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Biological control techniques attract increasing attention as one of the sustainable alternatives to pesticide use in integrated pest management programs. In order to develop sustainable pest management methods for arable crops based on entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN), their efficacy and persistence needed to be investigated, and an economically feasible delivery system had to be developed. In this study, first a survey of entomopathogens was conducted, and a system approach was tested, using the oilseed Brassica (OSB) growing system (OSB, spring wheat, and red clover) as a model. The system approach aimed at determining the potential of Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) for the control of OSB pests, developing OSB rotation schemes that support EPN persistence, and investigating the impact of the selected biotic and abiotic factors on efficacy and persistence of EPN. This study employed abductive logic (which employs constant interplay between the theory and empirical observation), quantitative methods, and a case study on OSB. Laboratory and field experiments were carried out, and two types of pathogen surveys. A horizontal survey included OSB fields across Estonia, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the UK, while a vertical survey included sampling from two sets of differently managed experimental fields during three years. A new approach was introduced for measuring occurrence, where the prevalence and relative intensity of entomopathogens, biotic agents, and unidentified insect antagonists were determined. The effect of dose, timing, and the application method on S. feltiae in the control of pests in OSB, and the potential of a controlled release delivery system (CRS) were evaluated in the field. Studies on the impact of selected biotic and abiotc factors (Brassica plant, bait insects, developmental stages of Meligethes aeneus Fab., Isaria fumosorosea Wize (Ifr), and organic and synthetic fertilizers) on the efficacy of S. feltiae were conducted in the laboratory. Persistence of S. feltiae in the OSB growing system, and the effect of dose, timing, and the application method, was assessed in the field as part of the efficacy experiments. The impact of selected biotic and abiotic factors on S. feltiae persistence was assessed in laboratory experiments. The pathogen survey showed that the occurrence of entomopathogens is low in the OSB growing system, and that a management system causing less disturbance (ICM) to the soil increases the relative intensity of insect parasitic nematodes and other insect antagonists. A longer study period is required to show any possible impact of ICM on the relative intensity of entomopathogenic fungi, or on the prevalence of entomopathogens. Two different measures of the occurrence yielded different results: the relative intensity revealed the difference between the two different crop management methods, while prevalence did not. The highest efficacy of S. feltiae was achieved by using a low dose and targeting all stages of M. aeneus. When only the larval stage was targeted, the application method and dose had no significant effect. The CRS decreased the pest abundance significantly more than the surface application method. S. feltiae persisted in the OSB fields in Finland for several months, but did not survive the winter. The strain survived for 7 months when it was applied in autumn in Germany, but its populations declined rapidly after winter. The examined biotic and abiotic factors had variable impacts on S. feltiae efficacy and persistence. The two measures, prevalence and relative intensity of entomopathogens, gave valuable information for their use in biocontrol programs. The recommended biocontrol strategy for OSB growing in Finland is inundation and seasonal inoculation of EPN. The impact of some biotic and abiotic factors on S. feltiae efficacy and persistence is significant, and can be used to improve the efficacy of EPN. The CRS is a novel alternative for EPN application, and should also be considered for use on other crops. Keywords: Biological control, inundation, inoculation, conservation, formulation, slow release method, crop rotation, Entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema feltiae, oilseed rape pests, Meligethes aeneus, Phyllotreta spp., occurrence, prevalence, intensity, efficacy, persistence, field, Isaria fumosorosea, biotic factors, abiotic factors, interaction, impact, insect stages, integrated crop management, standard (conventional) crop management


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The main method used for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep production is the application of chemotherapeutic agents, which often lead to the selection of parasites resistant to given active principles. Biological control can be considered a promising alternative, contributing to an increase in the efficacy of verminous control. We determined the in vitro activity and in situ survival of the predatory fungi Arthrobotrys musiformis and Arthrobotrys conoides during passage through the gastrointestinal tract of sheep after oral administration of conidia in microencapsulated form and as a liquid in natura. Initial in vitro tests showed that both fungi were efficient in the predation of trichostrongylid L3 larvae present in the faeces of sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. The fungi presented high nematophagous activity, which was 99.3% for A. conoides and 73.7% for A. musiformis. A. conoides did not survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract under the conditions of the present experiment. On the other hand, A. musiformis was reisolated after administration in either microencapsulated or liquid form, suggesting that this species is a promising alternative for the control of nematodes in sheep since it survives without any protection (in natura). © Springer 2005.


