997 resultados para Binary Coding


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Construction of Huffman binary codes for WLN symbols is described for the compression of a WLN file. Here, a parenthesized representation of the tree structure is used for computer encoding.


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We have investigated how optimal coding for neural systems changes with the time available for decoding. Optimization was in terms of maximizing information transmission. We have estimated the parameters for Poisson neurons that optimize Shannon transinformation with the assumption of rate coding. We observed a hierarchy of phase transitions from binary coding, for small decoding times, toward discrete (M-ary) coding with two, three and more quantization levels for larger decoding times. We postulate that the presence of subpopulations with specific neural characteristics could be a signiture of an optimal population coding scheme and we use the mammalian auditory system as an example.


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In this paper we present an unsupervised neural network which exhibits competition between units via inhibitory feedback. The operation is such as to minimize reconstruction error, both for individual patterns, and over the entire training set. A key difference from networks which perform principal components analysis, or one of its variants, is the ability to converge to non-orthogonal weight values. We discuss the network's operation in relation to the twin goals of maximizing information transfer and minimizing code entropy, and show how the assignment of prior probabilities to network outputs can help to reduce entropy. We present results from two binary coding problems, and from experiments with image coding.


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Life is the result of the execution of molecular programs: like how an embryo is fated to become a human or a whale, or how a person’s appearance is inherited from their parents, many biological phenomena are governed by genetic programs written in DNA molecules. At the core of such programs is the highly reliable base pairing interaction between nucleic acids. DNA nanotechnology exploits the programming power of DNA to build artificial nanostructures, molecular computers, and nanomachines. In particular, DNA origami—which is a simple yet versatile technique that allows one to create various nanoscale shapes and patterns—is at the heart of the technology. In this thesis, I describe the development of programmable self-assembly and reconfiguration of DNA origami nanostructures based on a unique strategy: rather than relying on Watson-Crick base pairing, we developed programmable bonds via the geometric arrangement of stacking interactions, which we termed stacking bonds. We further demonstrated that such bonds can be dynamically reconfigurable.

The first part of this thesis describes the design and implementation of stacking bonds. Our work addresses the fundamental question of whether one can create diverse bond types out of a single kind of attractive interaction—a question first posed implicitly by Francis Crick while seeking a deeper understanding of the origin of life and primitive genetic code. For the creation of multiple specific bonds, we used two different approaches: binary coding and shape coding of geometric arrangement of stacking interaction units, which are called blunt ends. To construct a bond space for each approach, we performed a systematic search using a computer algorithm. We used orthogonal bonds to experimentally implement the connection of five distinct DNA origami nanostructures. We also programmed the bonds to control cis/trans configuration between asymmetric nanostructures.

The second part of this thesis describes the large-scale self-assembly of DNA origami into two-dimensional checkerboard-pattern crystals via surface diffusion. We developed a protocol where the diffusion of DNA origami occurs on a substrate and is dynamically controlled by changing the cationic condition of the system. We used stacking interactions to mediate connections between the origami, because of their potential for reconfiguring during the assembly process. Assembling DNA nanostructures directly on substrate surfaces can benefit nano/microfabrication processes by eliminating a pattern transfer step. At the same time, the use of DNA origami allows high complexity and unique addressability with six-nanometer resolution within each structural unit.

The third part of this thesis describes the use of stacking bonds as dynamically breakable bonds. To break the bonds, we used biological machinery called the ParMRC system extracted from bacteria. The system ensures that, when a cell divides, each daughter cell gets one copy of the cell’s DNA by actively pushing each copy to the opposite poles of the cell. We demonstrate dynamically expandable nanostructures, which makes stacking bonds a promising candidate for reconfigurable connectors for nanoscale machine parts.


