955 resultados para Bio-sensores
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica Tese de mestrado
El análisis del comportamiento de los modos de interferencia tiene una aplicación cada vez mas amplia, especialmente en el campo de los biosensores opticos. En este tipo de sensores se observa el desplazamiento Δν de los modos de interferencia de la señal de transducción al reconocer un determinado agente biologico. Para medir ese desplazamiento se debe detectar la posición de un máximo o minimo de la senal antes y después de dicho desplazamiento. En este tipo de biosensores un parámetro de gran importancia es el periodo Pν de la senal el cual es inversamente proporcional al espesor óptico h0 del sensor en ausencia de agente biologico. El aumento de dicho periodo mejora la sensibilidad del sensor pero parece dificultar la detección del minimo o maximo. Por tanto, su efecto sobre la incetidumbre del resultado de la medida presentados efectos contrapuestos: la mejora de la sensibilidad frente a la dificultad creciente en la detección del minimo o maximo. En este trabajo, los autores analizan la propagación de incertidumbres en estos sensores utilizando herramientas de ajuste por MM.CC. para la detección de los minimos o máximos de la senal y técnicas de propagación de incertidumbres descritas en los suplementos 2 de la Guia ISO-GUM. El resultado del análisis permite dar una respuesta, justificada desde el punto de vista metrologico, de en que condiciones es conveniente o no aumentar el periodo Pν de la senal.
The analysis of the interference modes has an increasing application, especially in the field of optical biosensors. In this type of sensors, the displacement Δν of the interference modes of the transduction signal is observed when a particular biological agent is placed over the biosensor. In order to measure this displacement, the position of a maximum (or a minimum) of the signal must be detected before and after placing the agent over the sensor. A parameter of great importance for this kind of sensors is the period Pν of the signal, which is inversely proportional to the optical thickness h0 of the sensor in the absence of the biological agent. The increase of this period improves the sensitivity of the sensor but it worsens the detection of the maximum. In this paper, authors analyze the propagation of uncertainties in these sensors when using least squares techniques for the detection of the maxima (or minima) of the signal. Techniques described in supplement 2 of the ISO-GUM Guide are used. The result of the analysis allows a metrological educated answer to the question of which is the optimal period Pν of the signal. El análisis del comportamiento de los modos de interferencia tiene una aplicación cada vez más amplia, especialmente en el campo de los biosensores ópticos. En este tipo de sensores se observa el desplazamiento Δν de los modos de interferencia de la señal de transducción al reconocer un de-terminado agente biológico. Para medir ese desplazamiento se debe detectar la posición de un máximo o mínimo de la señal antes y después de dicho desplazamiento. En este tipo de biosensores un parámetro de gran importancia es el periodo Pν de la señal el cual es inversamente proporcional al espesor óptico h0 del sensor en ausencia de agente biológico. El aumento de dicho periodo mejora la sensibilidad del sensor pero parece dificultar la detección del mínimo o máximo. Por tanto, su efecto sobre la incertidumbre del resultado de la medida presenta dos efectos contrapuestos: la mejora de la sensibilidad frente a la dificultad creciente en la detección del mínimo ó máximo. En este trabajo, los autores analizan la propagación de incertidumbres en estos sensores utilizando herramientas de ajuste por MM.CC. para la detección de los mínimos o máximos de la señal y técnicas de propagación de incertidumbres descritas en el suplemento 2 de la Guía ISO-GUM. El resultado del análisis permite dar una respuesta, justificada desde el punto de vista metrológico, de en que condiciones es conveniente o no aumentar el periodo Pν de la señal.
