851 resultados para Best-seller
Reflexión en torno a las políticas editoriales, las cuales se basan muchas veces en técnicas e instrumentos para dar a los libros una mayor salida en el mercado. Se especifica en el caso de Italia, donde las editoriales intentan repartir las tiradas de libros nacionales e internacionales best-seller.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A través de ciertos aspectos formales y mediante un gran número de conexiones intertextuales la prosa de Enrique Vila-Matas se sitúa dentro de la tradición literaria, observación que, junto con el gran prestigio que le atribuye la crítica y con numerosos premios literarios, parece confirmar su pertenencia a una literatura exigente, concebida artísticamente. Aunque así no cumpla con el supuesto que la literatura best-seller sacrifica pretensiones artísticas o intelectuales para atraer al mayor número de compradores posible, las obras del autor catalán se encuentran, sin embargo, entre los libros españoles contemporáneos más leídos, lo mismo en España y en América Latina. Buscando una explicación a ese fenómeno, nos acercaremos a su obra explorando el 'campo literario' que la rodea, el ámbito editorial y el mercado del libro. Nuestra pregunta es: ¿Cuáles son las circunstancias extraliterarias que hay que tener en cuenta en este caso? Esperamos llegar a partir del análisis del fenómeno Vila-Matas a conclusiones más generales sobre las relaciones entre las calidades literarias de un texto y ciertos factores extratextuales que abrirán paso a perspectivas nuevas respecto a la producción literaria en la época de los medios de masas
A través de ciertos aspectos formales y mediante un gran número de conexiones intertextuales la prosa de Enrique Vila-Matas se sitúa dentro de la tradición literaria, observación que, junto con el gran prestigio que le atribuye la crítica y con numerosos premios literarios, parece confirmar su pertenencia a una literatura exigente, concebida artísticamente. Aunque así no cumpla con el supuesto que la literatura best-seller sacrifica pretensiones artísticas o intelectuales para atraer al mayor número de compradores posible, las obras del autor catalán se encuentran, sin embargo, entre los libros españoles contemporáneos más leídos, lo mismo en España y en América Latina. Buscando una explicación a ese fenómeno, nos acercaremos a su obra explorando el 'campo literario' que la rodea, el ámbito editorial y el mercado del libro. Nuestra pregunta es: ¿Cuáles son las circunstancias extraliterarias que hay que tener en cuenta en este caso? Esperamos llegar a partir del análisis del fenómeno Vila-Matas a conclusiones más generales sobre las relaciones entre las calidades literarias de un texto y ciertos factores extratextuales que abrirán paso a perspectivas nuevas respecto a la producción literaria en la época de los medios de masas
A través de ciertos aspectos formales y mediante un gran número de conexiones intertextuales la prosa de Enrique Vila-Matas se sitúa dentro de la tradición literaria, observación que, junto con el gran prestigio que le atribuye la crítica y con numerosos premios literarios, parece confirmar su pertenencia a una literatura exigente, concebida artísticamente. Aunque así no cumpla con el supuesto que la literatura best-seller sacrifica pretensiones artísticas o intelectuales para atraer al mayor número de compradores posible, las obras del autor catalán se encuentran, sin embargo, entre los libros españoles contemporáneos más leídos, lo mismo en España y en América Latina. Buscando una explicación a ese fenómeno, nos acercaremos a su obra explorando el 'campo literario' que la rodea, el ámbito editorial y el mercado del libro. Nuestra pregunta es: ¿Cuáles son las circunstancias extraliterarias que hay que tener en cuenta en este caso? Esperamos llegar a partir del análisis del fenómeno Vila-Matas a conclusiones más generales sobre las relaciones entre las calidades literarias de un texto y ciertos factores extratextuales que abrirán paso a perspectivas nuevas respecto a la producción literaria en la época de los medios de masas
This manuscript is a literary history of The Book of Covenant, an encyclopedic work of science, philosophy, and ethics written in the late-eighteenth century by Jewish philosopher and polymath Pinhas Hurwitz. Ruderman explores the reasons for the book's huge popularity--it has been republished in forty editions in the last century--as well as its lasting influence on Jewish and kabbalistic thought, and its important place in Jewish society's confrontation with modernity.
This manuscript is a literary history of The Book of Covenant, an encyclopedic work of science, philosophy, and ethics written in the late-eighteenth century by Jewish philosopher and polymath Pinhas Hurwitz. Ruderman explores the reasons for the book's huge popularity--it has been republished in forty editions in the last century--as well as its lasting influence on Jewish and kabbalistic thought, and its important place in Jewish society's confrontation with modernity.
This study investigates whether academics can capitalize on their external prominence (measured by the number of pages indexed on Google, TED talk invitations or New York Times bestselling book successes) and internal success within academia (measured by publication and citation performance) in the speakers’ market. The results indicate that the larger the number of web pages indexing a particular scholar, the higher the minimum speaking fee. Invitations to speak at a TED event, or making the New York Times Best Seller list is also positively correlated with speaking fees. Scholars with a stronger internal impact or success also achieve higher speaking fees. However, once external impact is controlled, most metrics used to measure internal impact are no longer statistically significant.
El autor evalua la magnitud del fenómeno cultural, comercial y sociológico del 'best-seller', sus autores y su influencia sobre el mercado español.
