992 resultados para Biology, Ecology|Biology, Oceanography


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In the past few years, large-scale, high-seas driftnet fishing has sparked intense debate and political conflict in many oceanic regions. In the Pacific Ocean the driftnet controversy first emerged in the North Pacific transition zone and subarctic frontal zone, where driftnet vessels from Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Taiwan pursue their target species of neon flying squid. Other North Pacific driftnet fleets from Japan and Taiwan target stocks of tunas and billfishes. Both types of driftnet fishing incidentally kill valued non-target species of marine life, including fish, mammals, birds, and turtles. In response to public concerns about driftnet fishing, government scientists began early on to assemble available information and consider what new data were required to assess impacts on North Pacific marine resources and the broader pelagic ecosystem. Accordingly, a workshop was convened at the NMFS Honolulu Laboratory in May 1988 to review current information on the biology, oceanography, and fisheries of the North Pacific transition zone and subarctic frontal zone. The workshop participants, from the United States and Canada, also developed a strategic plan to guide NMFS in developing a program of driftnet fishery research and impact assessment. This volume contains a selection of scientific review papers presented at the 1988 Honolulu workshop. The papers represent part of the small kernel of information available then, prior to the expansion of cooperative international scientific programs. Subsequent driftnet fishery monitoring and research by the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan have added much new data. Nevertheless, this collection of papers provides a historical perspective and contains useful information not readily available elsewhere. (PDF file contains 118 pages.)


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Details are given of the Institute and its activities, in particular the research projects being undertaken. These include studies on the marine molluscs of Sierra Leone, the cockle fishery, a preliminary investigation on the fouling organisms affecting the raft-cultured oyster populations, larval oyster ecology in relation to oyster culture, preliminary studies on the reproductive cycle of the mangrove oyster (Crassostrea tulipa), and catch composition of fishes taken by beach-seines at Lumley (Freetown). Records of the west African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) are noted.


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This brief paper gives some notes on the geographical distribution and salinity tolerances of some Mugil species occurring in the Black-Johnson estuary, Sierra Leone


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The Sierra Leone River Estuary is a relatively young drowned river valley, it is shallow except for a deep channel which passes close to the Freetown shoreline. The upper reaches merge into a network of creeks and channels fringed by large areas of mangrove swamps. It is a tidal estuary of the semi-mixed type with the saline oceanic water entering it on a diurnal cycle. The climate of Sierra Leone is marked by a very distinct change between a very wet rainy season and a dry season. The tidal range of the Estuary (spring 3.03m; neap 2.28m) does not impede normal use of the harbour. The tidal variations can be felt as far as 42 miles inland along the water courses of the Sierra Leone River and its tributaries. The volume of fresh water entering the Estuary is large during the rainy season and greatly reduced during the dry season. Consequently there is a marked fall in salinity during the rainy season and higher salinities due to the marine influence prevailing during the dry season. The nature of the shores and bottom, the hydrography and chemistry of the estuarine system have been outlined in relation to the prevailing climatic conditions.


