929 resultados para Bibliographical Database – Aleph 500
Este trabalho relata a experiência e os procedimentos adotados em um processo de análise e identificação dos títulos de periódicos recebidos pela Biblioteca do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo da Universidade de São Paulo, desde sua criação. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas as informações dos registros bibliográficos no Módulo de Catalogação no Banco de Dados Bibliográficos – DEDALUS Aleph 500 Versão 18.1 da Universidade de São Paulo, seguindo alguns critérios pré-estabelecidos. Conclui-se que, apesar dos problemas detectados serem pouco relevantes em relação ao acervo analisado, deve-se manter um estudo comparativo entre a necessidade do usuário e a coleção disponível na Biblioteca, para que os periódicos atendam às necessidades de informação de seus usuários.
MARC 21 (‘Machine-Readable Cataloguing’) is a US library standard established worldwide and recently translated also in Bulgarian (those parts used most by librarians in their everyday work). The Bulgarian translations are freely available on the NALIS website (http://www.nalis.bg/) under the Library Standards Section, where also an Online Multilingual Dictionary of MARC 21 Terms can be found. All these works are approved by the US Library of Congress and published on its MARC 21 website under Translations (http://www.loc.gov/marc/translations.html#bulgarian).
This paper describes the integration of information between Digital Library of Historical Cartography and Bibliographical Database (DEDALUS), both of the University of São Paulo (USP), to guarantee open, public access by Internet to the maps in the collection and make them available to users everywhere. This digital library was designed by Historical Cartography Studies Laboratory team (LECH/USP), and provides maps images on the Web, of high resolution, as well as such information on these maps as technical-scientific data (projection, scale, coordinates), printing techniques and material support that have made their circulation and cultural consumption possible. The Digital Library of Historical Cartography is accessible not only to the historical cartography researchers, but also to students and the general public. Beyond being a source of information about maps, the Digital Library of Historical Cartography seeks to be interactive, exchanging information and seeking dialogue with different branches of knowledge
Mode of access: Internet.
Não obstante ao aumento do número de equipes de Saúde da Família no território brasileiro há disparidade na implantação da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em municípios de grande porte. Outras dificuldades enfrentadas referem-se aos recursos humanos em saúde (RHS). Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o cenário atual da gestão do trabalho na ESF nos municípios do Rio de Janeiro e Duque de Caxias. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório, de investigação narrativa, bibliográfica e documental, de abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados se deu em duas fases: pesquisa de material bibliográfico nas bases: LILACS, PAHO e WHOLIS, e de editais de processos seletivos e concursos públicos dos anos 2000, com vistas à contratação de profissionais de saúde para a ESF e; entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores da ESF. O período de coleta perdurou entre agosto de 2010 e dezembro de 2011. Os documentos foram analisados à luz da estatística descritiva e as entrevistas submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Escassez de literatura sobre a ESF nos municípios de Duque de Caxias e Rio de Janeiro. As contratações no Rio de Janeiro obedeceram a dois momentos: prefeitura e Organizações Sociais (OS) como contratantes. Em Duque de Caxias a contratação foi exclusividade da Prefeitura. No Rio de Janeiro os salários dos profissionais variaram entre R$ 728,59 (Agentes Comunitários de Saúde - ACS) e R$ 7.773,69 (médicos), contrastando com a isonomia salarial adotada em Duque de Caxias, com vencimentos ao redor de R$ 700,00 para os ACS, R$ 800,00 para nível técnico e; aproximadamente R$ 5.000,00 aos profissionais de nível superior. Os gestores sugerem que a maior rotatividade entre os médicos é motivada por carga horária excessiva; más condições de trabalho e, localização da unidade em áreas de risco social. As estratégias para atração e fixação profissional incluem: processos seletivos; garantia dos direitos trabalhistas e; abonos salariais, no caso do Rio de Janeiro e; flexibilização de carga horária, melhorias em infraestrutura e estratégias de qualificação, em Duque de Caxias. Entrevistas revelaram as maiores dificuldades na gestão da ESF: alta rotatividade, formação médica destoante com o SUS e, infraestrutura precária. Acrescenta-se o baixo salário para médicos em Duque de Caxias e, vínculos e salários distintos entre profissionais que exercem mesma função no Rio de Janeiro. Conclusões: A expansão da ESF nos grandes centros urbanos encontra obstáculos relacionados à gestão do trabalho que fragilizam sua consolidação. O Rio de Janeiro mostra-se mais atraente para os profissionais da ESF. O único diferencial de Duque de Caxias, sobretudo para odontólogos e enfermeiros, refere-se à contratação direta pela Prefeitura com vinculação estatutária, ainda que, eventual aumento salarial esteja atrelado ao de todos os servidores municipais. No Rio de Janeiro, a contratação sob regime da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho revela-se uma proteção, posto que diante da possibilidade de perda de profissionais as OS elevam seus salários. Dentre as recomendações para fixação profissional incluem-se: incentivos salariais para atuação em regiões vulneráveis, melhorias em infraestrutura e, acoplação entre Instituições de Ensino Superior e rede de saúde.
