983 resultados para Biology, Biostatistics|Psychology, Clinical|Health Sciences, Epidemiology


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There are several innovative aspects to this thesis that extend our current knowledge of the relations between stress and psychiatric symptoms in adolescents. First, distal and proximal stressors are differentiated. This approach allows one to specifically examine the role of early childhood stressors as well as stressors experienced more recently as they impact the expression of depression and anxiety during adolescence. Second, a state-of-the-art assessment instrument was used to examine proximal stressors, helping to distinguish several aspects of stress, including objective stress and subjective stress. Third, the parent study from which these data were derived was designed to examine the role of familial risk for depression and related risk factors for the initial development of depression and alcohol use disorders. This allowed for a very thorough collection of demographic characteristics of the study population. Accordingly, this thesis examines the initial prodromal expression of anxiety and depressive symptoms as they are originally expressed prior to the development, if any, of a full-blown psychiatric disorder.^


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Suicide is recognized as a major public health and clinical problem in the United States. One fifth of adolescents in the United States seriously consider suicide each year, and about 8% of high school students attempt suicide at least once. Hispanic ethnicity constitutes a risk factor for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, with Hispanic females at highest risk. Nevertheless, published studies on suicidal behavior in Hispanic female adolescents are extremely limited and focus on suicidal ideation in school samples. Given the severity of the problem and the paucity of information on this topic, more research on ethnic differences in suicidal ideation in community samples of high-risk children is urgently needed. This cross-sectional study delineated differences in suicide ideation between Hispanic female adolescents and non-Hispanic white female adolescents attending a mental health clinic and examined the association of ethnicity with suicide ideation independent of other known risk factors. Data were accrued between June 2004 and December 2008 in a Harris County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Association (MHMRA) clinic. Data were limited to adolescents who were Harris County Residents between the ages of 10 to 17 years when they were admitted to the clinic. The objective of this study was to determine whether differences in socio-demographic and clinical variables play a significant role in ethnic disparities in suicide ideation. A series of logistic regressions were performed to estimate the association between ethnicity and suicide ideation after controlling for potentially confounding factors. ^ Results showed an interaction between Hispanic ethnicity and having a history of treatment: Hispanic girls having history of treatment had lower odds of having suicide ideation than Hispanic girls without such a history. After adjusting for treatment history, family problems, substance use, juvenile justice involvement, current treatment, and age, Hispanic girls had 1.86 times the odds of having suicide ideation than non Hispanic girls (OR=1.86, 95% CI=0.88-1.46). Although additional studies on community samples of high risk adolescents are needed to verify these findings, our study highlights the fact that Hispanic girls are at significantly higher risk and need to be targeted for prevention and treatment efforts. ^


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Studies suggest that depression affects glucose metabolism, and therefore is a risk factor for insulin resistance. The association between depression and insulin resistance has been investigated in a number of studies, but there is no agreement on the results. The objective of this study is to survey the epidemiological studies, identify the ones that measured the association of depression (as exposure) with insulin resistance (as outcome), and perform a systematic review to assess the reliability and strength of the association. For high quality reporting, and assessment, this systematic review used the outlined procedures, guidelines and recommendations for reviews in health care, suggested by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, along with recommendations from the STROBE group (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology). Ovid MEDLINE 1996 to April Week 1 2010, was used to identify the relevant epidemiological studies. To identify the most relevant set of articles for this systematic review, a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Six studies that met the specific criteria were selected. Key information from identified studies was tabulated, and the methodological quality, internal and external validity, and the strength of the evidence of the selected studies were assessed. The result from the tabulated data of the reviewed studies indicates that the studies either did not apply a case definition for insulin resistance in their investigation, or did not state a specific value for the index used to define insulin resistance. The quality assessment of the reviewed studies indicates that to assess the association between insulin resistance and depression, specifying a case definition for insulin resistance is important. The case definition for insulin resistance is defined by the World Health Organization and the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance as the insulin sensitivity index of the lowest quartile or lowest decile of a general population, respectively. Three studies defined the percentile cut-off point for insulin resistance, but did not give the insulin sensitivity index value. In these cases, it is not possible to compare the results. Three other studies did not define the cut-off point for insulin resistance. In these cases, it is hard to confirm the existence of insulin resistance. In conclusion, to convincingly answer our question, future studies need to adopt a clear case definition, define a percentile cut-off point and reference population, and give value of the insulin resistance measure at the specified percentile.^