The 21st century will see monumental change. Either the human race will use its knowledge and skills and change the way it interacts with the environment, or the environment will change the way it interacts with its inhabitants. In the first case, the focus of this book, we would see our sophisticated understanding in areas such as physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, planning, commerce, business and governance accumulated over the last 1,000 years brought to bear on the challenge of dramatically reducing our pressure on the environment. The second case however is the opposite scenario, involving the decline of the planet’s ecosystems until they reach thresholds where recovery is not possible, and following which we have no idea what happens. For instance, if we fail to respond to Sir Nicolas Stern’s call to meet appropriate stabilisation trajectories for greenhouse gas emissions, and we allow the average temperature of our planets surface to increase by 4-6 degrees Celsius, we will see staggering changes to our environment, including rapidly rising sea level, withering crops, diminishing water reserves, drought, cyclones, floods… allowing this to happen will be the failure of our species, and those that survive will have a deadly legacy. In this update to the 1997 International Best Seller, Factor Four, Ernst von Weizsäcker again leads a team to present a compelling case for sector wide advances that can deliver significant resource productivity improvements over the coming century. The purpose of this book is to inspire hope and to then inform meaningful action in the coming decades to respond to the greatest challenge our species has ever faced – that of living in harmony with our planet and its other inhabitants.
Abstract Big data nowadays is a fashionable topic, independently of what people mean when they use this term. But being big is just a matter of volume, although there is no clear agreement in the size threshold. On the other hand, it is easy to capture large amounts of data using a brute force approach. So the real goal should not be big data but to ask ourselves, for a given problem, what is the right data and how much of it is needed. For some problems this would imply big data, but for the majority of the problems much less data will and is needed. In this talk we explore the trade-offs involved and the main problems that come with big data using the Web as case study: scalability, redundancy, bias, noise, spam, and privacy. Speaker Biography Ricardo Baeza-Yates Ricardo Baeza-Yates is VP of Research for Yahoo Labs leading teams in United States, Europe and Latin America since 2006 and based in Sunnyvale, California, since August 2014. During this time he has lead the labs in Barcelona and Santiago de Chile. Between 2008 and 2012 he also oversaw the Haifa lab. He is also part time Professor at the Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona, Spain. During 2005 he was an ICREA research professor at the same university. Until 2004 he was Professor and before founder and Director of the Center for Web Research at the Dept. of Computing Science of the University of Chile (in leave of absence until today). He obtained a Ph.D. in CS from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1989. Before he obtained two masters (M.Sc. CS & M.Eng. EE) and the electronics engineer degree from the University of Chile in Santiago. He is co-author of the best-seller Modern Information Retrieval textbook, published in 1999 by Addison-Wesley with a second enlarged edition in 2011, that won the ASIST 2012 Book of the Year award. He is also co-author of the 2nd edition of the Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures, Addison-Wesley, 1991; and co-editor of Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Data Structures, Prentice-Hall, 1992, among more than 500 other publications. From 2002 to 2004 he was elected to the board of governors of the IEEE Computer Society and in 2012 he was elected for the ACM Council. He has received the Organization of American States award for young researchers in exact sciences (1993), the Graham Medal for innovation in computing given by the University of Waterloo to distinguished ex-alumni (2007), the CLEI Latin American distinction for contributions to CS in the region (2009), and the National Award of the Chilean Association of Engineers (2010), among other distinctions. In 2003 he was the first computer scientist to be elected to the Chilean Academy of Sciences and since 2010 is a founding member of the Chilean Academy of Engineering. In 2009 he was named ACM Fellow and in 2011 IEEE Fellow.
Pertenece a la serie 'Did??ctica de la llengua i la literatura'
Mercê das cerca de 45 edições em sete línguas publicadas entre 1585 e o termo do século XVI, a Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres del gran Reyno de la Chinado agostinho espanhol Juan González de Mendoza logrou ser o primeiro best-seller internacional sobre o mundo chinês e um dos mais influentes livros da proto-sinologia europeia de Quinhentos e Seiscentos. As reivindicações dos poderes seculares da colónia espanhola de Manila e dos mendicantes do Padroado por um lugar na China não só contribuíram decisivamente para a génese da obra, como ajudam a justificar o impacto que esta conseguiu na Europa culta da transição do século XVI para o século XVII. Seja como for, para a cabal compreensão deste caso editorial é necessário proceder a inquéritos complementares, como o que investigue o modo como frei González de Mendoza articulou as informações de origem espanhola e portuguesa de que dispôs para compor a sua síntese sobre a China. Neste particular, ganha especial importância observar o tratamento concedido aos conteúdos de índole geográfica e avaliar, a partir daí, as razões subjacentes a opções que certa vez denotam um recuo objectivo em relação às informações disponíveis, outras uma aparente ruptura face a textos de referência, outras ainda a recuperação de ideias há muito abandonadas nos meios de vanguarda que se iam encarregando da actualização do moderno conhecimento europeu sobre a China. A articulação entre algumas destas opções e o serviço da propaganda do acto missionário dos mendicantes espanhóis constitui uma das principais pistas a explorar.
This paper examines the value of analysts’ recommendations in Brazilian Stock Market. We studied a sample of 294 weeks of recommendations make public by the best seller newspaper in Brazil with six different investment strategies and time horizons. The main conclusion is that it is possible to beat the Brazilian market indexes Ibovespa and IBrX following the analysts’ stock recommendations. The best strategies are buying only the recommended stocks, buying the recommended stocks whose target and market prices difference is bigger than 25% and lesser or equal than 50%. The performance of the six strategies is analyzed through the use of bootstrap and Monte Carlo techniques.