972 resultados para Block theory (Rock mechanics)


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This contribution outlines Synchrotron-based X-ray micro-tomography and its potential use in structural geology and rock mechanics. The paper complements several recent reviews of X-ray microtomography. We summarize the general approach to data acquisition, post-processing as well as analysis and thereby aim to provide an entry point for the interested reader. The paper includes tables listing relevant beamlines, a list of all available imaging techniques, and available free and commercial software packages for data visualization and quantification. We highlight potential applications in a review of relevant literature including time-resolved experiments and digital rock physics. The paper concludes with a report on ongoing developments and upgrades at synchrotron facilities to frame the future possibilities for imaging sub-second processes in centimetre-sized samples.


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Soil and rock mechanics are disciplines with a strong conceptual and methodological basis. Initially, when engineering students study these subjects, they have to understand new theoretical phenomena, which are explained through mathematical and/or physical laws (e.g. consolidation process, water flow through a porous media). In addition to the study of these phenomena, students have to learn how to carry out estimations of soil and rock parameters in laboratories according to standard tests. Nowadays, information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide a unique opportunity to improve the learning process of students studying the aforementioned subjects. In this paper, we describe our experience of the incorporation of ICTs into the classical teaching-learning process of soil and rock mechanics and explain in detail how we have successfully developed various initiatives which, in summary, are: (a) implementation of an online social networking and microblogging service (using Twitter) for gradually sending key concepts to students throughout the semester (gradual learning); (b) detailed online virtual laboratory tests for a delocalized development of lab practices (self-learning); (c) integration of different complementary learning resources (e.g. videos, free software, technical regulations, etc.) using an open webpage. The complementary use to the classical teaching-learning process of these ICT resources has been highly satisfactory for students, who have positively evaluated this new approach.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The Lattice Solid Model has been used successfully as a virtual laboratory to simulate fracturing of rocks, the dynamics of faults, earthquakes and gouge processes. However, results from those simulations show that in order to make the next step towards more realistic experiments it will be necessary to use models containing a significantly larger number of particles than current models. Thus, those simulations will require a greatly increased amount of computational resources. Whereas the computing power provided by single processors can be expected to increase according to Moore's law, i.e., to double every 18-24 months, parallel computers can provide significantly larger computing power today. In order to make this computing power available for the simulation of the microphysics of earthquakes, a parallel version of the Lattice Solid Model has been implemented. Benchmarks using large models with several millions of particles have shown that the parallel implementation of the Lattice Solid Model can achieve a high parallel-efficiency of about 80% for large numbers of processors on different computer architectures.


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No país existem inúmeras estruturas e obras civis que estão em operação a dezenas de anos e necessitam de monitoramento periódico devido a sua importância. Por este motivo, a dissertação apresenta um caso de um túnel antigo com problema de queda de bloco e visa instigar novas pesquisas e aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema. Foram realizadas inspeções em campo em alguns túneis não revestidos da Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM), bem como os ensaios em laboratório e in situ realizados nas amostras e no maciço rochoso para caracterizar o problema. Para o estudo foi escolhido o túnel Monte Seco Linha 1 e Linha 2 nos quais foram realizadas sondagens rotativas inclinadas e orientadas próximas ao eixo para investigação dos planos de descontinuidade. Os conceitos da Teoria dos Blocos-Chave foram aplicados às famílias de descontinuidades encontradas nos Túneis Monte Seco L1 e L2 para identificar os possíveis blocos instáveis formados pelas escavações. Para obtenção dos parâmetros geotécnicos de resistência e deformabilidade foram realizados ensaios de compressão uniaxial instrumentados com strain gages. A resistência a tração foi obtida através de Ensaio de Compressão Diametral (ECD). No ensaio de campo foi utilizado o Martelo de Schmidt para avaliação da rocha in situ. Através da análise dos dados foi possível distinguir setores cuja ocorrência de queda de blocos são maiores e a classe do maciço rochoso de acordo com a proposta de Bieniawski.


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The fracture behavior of rock block contacts has been studied for many years. Unfortunately, up to now, there is not a rigorous formulation or a solid theoretical foundation to support it. A mathematical development to represent the failure mechanism which occurs in the contacts between rock blocks is presented to evaluate the performance of breaking mechanism of such blocks relating it to the morphology of the contact and mechanical parameters of the material. The examined framework includes the evaluation of the surface roughness of first order in the failure mechanism of the granular particles of large size and the development of a theoretical model describing the morphology of the contact between rock blocks.