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Stomach contents of 110 franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei), from northern Argentina were analysed in order to improve our knowledge about the feeding habits of this species and to better characterise the lactation period. The samples included calves, juveniles and adults of both sexes. Evidence of predation by franciscanas is seen at a very young age (2.5-3 months), with a transition diet composed by both milk and solid food, mainly represented by crustaceans. Weaning seems to begin by April, when franciscanas are about 6-7 months old. Franciscanas inhabiting two different habitats were analysed in this study: a brackish water estuary and an adjacent marine coastal system. The diet of Pontoporia blainvillei in northern Argentina was composed by a total of 26 prey species: 20 teleosts, 4 crustaceans and 2 cephalopods. Based on the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) the main prey species were Cynoscion guatucupa, Micropogonias furnieri, Loligo sanpaulensis and Urophycis brasiliensis. Estuarine franciscanas preyed mainly on Micropogonias furnieri (dominant species), Cynoscion guatucupa, Odonthestes argentinensis and Macrodon ancylodon, while dolphins from marine areas preyed mainly on Cynoscion guatucupa (dominant species), Loligo sanpaulensis and Urophycis brasiliensis. Our results confirm that franciscanas prey mainly on juvenile fish (< 8cm) and small loliginid squids, in close agreement with previous results obtained in southern Brazil and Uruguay. Qualitative and quantitative differences observed in the diet of dolphins from each habitat emphasise the need to discriminate between samples from different habitats and environmental parameters. SPANISH: Se analizaron 110 contenidos estomacales de franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) provenientes de la costa norte de Argentina, para extender en conocimiento sobre su dieta y caracterizar la lactancia. Las muestras incluyeron cachorros, juveniles y adultos de ambos sexos. Las primeras etapas de predación se inician a muy temprana edad (2,5-3 meses), presentando una dieta de transición compuesta tanto por leche como por presas sólidas, principalmente crustáceos; el destete se iniciaría a partir de abril, a una edad estimada entre 6 y 7 meses. Las franciscanas estudiadas provienen de dos habitats diferentes: un área estuarial de baja salinidad y la region marina adyacente. La dieta de Pontoporia blainvillei de Argentina estuvo compuesta por un total de 26 especies: 20 teleósteos, 4 crustáceos y 2 cefalópodos. Basados en el Indice de Importancia Relativa (IIR), las presas más importantes fueron Cynoscion guatucupa, Micropogonias furnieri, Loligo sanpaulensis y Urophycis brasiliensis. Las franciscanas provenientes del área estuarial predaron principalmente sobre Micropogonias furnieri (especie dominante), Cynoscion guatucupa, Odonthestes argentinensis y Macrodon ancylodon, mientras que los delfines marinos predaron sobre Cynoscion guatucupa (especie dominante), Loligo sanpaulensis y Urophycis brasiliensis. Nuestros resultados confirman que la franciscana preda sobre peces juveniles (< 8cm) y pequeños calamares Loliginidae, coincidiendo con resultados previos obtenidos en el sur del Brasil y Uruguay. Las diferencias cualitativas y cuantitativas observadas en la dieta de cada uno de las áreas analizadas, nos sugieren que los futuros estudios sobre ecología trófica de la franciscana deberían discriminarse de acuerdo al origen de los ejemplares y a la tipificación del ambiente.


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The influence of the 1992-1993 El Nino events on the reproductive behavior of the Scomber japonicus peruanus (Chub mackerel) was studied from samples collected monthly, along the Peruvian coast (3 degrees 23`S-14 degrees 00`S), from January 1990 to December 1993. The monthly variation of the gonadosomatic index and the frequency of the periods of gonad maturation evidenced that the spawning of the species occurred all year long, being more intense in summer. The values of the gonadosomatic index were higher during the occurrence of the 1992-1993 El Nino, while the body weight and gonad weight decreased. Regarding the condition factor, its values decreased in females over 35 cm in fork length.


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This study evaluated the spatio-temporal distribution, population biology and diet of Menticirrhus americanus in Caraguatatuba Bay. Samples were taken monthly between August 2003 and October 2004, by trawling in two previously selected areas. The northern area is more exposed to wave activity and is influenced by a river, functioning as a small estuary. In contrast, the southern area is relatively sheltered from wave energy and influenced to a lesser degree by smaller rivers. The fishes' length was measured, and the sex and gonadal stage macroscopically identified. The abundance of this species was compared between areas and among months. The diet was identified and quantified. M. americanus occurred in equal proportions in the two study areas, being most abundant in April 2004, followed by December 2003 and January 2004. The population was dominated by small immature individuals. The few individuals in maturation or mature that were captured showed no seasonal pattern of distribution. This species had a varied diet, feeding on worms (nemerteans, sipunculans and echiurans), mollusks (bivalves and cephalopods), polychaetes, crustaceans and fish. The presence of intact nematodes in the intestine suggests that these are parasites. The results demonstrated that M. americanus has a homogeneous spatial and temporal distribution in Caraguatatuba Bay, being uniformly distributed between the south and north areas as well as across the months. This species can be considered a carnivorous predator, showing a preference for consuming benthic sandy-beach species such as glycerids and other polychaetes, crustaceans, and bivalve siphons.