En Argentina, en consonancia con el resto del mundo, la Nanotecnología es considerada un área estratégica. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en Nanobiotecnología todavía constituyen un área de vacancia. El uso de nanomateriales para desarrollar plataformas bioanalíticas que permitan la construcción de biosensores ofrece múltiples ventajas y una promisoria perspectiva de aplicación en diversas áreas. En la actualidad, los laboratorios de análisis clínicos, la industria farmacéutica y alimentaria, y los laboratorios de control bromatológico y ambiental requieren de metodologías analíticas que proporcionen resultados exactos, reproducibles, rápidos, sensibles y selectivos empleando pequeños volúmenes de muestra, con un mínimo consumo de reactivos y una producción de deshechos limpia y escasa. Las investigaciones en nanobiosensores se encuentran dirigidas hacia el logro de estas metas. Uno de los grandes desafíos es lograr biosensores miniaturizados con potencialidad para el desarrollo de dispositivos de medición descentralizada (“point of care”) y la detección simultánea de multianalitos. Aún cuando se han hecho innumerables desarrollos en los casi 50 años de vida de los biosensores, todavía hay numerosos interrogantes por dilucidar. La modificación con nanomateriales juega un rol preponderante en los transductores tanto en los electroquímicos como en los plasmónicos. El uso de películas delgadas de Au para SPR modificadas con grafeno u óxido de grafeno, es un campo de una enorme potencialidad y sin embargo es muy poco explotado, por lo que reviste gran importancia. En lo referido a la capa de biorreconocimiento, se trabajará con moléculas capaces de establecer interacciones de bioafinidad, como los anticuerpos y también moléculas que son muy poco usadas en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica como ADN, aptámeros, PNA y lectinas. RESUMEN: El Objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar nuevas plataformas bioanalíticas para la detección de diferentes eventos de bioafinidad a partir de la integración de transductores electroquímicos (EQ) y plasmónicos con materiales nanoestructurados (nanotubos de carbono, nanoláminas de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos); biomoléculas (ADN, “peptide nucleic acid” (PNA), aptámeros, anticuerpos, lectinas) y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas. Las arquitecturas supramoleculares resultantes estarán dirigidas al desarrollo de biosensores EQ y plasmónicos para la cuantificación de biomarcadores de relevancia clínica y medioambiental. Se funcionalizarán CNT, grafeno, óxido de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos empleando homopéptidos y proteínas con alta afinidad por cationes metálicos, los que se integrarán a transductores de carbono y oro y biomoléculas de reconocimiento capaces de formar complejos de afinidad (antígeno-anticuerpo, aptámero-molécula blanco, ADN-ADN, PNA-ADN, lectinas-hidratos de carbono, ligandos-cationes metálicos y avidina-biotina). Se sintetizarán y caracterizarán nuevos monómeros y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas y/o grupos rédox empleando diferentes rutas sintéticas. Se desarrollarán genosensores para la detección del evento de hibridación de secuencias de interés médico (cáncer de colon y de mama, tuberculosis); aptasensores para la detección de marcadores proteicos de T. cruzi, enfermedades cardiovasculares y contaminantes catiónicos; inmunosensores para la detección de biomarcadores proteicos relacionados con enfermedades cardiovasculares y cáncer; y biosensores de afinidad con lectinas para la detección de hidratos de carbono. La caracterización de las plataformas y las señales analíticas se obtendrán empleando las siguientes técnicas: voltamperometrías cíclica, de pulso diferencial y de onda cuadrada; stripping; resonancia de plasmón superficial; espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica; microscopías de barrido electroquímico, SEM, TEM, AFM,SNOM, espectroscopías: UV-vis, FTIR,Raman;RMN, TGA y DSC.
Cytochromes P450 constitute a super-family of enzymes involved in the metabolism of Xenobiotics, where human cytochrome P450 3A4 is the most abundant of all P450s, accounting for about 50% of all human liver cytochromes. This membrane anchored protein is responsible for the metabolization of a wide array of environmental drugs and intoxicants, mainly due to its haem domain properties, and active site cavity volume. These properties make this protein an excellent subject for biosensor application, although CYO3A4 enzyme is also famous for its instability. Enzyme inactivation at room temperature is a normal conversion process that this enzyme undergoes, that may hamper any biosensing approach.
