867 resultados para Biofuel production, Plan Puebla Panamá, Regional Integration, comparative and competitive advantages


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El interés del presente estudio de caso consiste en analizar las ventajas comparativas y competitivas de Colombia en la producción de Biocombustibles, teniendo en cuenta su participación en la Iniciativa Plan Puebla Panamá y la influencia de Brasil como principal productor de biocombustibles. Empleando conceptos como competitividad, cooperación técnica e integración regional, a lo largo del desarrollo del texto, se busca demostrar o refutar que a través de la participación en la Iniciativa Plan Puebla Panamá, Colombia generó experiencia y capacidad de producción de biocombustibles, especialmente de biodiesel, elemento que le permite ser competitivo en el mercado regional y tener ventajas en comparación con Brasil.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Introducción Durante una gira de tres días por sendos países de Centroamérica, los días 24-26 de marzo del 2004, el presidente mexicano Vicente Fox realizó formalmente el Plan Puebla Panamá (PPP), que en México había languidecido un año y medio, moribundo según algunos observadores, muerto ya según otros. Tras su lanzamiento con bombos y platillos a principios del 2001 al llegar Fox a la presidencia, el PPP sufrió en pocos meses, si no una muerte definitiva, una parálisis prolongada en términos de las acciones oficialmente atribuidas a él, y un largo silencio de las dependencias oficiales respecto a su alcance real y su futuro previsible.


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Por medio del presente trabajo, se analizará en primera parte cuales son las teorías de internacionalización que se han desarrollado hasta el momento. El objetivo de esto es conocer y manejarlas con el fin de determinar cuál es la más apropiada para el sector BPO colombiano. Por medio de la contextualización acerca de la definición de Outsourcing, BPO y KPO, se analizaran los diferentes tipos, sus respectivas definiciones y diferencias. La finalidad de esta etapa es conocer y concluir cuales serían los posibles niveles de servicio a los que Colombia podría competir mundialmente. Para poder analizar cuál es el mejor modelo de internacionalización es necesario el análisis a nivel Colombia, en términos de costos de operación, capacidad del recurso humano, infraestructura e inversión. Lo importante de todo este análisis es determinar cuál es el nivel de Colombia, definiendo el estado del sector, detectando ventajas comparativas y posibles puntos que sean claves para determinar el modelo de internacionalización.


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Os problemas relacionados com o consumo energético e as emissões de poluentes relativas ao setor dos transportes representam seguramente a maior preocupação ao nível Europeu no que respeita aos gases com efeito de estufa e à poluição atmosférica. Uma das formas de resolver/minimizar estes problemas é através da aposta em combustíveis alternativos. Em particular, os biocombustíveis poderão ser uma alternativa interessante aos combustíveis convencionais. As microalgas, como matéria-prima para produção de biodiesel, apresentam-se com excelentes perspetivas de futuro e com vantagens competitivas no campo das energias renováveis. É nesta perspetiva que se enquadra o presente trabalho, cujos objetivos consistiram na extração de biodiesel a partir de microalgas secas (Nannochloropsis gaditana e Scenedesmus sp.) e na otimização das respetivas técnicas de extração lipídica. Verificou-se que, em função dos métodos e condições utilizadas, a espécie Nannochloropsis gaditana apresenta um potencial de produção de biodiesel superior à espécie Scenedesmus sp. (eficiências de extração de 24,6 (wt.%) e 9,4 (wt.%) respetivamente). Um método de rotura celular conjugado com o processo de extração lipídica via solvente orgânico é essencial, pois conseguiu-se um acréscimo de 42% no rendimento de extração, sendo 10 minutos o tempo ideal de operação. Solventes como o metanol e sistema de solventes diclorometano/metanol mostraram ser mais eficazes quando se pretende extrair lípidos de microalgas, com valores de eficiência de remoção de 30,9 (wt.%) e 23,2 (wt.%) respetivamente. De forma a valorizar os resultados obtidos no processo de extração recorreu-se à sua conversão em biodiesel através da transesterificação catalítica ácida, onde se obteve uma eficiência de conversão de 17,8 (wt.%) para a espécie Nannochloropsis gaditana.


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Bioenergy is a key component of the European Union long term energy strategy across all sectors, with a target contribution of up to 14% of the energy mix by 2020. It is estimated that there is the potential for 1TWh of primary energy from biogas per million persons in Europe, derived from agricultural by-products and waste. With an agricultural sector that accounts for 75% of land area and a large number of advanced engineering firms, Northern Ireland is a region with considerable potential for an integrated biogas industry. Northern Ireland is also heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels. Despite this, the industry is underdeveloped and there is a need for a collaborative approach from research, business and policy-makers across all sectors to optimise Northern Ireland’s abundant natural resources. ‘Developing Opportunities in Bio-Energy’ (i.e. Do Bioenergy) is a recently completed project that involved both academic and specialist industrial partners. The aim was to develop a biogas research action plan for 2020 to define priorities for intersectoral regional development, co-operation and knowledge transfer in the field of production and use of biogas. Consultations were held with regional stakeholders and working groups were established to compile supporting data, decide key objectives and implementation activities. Within the context of this study it was found that biogas from feedstocks including grass, agricultural slurry, household and industrial waste have the potential to contribute from 2.5% to 11% of Northern Ireland’s total energy consumption. The economics of on-farm production were assessed, along with potential markets and alternative uses for biogas in sectors such as transport, heat and electricity. Arising from this baseline data, a Do Bioenergy was developed. The plan sets out a strategic research agenda, and details priorities and targets for 2020. The challenge for Northern Ireland is how best to utilise the biogas – as electricity, heat or vehicle fuel and in what proportions. The research areas identified were: development of small scale solutions for biogas production and use; solutions for improved nutrient management; knowledge supporting and developing the integration of biogas into the rural economy; and future crops and bio-based products. The human resources and costs for the implementation were estimated as 80 person-years and £25 million respectively. It is also clear that the development of a robust bio-gas sector requires some reform of the regulatory regime, including a planning policy framework and a need to address social acceptance issues. The Action Plan was developed from a regional perspective but the results may be applicable to other regions in Europe and elsewhere. This paper presents the methodology, results and analysis, and discussion and key findings of the Do Bioenergy report for Northern Ireland.


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This paper studies the production and trade patterns that may arise between two different countries if plant location is introduced as a first step in the producers' decision making. A three-stage game is used: the first deals with location and the next two with capacity and final sales decisions. Demand and cost structures differ by country, and the latter contain specific elements related to the foreign operation. The structure of possible Nash-equilibria is examined and an analysis of the changes in the solution, if the countries engage in an integration process, is made. As in previous models, though global welfare gains may not be very high, single country ones may be considerable, due to changes in the location of the plants. However, even if full integration takes place, global Marshallian welfare may decrease. Conditions which determine a tendency towards multinationalisation are obtained. Assuming a move toward integration, conditions are also provided to characterize when exporting will be preferred to local production. The fact that producers may retain a certain discriminating power, notwithstanding the elimination of barriers to arbitrage, creates a tendency to locate production in the country where prices are higher. This explains why welfare gains may not be obvious. An empirical illustration, with real data from two MERCOSUL countries (Brazil and Argentina) illustrates the possible outcomes.