981 resultados para Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering


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"Contains the complete series of 34 booklets which constitute the Farm land division of 'Real estate appraising' (with essentials of farm management and agricultural engineering). In binding, the sectional title pages and student answer pages have been deleted."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes Ag Engineering and Agronomy Farm Farm and Weather Summary, Central Iowa Farms Farm and Weather Summary and Project Lists


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This study investigates the structures of layers of amphiphilic diblock copolymers of poly(t-butyl styrene)-poly- (styrene sulfonate) (PtBS-PSS) adsorbed on both the bare mica surface (hydrophilic) and an octadecyltriethoxysilane (OTE)-modified mica surface (hydrophobic). When the surface is rendered hydrophobic, the nonsoluble block exhibits stronger interaction with the surface and higher adsorbed masses are achieved. Interaction forces between two such adsorbed layers on both substrates were measured using the surface forces apparatus. The effect of salt concentration (Cs) and molecular weight (N) on the height of the self-assembled layers (L0) was examined in each case. The resulting scaling relationship is in good agreement with predictions of the brush model, L0 ∞ N1.0 in the low-salt limit and L0N-1 ∞ (Cs/σ)-0.32 in the salted regime, when adsorption takes place onto the hydrophobized mica surface. For adsorption on the bare mica surface, L0N-0.7 ∞ Cs -0.17 agrees with the scaling prediction of the sparse tethering model. The results suggest that, on the hydrophilic bare mica surface, the adsorbed amount is not high enough to form a brush structure and only very little intermolecular stretching of the tethered chains occurs; in contrast, the presence of the hydrophobic OTE layer increases the tethering density such that the polyelectrolyte chains adopt a brush conformation.


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Micellar solutions of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene and polystyrene-block-polyisoprene in propane are found to exhibit significantly lower cloud pressures than the corresponding hypothetical nonmicellar solutions. Such a cloud-pressure reduction indicates the extent to which micelle formation enhances the apparent diblock solubility in near-critical and hence compressible propane. Concentration-dependent pressure-temperature points beyond which no micelles can be formed, referred to as the micellization end points, are found to depend on the block type, size, and ratio. The cloud-pressure reduction and the micellization end point measured for styrene-diene diblocks in propane should be characteristic of all amphiphilic diblock copolymer solutions that form micelles in compressible solvents.


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Morphology and deformation mechanisms and tensile properties of tetrafunctional multigraft (MG) polystrene-g-polyisoprene (PS-g-PI) copolymers were investigated dependent on PS volume fraction and number of branch points. The combination of various methods such as TEM, real time synchrotron SAXS, rheo-optical FTIR, and tensile tests provides comprehensive information at different dimension levels.TEMand SAXS studies revealed that the number of branch points has no obvious influence on the microphase-separated morphology of tetrafunction MG copolymers with 16 wt % PS. But for tetrafunctional MG copolymers with 25 wt % PS, the size and integrity of PS microdomains decrease with increasing number of branch point. The deformation mechanisms ofMGcopolymers are highly related to the morphology. Dependent on the microphase-separated morphology and integrity of the PS phase, the strain-induced orientation of the PS phase is at different size scales. Polarized FT-IR spectra analysis reveals that, for all investigated MG copolymers, the PI phase shows strain-induced orientation along SD at molecular scale. The proportion of the PI block effectively bridging PS domains controls the tensile properties of the MGcopolymers at high strain, while the stress-strain behavior in the low-mediate strain region is controlled by the continuity of PS microdomains. The special molecular architecture, which leads to the higher effective functionality of PS domains and the higher possibility for an individual PI backbone being tethered with a large number of PS domains, is proposed to be the origin of the superelasticity for MG copolymers.


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The high electronegativity and small size of the fluorine atom and the high stability of C-F bonds impart interesting properties and applications to fluorine containing polymers. The unique properties of fluoropolymers include high thermal stability, improved chemical resistance, low surface energies, low coefficients of friction, and low dielectric constants. Applications of fluorinated polymers include use as noncorrosive materials, polymer processing aids, chemically resistant and antifouling coatings, as well as interlayer dielectrics. Fluorine-containing polymers can be directly synthesized via polymerization of fluorine-containing monomers or by post-polymerization modification. The latter method can be used to attach fluorinated species, such as perfluoroalkyl groups, onto conventional polymer chains, thereby imparting properties of fluorine-containing polymers into conventional polymers and widening their range of potential applications.


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The structures and association properties of thermosensitive block copolymers of poly(methoxyoligo( ethylene glycol) norbornenyl esters) in D2O were investigated by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). Each block is a comblike polymer with a polynorbornene (PNB) backbone and oligo ethylene glycol (OEG) side chains (one side chain per NB repeat unit). The chemical formula of the block copolymer is (OEG3NB) 79- (OEG6.6NB) 67, where subscripts represent the degree of polymerization (DP) of OEG and NB in each block. The polymer concentration was fixed at 2.0 wt % and the structural changes were investigated over a temperature range between 25 and 68°C. It was found that at room temperature polymers associate to form micelles with a spherical core formed by the block (OEG3NB) 79 and corona formed by the block (OEG6.6NB) 67 and that the shape of the polymer in the corona could be described by the form factor of rigid cylinders. At elevated temperatures, the aggregation number increased and the micelles became more compact. At temperatures around the cloud point temperature (CPT) T ) 60 °C a correlation peak started to appear and became pronounced at 68 °C due to the formation of a partially ordered structure with a correlation length ∼349 Å.


