230 resultados para Bignoniaceae


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Tabebuia cassinoides (Lam.) DC., popularly known as caxeta, is a tree species that belongs to the plant family Bignoniaceae. This species is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and is widely exploited commercially. To date, little is known about its genetic structure, preventing the establishment of adequate management plans for this taxon. The objective of this study was to construct a microsatellite-enriched genomic library for T. cassinoides to select polymorphic loci, and standardize polymerase chain reaction amplification conditions. Of the 15 loci examined, 5 were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 8, with a mean of 4.4. The microsatellite loci described here represent the basis for detailed population genetic studies of this species, which will greatly contribute for the development of better conservation strategies for this taxon.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Tecoma stans L. Juss. ex Kunth seeds mass on initial emergence, growth and, seedling development under different light conditions. The seeds were separated in four mass classes and sowed in four replicates of 24 seeds for each class, under full sun and canopy shade. Under sun environment was observed a greater percentage of emergence. Heavy seeds presented the greater percentage of emergence under both environments, but a greater rate was observed under canopy shade. One month after the start of experiments, the seedlings at the shade environment presented 100% of mortality. The growth and development seedlings under full sun were noticed for five months. In this period, only in the first three months was possible to observe the effects of Tecoma stans seeds mass on capacity of seedlings to acquire dry mass. The seedlings biomass partitions were similar among the tested mass class. The seedlings of smaller mass tended to a high specific leaf area in relation to the seedlings from large seeds, mainly in the first three months, resulting in a great acquisition of dry mass by these seedlings. In the fourth month, the specific leaf area did not present any tendency. Because the biggest seeds to give rise seedlings with best initial development than smallest seeds can be considered as species reproductive strategy. To produce seeds of different sizes also can be considered as way of species to spread in many microhabitats.


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Premise of the study: The phloem is a plant tissue with a critical role in plant nutrition and signaling. However, little is still known about the evolution of this tissue. In lianas of the Bignoniaceae, two distinct types of phloem coexist: a regular and a variant phloem. The cells associated with these two phloem types are known to be anatomically different; however, it is still unclear what steps were involved in the evolution of such differences. Methods: Here we studied the anatomical development of the regular and variant phloem in representatives of all 21 genera of Bignonieae and used a phylogenetic framework to investigate the timing of changes associated with the evolution of each phloem type. Key results: We found that the variant phloem always appears in a determinate location, between the leaf orthostichies. Furthermore, the variant phloem was mostly occupied by very wide sieve tubes and generally included a higher concentration of fibers, indicating an increase in conduction and mechanical support. On the other hand, the regular phloem included much more parenchyma, more and wider rays, and tiny sieve tubes that resembled terminal sieve tubes from plants with seasonal formation of vascular tissues; these findings suggest reduced conduction and higher storage capacity in the regular phloem. Conclusions: Overall, differences between the regular and variant phloem increased over time, leading to further specialization in conduction in the variant phloem and an increase in storage specialization in the regular phloem.


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The radiation of angiosperms is associated with shifts among pollination modes that are thought to have driven the diversification of floral forms. However, the exact sequence of evolutionary events that led to such great diversity in floral traits is unknown for most plant groups. Here, we characterize the patterns of evolution of individual floral traits and overall floral morphologies in the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). We identified 12 discrete traits that are associated with seven floral types previously described for the group and used a penalized likelihood tree of the tribe to reconstruct the ancestral states of those traits at all nodes of the phylogeny of Bignonieae. In addition, evolutionary correlations among traits were conducted using a maximum likelihood approach to test whether the evolution of individual floral traits followed the correlated patterns of evolution expected under the ""pollination syndrome"" concept. The ancestral Bignonieae flower presented an Anemopaegma-type morphology, which was followed by several parallel shifts in floral morphologies. Those shifts occurred through intermediate stages resulting in mixed floral morphologies as well as directly from the Anemopaegma-type morphology to other floral types. Positive and negative evolutionary correlations among traits fit patterns expected under the pollination syndrome perspective, suggesting that interactions between Bignonieae flowers and pollinators likely played important roles in the diversification of the group as a whole.


