793 resultados para Biometano,upgrading,biogas
L’emanazione del Decreto 5 dicembre 2013, ha inaugurato una nuova stagione per il settore energetico italiano, dando vita anche in Italia, in linea con gli altri paesi europei, alla possibilità di valorizzare il biogas, prodotto a seguito di un processo di digestione anaerobica, come biometano, un gas con maggiore contenuto energetico che a seguito di opportuni trattamenti, può essere paragonabile al gas naturale. Il lavoro svolto pertanto si pone come obiettivo quello di individuare gli elementi peculiari che potrebbero favorire lo sviluppo e la crescita del biometano nel contesto italiano.
L'opera preliminarmente in una accurata analisi della configurazione e delle interrelazioni dei sistemi energetici presenti nello stabilimento produttivo Caviro Enomondo. Successivamente è svolto un approfondimento del quadro normativo relativo all’incentivazione delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili non fotovoltaiche e delle sue recenti evoluzioni, andando ad identificare tutte le possibili vie di sviluppo per impianti di produzione di biogas promosse a livello nazionale e che possono potenzialmente trovare applicazione nell’impianto in esame; questo studio è effettuato con particolare attenzione alla opportunità di effettuare un upgrading di tale impianto per realizzare ad una raffinazione totale o parziale del biogas a biometano. A seguito dell’identificazione della tipologia di prodotto e/o di processo che offre le migliori prospettive per una implementazione industriale e delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche che questo deve rispecchiare, si prosegue quindi individuando lo schema impiantistico ottimale per adeguare l’attuale sistema di produzione al nuovo target. A seguire, approfondendo lo studio delle varie tecnologie disponibili ad oggi allo stato dell’arte, si identificano quelle maggiormente promettenti, mettendone in evidenza peculiarità positive e negative di ciascuna e giungendo alla identificazione della combinazione ottimale in termini di economicità, capacità produttiva, sicurezza ed impatto ambientale. Una volta individuate le caratteristiche di massima dell’impianto si procede ad un dimensionamento più accurato dello stesso andandone a valutare anche entità dei costi di investimento e di gestione. Attraverso l’instaurazione di contatti con ditte specializzate operanti nel settore industriale di riferimento, si giunge all’individuazione specifica dei modelli dei macchinari ed impianti richiesti. Il progetto si sviluppa successivamente andando a valutare le possibili modalità di utilizzo del prodotto finale che offrono maggiori prospettive di valorizzazione per l’azienda, identificando le varie soluzioni e gli interventi necessari per ciascuna di essa. La parte successiva dell’elaborato consiste in un confronto, in termini di valutazioni economiche, sull’opportunità di ognuna delle soluzioni prospettate, tenendo in considerazione i costi di investimento, di esercizio, i ricavi, e la componente incentivante. Si va infine a concludere il progetto proponendo una road-map per la realizzazione della soluzione che si evidenzia come la più promettente, con crono-programma degli interventi da eseguire, e aspettative di sviluppo a medio-lungo termine dell’investimento.
The aim of this work was to study the possible deactivation effects of biogas trace ammonia concentrations on methanation catalysts. It was found that small amounts of ammonia led to a slight decrease in the catalyst activity. A decrease in the catalyst deactivation by carbon formation was also observed, with ammonia absorbed on the active catalyst sites. This was via a suppression of the carbon formation and deposition on the catalyst, since it requires a higher number of active sites than for the methanation of carbon oxides. From the paper findings, no special pretreatment for ammonia removal from the biogas fed to a methanation process is required.
