980 resultados para Best-improvement
Self-assembly of size-uniform and spatially ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays is one of the major challenges in the development of the new generation of semiconducting nanoelectronic and photonic devices. Assembly of Ge QD (in the ∼5-20 nm size range) arrays from randomly generated position and size-nonuniform nanodot patterns on plasma-exposed Si (100) surfaces is studied using hybrid multiscale numerical simulations. It is shown, by properly manipulating the incoming ion/neutral flux from the plasma and the surface temperature, the uniformity of the nanodot size within the array can be improved by 34%-53%, with the best improvement achieved at low surface temperatures and high external incoming fluxes, which are intrinsic to plasma-aided processes. Using a plasma-based process also leads to an improvement (∼22% at 700 K surface temperature and 0.1 MLs incoming flux from the plasma) of the spatial order of a randomly sampled nanodot ensemble, which self-organizes to position the dots equidistantly to their neighbors within the array. Remarkable improvements in QD ordering and size uniformity can be achieved at high growth rates (a few nms) and a surface temperature as low as 600 K, which broadens the range of suitable substrates to temperature-sensitive ultrathin nanofilms and polymers. The results of this study are generic, can also be applied to nonplasma-based techniques, and as such contributes to the development of deterministic strategies of nanoassembly of self-ordered arrays of size-uniform QDs, in the size range where nanodot ordering cannot be achieved by presently available pattern delineation techniques.
Measurements of adult marine fishes on the U.S. west coast are usually made using one of three methods: standard length, fork length, or total length. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we attempt to determine whether one method is faster and/or more reliable than the other methods. We found that all three methods were comparable. There was no appreciable difference in the time it took to measure fish using the different methods. Fork length had the most reproducible results; however, it had the highest level of bias between researchers. We therefore suggest that selection of measurement type be based on what other researchers have used for the species under study. The best improvement in measurement reliability probably occurs by adequate training of personnel and not type of measurement used.
Pre-pregnancy care impacts positively on pregnancy outcome, yet the majority of women continue to receive suboptimal support in this area owing to a lack of awareness about the importance of pregnancy planning. An innovative preconception counselling resource has been developed in Northern Ireland (originally as a DVD and later in an online format), in collaboration with end users to raise awareness of planning for pregnancy. This educational resource is now embedded in routine care in the region as a preconception counselling tool, being adopted by all diabetes care teams and many GP practices. It also recently received national recognition, winning the “Best improvement programme for pregnancy and maternity” category at the 2013 Quality in Care Diabetes awards. This article presents the background to the resource’s development, as well as experiences from its production and roll-out.
La thérapie de resynchronisation cardiaque (CRT) est un traitement qui diminue la mortalité et améliore la qualité de vie des patients atteints d’insuffisance cardiaque et présentant un dyssynchronisme de la contraction ventriculaire gauche. Malgré le succès de cette thérapie, plus de 30% des patients ne présentent pas l’amélioration désirée. Plusieurs études portant sur le synchronisme électrique ou mécanique de la contraction ont été effectuées mais peu d’entres elles se sont attardées sur le couplage électromécanique à l'échelle macroscopique. Ce projet a comme objectif d’observer le comportement électromécanique des ventricules canins en présence d’un resynchronisateur cardiaque. Un logiciel a été développé pour permettre l’analyse des informations provenant de la cartographie endocardique sans contact et de la ventriculographie isotopique tomographique chez 12 sujets canins insuffisants. Pour observer la réponse mécanique suite à l’activation électrique, nous avons premièrement recalé les surfaces issues des 2 modalités. Ensuite, nous avons défini les limites du cycle cardiaque, analysé les signaux électriques et les courbes de déplacement de la paroi endocardique. Le début de la contraction est défini par un déplacement radial de 10% vers le centre du ventricule. Les résultats démontrent que la durée d’activation du ventricule gauche et la largeur du QRS augmentent en présence d’une stimulation externe et que les délais électromécaniques sont indépendants dans les modes de stimulation étudiés (sinusal, LVbasal, RVapex ou BIV) avec une moyenne de 84,56±7,19 ms. Finalement, nous avons noté que la stimulation basolatérale procure une fonction cardiaque optimale malgré une durée prolongée du QRS.