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Objective. To review professional literature regarding treatment modalities of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst female Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) veterans, to assess the efficacy of these treatment options, and to summarize implications of the findings from this literature. Design. Systematic review of published literature. Data sources. Medline, Pubmed, Psycinfo. Review Methods. Articles selected for the literature review pertain to the treatment options of female OIF or OEF veterans who have a diagnosis of PTSD. In addition, other relevant articles, such as articles that discuss the prevalence of the problem, access to care, and similar treatment modalities for PTSD in other war settings, were selected for background information for the review. Results. The search strategy identified 1,305 potential journal articles, taken from thorough searches in Medline, Pubmed, and Psycinfo. These articles were then imported into Refworks. Following final screening, there were 18 articles included in the systematic review and 28 articles used as background information. The remaining articles were excluded following screening of abstract and/or full text of articles. Treatment modalities presented in these trials include: Exposure Therapy (average of 68% reduction in PTSD symptoms), Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (23% reduction), Body-Oriented Therapy (57% reduction), Electroconvulsive Therapy (35% reduction), Holographic Reprocessing (47% reduction), a self-defense training program (13% reduction), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (65% reduction) and a variety of pharmacotherapies (antipsychotics at 81% reduction, sympatholytic drug at 100% reduction). Outcomes of the studies included in this systematic review were measured by using personal assessment of whether there was a reduction in symptoms of PTSD, based on the results in each study. Conclusion. Overall, all of the treatment modalities investigated in the systematic review proved to be somewhat effective in relieving the burden of symptoms of PTSD amongst female veterans of OIF/OEF. In addition to pharmacotherapy, which had the highest reduction in PTSD symptoms, both the Exposure Therapy and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques proved to have the most positive results. As all of the therapies had a positive effect on this population, to some degree, a study needs to be done in the future to compare and contrast the efficacy of each therapy intervention when applied to a standardized population.^


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Serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission deficits have been implicated in impulsive aggression. A Trp-free beverage of amino acids competitively inhibits Trp uptake into the brain for 5-HT synthesis and also lowers endogenous plasma Trp for several hours. This has worsened mood and/or increased aggressive behavior, especially in hostile persons or those with histories of depression. In 24 community-recruited men (12 each with and without significant aggression histories), aggressive and impulsive behavior in the laboratory was assessed before and after plasma Trp depletion and Trp loading. In the aggression model, subjects were provoked by periodic subtractions of participation earnings, and these subtractions were blamed on a ficitious other participant. Aggression was measured as the responses the subject made to subtract money from his antagonist. Impulsiveness was operationalized as: (1) the choice of smaller reward after a shorter delay over having to wait longer to receive a larger reward, and (2) “false alarm” commission errors in a modified Continuous Performance Task, which represent a failure to inhibit responding to stimuli similar (but not identical) to target stimuli. Finally, plasma cortisol and Trp were measured under each condition immediately following a aggression testing session when subjects were highly provoked. I hypothesized that 5-HT may tonically modulate (inhibit) the hypothalmnic-pituitary-adrenal stress response, such that Trp depletion may enhance the cortisol response to high provocation in aggressive men. ^ Trp depletion had no effect in the laboratory tasks purported to measure impulsive behavior, and failed to cause increases in aggressive behavior under low provocation conditions. Under higher provocation, however, aggressive responses we re elevated under Trp-depleted conditions relative to Trp-loaded conditions in aggressive men, whereas the reverse was true in nonaggressive men. Cortisol levels nonsignificantly paralled the group differences in aggression under Trp-depleted and Trp-loaded conditions. Aggressive men achieved lower plasma Trp levels after Trp loading than did nonaggressive men, possibly due to heavy alcohol use histories. The high post-loading plasma Trp levels in nonaggressive men tended also to correlate with their aggressive responding rates, due perhaps to increases in other psychoactive Trp metabolites. ^


