1000 resultados para Bioetica social
La investigación genética ha tenido una enorme expansión en recientes décadas, con repercusiones terapéuticas aún inciertas. El análisis bioético tradicional de las complejas prácticas genéticas ha sido insuficiente por sostenerse en la ética de la investigación y en la bioética de corte principialista. Los problemas éticos más importantes de la genética son de orden colectivo y deben ser abordados por una reflexión ético-social cuyo enfoque es más amplio que la agenda interpersonal del principialismo. Temas como exploraciones genéticas, cuestiones patrimoniales, manipulación génica y asignación de recursos, deben todos ser sometidos a un pensamiento inspirado en los requerimientos de la ciudadanía, en el bien común y en la definición del rol del Estado en fiscalizar actividades genéticas y en proteger a la población. El objetivo del estudio es mostrar cómo el amplio campo de la ética y de la genética tiene una mayor relevancia en el campo social que en el clínico. El objetivo del trabajo es señalar que la bioética principialista ha enfatizado los problemas éticos individuales que nacen con la intervención genética, a costa de marginar sus importantes repercusiones sociales.
Résumé de la thèseLe présent travail analyse la notion d'autonomie en éthique biomédicale et en propose unecompréhension à partir des théories de la délibération éthique. La thèse s'articule en deux parties.La première partie consiste en l'examen de la conception de l'autonomie développée en éthiquebiomédicale. Notamment, on retrace les origines de la notion de l'autonomie du patient dans lecontexte états-unien, on analyse l'élaboration de l'autonomie sous la forme de principe éthique, etl'on considère les critiques qui lui ont été adressées. Cette première partie débouche sur la thèsesuivante: en éthique biomédicale, l'autonomie est pensée comme un outil pour la légitimation deschoix, des pratiques, ou des politiques de santé, non pas comme réflexion critique sur les raisonspour agir ou sur les conditions des choix. Le risque est que l'autonomie se réduise à un dispositif dereproduction des normes et des conditions de l'interaction, sans pour autant remettre en discussionla rationalité médicale qui prédispose les options de choix et qui justifie les pratiques et lespolitiques dans le contexte du soin. Cette conception de l'autonomie présuppose une théorie de ladélibération éthique «en troisième personne». Selon cette théorie, la délibération consiste en uneprise de distance du point de vue subjectif de l'agent, pour assumer un point de vue plus objectif: lepoint de vue d'un «spectateur» impartial. Ainsi, le but de la délibération éthique est l'élaboration deraisons morales objectives, partageables par toute personne raisonnable, pouvant générer unconsensus sur la justification des actions. Cette théorie de la délibération a une implicationimportante pour la conception de l'autonomie en éthique biomédicale: l'autonomie est représentéecomme un principe moral partageable, comme le résultat d'un processus d'abstraction réflexive.Selon une théorie de la délibération éthique différente, que l'on appelle «en première personne», onpeut apprécier la valeur de l'autonomie seulement du point de vue de l'«agent». Ainsi, l'autonomieest la véritable modalité de la délibération éthique, dont le but est la constitution de soi-même, deson intégrité et identité morale. Dans ce travail, on s'est donc demandé si et comment cette manièrede concevoir la délibération du point de vue de l'agent peut apporter quelque chose à lacompréhension de la valeur de l'autonomie personnelle en éthique biomédicale.La deuxième partie de la thèse explore deux modèles de l'autonomie en première personnedéveloppés dans le débat philosophique plus récent: le modèle «hiérarchique» et le modèle«constructiviste kantien». Les deux modèles débouchent sur une compréhension «monologique» del'autonomie, qui est centrée sur l'agent et qui ne tient pas suffisamment compte du contexterelationnel du soin. Pour apprécier la valeur de l'autonomie dans les relations intersubjectives il fautadopter une perspective différente, que l'on appelle «en deuxième personne». Selon cette théorie, ladélibération est un dialogue entre les agents et l'autonomie est issue d'une relation de respect etreconnaissance réciproque. Comme l'autonomie est toujours issue d'une relation de réciprocité,comme elle est essentiellement relationnelle, elle n'est pas une entreprise simplement singulièremais toujours et inévitablement plurielle, collective. Ainsi, l'autonomie peut représenter un idéalnon seulement personnel mais aussi public. Il s'agit d'un idéal qu'on peut adopter dans nos relationsréciproques, un idéal normatif qui nous demande d'interroger la praticabilité de l'autonomie, c'est-àdired'identifier les sources de sa vulnérabilité. Cette vulnérabilité se situe à trois niveaux: au niveaudes relations interpersonnelles, au niveau des pratiques et des institutions, et au niveau des liensd'appartenance à des communautés culturelles ou à des groupes sociaux, qui contribuent à définirles relations réciproques et donc l'exercice de l'autonomie. Ces trois sources de vulnérabilité del'autonomie se retrouvent, toutes les trois, dans le contexte du soin. Selon cette conception del'autonomie, le but de la délibération n'est ni l'élaboration des raisons objectives, ni simplement laconstitution de sa propre identité ou intégrité, quant plutôt la construction de notre monde social.Ainsi, l'autonomie est quelque chose dont on est responsables, quelque chose qui nous engage àentrer en dialogue avec l'autre comme interlocuteurs dans une communauté morale.