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The Yaoyingtai Block is located within the northeastern Changling Depression of southern Songliao Basin, where the reservoir sandstones are petrophysically characterized by very low permeability, which results in the low success probability of artificial fracturing, and the low oil yield by water injection in the course of oil production. In order to improve the situations as stated above, this research aims to work out an integral fracturing technology and strategy applicable to the low permeable reservoirs in Yaoyingtai Block. Under the guidance of geological theory, reservoir engineering and technology, the subsurface occurrences of natural and hydraulic fractures in the reservoirs are expected to be delineated, and appropriate fracturing fluids and proppants are to be optimized, based on the data of drilling, well logging, laboratory and field experiments, and geological data. These approaches lay the basis of the integral fracturing technology suitable for the low permeable reservoir in the study area. Based on core sample test, in-situ stress analysis of well logging, and forward and inversion stress field modeling, as well as fluid dynamic analysis, the maximum in-situ stress field is unraveled to be extended nearly along the E-W direction (clustering along N85-135°E) as is demonstrated by the E-W trending tensional fractures. Hydraulic fractures are distributed approximately along the E-W direction as well. Faulting activities could have exerted obvious influences on the distribution of fractures, which were preferentially developed along fault zones. Based on reservoir sensitivity analysis, integrated with studies on rock mechanics, in-situ stress, natural fracture distribution and production in injection-production pilot area, the influences of primary fractures on fracturing operation are analyzed, and a diagnostic technology for primary fractures during depressurization is accordingly developed. An appropriate fracturing fluid (hydroxypropyl guar gum) and a proppant (Yixing ceramsite, with a moderate-density, 0.45-0.9mm in size) applicable to Qingshankou Formation reservoir are worked out through extensive optimization analysis. The fracturing fluid can decrease the damage to the oil reservoir, and the friction in fracturing operation, improving the effect of fracturing operation. Some problems, such as sand-out at early stage and low success rate of fracturing operations, have been effectively solved, through pre-fracturing formation evaluation, “suspension plug” fracturing, real-time monitoring and limited-flow fracturing. Through analysis of fracture-bearing tight reservoir with variable densities and dynamic analysis of influences of well patterns on fracturing by using numerical simulation, a fracturing operation scheme for the Qingshankou Formation reservoir is proposed here as being better to compress the short factures, rather than to compress the long fractures during hydraulic fracturing. It is suggested to adopt the 450m×150m inverted 9-spot well pattern in a diamond shape with wells placed parallel to fractures and a half fracture length of 60-75m.


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This paper is belonging to Chinese Petrochemical Corporation's key project. Although it is difficult and great workload, it has important theoretical and practical value. Its targets is to establish 4 dimension stress fields of complex fault block groups, and then to predict the forming mechanism and distribution rule of petroleum pools, by applying the most advanced theories, methods and technology and the most sophisticated software in highly explored zones. By means of multi-discipline theories, methods, technologies and multi-source information, using computer with maximum efforts, investigating the strata framework, structure framework, petroleum pool forming mechanism and forming mode of complex fault block groups, several results have been achieved as following: The fastigiated mode of Xianhe complex fault block groups was established, pointed out the control function of pool accumulate in Xianhe complex fault block groups Xianhe fastigiated complex fault block groups are the results of combining stress of extending, slipping and reversing, which formed in early Shahejie stage, changed and perplexed during Dongying stage and that control the forming and destruction of petroleum pools. By measuring the earth stress and rock mechanics parameters in the research region, the model of 4 dimension stress field and potential fields of migrating fluids was established from ES3 stage to current, with their space distribution and time evolve and petroleum accumulate. The fault-sealing model in Xianhe complex fault block groups was established, which reveal the sealing mechanism of petroleum about control-fault, made for petroleum pool prediction in complex fault block. The petroleum pool forming mode and mechanism in complex fault block was established. Petroleum distribution were predicted in three stress inverse zones, and remaining oil were point out in the high points of 2 micro-structures and the region with strong fault-sealing capabilities. (6). A set of theories, technology and methods of complex fault block petroleum pool have been developed, bring on an improvement of the development geology theory in continental fault depression lake basin, good economic benefits have been obtained by applying on both east and west areas of our country.


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We present a rigorous validation of the analytical Amadei solution for the stress concentration around an arbitrarily orientated borehole in general anisotropic elastic media. First, we revisit the theoretical framework of the Amadei solution and present analytical insights that show that the solution does indeed contain all special cases of symmetry, contrary to previous understanding, provided that the reduced strain coefficients b11 and b55 are not equal. It is shown from theoretical considerations and published experimental data that the b11 and b55 are not equal for realistic rocks. Second, we develop a 3D finite element elastic model within a hybrid analytical–numerical workflow that circumvents the need to rebuild and remesh the model for every borehole and material orientation. Third, we show that the borehole stresses computed from the numerical model and the analytical solution match almost perfectly for different borehole orientations (vertical, deviated and horizontal) and for several cases involving isotropic, transverse isotropic and orthorhombic symmetries. It is concluded that the analytical Amadei solution is valid with no restriction on the borehole orientation or the symmetry of the elastic anisotropy.


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The seismic slope stability analysis of the right abutment of a railway bridge proposed at about 350 m above the ground level, crossing a river and connecting two huge hillocks in the Himalayas, India, is presented in this paper. The rock slopes are composed of highly jointed rock mass and the joint spacing and orientation are varying at different locations. Seismic slope stability analysis of the slope under consideration is carried out using both pseudo-static approach and time response approach as the site is located in seismic zone V as per the earth quake zonation maps of India. Stability of the slope is studied numerically using program FLAC. The results obtained from the pseudo-static analysis are presented in the form of Factor of Safety (FOS) and the results obtained from the time response analysis of the slope are presented in terms of horizontal and vertical displacements along the slope. The results obtained from both the analyses confirmed the global stability of the slope as the FOS in case of pseudo-static analysis is above 1.0 and the displacements observed in case of time response analysis are within the permissible limits. This paper also presents the results obtained from the parametric analysis performed in the case of time response analysis in order to understand the effect of individual parameters on the overall stability of the slope.