36 resultados para Blasius
This paper is concerned with the low dimensional structure of optimal streaks in the Blasius boundary layer. Optimal streaks are well known to exhibit an approximate self-similarity, namely the streamwise velocity re-scaled with their maximum remains almost independent of both the spanwise wavenumber and the streamwise coordinate. However, the reason of this self-similar behavior is still unexplained as well as unexploited. After revisiting the structure of the streaks near the leading edge singularity, two additional approximately self-similar relations involving the velocity components and their wall normal derivatives are identified. Based on these properties, we derive a low dimensional model with two degrees of freedom. The comparison with the results obtained from the linearized boundary layer equations shows that this model is consistent and provide good approximations.
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Trägerband: Ms. germ. oct. 64; Vorbesitzer: Johann Hartmann Beyer
The paper is devoted to an experimental study of the effect of a shallow 3D roughness element on the evolution of a 2D Tollmien-Schlichting wave in a Blasius boundary layer. The experiments were carried out under controlled disturbance conditions on an airfoil section which could provide a long run with zero pressure gradient flow. A pneumatically driven slit source was used to introduce the Tollmien-Schilichting wave upstream of the lower branch of the neutral stability curve. A few wavelengths downstream, the T-S wave interacts with a cylindrical roughness element. The height of the roughness was slowly oscillating in time, which allows a continuous measurement of the T-S wave response downstream the roughness. The oscillation frequency was approximately 1500 times lower than the frequency of the studied Tollmien-Schlichting wave and therefore, behaved as a steady roughness with respect to the T-S wave. Hot wire anemometry was used to measure wall normal profiles and spanwise scans close to the maximum of the eigenfunction of the T-S wave. The oscillation of the roughness and the synchronization of all-equipments permitted the use of ensemble average techniques. Two different amplitudes of T-S waves with a non-dimensional frequency of F120E-06 were studied. They show a strong amplification of the disturbances in a small spanwise wave number range. The analysis of the wall normal T-S profiles suggests the growth of oblique modes.
On this paper, the results of an experimental study oil the hydraulic friction loss for small-diameter polyethylene pipes are reported. The experiment was carried out using a range of Reynolds number between 6000 to 72000, obtained by varying discharge at 20 degrees C water temperature, with internal pipe diameters of 10.0 mm, 12.9 mm, 16.1 mm, 17.4 mm and 19.7 mm. According to the analysis results and experimental conditions, the friction factor 0 of the Darcy-Weisbach equation call be estimated with c = 0.300 and m = 0.25. The Blasius equation (c = 0.316 and m = 0.25) gives an overestimate of friction loss, although this fact is non-restrictive for micro-irrigation system designs. The analysis shows that both the Blasius and the adjusted equation parameters allow for accurate friction factor estimates, characterized by low mean error (5.1%).
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um estudo envolvendo uma relação entre a perda de carga localizada em conexões de emissores em tubulações, com diferentes diâmetros, utilizados em irrigação localizada, com a geometria dos conectores de emissores "online", que permite a fácil quantificação dessas perdas de carga, uma vez conhecida a dimensão dos conectores. O experimento foi conduzido para Números de Reynolds no intervalo de fluxo turbulento, obtidos pela variação da vazão nos tubos a uma temperatura constante da água. Para os tubos considerados, os resultados da investigação indicaram que o fator de atrito da equação de Darcy-Weisbach pode ser estimado pela Equação de Blasius com os coeficientes b = 0,300 e m = 0,25 para a determinação da perda de carga nos tubos avaliados. As perdas de carga provocadas pelas conexões dos emissores nos tubos considerados aumentaram em até 62% em relação às observadas nos tubos sem emissor. Uma relação entre o coeficiente de carga cinética (K) e o índice de obstrução devido à conexão do emissor "online" (IO) no tubo é apresentada por uma relação algébrica do tipo potência, com coeficiente de ajuste de, aproximadamente, 96%.
Adelardus (17). - Agatha (259 v°). - Agnes (187 v°). - Aldegundis (236). - Amandus (270 v°). - Andreas, ep. Fesuz. (32 v°). - Ansbertus (293). - Antonius abbas (147 v°). - Arcadius (89). - Austreberta (298). - Babylas (209). - Bathildis (227 v°). - Bazianus, ep. Laudensis (169). - Benedictus Anglus (90). - Berardus et alii discipuli s. Francisci (142 v°). - Bertulphus (260 v°). - Blasius (255). - Bonitus (128 v°). - Brigitta (249). - Canutus rex (40). - Clans Vienn. 13). - Constantius, ep. Perus.(234 v°). - Desiderius Vienn. (309 v°). - Dorothea (267). - Ephrem (245 v°). - Epiphanius Ticin. (192). - Eutimius (176 v°). - Felix Nolanus (113). - Fructuosus (190 v°). - Fulgentius Rusp. (1v°). - Furseus (141). - Gaudentius (200). - Gentilis Ravenn. (233). - Gertrudes ab Oesten (37). - Godefridus, comes Cappenb. (107 v°). - Gordius centurio (23 v°). - Guarinus, ep. Praenest. (274). - Gudula (62). - Guill. dux Aquit. (301). - Guill. archiep. Bitur. (81). - Helena (275). - Herminus (28). - Hilerius (91 v°). - Honoratus Lirin. (133 v°). - Ignatius (244). - Ildephonsus (207 v°). - Joh. elem. (202). - Julianus Saba (115 v°). - Juventius et Maximus (210 v°). - Laurentius Cantuar. (254 v°). - Laurentius Justinianus (66 v°). - Leobardus (162 v°). - Macarius (14). - Marcella (239). - Marcus (241). - Marguareta Hungar. (230 v°). - Martina (1). - Maurus (119 v°). - Odilo (9 v°). - Patroclus (189 v°). - Paula (223). - Petrus Aulonensis (23). - Polycarpus (220 v°). - Poppo Stabul. (214). - Praejectus (242). - Rambertus (256). - Remigius (95 v°). - Remundus a Penia Forti (46). - Richardus, rex Angl. (275 v°). - Romualdus (276). - Sebastianus (171). - Severinus Nauric. (52). - Severinus Agaun. (308 v°). - Severus Ravenn. (251 v°). - Sigebertus rex (252 v°). - Speusippus (145). - Sulpitius (159). - Vedastus (268). - Vincentius diac. (199). - Volstanus, ep. Wigorn. (165 v°).
