928 resultados para Block Cipher


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The purpose of the research is to investigate the emerging data security methodologies that will work with most suitable applications in the academic, industrial and commercial environments. Of several methodologies considered for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), MARS (block cipher) developed by IBM, has been selected. Its design takes advantage of the powerful capabilities of modern computers to allow a much higher level of performance than can be obtained from less optimized algorithms such as Data Encryption Standards (DES). MARS is unique in combining virtually every design technique known to cryptographers in one algorithm. The thesis presents the performance of 128-bit cipher flexibility, which is a scaled down version of the algorithm MARS. The cryptosystem used showed equally comparable performance in speed, flexibility and security, with that of the original algorithm. The algorithm is considered to be very secure and robust and is expected to be implemented for most of the applications.


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El programa INERCIPHER és una aplicació per realitzar el xifrat i desxifrat dels arxius i per verificar la integritat dels documents. Com a base per desenvolupar aquestes funcionalitats han estat utilitzats dos tipus de xifrat de clau compartida: xifrat en flux i xifrat en bloc.


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n the recent years protection of information in digital form is becoming more important. Image and video encryption has applications in various fields including Internet communications, multimedia systems, medical imaging, Tele-medicine and military communications. During storage as well as in transmission, the multimedia information is being exposed to unauthorized entities unless otherwise adequate security measures are built around the information system. There are many kinds of security threats during the transmission of vital classified information through insecure communication channels. Various encryption schemes are available today to deal with information security issues. Data encryption is widely used to protect sensitive data against the security threat in the form of “attack on confidentiality”. Secure transmission of information through insecure communication channels also requires encryption at the sending side and decryption at the receiving side. Encryption of large text message and image takes time before they can be transmitted, causing considerable delay in successive transmission of information in real-time. In order to minimize the latency, efficient encryption algorithms are needed. An encryption procedure with adequate security and high throughput is sought in multimedia encryption applications. Traditional symmetric key block ciphers like Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES) are not efficient when the data size is large. With the availability of fast computing tools and communication networks at relatively lower costs today, these encryption standards appear to be not as fast as one would like. High throughput encryption and decryption are becoming increasingly important in the area of high-speed networking. Fast encryption algorithms are needed in these days for high-speed secure communication of multimedia data. It has been shown that public key algorithms are not a substitute for symmetric-key algorithms. Public key algorithms are slow, whereas symmetric key algorithms generally run much faster. Also, public key systems are vulnerable to chosen plaintext attack. In this research work, a fast symmetric key encryption scheme, entitled “Matrix Array Symmetric Key (MASK) encryption” based on matrix and array manipulations has been conceived and developed. Fast conversion has been achieved with the use of matrix table look-up substitution, array based transposition and circular shift operations that are performed in the algorithm. MASK encryption is a new concept in symmetric key cryptography. It employs matrix and array manipulation technique using secret information and data values. It is a block cipher operated on plain text message (or image) blocks of 128 bits using a secret key of size 128 bits producing cipher text message (or cipher image) blocks of the same size. This cipher has two advantages over traditional ciphers. First, the encryption and decryption procedures are much simpler, and consequently, much faster. Second, the key avalanche effect produced in the ciphertext output is better than that of AES.


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In der algebraischen Kryptoanalyse werden moderne Kryptosysteme als polynomielle, nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme dargestellt. Das Lösen solcher Gleichungssysteme ist NP-hart. Es gibt also keinen Algorithmus, der in polynomieller Zeit ein beliebiges nichtlineares Gleichungssystem löst. Dennoch kann man aus modernen Kryptosystemen Gleichungssysteme mit viel Struktur generieren. So sind diese Gleichungssysteme bei geeigneter Modellierung quadratisch und dünn besetzt, damit nicht beliebig. Dafür gibt es spezielle Algorithmen, die eine Lösung solcher Gleichungssysteme finden. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der ElimLin-Algorithmus, der mit Hilfe von linearen Gleichungen das Gleichungssystem iterativ vereinfacht. In der Dissertation wird auf Basis dieses Algorithmus ein neuer Solver für quadratische, dünn besetzte Gleichungssysteme vorgestellt und damit zwei symmetrische Kryptosysteme angegriffen. Dabei sind die Techniken zur Modellierung der Chiffren von entscheidender Bedeutung, so das neue Techniken entwickelt werden, um Kryptosysteme darzustellen. Die Idee für das Modell kommt von Cube-Angriffen. Diese Angriffe sind besonders wirksam gegen Stromchiffren. In der Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Varianten klassifiziert und mögliche Erweiterungen vorgestellt. Das entstandene Modell hingegen, lässt sich auch erfolgreich auf Blockchiffren und auch auf andere Szenarien erweitern. Bei diesen Änderungen muss das Modell nur geringfügig geändert werden.