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Biological control of parthenium, a major weed in grazing areas in Australia, was initiated in the mid 1970s. Since then, nine species of insects and two rust fungi have been introduced. Evaluation using pesticide exclusion at two sites (Mt. Panorama and Plain Creek) in Queensland, Australia, revealed that classical biological control had a significant negative effect on the target weed, but the impact varied between years. In this study, I quantified the effects of biological control of parthenium on grass production. Grass production declined with the increase in parthenium biomass. Significant increase in grass production due to biological control was observed, but only in 1 of 4 yr at Mt. Panorama and 2 of 4 yr at Plain Creek. At Mt. Panorama, there was a 40% increase in grass biomass in 1997 because of defoliation by Zygogramma bicolorata and galling by Epiblema strenuana. At Plain Creek, grass biomass increased by 52% in 1998 because of E. strenuana and by 45% in 2000 because of combined effects of E. strenuana and the summer rust Puccinia melampodii. This study provides evidence on the beneficial effects of biological control of parthenium in areas under limited grazing.


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Two geometrid moths Chiasmia inconspicua and Chiasmia assimilis, identified as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia Acacia nilotica subsp. indica, were collected in Kenya and imported into quarantine facilities in Australia where laboratory cultures were established. Aspects of the biologies of both insects were studied and CLIMEX® models indicating the climatically favourable areas of Australia were developed. Host range tests were conducted using an approved test list of 74 plant species and no-choice tests of neonate larvae placed on both cut foliage and potted plants. C. inconspicua developed through to adult on prickly acacia and, in small numbers, Acacia pulchella. C. assimilis developed through to adult on prickly acacia and also in very small numbers on A. pulchella, A. deanei, A. decurrens, and A. mearnsii. In all experiments, the response on prickly acacia could be clearly differentiated from the responses on the non-target species. Both insects were approved for release in Australia. Over a three-year period releases were made at multiple sites in north Queensland, almost all in inland areas. There was no evidence of either insect's establishment and both colonies were terminated. A new colony of C. assimilis was subsequently established from insects collected in South Africa and releases of C. assimilis from this new colony were made into coastal and inland infestations of prickly acacia. Establishment was rapid at one coastal site and the insect quickly spread to other infestations. Establishment at one inland area was also confirmed in early 2006. The establishment in coastal areas supported a CLIMEX model that indicated that the climate of coastal areas was more suitable than inland areas.


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New efforts at biological control of Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae) is a serious invader in the tropical Pacific, including the Hawaiian and Tahitian Islands, and currently poses a major threat to native biodiversity in the Wet Tropics of Australia. The species is fleshy-fruited, small-seeded and shade tolerant, and thus has the potential to be dispersed widely and recruit in relatively intact rainforest habitats, displacing native species. Understanding and predicting the rate of spread is critical for the design and implementation of effective management actions. We used an individual-based model incorporating a dispersal function derived from dispersal curves for similar berry-fruited native species, and life-history parameters of fecundity and mortality to predict the spatial structure of a Miconia population after a 30 year time period. We compared the modelled population spatial structure to that of an actual infestation in the rainforests of north Queensland. Our goal was to assess how well the model predicts actual dispersion and to identify potential barriers and conduits to seed movement and seedling establishment. The model overpredicts overall population size and the spatial extent of the actual infestation, predicting individuals to occur at a maximum 1,750 m from the source compared with the maximum distance of any detected individual in the actual infestation of 1,191 m. We identify several characteristic features of managed invasive populations that make comparisons between modelled outcomes and actual infestations difficult. Our results suggest that the model’s ability to predict both spatial structure and spread of the population will be improved by incorporating a spatially explicit element, with dispersal and recruitment probabilities that reflect the relative suitability of different parts of the landscape for these processes. Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Asteraceae) in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.


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Bill Palmer and colleagues recently published their paper 'Prospects for the biological control of the weedy sporobolus grasses in Australia' in Proceedings of the 16th Australian Weeds Conference. The paper gives a summary of a recent project to find a biological control for the weedy sporobolus grasses, which include giant rat's tail grass. Southern Africa was surveyed for potential agents and two, a leaf smut and a stem wasp, were selected for follow up studies. Unfortunately, they could not rear the stem wasp in the laboratory and the leaf smut infected four of the Australian native Sporobolus spp. and was therefore rejected. This project was one of the first attempts at biological control of a grass.


