26 resultados para Blandford


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We have performed electron-microscopic analysis on 0.5-1.0µm grains in order to study radiation damage by the solar-wind. We are reporting some interesting results we have found in monomineralic grains from core sample 15010,1130. This is a submature soil which has been studied for rare gas abundance and ferromagnetic resonance by (1) and modal petrology by (2).


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We present findings from a field trial of CAM (Cooperative Artefact Memory) -- a mobile-tagging based messaging system -- in a design studio environment. CAM allows individuals to collaboratively store relevant information onto their physical design artefacts, such as sketches, collages, story-boards, and physical mock-ups in the form of messages, annotations and external web links. We studied the use of CAM in three student design projects. We observed that CAM facilitated new ways of collaborating in joint design projects. The serendipitous and asynchronous nature of CAM facilitated expressions of design aesthetics, allowed designers to have playful interactions, supported exploration of new design ideas, and supported designers' reflective practices. In general, our results show how CAM transformed mundane design artefacts into "living" artefacts that made the creative and playful side of cooperative design visible.


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String theory and gauge/gravity duality suggest the lower bound of shear viscosity (eta) to entropy density (s) for any matter to be mu h/4 pi k(B), when h and k(B) are reduced Planck and Boltzmann constants respectively and mu <= 1. Motivated by this, we explore eta/s in black hole accretion flows, in order to understand if such exotic flows could be a natural site for the lowest eta/s. Accretion flow plays an important role in black hole physics in identifying the existence of the underlying black hole. This is a rotating shear flow with insignificant molecular viscosity, which could however have a significant turbulent viscosity, generating transport, heat and hence entropy in the flow. However, in presence of strong magnetic field, magnetic stresses can help in transporting matter independent of viscosity, via celebrated Blandford-Payne mechanism. In such cases, energy and then entropy produces via Ohmic dissipation. In,addition, certain optically thin, hot, accretion flows, of temperature greater than or similar to 10(9) K, may be favourable for nuclear burning which could generate/absorb huge energy, much higher than that in a star. We find that eta/s in accretion flows appears to be close to the lower bound suggested by theory, if they are embedded by strong magnetic field or producing nuclear energy, when the source of energy is not viscous effects. A lower bound on eta/s also leads to an upper bound on the Reynolds number of the flow.


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Blazars are active galaxies with a jet closely oriented to our line of sight. They are powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Although the general picture of synchrotron emission at low energies and inverse Compton at high energies is well established, important aspects of blazars are not well understood. In particular, the location of the gamma-ray emission region is not clearly established, with some theories favoring a location close to the central engine, while others place it at parsec scales in the radio jet.

We developed a program to locate the gamma-ray emission site in blazars, through the study of correlated variations between their gamma-ray and radio-wave emission. Correlated variations are expected when there is a relation between emission processes at both bands, while delays tell us about the relative location of their energy generation zones. Monitoring at 15 GHz using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 meter telescope started in mid-2007. The program monitors 1593 blazars twice per week, including all blazars detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) north of -20 degrees declination. This program complements the continuous monitoring of gamma-rays by Fermi.

Three year long gamma-ray light curves for bright Fermi blazars are cross-correlated with four years of radio monitoring. The significance of cross-correlation peaks is investigated using simulations that account for the uneven sampling and noise properties of the light curves, which are modeled as red-noise processes with a simple power-law power spectral density. We found that out of 86 sources with high quality data, only three show significant correlations (AO 0235+164, B2 2308+34 and PKS 1502+106). Additionally, we find a significant correlation for Mrk 421 when including the strong gamma-ray/radio flare of late 2012. In all four cases radio variations lag gamma-ray variations, suggesting that the gamma-ray emission originates upstream of the radio emission. For PKS 1502+106 we locate the gamma-ray emission site parsecs away from the central engine, thus disfavoring the model of Blandford and Levinson (1995), while other cases are inconclusive. These findings show that continuous monitoring over long time periods is required to understand the cross-correlation between gamma-ray and radio-wave variability in most blazars.


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This thesis consists of two parts. In Part I, we develop a multipole moment formalism in general relativity and use it to analyze the motion and precession of compact bodies. More specifically, the generic, vacuum, dynamical gravitational field of the exterior universe in the vicinity of a freely moving body is expanded in positive powers of the distance r away from the body's spatial origin (i.e., in the distance r from its timelike-geodesic world line). The expansion coefficients, called "external multipole moments,'' are defined covariantly in terms of the Riemann curvature tensor and its spatial derivatives evaluated on the body's central world line. In a carefully chosen class of de Donder coordinates, the expansion of the external field involves only integral powers of r ; no logarithmic terms occur. The expansion is used to derive higher-order corrections to previously known laws of motion and precession for black holes and other bodies. The resulting laws of motion and precession are expressed in terms of couplings of the time derivatives of the body's quadrupole and octopole moments to the external moments, i.e., to the external curvature and its gradient.

