991 resultados para Blockchain,Ethereum,Smart Contract,Solidity,Blood,Availability


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All’inizio di questa tesi viene discusso il funzionamento delle tecnologie visionate, Bitcoin ed Ethereum, cercando di identificarne i punti principali e salienti: la gestione delle transazioni, le tipologie di Blockchain adottate oggi e l’introduzione degli Smart Contract per sviluppare applicazioni decentralizzate. Successivamente viene considerato il caso di studio, il quale sottolinea la distribuzione delle sacche di sangue tra un centro trasfusionale e un’azienda sanitaria, con lo scopo di mettere in evidenza le interazioni tra queste, concentrandosi sulla disponibilità. Infine, dopo un’analisi del linguaggio Solidity e dopo la descrizione della modalità di sviluppo adottata accompagnata da una fase di testing, viene esposta l’implementazione realizzata concentrandosi sui dettagli delle funzionalità proposte.


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Le applicazioni che offrono servizi sulla base della posizione degli utenti sono sempre più utilizzate, a partire dal navigatore fino ad arrivare ai sistemi di trasporto intelligenti (ITS) i quali permetteranno ai veicoli di comunicare tra loro. Alcune di questi servizi permettono perfino di ottenere qualche incentivo se l'utente visita o passa per determinate zone. Per esempio un negozio potrebbe offrire dei coupon alle persone che si trovano nei paraggi. Tuttavia, la posizione degli utenti è facilmente falsificabile, ed in quest'ultima tipologia di servizi, essi potrebbero ottenere gli incentivi in modo illecito, raggirando il sistema. Diviene quindi necessario implementare un'architettura in grado di impedire alle persone di falsificare la loro posizione. A tal fine, numerosi lavori sono stati proposti, i quali delegherebbero la realizzazione di "prove di luogo" a dei server centralizzati oppure collocherebbero degli access point in grado di rilasciare prove o certificati a quegli utenti che si trovano vicino. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo ideato un'architettura diversa da quelle dei lavori correlati, cercando di utilizzare le funzionalità offerte dalla tecnologia blockchain e dalla memorizzazione distribuita. In questo modo è stato possibile progettare una soluzione che fosse decentralizzata e trasparente, assicurando l'immutabilità dei dati mediante l'utilizzo della blockchain. Inoltre, verrà dettagliato un'idea di caso d'uso da realizzare utilizzando l'architettura da noi proposta, andando ad evidenziare i vantaggi che, potenzialmente, si potrebbero trarre da essa. Infine, abbiamo implementato parte del sistema in questione, misurando i tempi ed i costi richiesti dalle transazioni su alcune delle blockchain disponibili al giorno d'oggi, utilizzando le infrastrutture messe a disposizione da Ethereum, Polygon e Algorand.


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Smart contracts are the most advanced blockchain applications. They can also be used in the contractual domain for the encoding and automatic execution of contract terms. Smart contracts already existed before the blockchain, but they take advantage of the characteristics of that technology. Namely, the decentralised and immutable characters of the blockchain determine that no single contracting party can control, modify, or interrupt the execution of smart contracts. As every new phenomenon, blockchain-based smart contracts have attracted the attention of institutions. For example, in its Resolution of 3 October 2018 on distributed ledger technologies and blockchain, the European Parliament has stressed the need to undertake an in-depth assessment of the legal implications,starting from the analysis of existing legal frameworks. Indeed, the present research thesis aims to verify how blockchain-based smart contracts fit into contract law. To this end, the analysis starts from the most discussed and relevant aspects and develops further considerations. Before that, it provides a detailed description and clarifications about the characteristics, the functioning, and the development of the technology, which is an essential starting point for a high-level quality legal analysis. It takes into considerations already existing rules concerning the use of technology in the life cycle of contracts, from vending machines to computable contracts, and verifies its applicability to blockchain-based smart contracts. The work does not limit to consider the mere technology, but some concrete scenarios of adoption of blockchain-based smart contracts in the contractual domain. Starting from the latter, it focuses on the implications of blockchain-based smart contracts on contract formation, contract performance, and applicable law and jurisdiction.


