998 resultados para Block Cipher


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We present several new observations on the SMS4 block cipher, and discuss their cryptographic significance. The crucial observation is the existence of fixed points and also of simple linear relationships between the bits of the input and output words for each component of the round functions for some input words. This implies that the non-linear function T of SMS4 does not appear random and that the linear transformation provides poor diffusion. Furthermore, the branch number of the linear transformation in the key scheduling algorithm is shown to be less than optimal. The main security implication of these observations is that the round function is not always non-linear. Due to this linearity, it is possible to reduce the number of effective rounds of SMS4 by four. We also investigate the susceptibility of SMS4 to further cryptanalysis. Finally, we demonstrate a successful differential attack on a slightly modified variant of SMS4. These findings raise serious questions on the security provided by SMS4.


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This project analyses and evaluates the integrity assurance mechanisms used in four Authenticated Encryption schemes based on symmetric block ciphers. These schemes are all cross chaining block cipher modes that claim to provide both confidentiality and integrity assurance simultaneously, in one pass over the data. The investigations include assessing the validity of an existing forgery attack on certain schemes, applying the attack approach to other schemes and implementing the attacks to verify claimed probabilities of successful forgeries. For these schemes, the theoretical basis of the attack was developed, the attack algorithm implemented and computer simulations performed for experimental verification.


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IEEE Computer Society


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Analysis of the generic attacks and countermeasures for block cipher based message authentication code algorithms (MAC) in sensor applications is undertaken; the conclusions are used in the design of two new MAC constructs Quicker Block Chaining MAC1 (QBC-MAC1) and Quicker Block Chaining MAC2 (QBC-MAC2). Using software simulation we show that our new constructs point to improvements in usage of CPU instruction clock cycle and energy requirement when benchmarked against the de facto Cipher Block Chaining MAC (CBC-MAC) based construct used in the TinySec security protocol for wireless sensor networks.


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A zone based systems design framework is described and utilised in the implementation of a message authentication code (MAC) algorithm based on symmetric key block ciphers. The resulting block cipher based MAC algorithm may be used to provide assurance of the authenticity and, hence, the integrity of binary data. Using software simulation to benchmark against the de facto cipher block chaining MAC (CBC-MAC) variant used in the TinySec security protocol for wireless sensor networks and the NIST cipher block chaining MAC standard, CMAC; we show that our zone based systems design framework can lead to block cipher based MAC constructs that point to improvements in message processing efficiency, processing throughput and processing latency.


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The purpose of the research is to investigate the emerging data security methodologies that will work with most suitable applications in the academic, industrial and commercial environments. Of several methodologies considered for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), MARS (block cipher) developed by IBM, has been selected. Its design takes advantage of the powerful capabilities of modern computers to allow a much higher level of performance than can be obtained from less optimized algorithms such as Data Encryption Standards (DES). MARS is unique in combining virtually every design technique known to cryptographers in one algorithm. The thesis presents the performance of 128-bit cipher flexibility, which is a scaled down version of the algorithm MARS. The cryptosystem used showed equally comparable performance in speed, flexibility and security, with that of the original algorithm. The algorithm is considered to be very secure and robust and is expected to be implemented for most of the applications.