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Despite biocontrol research spanning over 100 years, the hybrid weed, commonly referred to as Lantana camara, is not under adequate control. Host specificity and varietal preference of released agents, climatic suitability of a region for released agents, number of agents introduced and range or area of infestation appear to play a role in limiting biocontrol success. At least one of 41 species of mainly leaf- or flower-feeding insects has been introduced, or spread, to 41 of the 70 countries or regions where lantana occurs. Over half (26) of these species have established, achieving varying levels of herbivory and presumably some degree of control. Accurate taxonomy of the plant and adaptation of potential agents to the host plant are some of the better predictors of at least establishment success. Retrospective analysis of the hosts of introduced biocontrol agents for L. camara show that a greater proportion of agents that were collected from L. camara or Lantana urticifolia established, than agents that were collected from other species of Lantana. Of the introduced agents that had established and were oligophagous, 18 out of 22 established. The proportion of species establishing, declined with the number of species introduced. However, there was no trend when oceanic islands were treated separately from mainland areas and the result is likely an artefact of how introductions have changed over time. A calculated index of the degree of herbivory due to agents known to have caused some damage per country, was not related to land area infested with lantana for mainlands nor for oceanic islands. However, the degree of herbivory is much higher on islands than mainlands. This difference between island and mainland situations may reflect population dynamics in patchy or metapopulation landscapes. Basic systematic studies of the host remain crucial to successful biocontrol, especially of hybrid weeds like L. camara. Potential biocontrol agents should be monophages collected from the most closely related species to the target weed or be phytophages that attack several species of lantana. Suitable agents should be released in the most ideal ecoclimatic area. Since collection of biocontrol agents has been limited to a fraction of the known number of phytophagous species available, biocontrol may be improved by targeting insects that feed on stems and roots, as well as the agents that feed on leaves and flowers.


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While the method using specialist herbivores in managing invasive plants (classical biological control) is regarded as relatively safe and cost-effective in comparison to other methods of management, the rarity of strict monophagy among insect herbivores illustrates that, like any management option, biological control is not risk-free. The challenge for classical biological control is therefore to predict risks and benefits a priori. In this study we develop a simulation model that may aid in this process. We use this model to predict the risks and benefits of introducing the chrysomelid beetle Charidotis auroguttata to manage the invasive liana Macfadyena unguis-cati in Australia. Preliminary host-specificity testing of this herbivore indicated that there was limited feeding on a non-target plant, although the non-target was only able to sustain some transitions of the life cycle of the herbivore. The model includes herbivore, target and non-target life history and incorporates spillover dynamics of populations of this herbivore from the target to the non-target under a variety of scenarios. Data from studies of this herbivore in the native range and under quarantine were used to parameterize the model and predict the relative risks and benefits of this herbivore when the target and non-target plants co-occur. Key model outputs include population dynamics on target (apparent benefit) and non-target (apparent risk) and fitness consequences to the target (actual benefit) and non-target plant (actual risk) of herbivore damage. The model predicted that risk to the non-target became unacceptable (i.e. significant negative effects on fitness) when the ratio of target to non-target in a given patch ranged from 1:1 to 3:2. By comparing the current known distribution of the non-target and the predicted distribution of the target we were able to identify regions in Australia where the agent may be pose an unacceptable risk. By considering risk and benefit simultaneously, we highlight how such a simulation modelling approach can assist scientists and regulators in making more objective decisions a priori, on the value of releasing specialist herbivores as biological control agents.


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The geometrid caterpillar Isturgia deerraria was imported from Kenya into quarantine facilities in Australia as a potential biological control agent for prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan (family Mimosaceae). The insect was then tested on 30 plant species presented to neonate larvae as a no-choice cut foliage test and 13 plant species presented as a no-choice potted plant test. In these tests the insect was able to complete its life cycle on 13 native Acacia spp. and also on Acacia farnesiana and the exotic ornamental Delonix regia (family Caesalpiniaceae). The tests supported field observations that the insect has a host range spanning many leguminous species and as such the insect could not be considered for release in Australia.


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Cat's claw creeper, a native of South America and an escaped ornamental, is a serious environmental weed in Australia, South Africa and also several other countries. This paper reviews the efforts made over the last decade to bring about its biological control. The paper describes the weed status of cat's claw creeper in both Australia and South Africa. These two countries have cooperated in developing biocontrol projects and insect agents have now been released in both countries. These insects and other potential agents are described and suggestions made for the future direction of the projects.