 hour/day at ~60%VO2peak, 5 days/week). 23 participants completed the study. Increases in lean mass (p < 0.05), and decreases in anti-inflammatory marker adiponectin (p < 0.05) were seen in all groups. No other significant changes were observed. Future analyses should focus on longer duration exercise and include a larger sample.
Background: There is little information about the relation between the fatty acid composition of human immune cells and the function of those cells over the habitual range of fatty acid intakes. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the relation between the fatty acid composition of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) phospholipids and the functions of human immune cells. Design: One hundred fifty healthy adult subjects provided a fasting blood sample. The phagocytic and oxidative burst activities of monocytes and neutrophils were measured in whole blood. PBMCs were isolated and used to measure lymphocyte proliferation in response to the T cell mitogen concanavalin A and the production of cytokines in response to concanavalin A or bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The fatty acid composition of plasma and PBMC phospholipids was determined. Results: Wide variations in fatty acid composition of PBMC phospholipids and immune cell functions were identified among the subjects. The proportions of total Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), of total n-6 and n-3 PUFAs, and of several individual PUFAs in PBMC phospholipids were positively correlated with phagocytosis by neutrophils and monocytes, neutrophil oxidative burst, lymphocyte proliferation, and interferon gamma production. The ratios of saturated fatty acids to PUFAs and of n-6 to n-3 PUFAs were negatively correlated with these same immune functions. The relation of PBMC fatty acid composition to monocyte oxidative burst was the reverse of its relation to monocyte phagocytosis and neutrophil oxidative burst. Conclusion: Variations in the fatty acid composition of PBMC phospholipids account for some of the variability in immune cell functions among healthy adults.
Background Whole grain (WG) foods have been suggested to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but studies are inconsistent and effects on cardiovascular risk markers are not clear. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the impact of increasing WG consumption to at least 80 g/d on overall dietary intake, body composition, blood pressure (BP), blood lipids, blood glucose, gastrointestinal microbiology and gastrointestinal symptoms in healthy, middle-age adults with habitual WG intake < 24 g/d. The trial was registered as ISRCTN36521837. Methods Eligible subjects (12 men, 21 women, aged 40-65 y and BMI 20-35 kg/m2) were identified using food frequency questionnaires and subsequently completed 3-day food diaries (3DFD) to confirm habitual WG consumption. Subjects consumed diets high in WG (> 80 g/d) or low in WG (< 16 g/d, refined grain [RG] diet) in a crossover study, with 6-week intervention periods, separated by a 4-week washout. Adherence was achieved by specific dietary advice and provision of a range of cereal food products. The 3DFD, diet compliance diaries and plasma alkylresorcinols (ARs) were used to verify compliance. Results On the WG intervention, consumption increased from 28 g/d to 168 g/d (P < 0.001), accompanied by an increase in plasma ARs (P < 0.001) and total fiber intake (P < 0.001), without any effect on energy or other macronutrients. While there were no effects on studied parameters, there were trends towards increased 24 h fecal weight (P = 0.08) and reduction in body weight (P = 0.10) and BMI (P = 0.08) during the WG compared to the RG period. Conclusion A combination of dietary advice and provision of commercially available food items enabled subjects with a low-moderate habitual consumption of WG to substantially increase their WG intake, but there was little effect on blood biochemical parameters, body composition, BP, fecal measurements or gut microbiology.
The present study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of feeding dairy cows with organic or inorganic sources of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) on blood concentrations of these minerals, blood metabolic profiles, nutrient intake and milk yield and composition. Nineteen Holstein cows were selected and randomly assigned to two groups for receiving organic (n = 9) or inorganic (n = 10) sources of Zn, Cu and Se from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. Samples of feed, orts and milk were collected for analysis. Body condition score (BCS) was determined and blood samples were collected for analysis of Zn, Cu and Se concentrations, as well as for metabolic profile. Supplying organic or inorganic sources of Zn, Cu, and Se did not affect dry matter and nutrient intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition, plasma concentration of these minerals, and BCS or change the BCS in cows from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. An effect of time was observed on all feed intake variables, plasma concentrations of Zn and Se, milk yield, milk protein content, BCS and change in BCS.
Objective: To assess the effect of soy protein and progressive resistance training on body composition and lipids in postmenopausal women.Design: In a controlled trial, 46 postmenopausal women were randomized to one of four groups: 25 g of soy protein (SP, n = 10), 25 g of soy protein plus resistance exercise (SPE, n = 14), 25 g of maltodextrine (placebo) (PL, n = 11), or placebo plus resistance exercise (PLE, n = 11). Progressive resistance training was held three times a week for 16 weeks and included 8 exercises (3 series of 8-12 repetitions). At baseline and after 16 weeks, body mass index, waist circumference (WC), body fat, muscle mass and serum lipid levels were measured. To confirm isoflavone absorption, urinary concentrations were determined. The t-test of Student and ANOVA were used in the statistical analysis.Results: Subjects were classified as overweight and showed android fat distribution: Urinary isoflavone excretion indicated compliance to soy protein treatment. After 16 weeks of intervention, both SPE and PLE groups showed a significant increase of 1.3 kg in muscle mass and reduction in WC of -1.4 and -2.1 cm, respectively (p < 0.05). Significant decreases in the mean values of total cholesterol and LDL (-29.0 and -24.0 mg/dL, p < 0.001 and p < 0.006, respectively) were observed in the users of soy protein alone (SP).Conclusions: Soy protein supplementation did not influence the indicators of body composition. However, it exerted possible favorable effects on lipid profile in postmenopausal women. The increase in muscle mass and reduction in abdominal fat were correlated with resistance training. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
The present study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of feeding dairy cows with organic or inorganic sources of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) on blood concentrations of these minerals, blood metabolic profiles, nutrient intake and milk yield and composition. Nineteen Holstein cows were selected and randomly assigned to two groups for receiving organic (n = 9) or inorganic (n = 10) sources of Zn, Cu and Se from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. Samples of feed, orts and milk were collected for analysis. Body condition score (BCS) was determined and blood samples were collected for analysis of Zn, Cu and Se concentrations, as well as for metabolic profile. Supplying organic or inorganic sources of Zn, Cu, and Se did not affect dry matter and nutrient intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition, plasma concentration of these minerals, and BCS or change the BCS in cows from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. An effect of time was observed on all feed intake variables, plasma concentrations of Zn and Se, milk yield, milk protein content, BCS and change in BCS.
Lymph nodes are strategically localized at the interfaces between the blood and lymphatic vascular system, delivering immune cells and antigens to the lymph node. As cellular junctions of endothelial cells actively regulate vascular permeability and cell traffic, we have investigated their molecular composition by performing an extensive immunofluorescence study for adherens and tight junction molecules, including vascular endothelium (VE)-cadherin, the vascular claudins 1, 3, 5 and 12, occludin, members of the junctional adhesion molecule family plus endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule (ESAM)-1, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1, ZO-1 and ZO-2. We found that junctions of high endothelial venules (HEV), which serve as entry site for naive lymphocytes, are unique due to their lack of the endothelial cell-specific claudin-5. LYVE-1(+) sinus-lining endothelial cells form a diffusion barrier for soluble molecules that arrive at the afferent lymph and use claudin-5 and ESAM-1 to establish characteristic tight junctions. Analysis of the spatial relationship between the different vascular compartments revealed that HEV extend beyond the paracortex into the medullary sinuses, where they are protected from direct contact with the lymph by sinus-lining endothelial cells. The specific molecular architecture of cellular junctions present in blood and lymphatic vessel endothelium in peripheral lymph nodes establishes distinct barriers controlling the distribution of antigens and immune cells within this tissue.