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Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, miten lohkoketjuteknologiaa voi soveltaa finanssisektorille. Tutkimus tarjoaa yleiskuvan lohkoketjuteknologista, sekä sen sovelluskohteista finanssisektorilla. Tutkimusmenetelmä on kvalitatiivinen ja se toteutettiin haastattelemalla pankkeja, jotka osallistuvat Distributed Ledger Group (DLG)-konsortioon. Kyseinen konsortio pyrkii 42 pankin ja R3cev nimisen yrityksen välisessä yhteistyössä soveltamaan lohkoketjuteknologiaa pankkisektorille. Haastattelujen perusteella pankit pitävät lohkoketjuteknologian potentiaalia pitkällä aikavälillä suurena. Erityisesti lohkoketjuteknologian odotetaan laskevan kustannuksia, sekä nopeuttavan toimintoja useiden eri tuotteiden kohdalla. Pelkästään pankkisektorilla tutkitaan tällä hetkellä kymmeniä eri sovelluskohteita. Ennen kuin lohkoketjulla voidaan nähdä kaupallista toimintaa, tulee haasteita ylittää sekä teknisellä, että säädännöllisellä puolella. Vielä on liian varhaista arvioida, milloin lohkoketjuteknologiaa tullaan soveltamaan laajemmin finanssisektorilla. Pankkien oma tutkimus aiheesta oli vielä suhteellisen varhaisessa vaiheessa. Lohkoketjuteknologian potentiaali voidaan nähdä tutkimuksen perusteella valtavan suurena. Vielä on kuitenkin vaikea arvioida tullaanko tähän potentiaaliin tulevaisuudessa yltämään. Finanssisektorilla on monia toimijoita, jotka tutkivat lohkoketjuteknologiaa ja se vauhdittaa kehitystä. Lohkoketjuteknologia saattaa tulevaisuudessa mullistaa monia finanssisektorin osa-alueita tai jopa korvata ne kokonaan.


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Negli ultimi anni si sta notando sempre di più il cambiamento apportato dalla tecnologia ai vari settori industriali, il quale costringe ogni azienda ad adattare i propri processi per mantenere la propria posizione sul mercato. Un'innovazione è costituita dalla blockchain, che viene presentata come un insieme di tecnologie distribuite volte a mantenere un registro condiviso immutabile. Le sue applicazioni si possono trovare nell'ambito economico attraverso le criptovalute fino ad arrivare alla certificazione in supply chain di società o enti. Come tutte le innovazioni porta con sè vantaggi e peculiarità che ne contraddistinguono il funzionamento. In questa tesi si tratteranno blockchain Ethereum e Smart Contracts ossia componenti definiti in Solidity, un linguaggio dalla caratteristica di Touring Completeness. Con lo sviluppo degli Smart Contract si è arrivati alla creazione di applicazioni decentralizzate, organizzazioni autonome e certificazioni fino alla creazione di standard per token fungibili. Infine un aspetto da non sottovalutare quando si parla di sistemi distribuiti ed in particolare di blockchain è la sicurezza. Verranno introdotti i principali attacchi all'infrastruttura e all'utente, ponendo attenzione a come questo aspetto possa essere tralasciato per favorire interoperabilità tra blockchain.


