953 resultados para Biological model


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A three-dimensional (3-D) coupled physical and biological model was used to investigate the physical processes and their influence on the ecosystem dynamics of the Bohai Sea of China. The physical processes include M-2 tide, time - varying wind forcing and river discharge. Wind records from I to 31 May in 1993 were selected to force the model. The biological model is based on a simple, nitrate and phosphate limited, lower trophic food web system. The simulated results showed that variation of residual currents forced by M, tide, river discharge and time-varying wind had great impact on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the Laizhou Bay. High phytoplankton biomass appeared in the upwelling region. Numerical experiments based on the barotropic model and baroclinic model with no wind and water discharge were also conducted. Differences in the results by the baroclinic model and the barotropic model were significant: more patches appeared in the baroclinic model comparing with the barotropic model. And in the baroclinic model, the subsurface maximum phytoplankton biomass patches formed in the stratified water.


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We present an improved, biologically inspired and multiscale keypoint operator. Models of single- and double-stopped hypercomplex cells in area V1 of the mammalian visual cortex are used to detect stable points of high complexity at multiple scales. Keypoints represent line and edge crossings, junctions and terminations at fine scales, and blobs at coarse scales. They are detected by applying first and second derivatives to responses of complex cells in combination with two inhibition schemes to suppress responses along lines and edges. A number of optimisations make our new algorithm much faster than previous biologically inspired models, achieving real-time performance on modern GPUs and competitive speeds on CPUs. In this paper we show that the keypoints exhibit state-of-the-art repeatability in standardised benchmarks, often yielding best-in-class performance. This makes them interesting both in biological models and as a useful detector in practice. We also show that keypoints can be used as a data selection step, significantly reducing the complexity in state-of-the-art object categorisation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chicken is one of the most important sources of animal protein for human consumption, and breeding programmes have been responsible for constant improvements in production efficiency and product quality. Furthermore, chicken has largely contributed to fundamental discoveries in biology for the last 100 years. In this article we review recent developments in poultry genomics and their contribution to adding functional information to the already existing structural genomics, including the availability of the complete genome sequence, a comprehensive collection of mRNA sequences ( ESTs), microarray platforms, and their use to complement QTL mapping strategies in the identification of genes that underlie complex traits. Efforts of the Brazilian Poultry Genomics Programme in this area resulted in generation of a resource population, which was used for identification of Quantitative Trait Loci ( QTL) regions, generation of ESTs and candidate gene studies that contributed to furthering our understanding of the complex biological processes involved in growth and muscular development in chicken.


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A glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the highest grade glioma tumor (grade IV) and is the most malignant form of astrocytomas. Grade IV tumors, which are the most malignant and aggressive, affect people between the ages of 45 and 70 years. A GBM exhibits remarkable characteristics that include excessive proliferation, necrosis, genetic instability, and chemoresistance. Because of these characteristics, GBMs are difficult to treat and have a poor prognosis with a median survival of less than one year. New methods to achieve widespread distribution of therapeutic agents across infiltrative gliomas significantly improve brain tumor therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and hyperthermia (HPT) are well-established tumor therapies with minimal side effects while acting synergistically. This study introduces a new promising nanocarrier for the synergistic application of PDT and magnetic hyperthermia therapy against human glioma cell line T98 G, with cellular viability reduction down to as low as 17% compared with the control. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3671775]


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Introduction and aim Earthworms are an important test organisms used in several standard ecotoxicological tests (e.g. ISO, 2008, 2012; OECD, 2004, 1094) and they are also model organisms to test soil structure and permeability, as well as for important soil services as the degradation organic matter. Although histopathological changes have been demonstrated to be good biomarkers to assess the exposure of these animals to different physical and chemical stress agents, studies with clear and high quality images describing normal tissue conditions are scarce in the literature, so the aim of this work was to better characterize this biological model. Material and Methods Eight adult earthworms exposed to an artificial standard soil (OECD, 2004) for 28 days, were extracted and placed in a plastic box to depurate their gut content, fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin and processed for routine histopathological diagnosis. Results and discussion Satisfactory histological sections were obtained. Some difficulties were faced related with microtome sectioning, resulting in artefacts, namely lines across sections produced by a nick in the cutting edge of the microtome knife cutting tear, motivated by the presence of sand and other solid particles that persisted in the gut of earthworms. Nevertheless, it was possible to obtain representative figures from different earthworm sections. Conclusion Routine histological technique was effective for obtaining satisfactory histological sections and the knowledge of the histology of earthworms could be very useful for future application in environmental studies, using this biological model.