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This thesis investigates two distinct research topics. The main topic (Part I) is the computational modelling of cardiomyocytes derived from human stem cells, both embryonic (hESC-CM) and induced-pluripotent (hiPSC-CM). The aim of this research line lies in developing models of the electrophysiology of hESC-CM and hiPSC-CM in order to integrate the available experimental data and getting in-silico models to be used for studying/making new hypotheses/planning experiments on aspects not fully understood yet, such as the maturation process, the functionality of the Ca2+ hangling or why the hESC-CM/hiPSC-CM action potentials (APs) show some differences with respect to APs from adult cardiomyocytes. Chapter I.1 introduces the main concepts about hESC-CMs/hiPSC-CMs, the cardiac AP, and computational modelling. Chapter I.2 presents the hESC-CM AP model, able to simulate the maturation process through two developmental stages, Early and Late, based on experimental and literature data. Chapter I.3 describes the hiPSC-CM AP model, able to simulate the ventricular-like and atrial-like phenotypes. This model was used to assess which currents are responsible for the differences between the ventricular-like AP and the adult ventricular AP. The secondary topic (Part II) consists in the study of texture descriptors for biological image processing. Chapter II.1 provides an overview on important texture descriptors such as Local Binary Pattern or Local Phase Quantization. Moreover the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach are here introduced. Chapter II.2 shows that the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach improve the classification performance of cellular/sub-cellular part images, taken from six datasets. Chapter II.3 describes the case study of the classification of indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp2 cells, used for the antinuclear antibody clinical test. Finally the general conclusions are reported.


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Increasing the size of training data in many computer vision tasks has shown to be very effective. Using large scale image datasets (e.g. ImageNet) with simple learning techniques (e.g. linear classifiers) one can achieve state-of-the-art performance in object recognition compared to sophisticated learning techniques on smaller image sets. Semantic search on visual data has become very popular. There are billions of images on the internet and the number is increasing every day. Dealing with large scale image sets is intense per se. They take a significant amount of memory that makes it impossible to process the images with complex algorithms on single CPU machines. Finding an efficient image representation can be a key to attack this problem. A representation being efficient is not enough for image understanding. It should be comprehensive and rich in carrying semantic information. In this proposal we develop an approach to computing binary codes that provide a rich and efficient image representation. We demonstrate several tasks in which binary features can be very effective. We show how binary features can speed up large scale image classification. We present learning techniques to learn the binary features from supervised image set (With different types of semantic supervision; class labels, textual descriptions). We propose several problems that are very important in finding and using efficient image representation.


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Quantization formats of four digital holographic codes (Lohmann,Lee, Burckhardt and Hsueh-Sawchuk) are evaluated. A quantitative assessment is made from errors in both the Fourier transform and image domains. In general, small errors in the Fourier amplitude or phase alone do not guarantee high image fidelity. From quantization considerations, the Lee hologram is shown to be the best choice for randomly phase coded objects. When phase coding is not feasible, the Lohmann hologram is preferable as it is easier to plot.


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We consider the problem of compression via homomorphic encoding of a source having a group alphabet. This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation, where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can at times improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. The functions of interest are those which could be represented by the binary operation in the group. We first consider the case when the source alphabet is the cyclic Abelian group, Zpr. In this scenario, we show that the set of achievable rates provided by Krithivasan and Pradhan [1], is indeed the best possible. In addition to that, we provide a simpler proof of their achievability result. In the case of a general Abelian group, an improved achievable rate region is presented than what was obtained by Krithivasan and Pradhan. We then consider the case when the source alphabet is a non-Abelian group. We show that if all the source symbols have non-zero probability and the center of the group is trivial, then it is impossible to compress such a source if one employs a homomorphic encoder. Finally, we present certain non-homomorphic encoders, which also are suitable in the context of function computation over non-Abelian group sources and provide rate regions achieved by these encoders.


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In terabit-density magnetic recording, several bits of data can be replaced by the values of their neighbors in the storage medium. As a result, errors in the medium are dependent on each other and also on the data written. We consider a simple 1-D combinatorial model of this medium. In our model, we assume a setting where binary data is sequentially written on the medium and a bit can erroneously change to the immediately preceding value. We derive several properties of codes that correct this type of errors, focusing on bounds on their cardinality. We also define a probabilistic finite-state channel model of the storage medium, and derive lower and upper estimates of its capacity. A lower bound is derived by evaluating the symmetric capacity of the channel, i.e., the maximum transmission rate under the assumption of the uniform input distribution of the channel. An upper bound is found by showing that the original channel is a stochastic degradation of another, related channel model whose capacity we can compute explicitly.