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In questo elaborato vengono introdotte le caratteristiche fondamentali della blockchain ed in particolare dello sviluppo di smart contract tramite Solidity nella Blockchain Ethereum. Successivamente, sono illustrate le applicazioni di questa tecnologia in ambito sanitario e viene presentato il progetto sviluppato. In seguito, viene spiegata nel dettaglio l’implementazione del già menzionato progetto e si mostrano i test svolti; viene, inoltre, mostrata una semplice analisi sul costo computazionale, in termini di gas, del codice scritto. Questa tecnologia si presta efficacemente a sviluppi di applicazioni in ambito sanitario per le sue proprietà, come l’immutabilità e la privacy; nel sistema sviluppato la profonda sicurezza delle transazioni (data dalla blockchain) rende possibile l’acquisto e la gestione di un’assicurazione sanitaria senza la necessità di appoggiarsi a terze parti. In conclusione, vengono discusse possibili modifiche e miglioramenti al sistema proposto.


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Il Web 3.0 è un'estensione del web come lo conosciamo oggi basata sulla blockchain e che ha permesso negli ultimi anni lo sviluppo della Token Economy. I token e gli smart contract sono gli strumenti che permettono di creare nuovi modelli di business tokenizzati. Questa tesi ha lo scopo di capire quale sia il legame tra lo sviluppo delle tecnologie del Web 3.0 e i modelli di business che ne derivano, andando a individuare i modelli imprenditoriali più noti, la loro value proposition e le complicazioni ad essi associate.


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Negli ultimi anni il mercato degli NFT è cresciuto in modo sbalorditivo. Questo nuovo token deriva dall’idea di un nuovo standard Ethereum che riesca a distinguere univocamente ogni token. Infatti, può essere associato a proprietà virtuali e digitali ed è in grado di identificare in modo univoco le proprietà a cui si riferisce. Questa nuova tecnologia è in continua evoluzione in molti ambiti, dall’ambito sportivo, a quello dell’arte, alla musica, alla moda così via. Man mano che si sviluppa notiamo che vengono mutati campi, prodotti e servizi già esistenti, ma anche sviluppati dei nuovi. Le persone sono affascinate dagli NFT per il fatto che rappresentano oggetti piacevoli, creativi ed interessanti e poichè ci associano il concetto di “investimento”, “trading”, “guadagno” e necessariamente pensano alle criptovalute quali Bitcoin o Ethereum. Infatti, in molti hanno sentito parlare di almeno una delle opere diventate più famose grazie agli NFT. Ad esempio, l’opera d’arte “Everydays: the First 5000 Days” dell’artista Beeple Mike Winkelmann fu venduta dalla casa d’aste Christie’s ad un prezzo che fece il record di vendita per un unico NFT (più di 69 milioni di dollari). Uno dei settori in cui gli NFT sono entrati riguarda quello dell'arte, dando vita a un vero e proprio fenomeno definito come "Crypto-Art". La preziosità e il valore delle opere digitali si crea sull’unicità dell’opera. Il pregio dell’arte non è per tutti, ma su una nicchia di persone che sono appassionati e collezionisti del mondo dell’arte. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è appunto analizzare le potenzialità e i limiti di NFT in questo contesto.


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OBJECTIVE: The major source of hemolysis during cardiopulmonary bypass remains the cardiotomy suction and is primarily due to the interaction between air and blood. The Smart suction system involves an automatically controlled aspiration designed to avoid the mixture of blood with air. This study was set-up to compare this recently designed suction system to a Cell Saver system in order to investigate their effects on blood elements during prolonged intrathoracic aspiration. METHODS: In a calf model (n=10; mean weight, 69.3+/-4.5 kg), a standardized hole was created in the right atrium allowing a blood loss of 100 ml/min, with a suction cannula placed into the chest cavity into a fixed position during 6 h. The blood was continuously aspirated either with the Smart suction system (five animals) or the Cell Saver system (five animals). Blood samples were taken hourly for blood cell counts and biochemistry. RESULTS: In the Smart suction group, red cell count, plasma protein and free hemoglobin levels remained stable, while platelet count exhibited a significant drop from the fifth hour onwards (prebypass: 683+/-201*10(9)/l, 5 h: 280+/-142*10(9)/l, P=0.046). In the Cell Saver group, there was a significant drop of the red cell count from the third hour onwards (prebypass: 8.6+/-0.9*10(12)/l, 6 h: 6.3+/-0.4*10(12)/l, P=0.02), of the platelet count from the first hour onwards (prebypass: 630+/-97*10(9)/l, 1 h: 224+/-75*10(9)/l, P<0.01), and of the plasma protein level from the first hour onwards (prebypass: 61.7+/-0.6 g/l, 1 h: 29.3+/-9.1 g/l, P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental set-up, the Smart suction system avoids damage to red cells and affects platelet count less than the Cell Saver system which induces important blood cell destruction, as any suction device mixing air and blood, as well as severe hypoproteinemia with its metabolic, clotting and hemodynamic consequences.