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Introduction The strong expansion of the world production of plastics caused a severe accumulation of plastic debris in the environment, which makes them one of the most important contaminants, growing as a global environmental problem. Although the production in Europe has been relatively constant in the last 10 years, world plastic production continues to increase, affecting soil biota and their functions. Objectives Thus, in order to evaluate the effects of MP in soil-dwelling organisms, earthworms (Eisenia andrei Bouché), were exposed to standard artificial soil mixed with MPs and the authors documented, using microscopic figures, the pathological lesions found in this biological model. Material and Methods Eight adult earthworms extracted from soils contaminated with different concentrations of MP (mg/kgdw) with sizes ranging between 250-1000 m, were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin and processed for routine histopathological diagnosis. Results and discussion Contrary to what would be expected, MP were not found throughout the GI tube of earthworms but several lesions were found in the individuals extracted from the soils with high MP concentrations, when compared with control group, namely epithelial intestinal atrophy and evidences of inflammatory responses to this stress agent. Conclusion Earthworms have probably avoided the consumption of the biggest MPs. However, evidences point for lesions that were likely caused by the smallest MPs that were likely egested during the depuration phase.


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The annual cycle of nutrient-phytoplankton dynamics in Bohai Sea (BS) is simulated using a coupled physical-biological model in this study. By comparison, the modeled seasonal variations of nutrients and primary productivity agree with observations rather well. Although the annual cycles of chlorophyll a and primary production are both characterized by a double-peak configuration, a structural difference is still apparent: the phytoplankton biomass reaches the highest value in spring while summer is characterized by the most productivity in the BS, which can be ascribed to the combined impact of seawater temperature and zooplankton-grazing pressure on the growth of algae. Based on the validated simulations, the annual budgets of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are estimated, and are about 0.82 mt C surplus, 39 kt N deficit and 12kt P surplus, respectively, implying that the BS ecosystem is somewhat nitrogen limited. The contribution of two external nutrient sources, namely river discharges and resuspended sediments, to the growth of algae is also examined numerically, and it is found that the influence of river-borne nutrients mainly concentrates in estuaries, whereas the reduction of sediment-borne nutrients may significantly inhibit the onset of algae bloom in the whole BS. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The primary visual cortex employs simple, complex and end-stopped cells to create a scale space of 1D singularities (lines and edges) and of 2D singularities (line and edge junctions and crossings called keypoints). In this paper we show first results of a biological model which attributes information of the local image structure to keypoints at all scales, ie junction type (L, T, +) and main line/edge orientations. Keypoint annotation in combination with coarse to fine scale processing facilitates various processes, such as image matching (stereo and optical flow), object segregation and object tracking.


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The effect of increasing phosphorus (P) intake on P utilization was investigated in balance experiments using 12 Saanen goats, 4 to 5 mo of age and weighing 20 to 30 kg. The goats were given similar diets with various concentrations of P, and 32P was injected to trace the movement of P in the body. A P metabolism model with four pools was developed to compute P exchanges in the system. The results showed that P absorption, bone resorption, and excretion of urinary P and endogenous and fecal P all play a part in the homeostatic control of P. Endogenous fecal output was positively correlated to P intake (P < .01). Bone resorption of P was not influenced by intake of P, and P recycling from tissues to the blood pool was lesser for low P intake. Endogenous P loss occurred even in animals fed an inadequate P diet, resulting in a negative P balance. The extrapolated minimum endogenous loss in feces was .067 g of P/d. The minimum P intake for maintenance in Saanen goats was calculated to be .61 g of P/ d or .055 g of P/(kg.75·d) at 25 kg BW. Model outputs indicate greater P flow from the blood pool to the gut and vice versa as P intake increased. Intake of P did not significantly affect P flow from bone and soft tissue to blood. The kinetic model and regressions could be used to estimate P requirement and the fate of P in goats and could also be extrapolated to both sheep and cattle.


