71 resultados para Blastomycosis
A four-year-old, sexually intact, male dachshund was diagnosed with pulmonary blastomycosis. Itraconazole was administered for 60 days, and the dog was considered to be disease-free at three- and 12-month reevaluations. Two years following discontinuation of itraconazole, the dog developed a granuloma of the cranial vena cava resulting in chylothorax and cranial vena caval obstruction. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case of a blastomycotic granuloma involving the vena cava reported in the dog. Blastomycosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis for both chylothorax and cranial vena caval syndrome in the dog.
Published studies on the association between cancer and paracoccidioidomycosis consist either isolated cases or clinical data based on hospital cohorts of paracoccidioidomycosis. The frequency of neoplasia in series of >= 80 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis ranges from 0.16 to 14.1%, mean of 3.96%. There are only two retrospective controlled studies, one of them showing greater incidence of carcinoma in biopsy and necropsy samples of paracoccidioidomycosis (12 cases in 147 patients with the mycosis: 8.2%) than in the necropsies of the control group (320 cases in 7,302 necropsies: 4.9%). In the other, 22,409 autopsies were reviewed and 4,372 cases of cancer were found; of the 85 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, 12 were diagnosed with cancer. No differences were observed in the frequency of malignancies between the group of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (14.1%) and the control group (19.5%). Considering all the reported cases, carcinoma was more frequent than hematological malignancies, and was more often found at the same site or in a neighboring site affected by the mycosis, usually occurring after the diagnosis of the mycosis. Commonly, the basic cause of death was related to secondary infections or neoplasia. Lymphoma was associated with poorly organized rich in fungi granuloma. The clinical course and mortality were related to the cancer evolution or secondary infections and was worse in lymphoid series, metastatic carcinoma or in patients under cytotoxic chemotherapy. Additionally, as in several cases the clinical and histopathological data may mimick neoplasia, the correct diagnosis of both diseases is essential to guarantee an early and safe intervention.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis that is usually acquired early in life by inhalation of conidia which convert in the lungs into yeast forms; these in turn trigger an inflammatory process. This mycosis may appear as an acute/subacute form or a chronic, adult form. Acute/subacute presentations can be observed in children and young adults, with the reticuloendothelial system frequently involved but the lungs are usually spared or present with mild clinical or radiological alterations. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an extensive dysfunction of the lungs alveolar-capillary barrier has occasionally been observed in other endemic mycoses such as coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and blastomycosis. We describe the first patient with acute paracoccidioidomycosis who developed fatal ARDS accompanied by multiple organ injuries. The basis of the rarity of this entity in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, as well as the reasons that may have lead to the development of ARDS in this patient are discussed.
Sporadic lymphangiectasias are commonly found throughout the small bowel and are considered to be normal. Not uncommonly, lymphangiectasias are pathologic and can lead to mid-gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain and protein-losing enteropathy. Pathologic lymphangiectasias of the small bowel include primary lymphangiectasia, secondary lymphangiectasia and lymphaticovenous malformations. In this report we present three different cases of small bowel lymphangiectasia detected by double balloon enteroscopy. The patients were diagnosed with South American blastomycosis, tuberculosis and primary small bowel lymphangioma. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is a systemic disease, strikingly more frequent in males, caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. A radiometric assay system has been applied to study the metabolic activity and the effect of drugs on this fungus "in vitro". The Y form of the yeast, grown in liquid Sabouraud medium was inoculated into sterile reaction vials containing the 6B aerobic medium along with 2.0 μCi of 14C-substrates. Control vials, prepared in the same way, contained autoclaved fungi. To study the effects of amphotericin B (AB) (0.1 and 10 μg/ml) and diethylstilbestrol (DSB) (1.0, 5.0 and 10 μg/ml) extra controls with live fungi and no drug were used. All vials were incubated at 35°C and metabolism measured daily with a Bactec instrument. 14CO2 production by P. brasiliensis was slow and could be followed for as long as 50 days. AB at 10mg/ml and DSB at 5 μg/ml inhibited the metabolism and had a cidal effect on this fungus. The results with DSB might explain the low incidence of the disease in females. This technique shows promise for studying metabolic pathways, investi gating more convenient 14C-substrates to expedite radiometric detection and for monitoring the effects of other drugs and factors on the metabolism of P. brasiliensis "in vitro".