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Hematological status in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, was examined in relation to eight combinations of three environmental fa ctors; temperature (5°, 20°C), oxygen availability «35%, >70% saturation) and photoperiod (16L:8D, 8L:16D) and evaluated by 3-factor analysis of variance. Hemog l obin and hematocrit , indicators of oxygenc arrying capacity increased significantly at the higher temperature, following exposure to hypoxia and in relation to reduced light period. Significant variations in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were not detected. The effects of temperature and oxygen availability were more pronounced than that of photoperiod which was generally masked. Although oxygen availability and photoperiod did not interact with temperature, the interaction of the former fac tors was significant. Elec trophoresis revealed twelve hemoglobin isomorphs. Relative concentration changes were found in re lation to the factors c onsidered with temperature>hypoxia>photoperiod. Howeve r , in terms of absolute concentration, effects were hypoxia>temperature>photoperiod. Photoperiod effects were again masked by temperature and (or) hypoxia. Red cell +2 l eve ls of [CI ] and [Mg ], critical elements in the hemoglobin-oxygen affinity regulating system, were also significantly altered. Red cell CI +2 was influenced only by temperature ; Mg by temper ature and oxygen. No photoperiod influence on either ions was observed. Under nominal 'summer' conditions, these changes point to the likelihood of increases in oxygen-c arrying c apac ity coupled with low Hb-02 affinity adjustments which would be expected to increase oxygen delivery rates to their more rapidly metabolising tissues.


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Selenium (Se) is an essential element and deficit or excess of dietary Se is associated with health disorders. Relatively elevated Se levels have been reported in the Brazilian Amazon, where there are also important annual variations in the availability of different foods. The present study was conducted among six riparian communities of the Tapajos River to evaluate seasonal variations in blood and sequential hair cm Se concentrations, and to examine the relationships between Se in blood and hair, and blood and urine. Two cross-sectional studies were conducted, at the descending water (DWS, n = 259) and the rising water (RWS, n = 137) seasons, with repeated measures for a subgroup (n = 112). Blood Se (B-Se), hair Se (H-Se) and urine Se (U-Se) were determined. Match-paired analyses were used for seasonal comparisons and the method of best fit was used to describe the relationships between biomarkers. B-Se levels presented a very large range (142-2447 mu g/l) with no overall seasonal variation (median 284 and 292 mu g/l, respectively). Sequential analysis of 13 cm hair strands showed significant variations over time: Se concentrations at the DWS were significantly lower compared with the rising water season (medians: 0.7 and 0.9 mu g/g; ranges: 0.2-4.3 mu g/g and 0.2-5.4 mu g/g, respectively). At both seasons, the relationships between B-Se and H-Se were linear and highly significant (r(2) = 67.9 and 63.6, respectively), while the relationship between B-Se and U-Se was best described by a sigmoid curve. Gender, age, education and smoking did not influence Se status or biomarker relationships. Variations in H-Se suggest that there may be seasonal availability of Se sources in local food. For populations presenting a large range and/or elevated Se exposure, sequential analyses of H-Se may provide a good reflection of variations in Se status.