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Este trabalho descreve a investigação química e biológica do extrato bruto e das partições hexano e acetato de etila, das folhas de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers, popularmente conhecida como “cipó de São João”. P. venusta é classificada botanicamente como uma liana de porte mediano, tendo como característica uma exuberante floração vermelha, e por isso, sendo utilizada como planta ornamental. Essa planta possui uma larga utilização na medicina popular, sendo utilizada no tratamento de vitiligo, diarreia, bronquite, resfriado, icterícia e infecções. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar as classes de metabólitos secundários presentes, avaliar o potencial antioxidante das amostras de P. vesnuta (extrato bruto, frações acetato de etila e hexano), quantificar o teor de flavonoides no extrato bruto, verificar a segurança do uso dessa planta, em termos de viabilidade celular (VC) frente à macrófagos murinos (RAW 264.7) (ensaio de imunotoxicidade). Adicionalmente os resultados de viabilidade celular foram comparados com quatro compostos anti-inflamatórios comerciais (ácido acetilsalicílico, indometacina, betametasona e piroxicam), e testar o extrato bruto quanto à inibição de catepsinas K e V. Os testes de identificação fitoquímica confirmaram a presença de flavonoides, cumarinas e esteroides nas amostras. A metodologia cromatográfica associada à análises por espectrometria de massas, levou a identificação dos compostos: fitol (1), sitosterol (2), estigmasterol (3) e campesterol (4). O extrato bruto demonstrou ter atividade inibitória frente as duas catepsinas testadas (K e V). A fração acetato de etila foi a que apresentou maior atividade antioxidante nas metodologias de inibição do radical DPPH (IC50 38,62 μg/mL) e radical ABTS (IC50 27,58 μg/mL). O teor de flavonoides total para o extrato bruto foi de 148,5±7,65 μg/mg (14,85 % (m/m)), o que justifica a observada atividade antioxidante, já que estes possuem atividade antioxidante. As amostras de P. venusta obtiveram valores de VC maiores do que os anti-inflamatórios comerciais, estes apresentaram VC abaixo do controle negativo, assim como o extrato bruto e a fração acetato de etila, a fração hexano obteve valores acima do controle negativo, sendo estes os maiores resultados de VC entre as amostras de P. venusta.


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Tabebuia incana A.H. Gentry (Bignoniaceae) is a tree from the Brazilian Amazon having medicinal uses and is one several Tabebuia spp. known as pau d'arco or palo de arco in this region. Fractionation of the bark ethanolic extract afforded a mixture of 5 and 8-hydroxy-2-(1-hydroxyethyl)naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-diones (1 and 2, respectively) identified on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared (IR) and mass (MS) spectra, whose in vitro antimalarial and antitumor activity have been shown previously. This is the first study on T. incana bark, and 2 are described in this species for the first time. Also, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of T. incana bark tea revealed the presence of the 1 + 2 mixture peak corresponding to a concentration in the range 10-6-10-5 M. The chromatograms of teas prepared from commercial pau d' arco and T. incana bark were also studied and the presence of the 1 + 2 peak has potential for quality control of commercial plant materials.


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Espécies de Mansoa são denominadas de "cipó-d'alho", por exalarem odor de alho das partes vegetativas e reprodutivas. Contudo, dados sobre morfologia e distribuição das estruturas secretoras presentes em Mansoa são escassos e ausentes para M. standleyi. O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a ocorrência e morfologia das estruturas secretoras do eixo vegetativo aéreo de M. standleyi. Para tanto, amostras da lâmina foliolar e de regiões nodais foram fixadas e submetidas às técnicas histológicas e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Testes histoquímicos, com os respectivos controles foram aplicados nas estruturas secretoras em fase secretora. Indivíduos de formigas e moscas, que visitavam a espécie foram amostrados, preservados e identificados por entomólogo. As estruturas secretoras do eixo vegetativo aéreo de M. standleyi estão representadas por tricomas glandulares dos tipos pateliformes e peltados. Todos com desenvolvimento assincrônico e presentes nas regiões nodais e lâmina foliolar, principalmente nas partes mais jovens. Nas regiões nodais, os tricomas formam um complexo secretor e, na lâmina foliolar, estão dispersos. As análises histoquímicas revelaram que os tricomas pateliformes são de fato nectários extraflorais e que os tricomas peltados, apresentam uma fração de alcaloides. Os visitantes das glândulas nodais correspondem a formigas Crematogaster (Formicidae) e Ectatomma brunea (Vespoidea, Formicidae) e moscas Oxysarcodexia (Sarcophagidae, subfamília Utitidae (Ulidiidae). Mansoa standleyi possui as estruturas secretoras do eixo vegetativo aéreo semelhantes às citadas pela literatura para Bignoniaceae, sendo esta a primeira vez, que um nectário extrafloral é descrito para a espécie.


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Glandular trichomes play a major role in the morphological characterization of the Bignoniaceae. Due to their great diversity of forms and functions, this study aimed to inventory the glandular trichomes present in the aerial vegetative axis of Amphilophium magnoliifolium, Martinella obovata and Stizophyllum riparium, analyze their structure and register the participation of ants in these plants. Fresh samples from the nodal region, petiole and from medium to apical regions of the leaflet blade were fixed and processed according to usual methods in light and scanning electron microscopies. The glandular trichomes found were: peltate, capitate, stipitate, and patelliform/cupular. Peltate trichomes are the most abundant ones and present the most uniform distribution. Patelliform/cupular trichomes occur at specific regions, such as prophylls, leaflet blade and nodal regions. Martinella obovata is the only species that presents capitate and stipitate trichomes, which are widely distributed along the entire aerial vegetative axis. Ants were found in all species, mainly at nodal regions. The occurrence of the capitate-type trichome is reported for the first time to the genus.


