997 resultados para Bipolar aggregation


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This paper describes an approach to pointwise construction of general aggregation operators, based on monotone Lipschitz approximation. The aggregation operators are constructed from a set of desired values at certain points, or from empirically collected data. It establishes tight upper and lower bounds on Lipschitz aggregation operators with a number of different properties, as well as the optimal aggregation operator, consistent with the given values. We consider conjunctive, disjunctive and idempotent n-ary aggregation operators; p-stable aggregation operators; various choices of the neutral element and annihilator; diagonal, opposite diagonal and marginal sections; bipolar and double aggregation operators. In all cases we provide either explicit formulas or deterministic numerical procedures to determine the bounds. The findings of this paper are useful for construction of aggregation operators with specified properties, especially using interpolation schemata.


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Ticagrelor is an orally active ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist in development by AstraZeneca plc for the reduction of recurrent ischemic events in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Prior to the development of ticagrelor, thienopyridine compounds, such as clopidogrel, were the focus of research into therapies for ACS. Although the thienopyridines are effective platelet aggregation inhibitors, they are prodrugs and, consequently, exert a slow onset of action. In addition, the variability in inter-individual metabolism of thienopyridine prodrugs has been associated with reduced efficacy in some patients. Ticagrelor is not a prodrug and exhibits a more rapid onset of action than the thienopyridine prodrugs. In clinical trials conducted to date, ticagrelor was a potent inhibitor of ADP-induced platelet aggregation and demonstrated effects that were comparable to clopidogrel. In a phase II, short-term trial, the bleeding profile of participants treated with ticagrelor was similar to that obtained with clopidogrel; however, an increased incidence of dyspnea was observed - an effect that has not been reported with the thienopyridines. Considering the occurrence of dyspnea, and the apparent non-superiority of ticagrelor to clopidogrel, it is difficult to justify a clear benefit to the continued development of ticagrelor. Outcomes from an ongoing phase III trial comparing ticagrelor with clopidogrel in 18,000 patients with ACS are likely to impact on the future development of ticagrelor.


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The development of research data management infrastructure and services and making research data more discoverable and accessible to the research community is a key priority at the national, state and individual university level. This paper will discuss and reflect upon a collaborative project between Griffith University and the Queensland University of Technology to commission a Metadata Hub or Metadata Aggregation service based upon open source software components. It will describe the role that metadata aggregation services play in modern research infrastructure and argue that this role is a critical one.


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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a set of sensors that are integrated with a physical environment. These sensors are small in size, and capable of sensing physical phenomena and processing them. They communicate in a multihop manner, due to a short radio range, to form an Ad Hoc network capable of reporting network activities to a data collection sink. Recent advances in WSNs have led to several new promising applications, including habitat monitoring, military target tracking, natural disaster relief, and health monitoring. The current version of sensor node, such as MICA2, uses a 16 bit, 8 MHz Texas Instruments MSP430 micro-controller with only 10 KB RAM, 128 KB program space, 512 KB external ash memory to store measurement data, and is powered by two AA batteries. Due to these unique specifications and a lack of tamper-resistant hardware, devising security protocols for WSNs is complex. Previous studies show that data transmission consumes much more energy than computation. Data aggregation can greatly help to reduce this consumption by eliminating redundant data. However, aggregators are under the threat of various types of attacks. Among them, node compromise is usually considered as one of the most challenging for the security of WSNs. In a node compromise attack, an adversary physically tampers with a node in order to extract the cryptographic secrets. This attack can be very harmful depending on the security architecture of the network. For example, when an aggregator node is compromised, it is easy for the adversary to change the aggregation result and inject false data into the WSN. The contributions of this thesis to the area of secure data aggregation are manifold. We firstly define the security for data aggregation in WSNs. In contrast with existing secure data aggregation definitions, the proposed definition covers the unique characteristics that WSNs have. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between security services and adversarial models considered in existing secure data aggregation in order to provide a general framework of required security services. Thirdly, we analyze existing cryptographic-based and reputationbased secure data aggregation schemes. This analysis covers security services provided by these schemes and their robustness against attacks. Fourthly, we propose a robust reputationbased secure data aggregation scheme for WSNs. This scheme minimizes the use of heavy cryptographic mechanisms. The security advantages provided by this scheme are realized by integrating aggregation functionalities with: (i) a reputation system, (ii) an estimation theory, and (iii) a change detection mechanism. We have shown that this addition helps defend against most of the security attacks discussed in this thesis, including the On-Off attack. Finally, we propose a secure key management scheme in order to distribute essential pairwise and group keys among the sensor nodes. The design idea of the proposed scheme is the combination between Lamport's reverse hash chain as well as the usual hash chain to provide both past and future key secrecy. The proposal avoids the delivery of the whole value of a new group key for group key update; instead only the half of the value is transmitted from the network manager to the sensor nodes. This way, the compromise of a pairwise key alone does not lead to the compromise of the group key. The new pairwise key in our scheme is determined by Diffie-Hellman based key agreement.