Les sociétés contemporaines affrontent le défi de s’intégrer et s’adapter à un processus de transformation qui vise la construction de sociétés du savoir. Ce processus doit notamment son élan aux institutions d’enseignement supérieur qui constituent un espace privilégié où on bâtit l’avenir d’une société à partir des savoirs et celles-ci doivent faire face aux nouveaux enjeux sociaux, économiques et politiques qui affectent tous les pays du monde. La quête de la qualité devient donc un processus constant d’amélioration et surgit l’intérêt par l’évaluation au niveau universitaire. Par conséquent, cette recherche s’attache au sujet de l’évaluation à l’enseignement supérieur et s’enfonce dans le débat actuel sur les changements provoqués par les évaluations institutionnelles produisant un défi puisqu’il s’agit d’une prise de conscience fondée sur la culture de la qualité. L’autoévaluation est une stratégie permettant aux institutions d’enseignement supérieur mener des processus intégraux de valorisation dont le but est d’identifier les faiblesses des facteurs qui ont besoin d’améliorer. Le résultat conduit à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’amélioration pour l'institution, programme académique ou plan d’études. À travers l’orientation du modèle d’évaluation systémique CIPP de Stufflebeam (1987), on a pu analyser de façon holistique la mise en place de l’autoévaluation depuis son contexte, planification, processus et produit. Ainsi les objectifs de la thèse visent l’identification du développement de la deuxième autoévaluation afin d’obtenir une reconnaissance de haute qualité et effectuer la mise en œuvre du plan d’amélioration auprès des programmes académiques de Licence en Comptabilité et Gestion de l’entreprise de la Faculté de Sciences de l’Administration de l’Université du Valle en Colombie. À travers l’appropriation de la théorie Neo-institutionnelle les changements apparus après l’autoévaluation ont été également analysés et interprétés et ont ainsi permis l’achèvement des fins de la recherche. La méthodologie développe la stratégie de l’étude de cas dans les deux programmes académiques avec une approche mixte où la phase qualitative des entretiens semi-structurés est complémentée par la phase quantitative des enquêtes. Des documents institutionnels des programmes et de la faculté ont aussi été considérés. Grâce à ces trois instruments ont pu obtenir plus d’objectivité et d’efficacité pendant la recherche. Les résultats dévoilent que les deux programmes ciblés ont recouru à des procédés et à des actions accordées au modèle de l’Université du Valle quoiqu’il ait fallu faire des adaptations à leurs propres besoins et pertinence ce qui a permis de mener à terme la mise en œuvre du processus d’autoévaluation et ceci a donné lieu à certains changements. Les composantes Processus Académiques et Enseignants sont celles qui ont obtenu le plus fort développement, parmi celles-ci on trouve également : Organisation, Administration et Gestion, Ressources Humaines, Physiques et Financières. D’autre part, parmi les composantes moins développées on a : Anciens Étudiants et Bienêtre Institutionnel. Les conclusions ont révélé que se servir d’un cadre institutionnel fort donne du sens d’identité et du soutien aux programmes. Il faut remarquer qu’il est essentiel d’une part élargir la communication de l’autoévaluation et ses résultats et d’autre part effectuer un suivi permanent des plans d’amélioration afin d’obtenir des changements importants et produire ainsi un enracinement plus fort de la culture de la qualité et l’innovation auprès de la communauté académique. Les résultats dégagés de cette thèse peuvent contribuer à mieux comprendre tant la mise en œuvre de l’autoévaluation et des plans d’amélioration aussi que les aspects facilitateurs, limitants, les blocages aux processus d’évaluation et la génération de changements sur les programmes académiques. Dans ce sens, la recherche devient un guide et une réflexion à propos des thèmes où les résultats sont très faibles. Outre, celle-ci révèle l’influence des cadres institutionnels ainsi que les entraves et tensions internes et externes montrant un certain degré d’agencement par le biais de stratégies de la part des responsables de la prise de décisions dans les universités. On peut déduire que la qualité, l’évaluation, le changement et l’innovation sont des concepts inhérents à la perspective de l’apprentissage organisationnel et à la mobilité des savoirs.
The flammability of short Kevlar aramide fiber-thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) has been investigated with respect to fiber loading and various flame retardant additives such as halogen containing polymers, antimony oxide/chlorine donor combination, zinc borate, and aluminum hydroxide. Smoke generation was reduced drastically, while the oxygen index was reduced marginally in the presence of short fibers. The best improvement in the oxygen index was obtained with antimony oxide/chlorinated paraffin wax combination, in the weight ratio 1:6. A 70 phr loading of aluminum hydroxide improved LOI and reduced smoke generation.
PURPOSE: To identify MRI characteristics that may predict the functional effect of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) in children with bilateral spastic paresis. METHODS: We performed SDR in a group of 36 patients. The gross motor functioning measure-66 (GMFM-66) was applied before and after SDR. Available cerebral MRIs were retrospectively classified into three diagnostic groups: periventricular leucomalacia (PVL; n = 10), hydrocephalus (n = 2), and normal (n = 6). In patients with PVL, we scored the severity of the MR abnormalities. We compared the changes in the GMFM-66 after SDR in the diagnostic groups. In patients with PVL, we correlated the severity of the MR abnormalities with the changes in the GMFM-66. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 5 years and 4 months (range, 1 year and 1 month to 9 years). The best improvement in gross motor function was observed in patients with normal MRI, and the slightest improvement was observed in patients with hydrocephalus. The severity of the PVL did correlate with the GMFM-66 score before SDR but not with the functional effect of SDR. CONCLUSION: We conclude that with respect to gross motor skills, the improvements after SDR are good in patients with no MRI abnormalities. In the patients with hydrocephalus, the improvements after SDR were insignificant. In patients with PVL, the improvements were intermediate and did not correlate with the degree of PVL.