The question “artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) is therapy or not?” is one of the key point of end-of-life issues in Italy, since it was (and it is also nowadays) a strategic and crucial point of the Italian Bioethics discussion about the last phases of human life: determining if ANH is therapy implies the possibility of being included in the list of treatments that could be mentioned for refusal within the living will document. But who is entitled to decide and judge if ANH is a therapy or not? Scientists? The Legislator? Judges? Patients? This issue at first sight seems just a matter of science, but at stake there is more than a scientific definition. According to several scholars, we are in the era of post-academic Science, in which Science broaden discussion, production, negotation and decision to other social groups that are not just the scientific communities. In this process, called co-production, on one hand scientific knowledge derives from the interaction between scientists and society at large. On the other hand, science is functional to co-production of social order. The continuous negotation on which science has to be used in social decisions is just the evidence of the mirroring negotation for different way to structure and interpret society. Thus, in the interaction between Science and Law, deciding what kind of Science could be suitable for a specific kind of Law, envisages a well defined idea of society behind this choice. I have analysed both the legislative path (still in progress) in the living will act production in Italy and Eluana Englaro’s judicial case (that somehow collapsed in the living will act negotiation), using official documents (hearings, texts of the official conference, committees comments and ruling texts) and interviewing key actors in the two processes from the science communication point of view (who talks in the name of science? Who defines what is a therapy? And how do they do?), finding support on the theoretical framework of the Science&Technologies Studies (S&TS).
The models of teaching social sciences and clinical practice are insufficient for the needs of practical-reflective teaching of social sciences applied to health. The scope of this article is to reflect on the challenges and perspectives of social science education for health professionals. In the 1950s the important movement bringing together social sciences and the field of health began, however weak credentials still prevail. This is due to the low professional status of social scientists in health and the ill-defined position of the social sciences professionals in the health field. It is also due to the scant importance attributed by students to the social sciences, the small number of professionals and the colonization of the social sciences by the biomedical culture in the health field. Thus, the professionals of social sciences applied to health are also faced with the need to build an identity, even after six decades of their presence in the field of health. This is because their ambivalent status has established them as a partial, incomplete and virtual presence, requiring a complex survival strategy in the nebulous area between social sciences and health.
Among the various ways of adopting the biographical approach, we used the curriculum vitaes (CVs) of Brazilian researchers who work as social scientists in health as our research material. These CVs are part of the Lattes Platform of CNPq - the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, which includes Research and Institutional Directories. We analyzed 238 CVs for this study. The CVs contain, among other things, the following information: professional qualifications, activities and projects, academic production, participation in panels for the evaluation of theses and dissertations, research centers and laboratories and a summarized autobiography. In this work there is a brief review of the importance of autobiography for the social sciences, emphasizing the CV as a form of autobiographical practice. We highlight some results, such as it being a group consisting predominantly of women, graduates in social sciences, anthropology, sociology or political science, with postgraduate degrees. The highest concentration of social scientists is located in Brazil's southern and southeastern regions. In some institutions the main activities of social scientists are as teachers and researchers with great thematic diversity in research.
This paper analyses some aspects of the trajectory of the Argentinian physician and sociologist Juan César García (1932-1984) in the field of Latin American Social Medicine. Three dimensions constituting his basic orientations are highlighted: the elaboration of systematic and reflective social thought; a critical attitude in questioning teaching and professional practices; a commitment to the institutionalization and dissemination of health knowledge.