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The reaction of living anionic polymers with 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-(3-bromopropyl)-1-aza-2,5- disilacyclopentane (1) was investigated using coupled thin layer chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Structures of byproducts as well as the major product were determined. The anionic initiator having a protected primary amine functional group, 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl- 1-(3-lithiopropyl)-1-aza-2,5-disilacyclopentane (2), was synthesized using all-glass high-vacuum techniques, which allows the long-term stability of this initiator to be maintained. The use of 2 in the preparation of well-defined aliphatic primary amine R-end-functionalized polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) was investigated. Primary amino R-end-functionalized poly(methyl methacrylate) can be obtained near-quantitatively by reacting 2 with 1,1-diphenylethylene in tetrahydrofuran at room temperature prior to polymerizing methyl methacrylate at -78 °C. When 2 is used to initiate styrene at room temperature in benzene, an additive such as N,N,N',N'- tetramethylethylenediamine is necessary to activate the polymerization. However, although the resulting polymers have narrow molecular weight distributions and well-controlled molecular weights, our mass spectra data suggest that the yield of primary amine α-end-functionalized polystyrene from these syntheses is very low. The majority of the products are methyl α-end-functionalized polystyrene.


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Living anionic polymerization of 4-vinylbenzocylobutene was performed in benzene at room temperature using sec-butyllithium as the initiator. Results of the kinetic studies indicated the termination- and transfer-free nature of the polymerization. Homopolymers with predictable molecular weights and narrow molecular weight distributions were produced, excluding the interference of the cyclobutene rings during initiation and propagation. Thermogravimetric analysis of poly(4-vinylbenzocyclobutene) in air showed a small weight gain at ~200 °C, a rapid decomposition at ~455 °C, and a gradual decomposition at ~566 °C. This behavior was attributed to the formation of radicals from the pendent benzocyclobutene functionality through o-quinodimethane intermediates and simultaneous decomposition/cross-linking reactions at high temperature. The living nature of the polymerization was also examined via sequential copolymerization with butadiene to form diblock copolymers.


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An inexpensive device which is easily operated to accurately measure the Coulomb parameters of the soil. The Coulomb parameters are used in Coulomb's equation to calculate the shearing stresses along a failure surface of the soil. The device includes an instrument to test soil shear strength to which several weights have been added. To obtain the Coulomb parameters, the instrument is placed on the soil to be tested and weights are incrementally added to it. The instrument is rotated at each weight increment and the shearing stresses are read from its calibrated dial. The stresses are plotted on a graph from which the Coulomb parameters are determined. The shearing stress of the soil with any known force applied to it can then be determined.


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The rotary tiller slot planter of the present invention comprises a subsoiler shank positioned to engage the soil and make a trench therein. A pair of rotary tiller blades are rotatably mounted on the opposite sides of the sub-soil shank in planes parallel thereto. The center-lines of the rotary tiller wheels are located behind the subsoil shank. Each of the wheels have a plurality of blades extending radially outwardly from the rotational axis thereof and terminating in outer radial ends which engage the soil slightly ahead of the subsoiler shank and adjacent the lateral edges of the trench. A seed tube shank is positioned behind the subsoiler shank and between the tiller wheels. The seed tube shank has a lower end positioned to extend below the soil surface. A seed tube is positioned behind the seed tube shank for depositing seed in the soil. The rotation of the blades on opposite sides of the subsoil shank causes the soil to be mechanically aggregated and aerated and helps prepare a seed bed for the seeds. Also, the rotating tiller blades chop the debris which may be along the trench and throw soil backwards so as to cover the planted seed. Shorter rotary blades on the tiller wheels are shaped to throw debris and the upper one-half inch of soil sideways away from the row.


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Swine manure and fertilizer can be used to supply the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) needs of crops. Excess P application sometimes applied with N-based manure for corn increases the risk of P loss and water quality impairment. Poor water quality in Iowa streams and lakes due to excess P has prompted questions about the impact of cropping and nutrient management systems on P loss from fields.


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The primary objective of this project was to determine the impact of appropriate rates of swine manure applications to corn and soybeans based on nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of crops, soil phosphorus accumulation, and the potential of nitrate and phosphorus leaching to groundwater. Another purpose of this long-term experimental study was to develop and recommend appropriate manure and nutrient management practices to producers to minimize the water contamination potential and enhance the use of swine manure as inorganic fertilizer. A third component of this study was to determine the potential effects of rye as a cover crop to reduce nitrate loss to shallow ground water.


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The distinguishing feature of a polymer brush at equilibrium is the stretched configuration of the chains that results from tethering the polymer chains by one end at the solid-fluid interface. The stretched configuration of the chains and the crowded nature of the interfacial layer is the origin of many of the useful properties of polymer brushes: these layers resist compression and aggregation, effectively dissipate shear stresses, and respond reversibly to changes in their solution environment.