Considerando l'elevato grado di inquinamento del pianeta e la forte dipendenza delle attività antropiche dai combustibili fossili, stanno avendo notevole sviluppo e incentivazione gli impianti per la produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili. In particolare, la digestione anaerobica è in grande diffusione in Italia. Lo studio in oggetto si prefigge l'obiettivo di determinare, mediante analisi di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), i carichi ambientali di un impianto di digestione anaerobica, e della sua filiera, per valutarne l'effettiva ecosostenibilità. L'analisi considera anche gli impatti evitati grazie all'immissione in rete dell'energia elettrica prodotta e all'utilizzo del digestato in sostituzione dell'urea. Lo studio analizza sei categorie d'impatto: Global warming potential (GWP), Abiotic depletion potential (ADP), Acidification potential (AP), Eutrophication potential (EP), Ozone layer depletion potential (ODP) e Photochemical oxidant formation potential (POFP). I valori assoluti degli impatti sono stati oggetto anche di normalizzazione per stabilire la loro magnitudo. Inoltre, è stata effettuata un'analisi di sensitività per investigare le variazioni degli impatti ambientali in base alla sostituzione di differenti tecnologie per la produzione di energia elettrica: mix elettrico italiano, carbone e idroelettrico. Infine, sono stati analizzati due scenari alternativi all'impianto in esame che ipotizzano la sua conversione ad impianto per l'upgrading del biogas a biometano. I risultati mostrano, per lo scenario di riferimento (produzione di biogas), un guadagno, in termini ambientali, per il GWP, l'ADP e il POFP a causa dei notevoli impatti causati dalla produzione di energia elettrica da mix italiano che la filiera esaminata va a sostituire. I risultati evidenziano anche quanto gli impatti ambientali varino in base alla tipologia di alimentazione del digestore anaerobica: colture dedicate o biomasse di scarto. I due scenari alternativi, invece, mostrano un aumento degli impatti, rispetto allo scenario di riferimento, causati soprattutto dagli ulteriori consumi energetici di cui necessitano sia i processi di purificazione del biogas in biometano sia i processi legati alla digestione anaerobica che, nel caso dello scenario di riferimento, sono autoalimentati. L'eventuale conversione dell'attuale funzione dell'impianto deve essere fatta tenendo anche in considerazione i benefici funzionali ed economici apportati dalla produzione del biometano rispetto a quella del biogas.
Biogas from anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge is a renewable resource with high energy content, which is formed mainly of CH4 (40-75 vol.%) and CO2 (15-60 vol.%) Other components such as water (H2O, 5-10 vol.%) and trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide and siloxanes can also be present. A CH4-rich stream can be produced by removing the CO2 and other impurities so that the upgraded bio-methane can be injected into the natural gas grid or used as a vehicle fuel. The main objective of this paper is to develop a new modeling methodology to assess the technical and economic performance of biogas upgrading processes using ionic liquids which physically absorb CO2. Three different ionic liquids, namely the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumbis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide and trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, are considered for CO2 capture in a pressure-swing regenerative absorption process. The simulation software Aspen Plus and Aspen Process Economic Analyzer is used to account for mass and energy balances as well as equipment cost. In all cases, the biogas upgrading plant consists of a multistage compressor for biogas compression, a packed absorption column for CO2 absorption, a flash evaporator for solvent regeneration, a centrifugal pump for solvent recirculation, a pre-absorber solvent cooler and a gas turbine for electricity recovery. The evaluated processes are compared in terms of energy efficiency, capital investment and bio-methane production costs. The overall plant efficiency ranges from 71-86 % whereas the bio-methane production cost ranges from £6.26-7.76 per GJ (LHV). A sensitivity analysis is also performed to determine how several technical and economic parameters affect the bio-methane production costs. The results of this study show that the simulation methodology developed can predict plant efficiencies and production costs of large scale CO2 capture processes using ionic liquids without having to rely on gas solubility experimental data.