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The ALRED construction is a lightweight strategy for constructing message authentication algorithms from an underlying iterated block cipher. Even though this construction's original analyses show that it is secure against some attacks, the absence of formal security proofs in a strong security model still brings uncertainty on its robustness. In this paper, aiming to give a better understanding of the security level provided by different authentication algorithms based on this design strategy, we formally analyze two ALRED variants-the MARVIN message authentication code and the LETTERSOUP authenticated-encryption scheme,-bounding their security as a function of the attacker's resources and of the underlying cipher's characteristics.


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A method is proposed to offer privacy in computer communications, using symmetric product block ciphers. The security protocol involved a cipher negotiation stage, in which two communicating parties select privately a cipher from a public cipher space. The cipher negotiation process includes an on-line cipher evaluation stage, in which the cryptographic strength of the proposed cipher is estimated. The cryptographic strength of the ciphers is measured by confusion and diffusion. A method is proposed to describe quantitatively these two properties. For the calculation of confusion and diffusion a number of parameters are defined, such as the confusion and diffusion matrices and the marginal diffusion. These parameters involve computationally intensive calculations that are performed off-line, before any communication takes place. Once they are calculated, they are used to obtain estimation equations, which are used for on-line, fast evaluation of the confusion and diffusion of the negotiated cipher. A technique proposed in this thesis describes how to calculate the parameters and how to use the results for fast estimation of confusion and diffusion for any cipher instance within the defined cipher space.


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In this article we discuss a possibility to use genetic algorithms in cryptanalysis. We developed and described the genetic algorithm for finding the secret key of a block permutation cipher. In this case key is a permutation of some first natural numbers. Our algorithm finds the exact key’s length and the key with controlled accuracy. Evaluation of conducted experiment’s results shows that the almost automatic cryptanalysis is possible.


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Isosorbide succinate moieties were incorporated into poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) backbone in order to obtain a new class of biodegradable polymer with enhanced properties. This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of four types of low molecular weight copolymers. Copolymer I was obtained from monomer mixtures of L-lactide, isosorbide, and succinic anhydride; II from oligo(L-lactide) (PLLA), isosorbide, and succinic anhydride; III from oligo(isosorbide succinate) (PIS) and L-lactide; and IV from transesterification reactions between PLLA and PIS. MALDI-TOFMS and 13C-NMR analyses gave evidence that co-oligomerization was successfully attained in all cases. The data suggested that the product I is a random co-oligomer and the products II-IV are block co-oligomers.


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We calculate the entanglement entropy of blocks of size x embedded in a larger system of size L, by means of a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. The complete entanglement entropy in this case is a sum of three terms. One is a universal x- and L-dependent term, first predicted by Calabrese and Cardy, the second is a nonuniversal term arising from the thermodynamic limit, and the third is a finite size correction. We give an explicit expression for the second, nonuniversal, term for the one-dimensional Hubbard model, and numerically assess the importance of all three contributions by comparing to the entropy obtained from fully numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian. We find that finite-size corrections are very small. The universal Calabrese-Cardy term is equally small for small blocks, but becomes larger for x > 1. In all investigated situations, however, the by far dominating contribution is the nonuniversal term stemming from the thermodynamic limit.


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A series of new phenyl-based conjugated copolymers has been synthesized and investigated by vibrational and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The materials are: poly( 1,4-phenylene-alt-3,6-pyridazine) (COP-PIR), poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene)-co-quaterphenylene (COP-PPP) and poly[(1,4-phenylene-alt-3,6-pyridazine)-co-(1,4-phenylene-alt-9,9-dioctylfluorene)] (COP-PIR-FLUOR), with 3.5% of fluorene. COP-PPP and COP-PIR-FLUOR have high fluorescence quantum yields in solution. Infrared and Raman spectra were used to check the chemical structure of the compounds. The copolymers exhibit blue emission ranging front 2.8 to 3.6 eV when excited at E(exc)=4.13 eV. Stokes-shift Values were estimated on pristine samples in their condensed state from steady-state PL-emission and PL-excitation spectra. They suggest a difference in the torsional angle between the molecular configuration of the polymer blocks at the absorption and PL transitions and also in the photoexcitation diffusion. Additionally, the time-resolved PL of these materials has been investigated by using 100 fs laser pulses at E(exc)=4.64 eV and a streak camera. Results show very fast biexponential kinetics for the two fluorene-based polymers with decay times below 300 ps indicating both intramolecular, fast radiative recombination and migration of photogenerated electron-hole pairs. By contrast, the PL of COP-PIR is less intense and longer lived, indicating that excitons are confined to the chains in this polymer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the rheological behavior of block copolymers with different morphologies (lamellar, cylindrical, spherical, and disordered) and their clay-containing nanocomposites was studied using small amplitude oscillatory shear. The copolymers studied were one asymmetric starblock styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer and four styrene-ethylene/butylenes-styrene copolymers with different molecular architectures, one of them being modified with maleic anhydride. The nanocomposites of those copolymers were prepared by adding organophilic clay using three different preparation techniques: melt mixing, solution casting, and a hybrid melt mixing-solution technique. The nanocomposites were characterized by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, and their viscoelastic properties were evaluated and compared to the ones of the pure copolymers. The influence of copolymer morphology and presence of clay on the storage modulus (G`) curves was studied by the evaluation of the changes in the low frequency slope of log G` x log omega (omega: frequency) curves upon variation of temperature and clay addition. This slope may be related to the degree of liquid- or solid-like behavior of a material. It was observed that at temperatures corresponding to the ordered state, the rheological behavior of the nanocomposites depended mainly on the viscoelasticity of each type of ordered phase and the variation of the slope due to the addition of clay was small. For temperatures corresponding to the disordered state, however, the rheological behavior of the copolymer nanocomposites was dictated mostly by the degree of clay dispersion: When the clay was well dispersed, a strong solid-like behavior corresponding to large G` slope variations was observed.


