921 resultados para Beverage containers


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WI docs. no.: LEG.3:IB/1976/1


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Abstract : Breast cancer incidence rates have increased over the past hundred years, in particular, in Western industrial countries and they continue to rise worldwide. Breast cancer risk has been linked to life exposure to endogenous and exogenous estrogens, and there is increasing concern that exposure to endocrine disruptors which are increasingly accumulating in our environment may also have a role. Using the mouse as model, I have analyzed the physiological role of estrogen signaling in mammary gland development. I have shown that estrogen signaling through the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in the mammary epithelium is required for ductal morphogenesis during puberty. Moreover, I have demonstrated that estrogens induce proliferation of mammary epithelial cells through a paracrine mechanism. The presence of estrogen signaling is essential cell intrinsically via ERα or ERβ for the terminal differentiation into milk secreting cells during pregnancy. Furthermore, I have examined how perinatal exposure to the estrogenic plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA) found ubiquitously in consumer goods such as baby bottles formula and beverage containers affects the normal mammary gland development and possibly predispose the mammary gland to tumorigenesis. I have found that C57b16 mice that were exposed, via their drinking water, to several BPA doses ranging from 0.025µg/kg/day to 250µg/kg/day exhibits delayed terminal end bud formation and consequently the ductal outgrowth. Later in life, the mice that were exposed in utero to BPA displayed an increased number of mammary epithelial cells. Acute exposure of 3-week-old mice to BPA can alter gene expression levels of an important estrogen target gene, amphiregulin. Taken together these data are compatible with a scenario in which perinatal BPA exposure may alter mammary gland development by affecting developmental signaling pathways. Résumé : Les taux d'incidence des cancers du sein ont augmenté au cours des cent dernières années en particulier dans les pays industriels occidentaux et ils continuent d'augmenter dans le monde entier. Le risque du cancer du sein a été corrélé à l'exposition au cours de la vie aux oestrogènes endogènes et exogènes. Il y a une préoccupation croissante concernant l'exposition aux perturbateurs endocriniens qui ne cessent de s'accumulent dans notre environnement et qui peuvent également avoir un rôle dans l'augmentation des cancers du sein. En utilisant le modèle de souris, j'ai analysé le rôle physiologique de la voie de signalisation à l'oestrogène dans le développement mammaire. J'ai prouvé que l'oestrogène par l'intermédiaire de son récepteur alpha (ERα) est indispensable dans l'épithélium pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire pendant la puberté. De plus, j'ai démontré que les oestrogènes induisent la prolifération des cellules épithéliales mammaires par un mécanisme paracrine. La présence de la voie de signalisation à l'oestrogène est essentielle de manière intrinsèque à la cellule par l'intermédiaire d'ERα ou ERβ pour la différentiation terminale des cellules épithéliales en cellules sécrétrices de lait pendant la grossesse. En outre, j'ai examiné comment l'exposition périnatale au bisphénol A (BPA), un plastifiant présentant des propriétés ostrogéniques et omniprésent dans divers produits d'usage courant tels que les biberons des bébés et les récipients en plastique, affecte le développement de la glande mammaire et prédispose probablement celle-ci à la tumorigénèse. J'ai constaté que l'exposition périnatale à BPA retarde la formation des bourgeons terminaux et par conséquent la croissance du système canalaire. Plus tard dans la vie, les souris qui ont été exposées dans l'utérus au BPA ont montré un plus grand nombre de cellules épithéliales mammaires. L'exposition aiguë de souris âgées de 3 semaines au BPA perturbe le niveau d'expression d'un gène cible important de l'oestrogène, l'amphiregulin. Ces données sont compatibles avec un scénario dans lequel l'exposition périnatale au BPA peut changer le développement de la glande mammaire en affectant des voies de signalisation développementales.


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Työssä selvitetään radiotaajuustunnistamisen (RFID) toimintaperiaatteita ja radiotaajuustunnisteen käyttömahdollisuuksia juoma-astioiden palautusautomaatissa ja sen ympäristössä. Samoin työssä selvitetään Bluetooth:in, lyhyen kantaman radioteknologian, toimintaperiaatetta ja sen käyttömahdollisuuksia juoma-astioiden palautusautomaatissa ja sen ympäristössä. Radiotaajuustunnisteen käytöstä juoma-astioiden palautusautomaatissa käsitellään astioiden tunnistamista RFID-tunnisteen avulla ja RFID-tunnisteen käyttämistä paperisen kuitin korvaajana. Bluetooth-teknologian käytössä juoma-astioiden palautusautomaatin ympäristössä käsitellään nykyisten langallisten yhteyksien korvaamista Bluetooth-yhteydellä ja uusia käyttömahdollisuuksia.