The first part of this essay aims at investigating the already available and promising technologies for the biogas and bio-hydrogen production from anaerobic digestion of different organic substrates. One strives to show all the peculiarities of this complicate process, such as continuity, number of stages, moisture, biomass preservation and rate of feeding. The main outcome of this part is the awareness of the huge amount of reactor configurations, each of which suitable for a few types of substrate and circumstance. Among the most remarkable results, one may consider first of all the wet continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR), right to face the high waste production rate in urbanised and industrialised areas. Then, there is the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), aimed at the biomass preservation in case of highly heterogeneous feedstock, which can also be treated in a wise co-digestion scheme. On the other hand, smaller and scattered rural realities can be served by either wet low-rate digesters for homogeneous agricultural by-products (e.g. fixed-dome) or the cheap dry batch reactors for lignocellulose waste and energy crops (e.g. hybrid batch-UASB). The biological and technical aspects raised during the first chapters are later supported with bibliographic research on the important and multifarious large-scale applications the products of the anaerobic digestion may have. After the upgrading techniques, particular care was devoted to their importance as biofuels, highlighting a further and more flexible solution consisting in the reforming to syngas. Then, one shows the electricity generation and the associated heat conversion, stressing on the high potential of fuel cells (FC) as electricity converters. Last but not least, both the use as vehicle fuel and the injection into the gas pipes are considered as promising applications. The consideration of the still important issues of the bio-hydrogen management (e.g. storage and delivery) may lead to the conclusion that it would be far more challenging to implement than bio-methane, which can potentially “inherit” the assets of the similar fossil natural gas. Thanks to the gathered knowledge, one devotes a chapter to the energetic and financial study of a hybrid power system supplied by biogas and made of different pieces of equipment (natural gas thermocatalitic unit, molten carbonate fuel cell and combined-cycle gas turbine structure). A parallel analysis on a bio-methane-fed CCGT system is carried out in order to compare the two solutions. Both studies show that the apparent inconvenience of the hybrid system actually emphasises the importance of extending the computations to a broader reality, i.e. the upstream processes for the biofuel production and the environmental/social drawbacks due to fossil-derived emissions. Thanks to this “boundary widening”, one can realise the hidden benefits of the hybrid over the CCGT system.
There is a need for biomethane capture and carbon dioxide sequestration to mitigate evident global climate change. This research work investigated the potential for microalgae to remove CO2 from biogas as a biotechnical method for upgrading the thermal value for subsequent compression, liquification, or introduction to natural gas pipelines. Because biogas is largely methane, the effect of high methane environments on mixed microalgae was explored and found that specific carbon utilization rates were not statistically different when microalgae were exposed to biogas environments (70% v/v CH4) , relative to high CO2 environment. The uses of conventional bubbled column photobioreactors (PBR) were assessed for CO2 removal and subsequent CH4 enrichment. A continuously-bubbled biogas PBR (cB-PBR5) and intermittently-bubbled biogas PBR (iB-PBR) experienced CO2 loading rates of about 1664 and 832 mg C/L*day and showed 30.0 and 60.1 % carbon removal, respectively. However, a lack of biogas enrichment and issues associated growth inhibition due to high CO2 environments as well as stripping the dissolved gases, namely oxygen and nitrogen, from the bulk liquid and introduction to the outlet gas prompted the consideration for gas/liquid separation using nonporous hollow-fiber (HF) membranes for CO2 transfer. The potential for two non-porous HF membrane materials [polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and composite polyurethane (PU)] were modeled along fiber length using a mechanistic model based on polymeric material transport properties (Gilmore et al., 2009). Based on a high CO2:CH4 permeability selectivity for PU of 76.2 the model predicted gas enrichment along an 8.5 cm fiber length. Because PDMS permeability selectivity is low (3.5), evident gas transfer was not predicated along a 34.3 cm length. Both of these HF materials were implemented in hollow-fiber membrane-carbonated biofilm (HFMcB) PBRs for microalgal-mediated biogas enrichment. Phototrophic biofilm colonization occurred on the membrane, where CO2 concentration was greatest. The presence of a biofilm demonstrated greater resiliency to high CO2 environments, compared to the conventional PBRs. However, as the PDMS model predicted, the PDMS HFMcBs did not demonstrate gas enrichment. These reactors received CO2 loading rates of 200 mg C/L*day based on PDMS permeability flux and showed approximately 65% removal of the total C transferred across the membrane. Thus, the HFMcBs demonstrated controlled carbonation of the bulk liquid via a nonporous HF membrane. Likewise, the experimental PU HFMcB did not show gas enrichment yet this result should be further explored due to the high permeability selectivity of the polymeric material. Chemical stratifications, namely pH and dissolved O2, present in a PDMS membrane-carbonated biofilm were analyzed using electrochemical microsensors. Results indicated that high DO (20 mg L-1) exists at surface of the biofilm where light availability is greatest and low pH microenvironments (pH=5.40) exist deep in the biofilm where the diffusive flux of CO2 drives transfer through the biofilm. The presence of a 400-600 ¿m liquid phase boundary layer was evident from microsensor profiles. Cryosectioning of the biofilm samples showed the biofilm to be approximately 1.17 ± 0.07 mm thick, suggesting that the high localized concentration of biomass associated with the phototrophic biofilm aided in overcoming inhibition in a microenvironment dominated by CO2(aq). Challenges of biofilm detachment and PBR fouling as well as microalgal growth inhibition in the presence of high CO2 content remain for applications of microalgae for biogas enrichment.