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The water activity of aqueous solutions of EO-PO block copolymers of six different molar masses and EO/PO ratios and of maltodextrins of three different molar masses was determined at 298.15 K. The results showed that these aqueous solutions present a negative deviation from Raoult`s law. The Flory-Huggins and UNIFAC excess Gibbs energy models were employed to model the experimental data. While a good agreement was obtained with the Flory-Huggins equation, discrepancies were observed when predicting the experimental behavior with the UNIFAC model. The water activities of ternary systems formed by a synthetic polymer, maltodextrin and water were also measured and used to test the predictive capability of both models.


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This paper presents the possible alternative removal options for the development of safe drinking water supply in the trace elements affected areas. Arsenic and chromium are two of the most toxic pollutants, introduced into natural waters from a variety of sources and causes various adverse effects on living bodies. Performance of three filter bed method was evaluated in the laboratory. Experiments have been conducted to investigate the sorption of arsenic and chromium on carbon steel and removal of trace elements from drinking water with a household filtration process. The affinity of the arsenic and chromium species for Fe/Fe(3)C (iron/iron carbide) sites is the key factor controlling the removal of the elements. The method is based on the use of powdered block carbon (PBC), powder carbon steel and ball ceramic in the ion-sorption columns as a cleaning process. The PBC modified is a satisfactory and practical sorbent for trace elements (arsenite and chromate) dissolved in water.


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Inorganic elements analyses of Carapicuiba lake reveal that As, Cr, Pb and Mn are above the recommended drinking water standards. The mean total concentrations of toxic elements in surface water decrease in the order Mn > Cr > Pb > As. At elevated concentrations, toxic elements like Cr can accumulate in soils and enter the food chain, leading to serious health hazards and threatening the long-term sustainability of the local ecosystem. Absorbing materials has often been used to improve water quality. In this investigation three types of material were studied: the natural zeolite (mordenite); synthetic goethite and the powdered block carbon modified. The adsorption of Pb(2+) and Mn(2+) onto natural zeolite as a function of their concentrations was studied at 24 degrees C by varying the metal concentration from 100 to 400 mg L(-1) while keeping all other parameters constant. The low-cost zeolites removed Pb from water without any pretreatment at pH values <6. The maximum adsorption attained was as follows: Pb(2+) 78.7% and Mn(2+) 19.6%. The modified powdered block carbon effectively removed As(V) and Cr(VI) while goethite removed more chromate than arsenate in the pH range 5-6. Results of this study will be used to evaluate the application these materials for the treatment of the Carapicuiba lake`s water.


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Block copolymers containing isosorbide succinate and L-lactic acid repeating units with different mass compositions were synthesized in two steps: bulk ring-opening copolymerization from L-lactide and poli(isosorbide succinate) (PIS) preoligomer, in the presence of tin(II) 2-ethylhexanoate as catalyst. followed by chain extension in solution by using hexamethylene diisocyanate. Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) and a chain extension product from PIS were also obtained, for comparison. SEC, (1)H and (13)C NMR, MALDI-TOFMS, WAXD, DSC, TG, and contact angle measurements were used in their characterization. The incorporation of isosorbide succinate into PLLA main backbone had minor effect on the thermal stability and the T(g) of the products. However, it reduced the crystallinity and increased the surface energy in relation to PLLA. Nonwoven mats of the block copolymers and PLLA obtained by electrospinning technique were submitted to fibroblasts 3T3-L1 cell culture. The copolymers presented enhanced cell adhesion and proliferation rate as revealed by MTT assay and SEM images. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.