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The input-constrained erasure channel with feedback is considered, where the binary input sequence contains no consecutive ones, i.e., it satisfies the (1, infinity)-RLL constraint. We derive the capacity for this setting, which can be expressed as C-is an element of = max(0 <= p <= 0.5) (1-is an element of) H-b (p)/1+(1-is an element of) p, where is an element of is the erasure probability and Hb(.) is the binary entropy function. Moreover, we prove that a priori knowledge of the erasure at the encoder does not increase the feedback capacity. The feedback capacity was calculated using an equivalent dynamic programming (DP) formulation with an optimal average-reward that is equal to the capacity. Furthermore, we obtained an optimal encoding procedure from the solution of the DP, leading to a capacity-achieving, zero-error coding scheme for our setting. DP is, thus, shown to be a tool not only for solving optimization problems, such as capacity calculation, but also for constructing optimal coding schemes. The derived capacity expression also serves as the only non-trivial upper bound known on the capacity of the input-constrained erasure channel without feedback, a problem that is still open.


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Anabaena strains expressing the binary toxin genes of Bacillus sphaericus produce high larvicidal activity with living cells. Western blot analysis showed that the 51-kDa and 42-kDa toxin proteins were stable in Anabaena. When a DNA fragment upstream of the 51-kDa protein gene was deleted, the toxicity was reduced by over a hundred-fold, whereas deletions at the coding regions showed that the cooperation of the two proteins expressed in Anabaena is essential for the larvicidal activity. Outdoor tests showed that the genetically altered Anabaena could keep containers with natural water from being inhabited by Culex larvae for over 2 months.


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A well-cited paper suggesting fuzzy coding as an alternative to the conventional binary, grey and floating-point representations used in genetic algorithms.


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A technique for automatic exploration of the genetic search region through fuzzy coding (Sharma and Irwin, 2003) has been proposed. Fuzzy coding (FC) provides the value of a variable on the basis of the optimum number of selected fuzzy sets and their effectiveness in terms of degree-of-membership. It is an indirect encoding method and has been shown to perform better than other conventional binary, Gray and floating-point encoding methods. However, the static range of the membership functions is a major problem in fuzzy coding, resulting in longer times to arrive at an optimum solution in large or complicated search spaces. This paper proposes a new algorithm, called fuzzy coding with a dynamic range (FCDR), which dynamically allocates the range of the variables to evolve an effective search region, thereby achieving faster convergence. Results are presented for two benchmark optimisation problems, and also for a case study involving neural identification of a highly non-linear pH neutralisation process from experimental data. It is shown that dynamic exploration of the genetic search region is effective for parameter optimisation in problems where the search space is complicated.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Maximum-likelihood decoding is often the optimal decoding rule one can use, but it is very costly to implement in a general setting. Much effort has therefore been dedicated to find efficient decoding algorithms that either achieve or approximate the error-correcting performance of the maximum-likelihood decoder. This dissertation examines two approaches to this problem. In 2003 Feldman and his collaborators defined the linear programming decoder, which operates by solving a linear programming relaxation of the maximum-likelihood decoding problem. As with many modern decoding algorithms, is possible for the linear programming decoder to output vectors that do not correspond to codewords; such vectors are known as pseudocodewords. In this work, we completely classify the set of linear programming pseudocodewords for the family of cycle codes. For the case of the binary symmetric channel, another approximation of maximum-likelihood decoding was introduced by Omura in 1972. This decoder employs an iterative algorithm whose behavior closely mimics that of the simplex algorithm. We generalize Omura's decoder to operate on any binary-input memoryless channel, thus obtaining a soft-decision decoding algorithm. Further, we prove that the probability of the generalized algorithm returning the maximum-likelihood codeword approaches 1 as the number of iterations goes to infinity.