La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo
The objective of this research is to present a study on a relationship between the local head loss in connection of emitters in pipes with different diameters used in drip irrigation, with the online geometry of the emitter connectors, that allows an easy quantification of such head loss regarding of the size of the connectors. The experiment was carried out according to the Reynolds Numbers at a turbulent flow interval, obtained by the variation of the pipe outflow at a constant temperature of water. The results indicated that the friction factor of the Darcy-Weisbach equation can be estimated by the Blasius equation with the coefficients b = 0.300 and m = 0.25, for the above mentioned pipes. The head losses produced by the connections of the emitters, in relation to the pipe without emitter, was of 62%. A relationship between the kinetic load coefficient (K) and the index of blockage (IO) provoked by the online connector is presented by an algebraic equation which shows a coefficient of adjustment of approximately 96%.
The boundary layer over concave surfaces can be unstable due to centrifugal forces, giving rise to Goertler vortices. These vortices create two regions in the spanwise direction—the upwash and downwash regions. The downwash region is responsible for compressing the boundary layer toward the wall, increasing the heat transfer rate. The upwash region does the opposite. In the nonlinear development of the Goertler vortices, it can be observed that the upwash region becomes narrow and the spanwise–average heat transfer rate is higher than that for a Blasius boundary layer. This paper analyzes the influence of the spanwise wavelength of the Goertler the heat transfer. The equation is written in vorticity-velocity formulation. The time integration is done via a classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The spatial derivatives are calculated using high-order compact finite difference and spectral methods. Three different wavelengths are analyzed. The results show that steady Goertler flow can increase the heat transfer rates to values close to the values of turbulence, without the existence of a secondary instability. The geometry (and computation domain) are presented
Background We present a compendium of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutations, identified in our laboratory over a period of 10 years either on the basis of phenotype or whole genome and/or whole exome sequencing, and archived in the Mutagenetix database. Our purpose is threefold: 1) to formally describe many point mutations, including those that were not previously disclosed in peer-reviewed publications; 2) to assess the characteristics of these mutations; and 3) to estimate the likelihood that a missense mutation induced by ENU will create a detectable phenotype. Findings In the context of an ENU mutagenesis program for C57BL/6J mice, a total of 185 phenotypes were tracked to mutations in 129 genes. In addition, 402 incidental mutations were identified and predicted to affect 390 genes. As previously reported, ENU shows strand asymmetry in its induction of mutations, particularly favoring T to A rather than A to T in the sense strand of coding regions and splice junctions. Some amino acid substitutions are far more likely to be damaging than others, and some are far more likely to be observed. Indeed, from among a total of 494 non-synonymous coding mutations, ENU was observed to create only 114 of the 182 possible amino acid substitutions that single base changes can achieve. Based on differences in overt null allele frequencies observed in phenotypic vs. non-phenotypic mutation sets, we infer that ENU-induced missense mutations create detectable phenotype only about 1 in 4.7 times. While the remaining mutations may not be functionally neutral, they are, on average, beneath the limits of detection of the phenotypic assays we applied. Conclusions Collectively, these mutations add to our understanding of the chemical specificity of ENU, the types of amino acid substitutions it creates, and its efficiency in causing phenovariance. Our data support the validity of computational algorithms for the prediction of damage caused by amino acid substitutions, and may lead to refined predictions as to whether specific amino acid changes are responsible for observed phenotypes. These data form the basis for closer in silico estimations of the number of genes mutated to a state of phenovariance by ENU within a population of G3 mice.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are the major producers of type I IFN in response to viral infection and have been shown to direct both innate and adaptive immune responses in vitro. However, in vivo evidence for their role in viral infection is lacking. We evaluated the contribution of pDCs to acute and chronic virus infection using the feeble mouse model of pDC functional deficiency. We have previously demonstrated that feeble mice have a defect in TLR ligand sensing. Although pDCs were found to influence early cytokine secretion, they were not required for control of viremia in the acute phase of the infection. However, T cell priming was deficient in the absence of functional pDCs and the virus-specific immune response was hampered. Ultimately, infection persisted in feeble mice. We conclude that pDCs are likely required for efficient T cell priming and subsequent viral clearance. Our data suggest that reduced pDC functionality may lead to chronic infection.