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Many studies in biostatistics deal with binary data. Some of these studies involve correlated observations, which can complicate the analysis of the resulting data. Studies of this kind typically arise when a high degree of commonality exists between test subjects. If there exists a natural hierarchy in the data, multilevel analysis is an appropriate tool for the analysis. Two examples are the measurements on identical twins, or the study of symmetrical organs or appendages such as in the case of ophthalmic studies. Although this type of matching appears ideal for the purposes of comparison, analysis of the resulting data while ignoring the effect of intra-cluster correlation has been shown to produce biased results.^ This paper will explore the use of multilevel modeling of simulated binary data with predetermined levels of correlation. Data will be generated using the Beta-Binomial method with varying degrees of correlation between the lower level observations. The data will be analyzed using the multilevel software package MlwiN (Woodhouse, et al, 1995). Comparisons between the specified intra-cluster correlation of these data and the estimated correlations, using multilevel analysis, will be used to examine the accuracy of this technique in analyzing this type of data. ^


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Aggressive behavior can be divided into the subtypes: reactive and proactive. Reactive aggressive acts occur in response to a stimulus or provocation. Proactive aggressive acts occur without provocation and are goal-directed. A number of findings have suggested that individuals displaying proactive aggression may be discerned from individuals not displaying proactive aggression on measures of personality, psychopathology and psychopathy, as well as on aggressive histories and type and severity of aggressive behaviors committed. The current study was conducted in two phases; phase 1 and 2. This was because phase 1 compared proactive aggressive, reactive aggressive and non-aggressive subjects on questionnaire measures, while phase 2 observed the acute effects of the benzodiazepine alprazolam on only proactive aggressive subjects. The phase 1 hypotheses were that proactive aggressive subjects would show greater numbers of personality disorders and have greater psychopathy relative to reactive and non-aggressive subjects. To verify these hypotheses subjects were recruited from the community and classified as proactive (n = 20), reactive (n = 20) or non-aggressive (n = 10) via laboratory behavioral testing. Classified subjects were administered a battery of questionnaires pertaining to personality disorders (SCID-II, OMNI-IV), psychopathy (PCL-R) and aggression history. The results of these questionnaire measures were subjected to statistical analyses, which confirmed the hypotheses. In the second phase, the acute effects of three doses of the benzodiazepine alprazolam were evaluated in proactive aggressive subjects on proactive aggressive responding in the computer-based Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP). In phase 2 it was hypothesized that alprazolam would produce dose dependent decreases in aggressive responding. Subjects were never provoked in this phase, and aggressive responding was classified as proactive. Studies of drugs acting on the GABA system have frequently found decreases in aggression in animals and humans, although there have also been findings of increased (paradoxical) aggression. The hypothesis was tested by statistical analysis of proactive aggressive responding under placebo vs. under alprazolam. The hypothesis was supported by six of seven subjects. Aggressive responding was significantly, decreased under alprazolam relative to placebo in six subjects. One subject showed increases in aggressive responding.^


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The purpose of this study was to exam the relationship between internet use and depression among a population of individuals who have sustained spinal cord injury. This was cross-sectional survey design conducted among spinal cord injury (SCI) patients in the Model Spinal Cord Injury System. We included a total of 1,011 SCI-patients who were interviewed face-to-face or by telephone interview over approximately a three year time period (2004–2006). All data were collected through a telephone survey which included the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) to assess depression. We examined various scales of this survey, included a reduced 3-item scale (items 1, 2 and 6) to avoid the presence of somatic symptoms among SCI patients from influencing classification of depression. The frequency of internet usage was grouped as daily/weekly/monthly/non user. Covariates examined as possible confounders included demographic characteristics, occupational status, educational level, injury type, daily function of living, pain level, self-perceived health status and satisfaction with life. We observed a negative association between the frequency of internet use and the level of depression. Daily use of internet was associated with lower PHQ-9 score and depression; however this association did not reach statistical significance after for the mentioned covariates. In conclusion, the factors related to lower depression in SCI patients who use the internet are complicated. Daily internet usage was associated with lower levels of depression. The accuracy of 3-item scale needs further validation and investigation. Further study of internet usage pattern in SCI patient is recommended. ^


