963 resultados para Biological Nitrogen-fixation


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Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) constitutes a valuable source of this nutrient for the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L and cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., being its avaibility affected by mineral N in the soil solution. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects of nitrogen rate, as urea, on symbiotic fixation of N(2) in common bean and cowpea plants, using the isotopic technique, and quantifying the relative contributions of N sources symbiotic N(2) fixation, soil native nitrogen and urea N on the growth of the common bean and cowpea. Non nodulating soybean plants were used as standard. The research was carried out in greenhouse, using pots with 5 kg of soil from a Typic Haplustox (Dystrophic Red Yellow Latosol). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with 30 treatments and three replications, arranged in 5x3x2 factorial outline. The treatments consisted of five N rates: 2, 15, 30, 45 and 60 mg N kg(-1) soil; three sampling times: 23, 40 and 76 days after sowing (DAS) and two crops: common bean and cowpea. The BNF decreased with increase N rates, varying from 81.5% to 55.6% for cowpea, and from 71.9% to 55.1% for common bean. The symbiotic N(2) fixation in cowpea can substitute totally the nitrogen fertilization. The nitrogen absorption from soil is not affected by nitrogen fertilizer rate. The N recovery from fertilizer at 76 DAS was of 60.7% by common bean, and 57.1% by cowpea. The symbiotic association in common bean needs the application of a starting dose (40 kg N ha(-1)) for economically acceptable yields.


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Seeds with a high concentration of P or Mo can improve the growth and N accumulation of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), but the effect of enriched seeds on biological N2 fixation has not been established yet. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of seeds enriched with P and Mo on growth and biological N2 fixation of the common bean by the 15N isotope dilution technique. An experiment was carried out in pots in a 2 x 3 x 2 x 2 factorial design in randomized blocks with four replications, comprising two levels of soil applied P (0 and 80 mg kg-1), three N sources (without N, inoculated with rhizobia, and mineral N), two seed P concentrations (low and high), and two seed Mo concentrations (low and high). Non-nodulating bean and sorghum were used as non-fixing crops. The substrate was 5.0 kg of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) previously enriched with 15N and mixed with 5.0 kg of sand. Plants were harvested 41 days after emergence. Seeds with high P concentration increased the growth and N in shoots, particularly in inoculated plants at lower applied P levels. Inoculated plants raised from high P seeds showed improved nodulation at both soil P levels. Higher soil P levels increased the percentage of N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) in bean leaves. Inoculation with the selected strains increased the %Ndfa. High seed P increased the %Ndfa in inoculated plants at lower soil P levels. High seed Mo increased the %Ndfa at lower soil P levels in plants that did not receive inoculation or mineral N. It is concluded that high seed P concentration increases the growth, N accumulation and the contribution of the biological N2 fixation in the common bean, particularly in inoculated plants grown at lower soil P availability.


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The genotypic differences on growth and yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in response to P supply were evaluated in a field experiment under biological N2 fixation. Eight cultivars were grown at two levels of applied P (12 and 50 kg ha-1 of P -- P1 and P2 respectively), in randomized block design in factorial arrangement. Vegetative biomass was sampled at three ontogenetic stages. The effects of genotype and phosphorus were significant for most traits, but not the genotype ´ phosphorus interaction. The cultivars presented different patterns of biomass production and nutrient accumulation, particularly on root system. At P1, P accumulation persisted after the beginning of pod filling, and P translocation from roots to shoots was lower. The nodule senescence observed after flowering might have reduced N2 fixation during pod filling. The responses of vegetative growth to the higher P supply did not reflect with the same magnitude on yield, which increased only 6% at P2; hence the harvest index was lower at P2. The cultivars with highest yields also presented lower grain P concentrations. A sub-optimal supply of N could have limited the expression of the yield potential of cultivars, reducing the genotypic variability of responses to P levels.