The monitoring of patients performed in hospitals is usually done either in a manual or semiautomated way, where the members of the healthcare team must constantly visit the patients to ascertain the health condition in which they are. The adoption of this procedure, however, compromises the quality of the monitoring conducted since the shortage of physical and human resources in hospitals tends to overwhelm members of the healthcare team, preventing them from moving to patients with adequate frequency. Given this, many existing works in the literature specify alternatives aimed at improving this monitoring through the use of wireless networks. In these works, the network is only intended for data traffic generated by medical sensors and there is no possibility of it being allocated for the transmission of data from applications present in existing user stations in the hospital. However, in the case of hospital automation environments, this aspect is a negative point, considering that the data generated in such applications can be directly related to the patient monitoring conducted. Thus, this thesis defines Wi-Bio as a communication protocol aimed at the establishment of IEEE 802.11 networks for patient monitoring, capable of enabling the harmonious coexistence among the traffic generated by medical sensors and user stations. The formal specification and verification of Wi-Bio were made through the design and analysis of Petri net models. Its validation was performed through simulations with the Network Simulator 2 (NS2) tool. The simulations of NS2 were designed to portray a real patient monitoring environment corresponding to a floor of the nursing wards sector of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located at Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, in order to verify the feasibility of Wi-Bio in terms of wireless networks standards prevailing in the market, the testing scenario was also simulated under a perspective in which the network elements used the HCCA access mechanism described in the IEEE 802.11e amendment. The results confirmed the validity of the designed Petri nets and showed that Wi-Bio, in addition to presenting a superior performance compared to HCCA on most items analyzed, was also able to promote efficient integration between the data generated by medical sensors and user applications on the same wireless network
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The implementation of a robotic security solution generally requires one algorithm to route the robot around the environment and another algorithm to perform anomaly detection. Solutions to the routing problem require the robot to have a good estimate of its own pose. We present a novel security system that uses metrics generated by the localisation algorithm to perform adaptive anomaly detection. The localisation algorithm is a vision-based SLAM solution called RatSLAM, based on mechanisms within the hippocampus. The anomaly detection algorithm is based on the mechanisms used by the immune system to identify threats to the body. The system is explored using data gathered within an unmodified office environment. It is shown that the algorithm successfully reacts to the presence of people and objects in areas where they are not usually present and is tolerised against the presence of people in environments that are usually dynamic.
Probabilistic robot mapping techniques can produce high resolution, accurate maps of large indoor and outdoor environments. However, much less progress has been made towards robots using these maps to perform useful functions such as efficient navigation. This paper describes a pragmatic approach to mapping system development that considers not only the map but also the navigation functionality that the map must provide. We pursue this approach within a bio-inspired mapping context, and use esults from robot experiments in indoor and outdoor environments to demonstrate its validity. The research attempts to stimulate new research directions in the field of robot mapping with a proposal for a new approach that has the potential to lead to more complete mapping and navigation systems.
Cell-based therapy is one of the major potential therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular, neuronal and degenerative diseases in recent years. Synthetic biodegradable polymers have been utilized increasingly in pharmaceutical, medical and biomedical engineering. Control of the interaction of living cells and biomaterials surfaces is one of the major goals in the design and development of new polymeric biomaterials in tissue engineering. The aims of this study is to develop a novel bio-mimic polymeric materials which will facilitate the delivery cells, control cell bioactivities and enhance the focal integration of graft cells with host tissues.
We describe a model of computation of the parallel type, which we call 'computing with bio-agents', based on the concept that motions of biological objects such as bacteria or protein molecular motors in confined spaces can be regarded as computations. We begin with the observation that the geometric nature of the physical structures in which model biological objects move modulates the motions of the latter. Consequently, by changing the geometry, one can control the characteristic trajectories of the objects; on the basis of this, we argue that such systems are computing devices. We investigate the computing power of mobile bio-agent systems and show that they are computationally universal in the sense that they are capable of computing any Boolean function in parallel. We argue also that using appropriate conditions, bio-agent systems can solve NP-complete problems in probabilistic polynomial time.
Bio-diverse-city was a group exhibition curated by Barry Fitzpatrick, showcasing different approaches to designing for resilient and sustainable futures. Elastic urbanism was exhibited within the framework of artworks exploring the different solutions to designing for the future. A design proposition for new models of sustainable and ecological urban growth structured around natural water and infrastructure. The project integrates four different modelling techniques and is developing an alternative system for predicting the impact of urban growth in the future. The design proposition and exhibition is part of an ongoing research project.
Among the available alternative sources of energy in Bangladesh bio-oil is recognized to be a promising alternative energy source. Bio-oil can be extracted by pyrolysis as well as expelling or solvent extractionmethod. In these days bio-oil is merely used in vehicles and power plants after some up gradation .However, it is not used for domestic purposes like cooking and lighting due to its high density and viscosity. This paper outlines the design of a gravity stove to use high dense and viscous bio-oil for cooking purpose. For this, Pongamia pinnata (karanj) oil extracted by solvent extraction method is used as fuel fed under gravity force. Efficiency of gravity stove with high dense and viscous bio-oil (karanj) is 11.81% which of kerosene stove is 17.80% also the discharge of karanj oil through gravity stove is sufficient for continuous burning. Thus, bio-oil can be effective replacement of kerosene for domestic purposes.