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Nitrogen ions were implanted by plasma immersion in Kapton, Mylar and polypropylene, with the objective of forming a diamond-like carbon layer on these polymers. The Raman spectrum of the implanted polypropylene showed typical Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) graphite (G) and disorder (D) peaks, with an sp 3/sp2 hybridization ratio of approximately 0.4 to 0.6. The XPS analysis of the three implanted polymers also showed peaks of C-C and N-C bonds in the sp3 configuration, with hybridization ratios in the same range as the Raman result. The implanted polymers were exposed to oxygen plasma to test the resistance of the polymers to oxygen degradation. Mass loss rate results, however, showed that the DLC layer formed is not sufficiently robust for this application. Nevertheless, the layer formed can be suitable for other applications such as in gas barriers in beverage containers. Further study of implantation conditions may improve the quality of the DLC layer.


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“Quien contamina, paga“, con esta premisa surgió la idea de este Trabajo Fin de Máster, en adelante TFM, cuyo objetivo era identificar medidas alternativas reales para una optimización del proceso actual de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos ante una sociedad cada vez más superpoblada y con mayores ratios de consumo. Cada español genera anualmente un volumen de 485 Kg de residuos, de los cuales únicamente el 33 % son reciclados y pueden volver a un flujo normal de uso, especialmente preocupante durante los últimos años es el auge de los productos envasados, tanto de bebidas como de alimentos , cuya utilización se ha duplicado en la última década. La motivación de este trabajo Fin de Máster ha sido la de poner de manifiesto que la sostenibilidad con el medioambiente puede ir de la mano de la rentabilidad y del progreso. Durante este TFM se ha estudiado y analizado la viabilidad económica de implantación de un nuevo modelo de depósito, devolución y retorno en el mercado retail español y como con la adopción de este nuevo sistema se pueden lograr beneficios tanto para el propio minorista, como para el medio ambiente con ratios de reciclado superiores al 98%. La preocupación por el medio ambiente empieza a ser una constante entre los consumidores españoles y dicha preocupación comienza a ser influenciadora en las decisiones de compra (productos eco, sostenibilidad…). Nuestra propuesta consiste en dotar a los principales distribuidores del sector retail español de un sistema de depósito, devolución y retorno para envases de bebidas capaz de generar diferenciación, innovación y rentabilidad frente a la competencia. Dicho sistema consiste en pagar un depósito por cada envase de bebida que se adquiera y su correspondiente devolución en la siguiente compra, una vez que se devuelva vacío al establecimiento. Para ello se ha analizado el sector de la distribución en España, especialmente la distribución de bebidas. Se trata de un sector muy competitivo, que presenta varios formatos en función del tamaño del establecimiento (Hipermercados, Supermercados, tiendas tradicionales). Las principales empresas distribuidoras (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) se encuentran en procesos de cambios estratégicos para lograr atraer a más consumidores hacia sus tiendas, por lo que nuestra propuesta podrá añadir valor a la hora de influenciar en la decisión del lugar de compra. En nuestro caso, nos dirigiremos principalmente a las grandes empresas distribuidoras, Hipermercados de más de 2.500 m2 ,que cuentan con más de 500 puntos de venta y distribución donde existe la posibilidad real de implantar un SDDR. Además se ha realizado un estudio de mercado sobre la influencia de dicho sistema en el consumidor final, donde se ha detectado dos segmentos principales cuya decisión de compra se vería muy influenciada por la implantación de un SDDR, un segmento Sénior, entre 45-54 años, preocupados por el medio ambiente y con poder adquisitivo suficiente como para que el pago del depósito no sea bloqueante, y un segmento Junior, entre 18-24 años, también muy concienciado el medio ambiente, de capacidad económica menor pero qué influye en la decisión de compra de sus progenitores. Para llevar a cabo este plan de negocio será necesario una inversión inicial de 57.000 €, con unas expectativas de recuperación de dicha inversión en el primer año y una TIR del 56%, presentando un VAN de 127.961 € para los 7 años de vida del proyecto. Para dar a conocer