Mental health problems are common in primary health care, particularly anxiety and depression. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics in primary care in Brazil (Family Health Strategy). It involved a multicenter cross-sectional study with patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza (Ceará State) and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul State), assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The rate of mental disorders in patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre were found to be, respectively, 51.9%, 53.3%, 64.3% and 57.7% with significant differences between Porto Alegre and Fortaleza compared to Rio de Janeiro after adjusting for confounders. Prevalence proportions of mental problems were especially common for females, the unemployed, those with less education and those with lower incomes. In the context of the Brazilian government's moves towards developing primary health care and reorganizing mental health policies it is relevant to consider common mental disorders as a priority alongside other chronic health conditions.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A modified version of the intruder-resident paradigm was used to investigate if social recognition memory lasts at least 24 h. One hundred and forty-six adult male Wistar rats were used. Independent groups of rats were exposed to an intruder for 0.083, 0.5, 2, 24, or 168 h and tested 24 h after the first encounter with the familiar or a different conspecific. Factor analysis was employed to identify associations between behaviors and treatments. Resident rats exhibited a 24-h social recognition memory, as indicated by a 3- to 5-fold decrease in social behaviors in the second encounter with the same conspecific compared to those observed for a different conspecific, when the duration of the first encounter was 2 h or longer. It was possible to distinguish between two different categories of social behaviors and their expression depended on the duration of the first encounter. Sniffing the anogenital area (49.9% of the social behaviors), sniffing the body (17.9%), sniffing the head (3%), and following the conspecific (3.1%), exhibited mostly by resident rats, characterized social investigation and revealed long-term social recognition memory. However, dominance (23.8%) and mild aggression (2.3%), exhibited by both resident and intruders, characterized social agonistic behaviors and were not affected by memory. Differently, sniffing the environment (76.8% of the non-social behaviors) and rearing (14.3%), both exhibited mostly by adult intruder rats, characterized non-social behaviors. Together, these results show that social recognition memory in rats may last at least 24 h after a 2-h or longer exposure to the conspecific.
O paradigma intruso-residente vem sendo intensamente empregado em estudos para avaliar a memória de reconhecimento social em roedores. Tipicamente, ratos adultos (residentes) são expostos a dois encontros de 5 minutos cada com um mesmo intruso juvenil ou com juvenis diferentes; o intervalo entre encontros é usualmente 30 minutos. A quantidade de comportamentos sociais do residente, no segundo encontro, em relação a um intruso familiar é substancialmente menor do que o observado no primeiro encontro, o que não ocorre quando o segundo encontro envolve um juvenil novo; esse resultado caracteriza memória de reconhecimento social. Neste estudo discutimos achados recentes sobre os tipos de comportamentos usualmente incluídos nas categorias social e não-social, a influência da fase temporal, a interferência de rotinas laboratoriais na memória de reconhecimento social, modalidades sensoriais usualmente empregadas por roedores no processamento de informações na memória social e alternativas adicionais para o estudo da socialidade em roedores.
Objective: Wives of pathological gamblers tend to endure long marriages despite financial and emotional burden. Difficulties in social adjustment, personality psychopathology, and comorbidity with psychiatric disorders are pointed as reasons for remaining on such overwhelming relationships. The goal was to examine the social adjustment, personality and negative emotionality of wives of pathological gamblers. Method: The sample consisted of 25 wives of pathological gamblers, mean age 40.6, SD = 9.1 from a Gambling Outpatient Unit and at GAM-ANON, and 25 wives of non-gamblers, mean age 40.8, SD = 9.1, who answered advertisements placed at the Universidade de São Paulo hospital and medical school complex. They were selected in order to approximately match demographic characteristics of the wives of pathological gamblers. Subjects were assessed by the Social Adjustment Scale, Temperament and Character Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: Three variables remained in the final Multiple Logistic Regression model, wives of pathological gamblers presented greater dissatisfaction with their marital bond, and higher scores on Reward Dependence and Persistence temperament factors. Both, Wives of pathological gamblers and wives of non-gamblers presented well-structured character factors excluding personality disorders. Conclusion: This personality profile may explain wives of pathological gamblers emotional resilience and their marriage longevity. Co-dependence and other labels previously used to describe them may work as a double edged sword, legitimating wives of pathological gamblers problems, while stigmatizing them as inapt and needy.