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This thesis is devoted to the study of linear relationships in symmetric block ciphers. A block cipher is designed so that the ciphertext is produced as a nonlinear function of the plaintext and secret master key. However, linear relationships within the cipher can still exist if the texts and components of the cipher are manipulated in a number of ways, as shown in this thesis. There are four main contributions of this thesis. The first contribution is the extension of the applicability of integral attacks from word-based to bitbased block ciphers. Integral attacks exploit the linear relationship between texts at intermediate stages of encryption. This relationship can be used to recover subkey bits in a key recovery attack. In principle, integral attacks can be applied to bit-based block ciphers. However, specific tools to define the attack on these ciphers are not available. This problem is addressed in this thesis by introducing a refined set of notations to describe the attack. The bit patternbased integral attack is successfully demonstrated on reduced-round variants of the block ciphers Noekeon, Present and Serpent. The second contribution is the discovery of a very small system of equations that describe the LEX-AES stream cipher. LEX-AES is based heavily on the 128-bit-key (16-byte) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher. In one instance, the system contains 21 equations and 17 unknown bytes. This is very close to the upper limit for an exhaustive key search, which is 16 bytes. One only needs to acquire 36 bytes of keystream to generate the equations. Therefore, the security of this cipher depends on the difficulty of solving this small system of equations. The third contribution is the proposal of an alternative method to measure diffusion in the linear transformation of Substitution-Permutation-Network (SPN) block ciphers. Currently, the branch number is widely used for this purpose. It is useful for estimating the possible success of differential and linear attacks on a particular SPN cipher. However, the measure does not give information on the number of input bits that are left unchanged by the transformation when producing the output bits. The new measure introduced in this thesis is intended to complement the current branch number technique. The measure is based on fixed points and simple linear relationships between the input and output words of the linear transformation. The measure represents the average fraction of input words to a linear diffusion transformation that are not effectively changed by the transformation. This measure is applied to the block ciphers AES, ARIA, Serpent and Present. It is shown that except for Serpent, the linear transformations used in the block ciphers examined do not behave as expected for a random linear transformation. The fourth contribution is the identification of linear paths in the nonlinear round function of the SMS4 block cipher. The SMS4 block cipher is used as a standard in the Chinese Wireless LAN Wired Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure (WAPI) and hence, the round function should exhibit a high level of nonlinearity. However, the findings in this thesis on the existence of linear relationships show that this is not the case. It is shown that in some exceptional cases, the first four rounds of SMS4 are effectively linear. In these cases, the effective number of rounds for SMS4 is reduced by four, from 32 to 28. The findings raise questions about the security provided by SMS4, and might provide clues on the existence of a flaw in the design of the cipher.


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In this paper we investigate the differential properties of block ciphers in hash function modes of operation. First we show the impact of differential trails for block ciphers on collision attacks for various hash function constructions based on block ciphers. Further, we prove the lower bound for finding a pair that follows some truncated differential in case of a random permutation. Then we present open-key differential distinguishers for some well known round-reduced block ciphers.


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This is a study on a certain group theoretic property of the set of encryption functions of a block cipher. We have shown how to construct a subset which has this property in a given symmetric group by a computer algebra software GAP4.2 (Groups, Algorithms, and Programming, Version 4.2). These observations on group structures of block ciphers suggest us that we may be able to set a trapdoor based on meet-in-the-middle attack on block ciphers.


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As ubiquitous computing becomes a reality, sensitive information is increasingly processed and transmitted by smart cards, mobile devices and various types of embedded systems. This has led to the requirement of a new class of lightweight cryptographic algorithm to ensure security in these resource constrained environments. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has recently standardised two low-cost block ciphers for this purpose, Clefia and Present. In this paper we provide the first comprehensive hardware architecture comparison between these ciphers, as well as a comparison with the current National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard, the Advanced Encryption Standard.


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This paper examines the algebraic cryptanalysis of small scale variants of the LEX-BES. LEX-BES is a stream cipher based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher. LEX is a generic method proposed for constructing a stream cipher from a block cipher, initially introduced by Biryukov at eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher project in 2005. The Big Encryption System (BES) is a block cipher introduced at CRYPTO 2002 which facilitates the algebraic analysis of the AES block cipher. In this paper, experiments were conducted to find solution of the equation system describing small scale LEX-BES using Gröbner Basis computations. This follows a similar approach to the work by Cid, Murphy and Robshaw at FSE 2005 that investigated algebraic cryptanalysis on small scale variants of the BES. The difference between LEX-BES and BES is that due to the way the keystream is extracted, the number of unknowns in LEX-BES equations is fewer than the number in BES. As far as the author knows, this attempt is the first at creating solvable equation systems for stream ciphers based on the LEX method using Gröbner Basis computations.


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