The SIEGE (Smoking Induced Epithelial Gene Expression) database is a clinical resource for compiling and analyzing gene expression data from epithelial cells of the human intra-thoracic airway. This database supports a translational research study whose goal is to profile the changes in airway gene expression that are induced by cigarette smoke. RNA is isolated from airway epithelium obtained at bronchoscopy from current-, former- and never-smoker subjects, and hybridized to Affymetrix HG-U133A Genechips, which measure the level of expression of ~22 500 human transcripts. The microarray data generated along with relevant patient information is uploaded to SIEGE by study administrators using the database's web interface, found at http://pulm.bumc.bu.edu/siegeDB. PERL-coded scripts integrated with SIEGE perform various quality control functions including the processing, filtering and formatting of stored data. The R statistical package is used to import database expression values and execute a number of statistical analyses including t-tests, correlation coefficients and hierarchical clustering. Values from all statistical analyses can be queried through CGI-based tools and web forms found on the �Search� section of the database website. Query results are embedded with graphical capabilities as well as with links to other databases containing valuable gene resources, including Entrez Gene, GO, Biocarta, GeneCards, dbSNP and the NCBI Map Viewer.
The COMET Initiative database is a repository of studies relevant to the development of core outcome sets (COS). Use of the website continues to increase, with more than 16,500 visits in 2014 (36 % increase over 2013), 12,257 unique visitors (47 % increase), 9780 new visitors (43 % increase) and a rise in the proportion of visits from outside the UK (8565 visits; 51 % of all visits). By December 2014, a total of 6588 searches had been completed, with 2383 in 2014 alone (11 % increase). The growing awareness of the need for COS is reflected in the website and database usage figures.
The aromatic flora of the Amazon has been inventoried for 30 years. In this sense, were made over 500 field trips to collect over 2500 plants and to obtain more than 2000 essential oils and aroma concentrates, all of them submitted to GC and GC-MS. This work led to the creation of a database for the aromatic plants of the Amazon, which catalogs general information about 1250 specimens. The database has allowed the publication of the chemical composition of the oils and aromas of more than 350 species, associated with a larger number of chemical types. The essential oils of many species offer optimum conditions for economic exploitation and use in national and international market of fragrances, cosmetics, agricultural and household pesticides.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Prescott, AZ, USA) was awarded a grant from the William J. Hughes FAA Technical Center in October 1999 to develop and maintain a web site dealing with a wide variety of airport safety wildlife concerns. Initially, the web site enabled users to access related topics such as wildlife management (at/near airports), bird identification information, FAA wildlife management guidelines, education, pictures, current news, upcoming meetings and training, available jobs and discussion/forum sections. In April 2001, the web site was augmented with an on-line wildlife strike report (FAA Form 5200-7). Upon submittal on-line, “quick look” email notifications are sent to concerned government personnel. The distribution of these emails varies as to whether there was damage, human injuries/fatalities, and whether feather remains were collected and will be sent to the Smithsonian Institution for identification. In July 2002, a real-time on-line query system was incorporated to allow federal and local government agencies, airport and operator personnel, and USDA and airport wildlife biologists to access this database (which as of June 2005 contains 68,288 researched strike reports added to at a rate of approximately 500 strike reports/month) to formulate strategies to reduce the hazards wildlife present to aviation. To date (June 2005), over 15,000 on-line real-time queries were processed. In June 2004, ERAU was authorized to develop a graphical interface to this on-line query system. Current capabilities include mapping strikes (by species) on the US map, each of the contiguous 48 state maps (with AK and HI being added), and airport diagrams of the major metropolitan airports as well as the next 46 airports with the most reported strikes The latter capability depicts strikes by runway in plan as well as in elevation view. Currently under development is the ability to view time-sequenced strikes on the US map. This extensive graphical interface will give analysts the ability to view strike patterns with a wide variety of variables including species, seasons, migration patterns, etc. on US and state maps and airport diagrams.
Under the brand name “sciebo – the Campuscloud” (derived from “science box”) a consortium of more than 20 research and applied science universities started a large scale cloud service for about 500,000 students and researchers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state. Starting with the much anticipated data privacy compliant sync & share functionality, sciebo offers the potential to become a more general cloud platform for collaboration and research data management which will be actively pursued in upcoming scientific and infrastructural projects. This project report describes the formation of the venture, its targets and the technical and the legal solution as well as the current status and the next steps.
The Late Permian mass extinction event about 252 million years ago was the most severe biotic crisis of the past 500 million years and occurred during an episode of global warming. The loss of around two-thirds of marine genera is thought to have had substantial ecological effects, but the overall impacts on the functioning of marine ecosystems and the pattern of marine recovery are uncertain. Here we analyse the fossil occurrences of all known benthic marine invertebrate genera from the Permian and Triassic periods, and assign each to a functional group based on their inferred lifestyle. We show that despite the selective extinction of 62-74% of these genera, all but one functional group persisted through the crisis, indicating that there was no significant loss of functional diversity at the global scale. In addition, only one new mode of life originated in the extinction aftermath. We suggest that Early Triassic marine ecosystems were not as ecologically depauperate as widely assumed. Functional diversity was, however, reduced in particular regions and habitats, such as tropical reefs; at these smaller scales, recovery varied spatially and temporally, probably driven by migration of surviving groups. We find that marine ecosystems did not return to their pre-extinction state, and by the Middle Triassic greater functional evenness is recorded, resulting from the radiation of previously subordinate groups such as motile, epifaunal grazers.