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The objective was to study knowledge, attitudes, practice (KAP) and needs regarding infection control measures using two cross-sectional surveys from 1999 and 2010 conducted in India. Both data collection instruments had only about 35 comparable variables in common. In 1999, there were 456 respondents (dentists) who completed a self-administered survey instrument compared to 272 respondents in 2010. Both the 1999 and 2010 samples were mutually independent with no overlap, had regional differences, and therefore, were not completely comparable for changes in KAP over time. While almost all respondents from both surveys felt that education in dental safety was needed and wanted mandatory dental safety curriculum in dental schools, severe inadequacies in dental safety knowledge, protection against immunizable diseases, and practice of universal precaution were noted. Data from the study demonstrated that there is a substantial opportunity to improve the knowledge, attitude and practice of dental infection control and occupational safety in India. Few respondents (27%) reported that the infectious disease status of a patient is always known and a significant number reported that they had the right to refuse care for patients of known infectious disease status. This indicates that Stigma in treating HIV/AIDS patients remains a concern, which in turn suggests that a stronger focus on educating dentists about dental safety and on stigma and infectious disease is needed. Information obtained from this study could be utilized for developing policies oriented towards increasing dental safety educational efforts, in both dental schools as curriculum, and for practicing dentists through professional updates or continuing dental education.^


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The present study identified and compared Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) risk factors quantified as “CHD risk point standards” (CHDRPS) among tri-ethnic (White non-Hispanic [WNH], Hispanic [H], and Black non-Hispanic [BNH]) college students. All 300 tri-ethnic subjects completed the Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Instruments and had blood pressure readings recorded on three occasions. The Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) was used to measure body composition. Students' knowledge of CHD risk factors was also measured. In addition, a 15 ml fasting blood sample was collected from 180 subjects and blood lipids and Homocysteine (tHcy) levels were measured. Data were analyzed by gender and ethnicity using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni's pairwise mean comparison procedure, Pearson correlation, and Chi-square test with follow-up Bonferroni's Chi-square tests. ^ The mean score of CHDRPS for all subjects was 19.15 ± 6.79. Assigned to the CHD risk category, college students were below-average risk of developing CHD. Males scored significantly (p < 0.013) higher for CHD risk than females, and BNHs scored significantly (p < 0.033) higher than WNHs. High consumption of dietary fat saturated fat and cholesterol resulted in a high CHDRPS among H males and females and WNH females. High alcohol consumption resulted in a high CHDRPS among all subjects. Mean tHcy ± SD of all subjects was 6.33 ± 3. 15 μmol/L. Males had significantly (p < 0.001) higher tHcy than females. Black non-Hispanic females and H females had significantly (p < 0.003) lower tHcy than WNH females. Positive associations were found between tHcy levels and CHDRPS among females (p < 0.001), Hs (p < 0.001), H males (p < 0.049), H females (p < 0.009), and BNH females (p < 0.005). Significant positive correlations were found between BMI levels and CHDRPS in males (p < 0.001), females (p < 0.001), WNHs (p < 0.008), Hs (p < 0.001), WNH males (p < 0.024), H males (p < 0.004) and H females (p < 0.001). The mean knowledge of CHD questions of all subjects was 71.70 ± 7.92 out of 100. The mean knowledge of CHD was significantly higher for WNH males (p < 0.039) than BNH males. A significant inverse correlation (r = 0.392, p < 0.032) was found between the CHD knowledge and CHDRPS in WNH females. The researcher's findings indicate strong gender and ethnic differences in CHD risk factors among the college-age population. ^


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Objective: To identify and address particular challenges in the teaching of epidemiological concepts to undergraduate students in non-clinical health disciplines. Methods and Results: Relevant pedagogical literature was reviewed to identify a range of evidence-based teaching approaches. The authors also drew on their experience in curriculum development and teaching in this field to provide guidelines for teaching epidemiology in a way that is engaging to students and likely to promote deep, rather than surface, learning. Discussion of a range of practical strategies is included along with applied examples of teaching epidemiological content. Conclusions and Implications: Increasingly, there is a greater emphasis on improved learning outcomes in higher education. Graduates from non-clinical health courses are required to have a core understanding of epidemiology and teachers of epidemiology need to be able to access resources that are relevant and useful for these students. A theoretically grounded framework for effective teaching of epidemiological principles to non-clinical undergraduates is provided, together with a range of useful teaching resources (both paper and web-based). Implementation of the strategies discussed will help ensure graduates are able to appropriately apply epidemiological skills in their professional practice.