a los clientes del Hipermercado los beneficios de utilizar un sistema SDDR, se realizarán campañas de marketing a través de diferentes canales, promociones de apertura, acciones de marketing exteriores y planes de fidelización. La organización e implantación en el Hipermercado será muy sencilla con roles claramente diferenciados, únicamente involucraría a unos 9 recursos definidos y en aproximadamente 3 meses desde el inicio del proyecto ya se podría ofertar dicho servicio a los clientes del Hipermercado. Además se han analizado los principales riesgos a los que se enfrentaría el negocio, ponderándose en una matriz impacto-probabilidad. Se han establecido medidas correctoras en el caso que dicho riesgo aflore. Habrá que tener especialmente precaución con la pérdida de ventas durante el arranque del negocio en el caso que esto ocurra, por lo que se deberá controlar el gasto, fomentar la captación de clientes y mantener un fondo de maniobra lo suficientemente elevado como para absorber dicho riesgo.---ABSTRACT---“Polluters pay”, with this premise this TFM aimed at identifying real alternative measures for optimization of the current process of solid waste management in a crowded society and with greater consumption ratios. Spaniards generates an annual volume of 485 kg of waste; only 33 % are recycled and can return to a normal flow. Specially concern is the increased of packaged product in recent years, mainly drink and food, their use has been duplicated in the last decade. The motivation for this Thesis was to highlight that sustainability, profitability and progress can go together. During this TFM has been studied and analyzed the economic feasibility of implementing a new model of deposit , refund and return in the Spanish retail market and as with the adoption of this new system can achieve benefits for the retailer itself therefore to the environment with ratios above 98% recycled. Concern for the environment is becoming a constant among Spanish consumers , and this concern is becoming influencer in purchasing decisions ( eco, sustainability ... ) . Our proposal is to provide the main distributors of the Spanish retail sector a system of deposit, refund and return for beverage containers capable of generating differentiation, innovation and profitability over the competition. This system is to pay a deposit for each beverage container they purchase and their corresponding return in the next purchase, once they return empty to the establishment. For this we have analyzed the distribution sector in Spain, especially the distribution of beverages. This is a highly competitive industry, which features various formats depending on the size of establishments (hypermarkets, supermarkets, traditional shops). The main distribution companies (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) are in the process of strategic changes in order to attract more consumers to their stores, so that our approach can add value in influencing the decision of place shopping. In our case, we will go mainly to large distributors, Hypermarkets of over 2,500 m2, which have more than 500 outlets and distribution where there is a real possibility of implementing a SDDR. It has also conducted a market study on the influence of that system on the final consumer, which has detected two main segments whose purchasing decisions would be greatly influenced by the introduction of a SDDR, a Senior segment, 45-54 years concerned about the environment and purchasing power enough that the deposit is not blocking, and a Junior Segment, aged 18-24, also concern with environment, lower economic capacity but what influences the decision purchase of their parents). To carry out this business plan will require an initial investment of 57,000 €, with expectations of recovery of such investment in the first year and an IRR of 56%, with an NPV of € 127,961 for the 7 years of the project . To publicize hypermarket customers the benefits of using a SDDR system, marketing campaigns conducted through different channels, opening promotions, marketing activities and external loyalty schemes. The organization and implementation in the Hypermarket is easy with distinct roles, involve only about 9 resourced and in about 3 months from the start of the project and could offer this service to customers in the hypermarket. We have also analyzed the main risks and established corrective measures to surface that risk . We should take caution with lost sales during startup of the business, such as control spending, customer retention and maintaining enough working capital.