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Ecosystems may reflect environmental changes in many respects, from the debilitation of individuals to alterations in community composition. Equally, population parameters may provide reliable indications of environmental changes. Members of the sciaenid fish genus Stellifer are usually very abundant where they occur, often with two or more species living in sympatry. Here, the population dynamics of three Stellifer species from southeastern Brazil were assessed. Sampling was carried out in shallow marine areas of Caraguatatuba Bay, from August 2003 to October 2004. The species evaluated were Stellifer rastrifer (n=3183), S. brasiliensis (n=357) and S. stellifer (n=116). The area under greater continental influence tended to support more, but smaller individuals. Size variations over time were similar among species and negatively correlated with Krel, which showed smooth fluctuations. The general length-frequency distribution was concentrated between 6.0 and 9.0 cm, and the great majority of females did not present mature gonads during the sampling period. The findings support the existence of a stratification by size for these species, indicating that the area is essential for the development of younger fish. Failure to consider these characteristics for the management of similar areas may have serious implications for these environments.


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Black band disease of corals consists of a microbial community dominated by the cyanobacteriurn Phormidium corallyticum. The disease primarily affects reef-framework coral species, Active black band disease continually opens up new substrate in reef environments by destroying coral tissue as the disease line advances across the surface of infected colonies. A field study was carried out to determine the abundance and distribution of black band disease on the reef building corals in the Florida Keys. During July of 1992 and 1993, up to 0.72% of coral colonies were infected with black band disease. Analysis of the distribution showed that the disease was clumped. Seasonal patters varied, with some coral colonies infected year round, others exhibiting reinfection from summer 1992 to summer 1993, and some colonies infected for one year only. Statistical analysis of black band disease incidence in relation to various environmental parameters revealed that black band disease was associated with relatively shallow water depths, higher temperatures, elevated nitrite levels, and decreased ortho-phosphate levels. Additional field studies determined recovery of scleractinian coral colonies damaged or killed through the activities of black band disease over a five-year period. These studies determined if the newly exposed substrate was recolonized through scleractinian recruitment, if there was overgrowth of the damaged areas by the formerly diseased colony, or if coral tissue destruction continued after the cessation of black band disease activity. Tissue loss continued on all coral colonies with only one colony exhibiting new tissue growth. The majority of recolonization was by non-reef-framework corals and octocorallians, limited recruitment by framework species was observed. Physiological studies of P. corallyticum were carried out to investigate the photosynthetic capacity of this cyanobacterium, and to determine if this species has the ability to fix dinitrogen. The results of this research demonstrated that P. corallyticum reaches maximum photosynthetic rates at very low light intensities (27.9 μE/m/sec), and that P. corallyticum is able to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis in the presence of sulfide, an ability that is uncommon in prokaryotic organisms. ^


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Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations associated with climate change will likely influence a wide variety of ecosystems. Terrestrial research has examined the effects of increasing CO2 concentrations on the functionality of plant systems; with studies ranging in scale from the short-term responses of individual leaves, to long-term ecological responses of complete forests. While terrestrial plants have received much attention, studies on the responses of marine plants (seagrasses) to increased CO 2(aq) concentrations remain relatively sparse, with most research limited to small-scale, ex situ experimentation. Furthermore, few studies have attempted to address similarities between terrestrial and seagrass responses to increases in CO2(aq). The goals of this dissertation are to expand the scope of marine climate change research, and examine how the tropical seagrass, Thalassia testudinum responds to increasing CO 2(aq)concentrations over multiple spatial and temporal scales. ^ Manipulative laboratory and field experimentation reveal that, similar to terrestrial plants, seagrasses strongly respond to increases in CO 2(aq) concentrations. Using a novel field technique, in situ field manipulations show that over short time scales, seagrasses respond to elevated CO2(aq) by increasing leaf photosynthetic rates and the production of soluble carbohydrates. Declines in leaf nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) content were additionally detected, paralleling responses from terrestrial systems. Over long time scales, seagrasses increase total above- and belowground biomass with elevated CO2(aq), suggesting that, similar to terrestrial research, pervasive increases in atmospheric and oceanic CO2(aq) concentrations stand to influence the productivity and functionality of these systems. Furthermore, field experiments reveal that seagrass epiphytes, which comprise an important component of seagrass ecosystems, additionally respond to increased CO2(aq) with strong declines in calcified taxa and increases in fleshy taxa. ^ Together, this work demonstrates that increasing CO2(aq) concentrations will alter the functionality of seagrass ecosystems by increasing plant productivity and shifting the composition of the epiphyte community. These results have implications for future rates of carbon storage and sediment production within these widely distributed systems.^