In part II, we study the interaction of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a black-hole magnetosphere with the "dragging of inertial frames" effect of the hole's rotation - i.e., with the hole's "gravitomagnetic field." More specifically: we first rewrite the laws of perfect general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) in 3+1 language in a general spacetime, in terms of quantities (magnetic field, flow velocity, ...) that would be measured by the ''fiducial observers” whose world lines are orthogonal to (arbitrarily chosen) hypersurfaces of constant time. We then specialize to a stationary spacetime and MHD flow with one arbitrary spatial symmetry (e.g., the stationary magnetosphere of a Kerr black hole); and for this spacetime we reduce the GRMHD equations to a set of algebraic equations. The general features of the resulting stationary, symmetric GRMHD magnetospheric solutions are discussed, including the Blandford-Znajek effect in which the gravitomagnetic field interacts with the magnetosphere to produce an outflowing jet. Then in a specific model spacetime with two spatial symmetries, which captures the key features of the Kerr geometry, we derive the GRMHD equations which govern weak, linealized perturbations of a stationary magnetosphere with outflowing jet. These perturbation equations are then Fourier analyzed in time t and in the symmetry coordinate x, and subsequently solved numerically. The numerical solutions describe the interaction of MHD waves with the gravitomagnetic field. It is found that, among other features, when an oscillatory external force is applied to the region of the magnetosphere where plasma (e+e-) is being created, the magnetosphere responds especially strongly at a particular, resonant, driving frequency. The resonant frequency is that for which the perturbations appear to be stationary (time independent) in the common rest frame of the freshly created plasma and the rotating magnetic field lines. The magnetosphere of a rotating black hole, when buffeted by nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields anchored in a surrounding accretion disk, might exhibit an analogous resonance. If so then the hole's outflowing jet might be modulated at resonant frequencies ω=(m/2) ΩH where m is an integer and ΩH is the hole's angular velocity.


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Indenture between Robert Sparrow Delatre of Stamford Township, Thomas Sheppard Smyth of Brussels, Belgium, formerly of Stamford Township and Thomas Hector of Quebec, trustees of the last will and testament of Philip Chesneau Delatre to the Bank of Upper Canada and Arthur Shaw of Niagara Township regarding Lot no. 3 in the 1st Concession and Lot no. 4 in the 1st Concession, part of Lot no. 3 in the 2nd Concession, 50 acres of Lot no. 4 in the 4th Concession, 200 acres in Lot no. 8 in the 11th Concession in Blandford in the County of Oxford and broken Lot no. 11 in the 18th Concession in the Township of Zorra - instrument no. 6083. This is listed in the Blandford folio 184 and 185 in folio 63 and 64. Joseph Woodruff has signed this as conveyancer, March 29, 1853.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Philip Chesneau Delatre, late Lieutenant Colonel from the Township of Stamford. He is granted 633 acres in lot no.4 of the 4th Concession; lot no.2 in the 2nd Concession; lot no. 3 in the 3rd Concession and lot no.9 in the 5th Concession in Blandford in the County of Oxford. This was registered Nov. 3, 1836 – Folio no. 67, Oct. 31, 1836.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Philip Chesneau Delatre, late Lieutenant Colonel, of the Township of Stamford. He is granted 600 acres in the north and south halves of lot no. 2 in the 3rd Concession; south and north halves of lot no. 3 in the 2nd Concession; south and north halves of lot no. 2 in the 3rd Concession and south and north halves of lot no. 8 in the 11th Concession in the Township of Blandford in the County of Oxford. This was registered Nov. 13, 1837 – Folio no. 51, Oct. 25, 1837.


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Determination of shadow notifications of domestic support for agriculture in the European Union under the WTO (World Trade Organization) Agreement on Agriculture, and consideration of the potential impact of an agreement in the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations.


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Objective: To determine whether healthy males who consumed increased amounts of dietary stearic acid compared with increased dietary palmitic acid through the consumption of commercially available foods, exhibited any changes in plasma lipids, platelet aggregation or platelet activation status.
Design: A randomised cross-over dietary intervention.
Subjects and interventions: Nine free-living healthy males consumed two experimental diets (stearic acid enriched, diet S, and palmitic acid enriched, diet P) for 3 weeks in a randomised cross-over design separated by a 3 week washout phase. The diets consisted of 30% of energy as fat (30% of which was derived from the treatment diets) providing 13 g=day as stearic acid and 17 g=day as palmitic acid on diet S and 7g=day as stearic acid and 22 g=day as palmitic acid on diet P. The dietary ratio of stearic to palmitic acids was 0.76 on diet S compared with 0.31 on diet P. Blood samples were collected on days 0 and 21 of each dietary period.
Results: LDL cholesterol levels and platelet aggregation response to the agonist ADP were significantly decreased (P <0.025) in subjects on diet S compared with day 0. Apart from that, there were no significant changes in plasma lipids, plateletaggregation, mean platelet volume and platelet reactivity between diets. There were no significant changes in stearic or palmitic acid levels in plasma phospholipid or triacylglycerol. There was a significant difference in palmitic acid levels in platelet phospholipids between the two diets.
Conclusions: Use of commonly available foods led to a 27% increase in stearic acid (diet S) and a 19% increase in palmitic acid (diet P), on diets S and P respectively, and no significant differences between the two diets in plasma lipoprotein concentrations, platelet aggregation or platelet activation status.