We report a patient with an unusual anal ulceration. The biopsy of an anal lesion and subsequent studies revealed a disseminated form of paracoccidioidomycosis, observed in the lungs, small and large bowel. The anorectal disease frequently represents a secondary site of disease, and the patient must be better evaluated.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise das micoses sistémicas, no que respeita à sua identificação, morfologia dos agentes patogénicos que lhes dão origem, onde são endémicas, os sintomas que apresentam, os métodos de diagnóstico e as terapêuticas disponíveis para cada patologia. As micoses sistémicas são infeções causadas por fungos patogénicos primários que têm o trato respiratório como porta de entrada, e a partir daí podem disseminar-se por todo o organismo. Os agentes antifúngicos são usados no tratamento destas infeções, em que, no caso das infeções sistémicas, predominam o uso de cetoconazol (polieno), fluconazol e itraconazol (azóis). Existem ainda estudos que demonstram que as vacinas atenuadas podem ser usadas na profilaxia destas infeções. Com este trabalho conclui-se que as infeções fúngicas estão longe de ser extintas, uma vez que se verifica cada vez mais a existência de resistências por parte dos fungos aos fármacos, sendo o diagnóstico e a terapêutica usada dois parâmetros fundamentais para um tratamento eficaz.
Lesões pulmonares observadas na paracoccidioidomicose (pbmicose) pela radiologia foram designadas: leve, moderada e grave de acordo com critério estabelecido pelos autores. Lesões infiltrativas intersticiais bilaterais nddulo fibrolineares e cotonosas foram identificadas respectivamente em 34 e em 23 doentes. Formas leve, moderada e grave assinaladas respectivamente em 6 10 e 19 mostraram à análise radiológica evolutiva melhora em 2, piora em 15 e manutenção do padrão da lesão em 18 doentes. Testes de função pulmonar realizados nos doentes durante o retorno ambulatorial evidenciaram: 12 com padrão espirográfico normal, 20 obstrutivos e 3 mistos; 34 doentes estavam hiperventilando e todos apresentaram aumento da diferença alvéolo arterial. Os resultados obtidos permitiram supor que a fibrose residual descrita nos padrões radiológicos; manutenção e piora de 33 deles aliada à doença obstrutiva crônica verificada pelas provas de função pulmonar constituíram subsídios para o desenvolvimento do Cor pulmonale assinalado
Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is a systemic mycosis which can be associated with oral lesions. This study on a group of 14 patients showed oral lesions mainly on the gingival or alveolar mucosa, with pulmonary involvement detectable on chest radiography in most. Microscopic detection of the fungus on a direct smear showed positive results in all 14 patients. Serological investigations including immunodiffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and immunoblot were also positive in 100% of cases. The results suggest that direct smear together with serology may obviate the need for lesional biopsy for the diagnosis of oral paracoccidioidomycosis.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is an uncommon, progressive systemic mycosis, virtually only seen in persons who have visited Latin America. Reports of oral lesions are extremely rare in the English-language literature. Thirty-six adults with oral lesions as the first sign of paracoccidioidomycosis are described; this appears to be the largest series in the dental literature. All had chronic proliferative mulberry-like ulcerated oral lesions; the diagnosis was confirmed histologically. The gingiva or alveolar process was the typical site, but lesions were also seen particularly on the palate and lip. Most of the patients proved to have detectable pulmonary involvement. Patients with lesions in the oropharynx, tongue, or floor of mouth all had confirmed pulmonary lesions.