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Two studies were conducted at the ISU Horticulture Station to evaluate potential limitations on yield and atmospheric nitrogen fixation by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). This legume is a food staple for small landholder farm families worldwide. But it has a limited capacity for nitrogen fixation and often yields only a fraction of its genetic potential. In these studies, we examined the dependence of pod filling on current assimilate supply, as well as the potential to improve nitrogen fixation using an inoculant shown to enhance biological nitrogen fixation under stressful conditions.


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A Pseudosamanea guachapele (guachapele), leguminosa arbórea fixadora de nitrogênio, é uma alternativa para plantios florestais mistos nos trópicos. Como são escassas as informações sobre a espécie em plantios mistos de eucalipto em condições edafoclimáticas brasileiras, foi conduzido um experimento no qual objetivou-se avaliar a contribuição da fixação biológica de nitrogênio para a guachapele e a velocidade de decomposição e de liberação de nutrientes de folhas senescentes de eucalipto e guachapele (oriundas dos plantios puros e consorciado). A porcentagem de N derivado da atmosfera (% Ndfa) foi estimada comparando-se a abundância natural de 15N ( 15N, ) nos tecidos da guachapele com a observada nos tecidos do Eucalyptus grandis, espécie não fixadora, ambas com sete anos de idade. A constante de decomposição (k) e a meia-vida (t1/2) de serapilheira foram estimadas utilizando-se o modelo exponencial aplicado aos dados oriundos de coletas de litterbags. A estimativa da %Ndfa para guachapele, em condições de plantio puro, variou de 17 a 36%, enquanto que, em condições de plantio consorciado, foi de 35 a 60 %. A concentração de N nas folhas senescentes estava positivamente relacionada com a taxa de decomposição, sendo essa decrescente da guachapele para o eucalipto. A t1/2 dos resíduos diferiu significativamente (p < 0.05), sendo de 148, 185 e 218 dias para as folhas de guachapele, mistura das duas espécies e eucalipto, respectivamente. A liberação dos nutrientes (principalmente N, K e Mg) das folhas seguiu a mesma ordem da t1/2 devido à qualidade inicial das mesmas. Os resultados indicam que a guachapele pode beneficiar o plantio misto pela adição de N e por meio da intensificação da decomposição da serapilheira.


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Chemical fertilisers are rarely avaiable to poor farmers, for whom the nitrogen (N) is often the most limiting element for cereal grain production. The objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) to groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) and velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) crops using the 15N natural abundance (delta15N) technique and to determine their residual effect and that of a natural fallow, on growth and N accumulation by two rustic maize varieties. The contribution of BNF calculated from delta15N data was 40.9, 59.6 and 30.9 kg ha-1, for groundnut, velvet bean and the natural fallow, respectively. The only legume grain harvested was from the groundnut, which yielded approximately 1.000 kg ha-1. The subsequent maize varieties ("Sol de Manhã" and "Caiana Sobralha") yielded between 1.958 and 2.971 kg ha-1, and were higher after velvet bean for both maize varieties and "Sol da Manhã" groundnut, followed by "Caiana" after groundnut and, finally, the natural fallow. For a small-holder producer the most attractive system is the groundnut followed by maize, as, in this treatment, both groundnut and maize grain harvest are possible. However, a simple N balance calculation indicated that the groundnut-maize sequence would, in the long term, deplete soil N reserves, while the velvet bean-maize sequence would lead to a build up of soil nitrogen.


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This study aimed to genetically characterize four new Rhizobium strains, and to evaluate their nodulation and fixation capacity compared to commercial strains and to native rhizobia population of a Brazilian Rhodic Hapludox. Two experiments were carried out in randomized blocks design, under greenhouse conditions, in 2007. In the first experiment, the nodulation and nitrogen fixation capacity of new strains were evaluated, in comparison to the commercial strains CIAT-899 and PRF-81 and to native soil population. It was carried out in plastic tubes filled with vermiculite. DNA extractions and PCR sequencing of the intergenic space were made from the isolated pure colonies, in order to genetically characterize the strains and the native rhizobia population. In the second experiment, the nodulation and productivity of common beans Perola cultivar were determined, with the use of evaluated strains, alone or in mixture with PRF-81 strain. It was carried out in pots filled with soil. The native soil population was identified as Rhizobium sp. and was inefficient in nitrogen fixation. Three different Rhizobium species were found among the four new strains. The LBMP-4BR and LBMP-12BR new strains are among the ones with greatest nodulation and fixation capacity and exhibit differential responses when mixed to PRF-81.