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The 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, or statins, can achieve significant reductions in plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol levels. Experimental and clinical evidence now shows that some statins interfere with formation of atherosclerotic lesions independent of their hypolipidemic properties. Vulnerable plaque rupture can result in thrombus formation and artery occlusion; this plaque deterioration is responsible for most acute coronary syndromes, including myocardial infarction (MI), unstable angina, and coronary death, as well as coronary heart diseaseequivalent non-hemorrhagic stroke. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase has potential pleiotropic effects other than lipid-lowering, as statins block mevalonic acid production, a precursor to cholesterol and numerous other metabolites. Statins' beneficial effects on clinical events may also thus involve nonlipid-related mechanisms that modify endothelial function, inflammatory responses, plaque stability, and thrombus formation. Aspirin, routinely prescribed to post-MI patients as adjunct therapy, may potentiate statins beneficial effects, as aspirin does not compete metabolically with statins but acts similarly on atherosclerotic lesions. Common functions of both medications include inhibition of platelet activity and aggregation, reduction in atherosclerotic plaque macrophage cell count, and prevention of atherosclerotic vessel endothelial dysfunction. The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial provides an ideal population in which to examine the combined effects of pravastatin and aspirin. Lipid levels, intermediate outcomes, are examined by pravastatin and aspirin status, and differences between the two pravastatin groups are found. A modified Cox proportional-hazards model with aspirin as a time-dependent covariate was used to determine the effect of aspirin and pravastatin on the clinical cardiovascular composite endpoint of coronary heart disease death, recurrent MI or stroke. Among those assigned to pravastatin, use of aspirin reduced the composite primary endpoint by 35%; this result was similar by gender, race, and diabetic status. Older patients demonstrated a nonsignificant 21% reduction in the primary outcome, whereas the younger had a significant reduction of 43% in the composite primary outcome. Secondary outcomes examined include coronary artery bypass graft (38% reduction), nonsurgical bypass, peripheral vascular disease, and unstable angina. Pravastatin and aspirin in a post-MI population was found to be a beneficial combination that seems to work through lipid and nonlipid, anti-inflammatory mechanisms. ^


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Provides clarification of the professional practice of health psychologists within the broader discipline of psychology and frames this work within the definition of health psychology provided by Matarazzo (1982) who describes four main goals of health psychology. Supported by case studies.


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The portfolio argues that psychologists will be aided in understanding the presenting issues of their adult clients by considering these issues within a developmental framework. Four case studies are presented in illustration and linked to Erikson's (1963) theory of human development.


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Objectives. The chief goal of this study was to analyze copy number variation (CNV) in breast cancer tumors from 25 African American women with early stage breast cancer (BC) using molecular inversion probes (MIP) in order to: (1) compare the degree of CNV in tumors compared to normal lymph nodes, and (2) determine whether gains and/or losses of genes in specific chromosomes differ between pathologic subtypes of breast cancer defined by known prognostic markers, (3) determine whether gains/losses in CN are associated with known oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, and (4) determine whether increased gains/losses in CN for specific chromosomes were associated with differences in breast cancer recurrence. ^ Methods. Twenty to 37 nanograms of DNA extracted from 25 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor samples and matched normal lymph nodes were added to individual tubes. Oligonucleotide probes with recognition sequences at each terminus were hybridized with a genomic target sequence to form a circular structure. Probes are released from genomic DNA obtained from FFPE samples, and those which have been correctly "circularized" in the proper allele/nucleotide reaction combination are amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. Amplicons were fluorescently labeled and the tag sequences released from the genome homology regions by treatment with uracil-N-glycosylase to cleave the probe at the site where uracils are present, and detected using a complementary tag array developed by Affymetrix. ^ Results. Analysis of CN gains and losses from tumors and normal tissues showed marked differences in tumors with numerous chromosomes affected. Similar changes were not observed in normal lymph nodes. When tumors were stratified into four groups based on expression or lack of expression of the estrogen receptor and HER2/neu, distinct patterns of CNV for different chromosomes were observed. Gains or losses in CN for specific chromosomes correlated with amplifications/deletions of particular oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes (i.e. such as found on chromosome 17) known to be associated with aggressive tumor phenotype and poor prognosis. There was a trend for increases in CN observed for chromosome 17 to correlate inversely with time to recurrence of BC (p=0.14 for trend). CNV was also observed for chromosomes 5, 8, 10, 11, and 16, which are known sites for several breast cancer susceptibility alleles. ^ Conclusions. This study is the first to validate the MIP technique, to correlate differences in gene expression with known prognostic tumor markers, and to correlate significant increases/decreases in CN with known tumor markers associated with prognosis. The results of this study may have far reaching public health implications towards identifying new high-risk groups based on genomic differences in CNP, both with respect to prognosis and response to therapy, and to eventually identify new therapeutic targets for prevention and treatment of this disease. ^