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BACKGROUND: Persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behaviors are excluded from donation to reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted infection. Persons donating to be tested for HIV may therefore deny risk behaviors. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A random sample of donors completed a survey on motivations, knowledge, and attitudes on the screening process. Donors were considered test seekers if they agreed with two statements ""I think that blood donation is a good, fast, and anonymous way to get my blood tested"" and ""I donate to get my test results."" This study was conducted from June to November 2006 at the largest blood bank in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RESULTS: Of 3061 participants, 208 (7%) were test seekers. They tended to be male and had a lower educational level. They were more likely to have incorrect knowledge about blood safety (e.g., not knowing that a unit can test antibody negative and still transmit infection, 60% vs. 42%, p = 0.02), express dissatisfaction with screening questions (e.g., feeling that important questions were not asked, 14% vs. 5%, p < 0.01), and concur that donors do not answer questions truthfully (e.g., donors have more sexual partners than they admit, 29% vs. 18%, p < 0.01). Test seekers were more likely to believe that it is acceptable to donate blood to get tested for HIV (41% vs. 10%, p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Test-seeking motivation, coupled with low knowledge of window period risk, is counter to improving blood safety and to donor prevention needs. Donor education needs to be improved along with availability of appropriate HIV counseling and testing.


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BACKGROUND: The profile of blood donors changed dramatically in Brazil over the past 20 years, from remunerated to nonremunerated and then from replacement to community donors. Donor demographic data from three major blood centers establish current donation profiles in Brazil, serving as baseline for future analyses and tracking longitudinal changes in donor characteristics. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Data were extracted from the blood center, compiled in a data warehouse, and analyzed. Population data were obtained from the Brazilian census. RESULTS: During 2007 to 2008, there were 615,379 blood donations from 410,423 donors. A total of 426,142 (69.2%) were from repeat (Rpt) donors and 189,237 (30.8%) were from first-time (FT) donors. Twenty percent of FT donors returned to donate in the period. FT donors were more likely to be younger, and Rpt donors were more likely to be community donors. All were predominantly male. Replacement donors still represent 50% of FT and 30% of Rpt donors. The mean percentage of the potentially general population who were donors was approximately 1.2% for the three centers (0.7, 1.5, and 3.1%). Adjusting for the catchment`s area, the first two were 2.1 and 1.6%. CONCLUSIONS: Donors in the three Brazilian centers tended to be younger with a higher proportion of males than in the general population. Donation rates were lower than desirable. There were substantial differences in sex, age, and community/replacement status by center. Studies on the safety, donation frequencies, and motivations of donors are in progress to orient efforts to enhance the availability of blood.


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In this work it is proposed the design of a mobile system to assist car drivers in a smart city environment oriented to the upcoming reality of Electric Vehicles (EV). Taking into account the new reality of smart cites, EV introduction, Smart Grids (SG), Electrical Markets (EM), with deregulation of electricity production and use, drivers will need more information for decision and mobility purposes. A mobile application to recommend useful related information will help drivers to deal with this new reality, giving guidance towards traffic, batteries charging process, and city mobility infrastructures (e. g. public transportation information, parking places availability and car & bike sharing systems). Since this is an upcoming reality with possible process changes, development must be based on agile process approaches (Web services).


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Demand response is assumed an essential resource to fully achieve the smart grids operating benefits, namely in the context of competitive markets. Some advantages of Demand Response (DR) programs and of smart grids can only be achieved through the implementation of Real Time Pricing (RTP). The integration of the expected increasing amounts of distributed energy resources, as well as new players, requires new approaches for the changing operation of power systems. The methodology proposed aims the minimization of the operation costs in a smart grid operated by a virtual power player. It is especially useful when actual and day ahead wind forecast differ significantly. When facing lower wind power generation than expected, RTP is used in order to minimize the impacts of such wind availability change. The proposed model application is here illustrated using the scenario of a special wind availability reduction day in the Portuguese power system (8th February 2012).