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The waste of plastic beverage bottles creates environmental problems and takes up a large volume of landfill space. The high rate of consumption of plastics in the State of Florida is challenging the disposal capacity of waste authorities. The lack of the reverse vending machines in the State of Florida, including applicable scientific or technical literature represented an opportunity for this research to discuss the applicability of this equipment as a potential solution for the management of the plastic waste in Florida. With this research document, I will propose a recycling system for plastic bottles made with PET based on the implementation of reverse vending machines, stressing the importance of the creation of policies that promote recycling and public participation.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Cachaça is a distiled beverage obtained from the fermentation of sugar cane syrup that, depending on the production procedures, may be susceptible to contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds present carcinogenic and/or mutagenic properties and offer a risk to human health. Sixteen PAHs were determined in cachaças that had been stored in glass bottles and in polyethylene tank by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The quantification of the PAHs utilised an internal standard. The limits of detection and quantification varied from 0.05 to 0.10 μg L−1 and 0.20 to 0.30 μg L−1, respectively. A total PAH concentration of 51.57 μg L−1 was found in the beverages that were stored in the tank, while the concentration in the cachaça stored in glass jugs was 6.07 μg L−1. These results indicate that the polyethylene tank is a source for PAHs in cachaça.


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The Meals on Wheels (MOW) program is designed to help combat hunger in persons needing assistance. MOW has a duty not only to provide food but also to ensure that it reaches eligible clients safely. Given the population that MOW serves, transporting food safely takes on increased importance. This experiment focused on the major food safety issue of maintaining temperature integrity through the use of transport containers. For containers that did not contain electric heating elements, several factors influenced how fast the food temperature fell. Those factors included the U-value and size of the container as well as how many meals were in the container. As predicted, the smaller the U-value, the longer it took the temperature to fall. Larger containers did better at maintaining food temperatures, provided they were fully loaded. In general, fully loaded small and medium containers were better at maintaining food temperatures than larger containers loaded with the same number of meals.


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Epidemiological studies have suggested that cola beverage consumption may affect bone metabolism and increase bone fracture risk. Experimental evidence linking cola beverage consumption to deleterious effects on bone is lacking. Herein, we investigated whether cola beverage consumption from weaning to early puberty delays the rate of reparative bone formation inside the socket of an extracted tooth in rats. Twenty male Wistar rats received cola beverage (cola group) or tap water (control group) ad libitum from the age of 23 days until tooth extraction at 42 days and euthanasia 2 and 3 weeks later. The neoformed bone volume inside the alveolar socket was estimated in semi-serial longitudinal sections using a quantitative differential point-counting method. Histological examination suggested a decrease in the osteogenic process within the tooth sockets of rats from both cola groups, which had thinner and sparser new bone trabeculae. Histometric data confirmed that alveolar bone healing was significantly delayed in cola-fed rats at three weeks after tooth extraction (ANOVA, p = 0.0006, followed by Tukey's test, p < 0.01). Although the results of studies in rats cannot be extrapolated directly to human clinical dentistry, the present study provides evidence that cola beverage consumption negatively affect maxillary bone formation.


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The oil obtained from Brazilian roasted coffee by supercritical CO2 extraction shows considerable aromatic properties, mainly composed by five aromatic compounds, 2-methylpyrazine; 2-furfurylalcohol, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; γ-butyrolactone and 2-furfurylacetate. Sensory analyses were used to verify the influence of a mixture of these important classes of aromatic coffee compounds (pyrazines, furans and lactones) and of the roasted coffee aromatic oil on the coffee aroma and flavour of black instant freeze and spray-dried coffee beverages. In the acceptance evaluation of the aroma, the samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee without the mixture of volatile compounds (sample 4) were not significantly different from the freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (sample 5) and from the sample prepared with freeze-dried coffee in which the mixture of the five volatile was added (sample 3), coincidentally from the same drying process. Therefore, sample (3) did not differ from samples prepared with spray dried instant coffee without (sample 1) and to which (sample 2) the mixture of volatile was added. Therefore, with respect to this attribute, the addition of this mixture did not interfere in this drink acceptance. Taking into consideration the flavor, samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (5) and the samples with (3) and without (4) the mixture of the five volatile was added did not differ significantly, however sample (4) did not differ from samples (1) and (2). Regarding this attribute, the addition of the aromatic oil of roasted coffee or a mixture of volatile in samples of freeze-dried instant coffee had a better acceptance than those dried by spray dryer (1) and (2). Thus, the enrichment of drinks with the aromatic oil of roasted coffee, or even with the mixture of the five components did not influence the consumer acceptance with respect to the aroma, but exerts influence with respect to flavour.


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This work deals with the problem of minimizing the waste of space that occurs on a rotational placement of a set of irregular two dimensional polygons inside a two dimensional container. This problem is approached with an heuristic based on simulated annealing. Traditional 14 external penalization"" techniques are avoided through the application of the no-fit polygon, that determinates the collision free area for each polygon before its placement. The simulated annealing controls: the rotation applied, the placement and the sequence of placement of the polygons. For each non placed polygon, a limited depth binary search is performed to find a scale factor that when applied to the polygon, would allow it to be fitted in the container. It is proposed a crystallization heuristic, in order to increase the number of accepted solutions. The bottom left and larger first deterministic heuristics were also studied. The proposed process is suited for non convex polygons and containers, the containers can have holes inside. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the problem of minimizing the waste of space that occurs on a rotational placement of a set of irregular bi-dimensional items inside a bi-dimensional container. This problem is approached with a heuristic based on Simulated Annealing (SA) with adaptive neighborhood. The objective function is evaluated in a constructive approach, where the items are placed sequentially. The placement is governed by three different types of parameters: sequence of placement, the rotation angle and the translation. The rotation applied and the translation of the polygon are cyclic continuous parameters, and the sequence of placement defines a combinatorial problem. This way, it is necessary to control cyclic continuous and discrete parameters. The approaches described in the literature deal with only type of parameter (sequence of placement or translation). In the proposed SA algorithm, the sensibility of each continuous parameter is evaluated at each iteration increasing the number of accepted solutions. The sensibility of each parameter is associated to its probability distribution in the definition of the next candidate.