5 resultados para Biomimetismo


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Es notoria la importancia de la naturaleza en la evolución de la arquitectura. Hasta la gran eclosión de la industria manufacturera y la mejora en las infraestructuras de comunicación, se podría decir que ambas corrían paralelas, para a partir de ahí dejar “congelada” la sabiduría popular y dar un salto a la globalidad, generando una situación de libertad arquitectónica prácticamente total, que independiza la construcción de su ubicación. "El biomimetismo es esencialmente un campo de investigación interdisciplinar, una serie de colaboraciones entre botánicos, físicos, matemáticos, ingenieros y zoólogos; donde la rígida división entre disciplinas «puras» cede lugar a un área de investigación que apunta a generar tecnología inteligente (smarttechnologies), utilizando materiales o procesos que sean de alguna manera sensibles al medio ambiente." (M. Weinstock, 1998). “La morfología de las plantas en los diferentes climas parece tener cierta analogía con la edificación, ya que algunas de las tensiones que inciden en su forma (tales como las variaciones de temperatura) corresponden de manera similar a las necesidades humanas.” (V. Olgyay 1963). En el presente trabajo se han estudiado las especies endémicas que nos rodean, para poder leer a través de ellas millones de años de supervivencia en este entorno, con el fin de mimetizar sus respuestas. También se han estudiado diferentes tipologías de arquitectura vernácula y su simulación energética, con el propósito de evaluar la demanda energética optima exigible. A partir de una ubicación específica, la orientación, compacidad, perforación y las características de la envolvente son los elementos que más influyen en la demanda energética de una edificación. Tanto la forma como los materiales pueden ser mimetizados con la naturaleza. En esta Tesis se han cuantificado los parámetros de diseño formales tomando como referencia las especies vegetales o la arquitectura vernácula, sin perder de vista los objetivos buscados por normativas o institutos en la reducción del consumo energético vinculado a la calefacción y ventilación. ABSTRACT The importance of the nature in the evolution of the architecture is well-known. Until the great burst of the manufacturing industry and the improvement in communication infrastructures, it would be possible to be said that both ran parallel, stops there from leaving “frozen” the popular wisdom and jump to the globalization, creating a situation almost complete architectural freedom, that it frees the construction of its location. "Biomimicry is essentially an interdisciplinary field of research, a series of collaborations among botanists, physicists, mathematicians, engineers and zoologists; where the rigid division between "pure" disciplines gives way to an area of research that aims to generate intelligent technology (smarttechnologies), using materials and processes that are in some environmentally sensitive manner. "(M. Weinstock, 1998). “The morphology of the plants in different climates seems to have some analogy with the building, as some of the tensions that affect their form (such as the temperature variations) are similar to the human necessities.” (V. Olgyay 1963). In the present work, the endemic species that surround to us have been studied, to be able to read through them millions of years of survival in this environment, in order to mimic their answers. Also different types or popular architecture and their energy simulation have been studied, in order to evaluate the rate of energy optimum demand. Orientation, compactness, perforation and characteristics of the envelope are the elements that influence more in the energy demand of a building. The shape and materials can be mimic with nature. Each of them has been quantified in this work by reference plant species or popular architecture, without losing sight of the objectives sought by regulations or institutes about reduction in energy consumption.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)