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The objective of this work was to isolate and characterize rhizobia from nodules of Centrolobium paraense and to evaluate their symbiotic efficiency. Soil samples collected from four sites of the Roraima Cerrado, Brazil, were used to cultivate C. paraense in order to obtain nodules. Isolates (178) were obtained from 334 nodules after cultivation on medium 79. Twenty-five isolates belonging to six morphological groups were authenticated using Vigna unguiculata and they were characterized by 16S rRNA. Isolates identified as Bradyrhizobium were further characterized using rpoB gene sequencing. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with C. paraense to test the 18 authenticated isolates. Approximately 90% of the isolates grew slowly in medium 79. The 16S rRNA analysis showed that 14 authenticated isolates belong to the genus Bradyrhizobium, and rpoB indicated they constitute different groups compared to previously described species. Only four of the 11 fast-growing isolates nodulated V. unguiculata, two of which belong to Rhizobium, and two to Pleomorphomonas, which was not previously reported as a nodulating genus. The Bradyrhizobium isolates ERR 326, ERR 399, and ERR 435 had the highest symbiotic efficiency on C. paraense and showed a contribution similar to the nitrogen treatment. Centrolobium paraense is able to nodulate with different rhizobium species, some of which have not yet been described.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização genética de quatro novas estirpes de Rhizobium e a avaliação de sua capacidade de fixação de N2 e nodulação, comparadas a estirpes comerciais e à população nativa de rizóbios de um Latossolo Vermelho. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em blocos ao acaso, em casa de vegetação. No primeiro experimento, conduzido em tubetes com vermiculita, avaliaram-se a nodulação e a capacidade de fixação das novas estirpes, em comparação com as estirpes comerciais CIAT-899 e PRF-81 e com a população nativa do solo. Das colônias puras isoladas, extraiu-se o DNA genômico e realizou-se o seqüenciamento do espaço intergênico, para a caracterização genética das estirpes e da população nativa de rizóbios. O segundo experimento foi realizado em vasos com solo, para determinação da produtividade e da nodulação do feijoeiro, cultivar Pérola, com o uso das estirpes isoladamente ou em mistura com a PRF-81. A população nativa do solo foi identificada como Rhizobium sp. e se mostrou ineficiente na fixação de nitrogênio. Foram encontradas três espécies de Rhizobium entre as quatro novas estirpes. As estirpes LBMP-4BR e LBMP-12BR estão entre as que têm maior capacidade de nodulação e fixação de N2, e apresentam respostas diferenciadas quando misturadas à PRF-81.


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Photosynthesis, biological nitrogen fixation, and carbon dioxide assimilation are three fundamental biological processes catalyzed by photosynthetic bacteria. In the present study, it is shown that mutant strains of the nonsulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, containing a blockage in the primary CO2 assimilatory pathway, derepress the synthesis of components of the nitrogen fixation enzyme complex and abrogate normal control mechanisms. The absence of the Calvin–Benson–Bassham (CBB) reductive pentose phosphate CO2 fixation pathway removes an important route for the dissipation of excess reducing power. Thus, the mutant strains develop alternative means to remove these reducing equivalents, resulting in the synthesis of large amounts of nitrogenase even in the presence of ammonia. This response is under the control of a global two-component signal transduction system previously found to regulate photosystem biosynthesis and the transcription of genes required for CO2 fixation through the CBB pathway and alternative routes. In addition, this two-component system directly controls the ability of these bacteria to grow under nitrogen-fixing conditions. These results indicate that there is a molecular link between the CBB and nitrogen fixation process, allowing the cell to overcome powerful control mechanisms to remove excess reducing power generated by photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. Furthermore, these results suggest that the two-component system integrates the expression of genes required for the three processes of photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and carbon dioxide fixation.