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Males of Limnogonus aduncus were found to have the sex chromosome system X0 and chromosome number 2n = 23 (22A + X0). Testis cells were stained with lacto-acetic orcein and silver nitrate so that changes in the morphology and degree of staining of the heteropicnotic chromatin and the nucleolar material could be observed during meiosis and spermiogenesis. These structures share the same nuclear position and could be seen until almost the end of spermiogenesis. A chromosome region stained with silver nitrate was indicative of a nucleolar organizing region (NOR), which is rarely detected in Heteroptera with this technique. The NOR is located at one end of a single member of an autosome pair. The finding of this stained region enabled us to observe that the telomeric association of sister chromatids that characterizes the Heteroptera does not include the chromosome ends, where NORs are located; we also observed in anaphase that the chromosome end through which it is pulled to the pole is the one containing the NOR. Another observation was that the single nucleolar body present in the cells at anaphase never goes to the cell pole that does not receive the NOR. We conclude that L. aduncus is a good model for cytogenetic studies involving nucleolar activity and also may be useful for studying the mechanisms of activation and inactivation of kinetic activity at the chromosome ends. Although the chromosomes of Heteroptera are known to be holocentric, whether kinetic activity is restricted to one or involves both chromosome ends is still not well understood.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of genotype by environment interaction (G × E) and to characterize the phenotypic plasticity of birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), postweaning weight gain (PWG) and yearling scrotal circumference (SC) in composite beef cattle using the reaction norms model with unknown covariate. The animals were born between 1995 and 2008 on 33 farms located throughout all Brazilian biomes between latitude -7 and -31, longitude -40 and -63. The contemporary group was chosen as the environmental descriptor, that is, the environmental covariate of the reaction norms. In general, higher estimates of direct heritability were observed in extreme favorable environments. The mean of direct heritability across the environmental gradient ranged from 0.05 to 0.51, 0.09 to 0.43, 0.01 to 0.43 and from 0.12 to 0.26 for BW, WW, PWG and SC, respectively. The variation in direct heritability observed indicates a different response to selection according to the environment in which the animals of the population are evaluated. The correlation between the level and slope of the reaction norm for BW and PWG was high, indicating that animals with higher average breeding values responded better to improvement in environmental conditions, a fact characterizing a scale of G × E. Low correlation between the intercept and slope was obtained for WW and SC, implying re-ranking of animals in different environments. Genetic variation exists in the sensitivity of animals to the environment, a fact that permits the selection of more plastic or robust genotypes in the population studied. Thus, the G × E is an important factor that should be considered in the genetic evaluation of the present population of composite beef cattle. © The Animal Consortium 2012.


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In most studies on beef cattle longevity, only the cows reaching a given number of calvings by a specific age are considered in the analyses. With the aim of evaluating all cows with productive life in herds, taking into consideration the different forms of management on each farm, it was proposed to measure cow longevity from age at last calving (ALC), that is, the most recent calving registered in the files. The objective was to characterize this trait in order to study the longevity of Nellore cattle, using the Kaplan-Meier estimators and the Cox model. The covariables and class effects considered in the models were age at first calving (AFC), year and season of birth of the cow and farm. The variable studied (ALC) was classified as presenting complete information (uncensored = 1) or incomplete information (censored = 0), using the criterion of the difference between the date of each cow's last calving and the date of the latest calving at each farm. If this difference was >36 months, the cow was considered to have failed. If not, this cow was censored, thus indicating that future calving remained possible for this cow. The records of 11 791 animals from 22 farms within the Nellore Breed Genetic Improvement Program ('Nellore Brazil') were used. In the estimation process using the Kaplan-Meier model, the variable of AFC was classified into three age groups. In individual analyses, the log-rank test and the Wilcoxon test in the Kaplan-Meier model showed that all covariables and class effects had significant effects (P < 0.05) on ALC. In the analysis considering all covariables and class effects, using the Wald test in the Cox model, only the season of birth of the cow was not significant for ALC (P > 0.05). This analysis indicated that each month added to AFC diminished the risk of the cow's failure in the herd by 2%. Nonetheless, this does not imply that animals with younger AFC had less profitability. Cows with greater numbers of calvings were more precocious than those with fewer calvings. Copyright © The Animal Consortium 2012.


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Electrochemical biosensors provide an attractive means to analyze the content of a biological sample due to the direct conversion of a biological event to an electronic signal, enabling the development of cheap, small, portable and simple devices, that allow multiplex and real-time detection. At the same time nanobiotechnology is drastically revolutionizing the biosensors development and different transduction strategies exploit concepts developed in these field to simplify the analysis operations for operators and end users, offering higher specificity, higher sensitivity, higher operational stability, integrated sample treatments and shorter analysis time. The aim of this PhD work has been the application of nanobiotechnological strategies to electrochemical biosensors for the detection of biological macromolecules. Specifically, one project was focused on the application of a DNA nanotechnology called hybridization chain reaction (HCR), to amplify the hybridization signal in an electrochemical DNA biosensor. Another project on which the research activity was focused concerns the development of an electrochemical biosensor based on a biological model membrane anchored to a solid surface (tBLM), for the recognition of interactions between the lipid membrane and different types of target molecules.