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Este trabalho trata do estudo da biologia de Rolepa unimoda (Dognin,1923) (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae), cujas lagartas são desfolhadoras em plantios ornamentais de Tabebuia avellanedae Lor. ex-Griseb (Bignoniaceae). Ataca também T. caraiba (Mart.) Burm. Os insetos foram criados em condições de laboratório (Temperatura 27±2°C; UR: 70 ± 15%, Fotoperíodo de 12 h), na Seção de Entomologia do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, em Cuiabá, MT. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros: período e viabilidade das fases de ovos,lagarta, pré-pupa e pupa; número e duração dos ínstares larvais e consumo foliar da fase de lagarta; longevidade dos adultos e proporção quanto ao sexo; inimigos naturais; plantas hospedeiras e ocorrência do inseto nos Estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul.


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Nymphs and adults of Tingis americana Drake, 1922 were found feeding on leaves of Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos and Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex A. DC.) Mattos in the Botanic Garden, Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This is the first record of T. americana on these host plants and in the southern Brazil. We aimed to compare the nymphal development on both hosts and to analyze the reproductive parameters on H. heptaphyllus (25 ± 1ºC; 60 ± 10% RH; 16 h photophase). The mean nymphal period (days) was shorter in individuals reared on H. heptaphyllus (12.69 ± 0.076) than on H. chrysotrichus (19.11 ± 0.208) (P < 0.0001), however, nymph viability was similar. On H. heptaphyllus, the mean embryonic period lasted 12.32 ± 0.274 days and the egg viability was 92%. The mean total and daily fecundity were 310.0 ± 19.40 eggs/female and 7.46 ± 0.302 eggs/female/day, respectively. Paired males and females showed similar longevity (P = 0.0691), while unpaired females lived longer than unpaired males (P = 0.0460).


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In this work, the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Zeyheria montana Mart. ethanol leaf extract were investigated at doses of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg body weight. In the analgesic assay, against a chemical stimulus in mice, acetic acid-induced writhes were significantly inhibited by the extract at doses of 75 mg/kg (67.27%), 150 mg/kg (49.38%) and 300 mg/kg (82.87%). Also, a vigorous decrease in hyperalgesia was observed when measured after 2 h and 6 h of lipopolysaccharide stimulation of rats for all doses of extract tested. Z. montana extract, at doses of 75 and 300 mg/kg, caused very slight central analgesia in rats submitted to thermal stimulus, particularly noticeable at 30 min following treatment. The anti-inflammatory activity of Z. montana extract on carrageenan-induced oedema in rats was evaluated. The oedema development, measured at 180 min following carrageenan intraplantar injection, was significantly reduced by all tested doses: 75 mg/kg (33.30%), 150 mg/kg (45.80%) and 300 mg/kg (75.00%). The LD50 value was greater than 2000 mg/kg. These results demonstrated that the ethanol extract from Z. montana leaf possesses anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities, which could be of relevance for the pharmacological control of pain and inflammatory processes.


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The number of sap-feeding instars of the leaf-miner Angelabella tecomae Vargas & Parra, 2005 was determined by measuring the head capsule exuviae collected from mines (n = 125) on the shrub Tecoma fulva fulva D. Don (Bignoniaceae) in the Azapa Valley, northern Chile. Sap-feeding larvae went through four instars in 120 occasions while five larvae went through five instars. The possible causes for this variation and the usefulness of this tool for future studies are discussed.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da fumigação de grãos de milho com segmentos de caules injuriados de Tanaecium nocturnum no controle de Sitophilus zeamais. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com sete repetições, em parcelas subdivididas. Considerou-se como parcela os tratamentos de fumigação e, como subparcelas, os intervalos de tempo consecutivos tomados a cada 23 dias para as avaliações. Os tratamentos foram: fumigação com 50 g de segmentos de caules verdes de T. nocturnum por quilograma de grãos de milho, que continham entre 800 e 900 mg kg-1 de HCN; fumigação com 60 mg de pastilhas de fosfeto de alumínio por quilograma de grãos de milho que continham 57% do princípio ativo; e testemunha (sem aplicação de fumigantes). A infestação por S. zeamais e a perda de peso de grãos foram avaliadas nove vezes durante 207 dias. A utilização de 50 g kg-1 de segmentos do caule de T. nocturnum para o controle de S. zeamais proporcionou redução da infestação pela praga e da perda de peso de grãos comparável à do fosfeto de alumínio. Esse controle alternativo pode ser adaptado às condições de armazenamento do milho em pequenas propriedades da Amazônia Ocidental.