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This PhD represents my attempt to make sense of my personal experiences of depression through the form of cabaret. I first experienced depression in 2006. Previously, I had considered myself to be a happy and optimistic person. I found the experience of depression to be a shock: both in the experience itself, and also in the way it effected my own self image. These personal experiences, together with my professional history as a songwriter and cabaret performer, have been the motivating force behind the research project. This study has explored the question: What are the implications of applying principles of Michael White’s narrative therapy to the creation of a cabaret performance about depression and bipolar disorder? There is a 50 percent weighting on the creative work, the cabaret performance Mind Games, and a 50 percent weighting on the written exegesis. This research has focussed on the illustration of therapeutic principles in order to play games of truth within a cabaret performance. The research project investigates ways of telling my own story in relation to others’ stories through three re-authoring principles articulated in Michael White’s narrative therapy: externalisation, an autonomous ethic of living and rich descriptions. The personal stories presented in the cabaret were drawn from my own experiences and from interviews with individuals with depression or bipolar disorder. The cabaret focussed on the illustration of therapeutic principles, and was not focussed on therapeutic ends for myself or the interviewees. The research question has been approached through a methodology combining autoethnographic, practice-led and action research. Auto ethnographic research is characterised by close investigation of assumptions, attitudes, and beliefs. The combination of autoethnographic, practice-led, action research has allowed me to bring together personal experiences of mental illness, research into therapeutic techniques, social attitudes and public discourses about mental illness and forms of contemporary cabaret to facilitate the creation of a one-woman cabaret performance. The exegesis begins with a discussion of games of truth as informed by Michel Foucault and Michael White and self-stigma as informed by Michael White and Erving Goffman. These concepts form the basis for a discussion of my own personal experiences. White’s narrative therapy is focused on individuals re-authoring their stories, or telling their stories in different ways. White’s principles are influenced by Foucault’s notions of truth and power. Foucault’s term games of truth has been used to describe the effect of a ‘truth in flux’ that occurs through White’s re-authoring process. This study argues that cabaret is an appropriate form to represent this therapeutic process because it favours heightened performativity over realism, and showcases its ‘constructedness’ and artificiality. Thus cabaret is well suited to playing games of truth. A contextual review compares two major cabaret trends, personal cabaret and provocative cabaret, in reference to the performer’s relationship with the audience in terms of distance and intimacy. The study draws a parallel between principles of distance and intimacy in Michael White’s narrative therapy and relates these to performative terms of distance and intimacy. The creative component of this study, the cabaret Mind Games, used principles of narrative therapy to present the character ‘Jo’ playing games of truth through: externalising an aspect of her personality (externalisation); exploring different life values (an autonomous ethic of living); and enacting multiple versions of her identity (rich descriptions). This constant shifting between distance and intimacy within the cabaret created the effect of a truth in ‘constant flux’, to use one of White’s terms. There are three inter-related findings in the study. The first finding is that the application of principles of White’s narrative therapy was able to successfully combine provocative and empathetic elements within the cabaret. The second finding is that the personal agenda of addressing my own self-stigma within the project limited the effective portrayal of a ‘truth in flux’ within the cabaret. The third finding presents the view that the cabaret expressed ‘Jo’ playing games of truth in order to journey towards her own "preferred identity claim" (White 2004b) through an act of "self care" (Foucault 2005). The contribution to knowledge of this research project is the application of therapeutic principles to the creation of a cabaret performance. This process has focussed on creating a self-revelatory cabaret that questions notions of a ‘fixed truth’ through combining elements of existing cabaret forms in new ways. Two major forms in contemporary cabaret, the personal cabaret and the provocative cabaret use the performer-audience relationship in distinctive ways. Through combining elements of these two cabaret forms, I have explored ways to create a provocative cabaret focussed on the act of self-revelation.


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The traditional decomposition of the gender wage gap distinguishes between a component attributable to gender differences in productivity-related characteristics and a residual component that is often taken as a measure of discrimination. This study of data from the 1989 Canadian Labour Market Activity Survey shows that when occupation is treated as a productivity-related characteristic, the proportion of the gender wage gap labeled explained increases with the number of occupational classifications distinguished. However, on the basis of evidence that occupational differences reflect the presence of barriers faced by women attempting to enter male-dominated occupations, the authors conclude that occupation should not be treated as a productivity-related characteristic; and in a decomposition of the gender wage gap that treats occupation as endogenously determined, they find that the level of occupational aggregation has little effect on the size of the "explained" component of the gap.


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Extracting and aggregating the relevant event records relating to an identified security incident from the multitude of heterogeneous logs in an enterprise network is a difficult challenge. Presenting the information in a meaningful way is an additional challenge. This paper looks at solutions to this problem by first identifying three main transforms; log collection, correlation, and visual transformation. Having identified that the CEE project will address the first transform, this paper focuses on the second, while the third is left for future work. To aggregate by correlating event records we demonstrate the use of two correlation methods, simple and composite. These make use of a defined mapping schema and confidence values to dynamically query the normalised dataset and to constrain result events to within a time window. Doing so improves the quality of results, required for the iterative re-querying process being undertaken. Final results of the process are output as nodes and edges suitable for presentation as a network graph.


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This thesis was a step forward in improving the stability of power systems by applying new control and modelling techniques. The developed methods use the data obtained from voltage angle measurement devices which are synchronized with GPS signals to stabilize the system and avoid system-wide blackouts in the event of severe faults. New approaches were developed in this research for identifying and estimating reduced dynamic system models using phasor measurement units. The main goal of this research is achieved by integrating the developed methods to obtain a feasible wide-area control system for stabilizing the power systems.