1000 resultados para Binding geometries


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A catalyst has been synthesized comprising a manganese porphyrin carrying four beta-cyclodextrin groups. It catalyzes the hydroxylation of substrates of appropriate size carrying tert-butylphenyl groups that can hydrophobically bind into the cyclodextrin cavities. In one example as many as 650 catalytic turnovers are seen before the catalyst is oxidatively destroyed, and with a rate comparable to that of typical cytochrome P450 enzymes. In another example, a steroid derivative is regio- and stereoselectively hydroxylated at a single unactivated carbon atom, but more slowly and with fewer turnovers. The carbon attacked is not the most chemically reactive, and the selectivity is determined by the geometry of the catalyst-substrate complex. Nonbinding substrates are not reactive under the conditions used, and substrates with more flexible binding geometries give more than a single product.


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An important question of biological relevance is the polymorphism of the double-helical DNA structure in its free form, and the changes that it undergoes upon protein-binding. We have analysed a database of free DNA crystal structures to assess the inherent variability of the free DNA structure and have compared it with a database of protein-bound DNA crystal structures to ascertain the protein-induced variations.


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The self-complementary DNA fragment CCGGCGCCGG crystallizes in the rhombohedral space group R3 with unit cell parameters a = 54.07 angstrom and c = 44.59 angstrom. The structure has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods at 2.2 angstrom resolution and refined to an R value of 16.7%. In the crystal, the decamer forms B-DNA double helices with characteristic groove dimensions: compared with B-DNA of random sequence, the minor groove is wide and deep and the major groove is rather shallow. Local base pair geometries and stacking patterns are within the range commonly observed in B-DNA crystal structures. The duplex bears no resemblance to A-form DNA as might have been expected for a sequence with only GC base pairs. The shallow major groove permits an unusual crystal packing pattern with several direct intermolecular hydrogen bonds between phosphate oxygens and cytosine amino groups. In addition, decameric duplexes form quasi-infinite double helices in the crystal by end-to-end stacking. The groove geometries and accessibilities of this molecule as observed in the crystal may be important for the mode of binding of both proteins and drug molecules to G/C stretches in DNA.


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Background: A nucleosome is the fundamental repeating unit of the eukaryotic chromosome. It has been shown that the positioning of a majority of nucleosomes is primarily controlled by factors other than the intrinsic preference of the DNA sequence. One of the key questions in this context is the role, if any, that can be played by the variability of nucleosomal DNA structure. Results: In this study, we have addressed this question by analysing the variability at the dinucleotide and trinucleotide as well as longer length scales in a dataset of nucleosome X-ray crystal structures. We observe that the nucleosome structure displays remarkable local level structural versatility within the B-DNA family. The nucleosomal DNA also incorporates a large number of kinks. Conclusions: Based on our results, we propose that the local and global level versatility of B-DNA structure may be a significant factor modulating the formation of nucleosomes in the vicinity of high-plasticity genes, and in varying the probability of binding by regulatory proteins. Hence, these factors should be incorporated in the prediction algorithms and there may not be a unique `template' for predicting putative nucleosome sequences. In addition, the multimodal distribution of dinucleotide parameters for some steps and the presence of a large number of kinks in the nucleosomal DNA structure indicate that the linear elastic model, used by several algorithms to predict the energetic cost of nucleosome formation, may lead to incorrect results.


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Eight alkali metal ion-mediated dioxidovanadium(V), {(VO2L1-6)-O-V} A(H2O)n]proportional to, complexes for A = Li+, Na+, K+ and Cs+, containing tridentate aroylhydrazonate ligands coordinating via ONO donor atoms, are described. All the synthesised ligands and the metal complexes were successfully characterised by elemental analysis, IR, UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy. X-ray crystallographic investigation of 3, 5-7 shows the presence of distorted NO4 coordination geometries for LVO2- in each case, and varying mu-oxido and/ or mu-aqua bridging with interesting variations correlated with the size of the alkali metal ions: with small Li+, no bridging-O is found but four ion aggregates are found with Na+, chains for K+ and finally, layers for Cs+. Two (5) or three-dimensional (3, 6 and 7) architectures are consolidated by hydrogen bonding. The dioxidovanadium(V) complexes were found to exhibit DNA binding activity due to their interaction with CT-DNA by the groove binding mode, with binding constants ranging from 10(3) to 10(4) M-1. Complexes 1-8 were also tested for DNA nuclease activity against pUC19 plasmid DNA which showed that 6 and 7 had the best DNA binding and photonuclease activity; these results support their good protein binding and cleavage activity with binding constants ranging from 104 to 105 M-1. Finally, the in vitro antiproliferative activity of all complexes was assayed against the HeLa cell line. Some of the complexes (2, 5, 6 and 7) show considerable activity compared to commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs. The variation in cytotoxicity of the complexes is influenced by the various functional groups attached to the aroylhydrazone derivative.