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The predictability of prey due to oceanographic features can result in large aggregations of apex predators. Central place foragers, such as seabirds, are limited in their foraging duration and range during the breeding period, which can restrict their ability to reach such locations. Segregation by colony and sex can further restrict foraging range and may have direct implications for the foraging ecology of a species. In parts of its range, the Australasian gannet Morus serrator breeds in colonies of relatively close proximity and has recently been found to display sexual dimorphism. Two neighbouring breeding colonies in Bass Strait that experience divergent environmental conditions were investigated to determine whether these conditions or the sex of the individual are important variables influencing foraging behaviour in this species. GPS tracking and accelerometry were paired with stable isotope analysis to compare differences in foraging effort, habitat use and diet. Birds from Point Danger, a large colony located near a seasonally strong upwelling, travelled considerably further (77%) than birds from Pope's Eye, a small colony in a nutrient-poor embayment. However, within colonies no sexual differences in foraging effort were found. While the colonies did not overlap in foraging areas, a degree of sexual segregation was apparent within both colonies (Point Danger 46.3% overlap and Pope's Eye 73.7% overlap in home range). Furthermore, stable isotope analysis indicated birds from each colony fed at different trophic niches. This study reveals differences in habitat use and, consequently, dietary niches between and within neighbouring colonies.


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(PDF contains 7 pages.)


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Undaria pinnatifida was registered in Ría Deseado (47º45´S, 65º55´W _ southern Patagonia) by the first time in spring 2005, colonizing the intertidal and shallow subtidal. A seasonal survey in 2006 showed that U. pinnatifida was established in a sheltered zone inside the estuary, along a coastal fringe of 8 km between Punta Cascajo and Cañadón del Puerto. This continuous distribution was only interrupted in the mouth of canyons that flow into Ría Deseado, where the bottom is conformed by mud and sand. The sporophytes were mainly found colonizing the rocky bottom in the lower intertidal, bordering the Macrocystis pyrifera population. The highest density and biomass of sporophytes (12.13 ind. m-2; 254.60 g m-2) were registered during spring, when the population was mainly conformed by individuals of medium sizes. The lowest density and biomass (0.33 ind. m-2; 5.69 g m-2) were registered in autumn. Juvenile sporophytes recruited throughout the year, but presented the highest percentage in the population during autumn and winter. First mature sporophytes appeared in spring and attained their maximum size in summer. After this, the sprophytes decayed and disappeared. Environmental factors such as rocky bottoms availability and water transparency may be the main factors determining the sporophytes distribution in Ría Deseado. The field experiment point out that M. pyrifera population is an important factor controlling the dispersion of U. pinnatifida towards the subtidal. SPANISH: Undaria pinnatifida fue registrada en la Ría Deseado (47º45´ S, 65º55´ W _ Patagonia austral) durante la primavera de 2005, colonizando el intermareal y submareal somero. Los relevamientos estacionales realizados durante el 2006, revelaron que U. pinnatifida se encontró establecida en una zona protegida en el interior de la ría, ocupando una franja costera de aproximadamente 8 km de largo entre Punta Cascajo y el Cañadón del Puerto. Esta distribución casi continua sólo presentó algunas interrupciones en la boca de los cañadones que desembocan en la ría, donde el fondo predominante es de tipo areno-fangoso. Los esporofitos de U. pinnatifida ocuparon preferentemente el fondo rocoso del intermareal inferior, limitando con la población de Macrocystis pyrifera. La densidad y biomasa más altas de esporofitos (12,13 ind. m-2; 254,60 g m-2) fueron registradas en primavera, cuando la población se encontró compuesta principalmente por individuos de tallas intermedias. La densidad y biomasa más bajas (0,33 ind. m-2; 5,69 g m-2) fueron registradas durante el otoño. Los esporofitos juveniles se reclutaron a lo largo de todo el año, pero alcanzaron su mayor proporción en la población durante el otoño y el invierno. Los esporofitos reproductivamente maduros aparecieron durante la primavera y alcanzaron su talla máxima durante el verano, luego del cual comenzaron a deteriorarse y a desaparecer. Factores como la disponibilidad de fondos rocosos y la transparencia de las aguas podrían actuar como los principales factores determinantes de su distribución en la ría. El experimento de campo realizado revela que los bosques de M. pyrifera actúan también como un importante factor de control, limitando la dispersión de U. pinnatifida hacia el submareal.