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NifA protein activates transcription of nitrogen fixation operons by the alternative sigma54 holoenzyme form of RNA polymerase. This protein binds to a well-defined upstream activator sequence (UAS) located at the -200/-100 position of nif promoters with the consensus motif TGT-N10-ACA. NifA of Azospirillum brasilense was purified in the form of a glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-NifA fusion protein and proteolytic release of GST yielded inactive and partially soluble NifA. However, the purified NifA was able to induce the production of specific anti-A. brasilense NifA-antiserum that recognized NifA from A. brasilense but not from K. pneumoniae. Both GST-NifA and NifA expressed from the E. coli tac promoter are able to activate transcription from the nifHDK promoter but only in an A. brasilense background. In order to investigate the mechanism that regulates NifA binding capacity we have used E. coli total protein extracts expressing A. brasilense nifA in mobility shift assays. DNA fragments carrying the two overlapping, wild-type or mutated UAS motifs present in the nifH promoter region revealed a retarded band of related size. These data show that the binding activity present in the C-terminal domain of A. brasilense NifA protein is still functional even in the presence of oxygen.


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The biological reduction of atmospheric N-2 to ammonium (nitrogen fixation) provides about 65% of the biosphere's available nitrogen. Most of this ammonium is contributed by legume rhizobia symbioses(1), which are initiated by the infection of legume hosts by bacteria (rhizobia), resulting in formation of root nodules. Within the nodules, rhizobia are found as bacteroids, which perform the nitrogen fixation: to do this, they obtain sources of carbon and energy from the plant, in the form of dicarboxylic acids(2,3). It has been thought that, in return, bacteroids simply provide the plant with ammonium. But here we show that a more complex amino-acid cycle is essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium in pea nodules. The plant provides amino acids to the bacteroids, enabling them to shut down their ammonium assimilation. In return, bacteroids act like plant organelles to cycle amino acids back to the plant for asparagine synthesis. The mutual dependence of this exchange prevents the symbiosis being dominated by the plant, and provides a selective pressure for the evolution of mutualism.


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Abstract Background The metabolic capacity for nitrogen fixation is known to be present in several prokaryotic species scattered across taxonomic groups. Experimental detection of nitrogen fixation in microbes requires species-specific conditions, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive census of this trait. The recent and rapid increase in the availability of microbial genome sequences affords novel opportunities to re-examine the occurrence and distribution of nitrogen fixation genes. The current practice for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation is to use the presence of the nifH and/or nifD genes. Results Based on a careful comparison of the repertoire of nitrogen fixation genes in known diazotroph species we propose a new criterion for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation: the presence of a minimum set of six genes coding for structural and biosynthetic components, namely NifHDK and NifENB. Using this criterion, we conducted a comprehensive search in fully sequenced genomes and identified 149 diazotrophic species, including 82 known diazotrophs and 67 species not known to fix nitrogen. The taxonomic distribution of nitrogen fixation in Archaea was limited to the Euryarchaeota phylum; within the Bacteria domain we predict that nitrogen fixation occurs in 13 different phyla. Of these, seven phyla had not hitherto been known to contain species capable of nitrogen fixation. Our analyses also identified protein sequences that are similar to nitrogenase in organisms that do not meet the minimum-gene-set criteria. The existence of nitrogenase-like proteins lacking conserved co-factor ligands in both diazotrophs and non-diazotrophs suggests their potential for performing other, as yet unidentified, metabolic functions. Conclusions Our predictions expand the known phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen fixation, and suggest that this trait may be much more common in nature than it is currently thought. The diverse phylogenetic distribution of nitrogenase-like proteins indicates potential new roles for anciently duplicated and divergent members of this group of enzymes.