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We report the synthesis and structural characterization of a polymeric ternary copper-cytosine-phenanthroline complex, Cu-4(phen)(3)-(mu(3)-cyt)(2)(mu-OH)(cyt)(OH)Cl-3](n)center dot 16H(2)O, where three cytosine ligands with different binding sites have simultaneously complexed to the four copper metal centres. Interestingly, the complex exhibits two different coordination geometries around the metal centres.


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Six new mixed-ligand cobalt(III) complexes of formulation Co(N-N)(2)(O-O)](ClO4)(2) (1-6), where N-N is a N,N-donor phenanthroline base, namely, 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 1, 2), dipyrido3,2-d:2',3'-f] quinoxaline (dpq in 3, 4), and dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz in 5, 6), O-O is acetylacetonate (acac in 1, 3, 5) or curcumin (bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-diene-3,5-dione, cur in 2, 4, 6), have been synthesized and characterized. The X-ray crystal structures of complex 1 (as PF6- salt, 1a) and 3 show distorted octahedral geometries formed by the CoN4O2 core. The complexes 1, 3 and 5 having the simple acac ligand are prepared as control species to understand the role of curcumin. The optimized geometries and the frontier orbitals of the curcumin complexes 2, 4, and 6 are obtained from the DFT calculations. The complexes 2, 4, and 6 having the photoactive curcumin moiety display an absorption band in the visible region near 420 nm and show remarkable photocytotoxicity in HeLa cancer cells with respective IC50 values of 7.4 mu M, 5.1 mu M and 1.6 mu M while being much less toxic in dark. MTT assay using complex 6 shows that it is not significantly photocytotoxic to MCF-10A normal cells. The control complexes having the acac ligand are non-toxic both in the presence and absence of light. The cell death is apoptotic in nature and triggered by the photogeneration of reactive oxygen species. Fluorescence imaging experiments on HeLa cells reveals that complex 6 accumulated primarily inside the mitochondria. Human serum albumin (HSA) binding experiments show that the complexes bind HSA with good affinity, but 6 binds with the highest affinity, with a K-b value of 9.8 x 10(5) M-1. Thus, complex 6 with its negligible toxicity in the dark and in normal cells but remarkable toxicity in visible light holds significant photochemotherapeutic potential.


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Binding, David; Couch, M.A.; Sujatha, K.S.; Webster, M.F., (2003) 'Experimental and numerical simulation of dough kneading in filled geometries', Journal of Food Engineering 58 pp.111-123 RAE2008


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Combining ab initio and tight-binding calculations, we have studied the noncollinear magnetism in manganese clusters. The oscillations in the per-atom moments observed experimentally are reproduced theoretically. The tendency of antiferromagnetic coupling between near neighbors leads to noncollinear coupling between atoms within the clusters. For clusters containing 12, 13, 15, 19, and 23 atoms, the geometrical structures were optimized from ab initio calculations with collinear coupled spin moments among different atomic sites. For larger clusters such as Mn-36 and Mn-55, the geometries are taken as portions of an fcc structure. Although the local atomic moments have high values close to 4 mu(B), the net moments lie in the range of 0.4-1.2 mu(B)/atom. Taking the noncollinear coupling into account brings the calculated magnetic moments much closer to the experimental results.