Estudo técnico-científico
The people of Bangladesh are underprivileged from continuous grid electricity. Despite the plentiful supply of renewable sources of energy in Bangladesh, currently their contribution to the electricity supply remains inconsequential. Use of renewable energy is considered an indispensable component of sustainable energy systems, as renewable energy resources emit less greenhouse gas emissions compared to other non-renewable energy systems. Out of the various renewable sources, solar and biogas and to a limited extend, wind and hydro-power are effectively used. Though the biogas production was the leading and most appropriate renewable energy resource in our country, it has become notably insignificant due to the lack of appropriate strategies and institutional settings. To address this, this article examines Bangladesh's current energy strategies and institutional settings and investigates future strategies for the advancement of biogas production. This article argues that further significant efforts could be made toward energy sustainability in Bangladesh and the development for a national sustainable energy policy.
As fossil fuel prices increase and environmental concerns gain prominence, the development of alternative fuels from biomass has become more important. Biodiesel produced from microalgae is becoming an attractive alternative to share the role of petroleum. Currently it appears that the production of microalgal biodiesel is not economically viable in current environment because it costs more than conventional fuels. Therefore, a new concept is introduced in this article as an option to reduce the total production cost of microalgal biodiesel. The integration of biodiesel production system with methane production via anaerobic digestion is proved in improving the economics and sustainability of overall biodiesel stages. Anaerobic digestion of microalgae produces methane and further be converted to generate electricity. The generated electricity can surrogate the consumption of energy that require in microalgal cultivation, dewatering, extraction and transesterification process. From theoretical calculations, the electricity generated from methane is able to power all of the biodiesel production stages and will substantially reduce the cost of biodiesel production (33% reduction). The carbon emissions of biodiesel production systems are also reduced by approximately 75% when utilizing biogas electricity compared to when the electricity is otherwise purchased from the Victorian grid. The overall findings from this study indicate that the approach of digesting microalgal waste to produce biogas will make the production of biodiesel from algae more viable by reducing the overall cost of production per unit of biodiesel and hence enable biodiesel to be more competitive with existing fuels.
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) presents a viable route for converting a vast range of materials into liquid fuel, without the need for pre-drying. Currently, HTL studies produce bio-crude with properties that fall short of diesel or biodiesel standards. Upgrading bio-crude improves the physical and chemical properties to produce a fuel corresponding to diesel or biodiesel. Properties such as viscosity, density, heating value, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur content, and chemical composition can be modified towards meeting fuel standards using strategies such as solvent extraction, distillation, hydrodeoxygenation and catalytic cracking. This article presents a review of the upgrading technologies available, and how they might be used to make HTL bio-crude into a transportation fuel that meets current fuel property standards.
This project follows on from and utilises a floating cover currently being installed on the primary effluent pond at a southern piggery.