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We employed the Density Functional Theory along with small basis sets, B3LYP/LANL2DZ, for the study of FeTIM complexes with different pairs of axial ligands (CO, H(2)O, NH(3), imidazole and CH(3)CN). These calculations did not result in relevant changes of molecular quantities as bond lengths, vibrational frequencies and electronic populations supporting any significant back-donation to the carbonyl or acetonitrile axial ligands. Moreover, a back-donation mechanism to the macrocycle cannot be used to explain the observed changes in molecular properties along these complexes with CO or CH(3)CN. This work also indicates that complexes with CO show smaller binding energies and are less stable than complexes with CH(3)CN. Further, the electronic band with the largest intensity in the visible region (or close to this region) is associated to the transition from an occupied 3d orbital on iron to an empty pi* orbital located at the macrocycle. The energy of this Metal-to-Ligand Charge Transfer (MLCT) transition shows a linear relation to the total charge of the macrocycle in these complexes as given by Mulliken or Natural Population Analysis (NPA) formalisms. Finally, the macrocycle total charge seems to be influenced by the field induced by the axial ligands. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neste trabalho nos propomos a fazer um estudo acerca da potencialidade de condução eletrônica no polímero BDT (1,3-benzoditiol 4H-ciclopenta[2,1-b:3,4b’]). O estudo usual de polímeros conjugados é feito de modo a obter sua densidade de estados com diversos tipos e níveis de dopagem. O método de Huckel é o mais utilizado e se baseia na separabilidade das ligações sigma e pi que é possível quando a molécula estudada é plana. Os polímeros conjugados são em sua maioria planos e estão inseridos nesta aproximação. O monômero do BDT apresenta sua geometria fora do plano por apresentar ligações com orbitais sp3. Para contornar esse problema foi desenvolvido o programa B3J, que considera todos os orbitais de valencia (s, px, py e pz). O programa B3J calcula a densidade de estados de sistemas poliméricos. O estudo das bandas do BDT foi feito com este software. Calculamos a densidade de estados do sistema neutro e com diversos níveis de dopagem, com distribuição aleatória e ordenada dos defeitos, dopagem do tipo n e do tipo p. O comportamento do quadrado do coeficiente da expansão da função de onda foi obtido para polímeros de até 20 monômeros. Estes cálculos foram obtidos com geometrias dos métodos AM1 e PM3. Obtivemos os espectros de absorção de oligômeros a fim de inferir seu comportamento para um polímero. Foram utilizados cálculos de otimização de geometria através dos métodos semi-empíricos AM1 e PM3 e ZINDO/S e o método DFT. Em outro objetivo desta monografia há o estudo do aproveitamento de tetrâmeros de BDT como dispositivos eletrônicos. Tais oligômeros foram otimizados em diversos valores de potencial elétrico, com a inserção em suas cadeias de moléculas doadoras e aceitadoras para induzir um aumento no momento de dipolo da mesma.


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Double cyclization of short linear peptides obtained by solid phase peptide synthesis was used to prepare bridged bicyclic peptides (BBPs) corresponding to the topology of bridged bicyclic alkanes such as norbornane. Diastereomeric norbornapeptides were investigated by 1H-NMR, X-ray crystallography and CD spectroscopy and found to represent rigid globular scaffolds stabilized by intramolecular backbone hydrogen bonds with scaffold geometries determined by the chirality of amino acid residues and sharing structural features of β-turns and α-helices. Proteome profiling by capture compound mass spectrometry (CCMS) led to the discovery of the norbornapeptide 27c binding selectively to calmodulin as an example of a BBP protein binder. This and other BBPs showed high stability towards proteolytic degradation in serum.


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Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) bind a wide variety of lipids, which allows them to perform disparate functions. Recent reports on their multifunctionality in plant growth processes have posed new questions on the versatile binding abilities of these proteins. The lack of binding specificity has been customarily explained in qualitative terms on the basis of a supposed structural flexibility and nonspecificity of hydrophobic protein-ligand interactions. We present here a computational study of protein-ligand complexes formed between five nsLTPs and seven lipids bound in two different ways in every receptor protein. After optimizing geometries inmolecular dynamics calculations, we computed Poisson- Boltzmann electrostatic potentials, solvation energies, properties of the protein-ligand interfaces, and estimates of binding free energies of the resulting complexes. Our results provide the first quantitative information on the ligand abilities of nsLTPs, shed new light into protein-lipid interactions, and reveal new features which supplement commonly held assumptions on their lack of binding specificity.


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In the intricate maturation process of [NiFe]-hydrogenases, the Fe(CN)2CO cofactor is first assembled in a HypCD complex with iron coordinated by cysteines from both proteins and CO is added after ligation of cyanides. The small accessory protein HypC is known to play a role in delivering the cofactor needed for assembling the hydrogenase active site. However, the chemical nature of the Fe(CN)2CO moiety and the stability of the cofactor–HypC complex are open questions. In this work, we address geometries, properties, and the nature of bonding of all chemical species involved in formation and binding of the cofactor by means of quantum calculations. We also study the influence of environmental effects and binding to cysteines on vibrational frequencies of stretching modes of CO and CN used to detect the presence of Fe(CN)2CO. Carbon monoxide is found to be much more sensitive to sulfur binding and the polarity of the medium than cyanides. The stability of the HypC–cofactor complex is analyzed by means of molecular dynamics simulation of cofactor-free and cofactor-bound forms of HypC. The results show that HypC is stable enough to carry the cofactor, but since its binding cysteine is located at the N-terminal unstructured tail, it presents large motions in solution, which suggests the need for a guiding interaction to achieve delivery of the cofactor.