International audience
The inclusion or not of chat services within Virtual Reference (VR) is an important topic for university libraries. Increasingly, email supported by a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database is suggested in the scholarly literature as the preferred, cost-effective means for providing university VR services. This paper examines these issues and identifies some best practices for university library VR services relating to chat and email service, collaborative service provision, services staffing, and staff training. Further studies are required to more completely identify best practices for the complete range of VR services.
Objectives PEPA is funded by the Department of Health and Ageing and aims to further improve the skill and confidence of the generalist workforce to work with people with palliative care needs. Recent quality improvement initiatives to promote transfer of learning into practice include appointment of a clinical educator, implementation of an online module for mentors and delivery of a mentoring workshop (collaborating with NSAP and PCC4U). This paper presents an overview of outcomes from these quality improvement initiatives. Methods PEPA host sites are selected based on their specialist palliative care level. Host site managers are surveyed six-monthly and participants are surveyed pre and three months post-placement to collect open and fixed response data on their experience of the program. Participants in the mentoring workshop (n=39) were asked to respond to a survey regarding the workshop outcomes. Results The percentage of placement participants who strongly agreed they ‘have the ability to implement the interventions required for people who have a life-limiting illness’ increased from 35% in 2011 (n=34) to 51% in 2012 (n=91) post-placement. Responses from mentor workshop participants indicated that 76% of respondents (n=25) agreed that they were able to identify principles for mentoring in the context of palliative care. In 2012, 61% of host site managers (n=54) strongly agreed that PEPA supports clinician working with people with a life-limiting illness. Conclusion Strategies to build the capabilities of palliative care professionals to mentor and support the learning experience of PEPA participants are critical to ongoing improvements of the program.
This paper identifies characteristics of knowledge intensive processes and a method to improve their performance based on analysis of investment banking front office processes. The inability to improve these processes using standard process improvement techniques confirmed that much of the process was not codified and depended on tacit knowledge and skills. This led to the use of a semi-structured analysis of the characteristics of the processes via a questionnaire to identify knowledge intensive processes characteristics that adds to existing theory. Further work identified innovative process analysis and change techniques that could generate improvements based on an analysis of their properties and the issue drivers. An improvement methodology was developed to harness a number of techniques that were found to effective in resolving the issue drivers and improving these knowledge intensive processes.
Industrial companies in developing countries are facing rapid growths, and this requires having in place the best organizational processes to cope with the market demand. Sales forecasting, as a tool aligned with the general strategy of the company, needs to be as much accurate as possible, in order to achieve the sales targets by making available the right information for purchasing, planning and control of production areas, and finally attending in time and form the demand generated. The present dissertation uses a single case study from the subsidiary of an international explosives company based in Brazil, Maxam, experiencing high growth in sales, and therefore facing the challenge to adequate its structure and processes properly for the rapid growth expected. Diverse sales forecast techniques have been analyzed to compare the actual monthly sales forecast, based on the sales force representatives’ market knowledge, with forecasts based on the analysis of historical sales data. The dissertation findings show how the combination of both qualitative and quantitative forecasts, by the creation of a combined forecast that considers both client´s demand knowledge from the sales workforce with time series analysis, leads to the improvement on the accuracy of the company´s sales forecast.
Many of developing countries are facing crisis in water management due to increasing of population, water scarcity, water contaminations and effects of world economic crisis. Water distribution systems in developing countries are facing many challenges of efficient repair and rehabilitation since the information of water network is very limited, which makes the rehabilitation assessment plans very difficult. Sufficient information with high technology in developed countries makes the assessment for rehabilitation easy. Developing countries have many difficulties to assess the water network causing system failure, deterioration of mains and bad water quality in the network due to pipe corrosion and deterioration. The limited information brought into focus the urgent need to develop economical assessment for rehabilitation of water distribution systems adapted to water utilities. Gaza Strip is subject to a first case study, suffering from severe shortage in the water supply and environmental problems and contamination of underground water resources. This research focuses on improvement of water supply network to reduce the water losses in water network based on limited database using techniques of ArcGIS and commercial water network software (WaterCAD). A new approach for rehabilitation water pipes has been presented in Gaza city case study. Integrated rehabilitation assessment model has been developed for rehabilitation water pipes including three components; hydraulic assessment model, Physical assessment model and Structural assessment model. WaterCAD model has been developed with integrated in ArcGIS to produce the hydraulic assessment model for water network. The model have been designed based on pipe condition assessment with 100 score points as a maximum points for pipe condition. As results from this model, we can indicate that 40% of water pipeline have score points less than 50 points and about 10% of total pipes length have less than 30 score points. By using this model, the rehabilitation plans for each region in Gaza city can be achieved based on available budget and condition of pipes. The second case study is Kuala Lumpur Case from semi-developed countries, which has been used to develop an approach to improve the water network under crucial conditions using, advanced statistical and GIS techniques. Kuala Lumpur (KL) has water losses about 40% and high failure rate, which make severe problem. This case can represent cases in South Asia countries. Kuala Lumpur faced big challenges to reduce the water losses in water network during last 5 years. One of these challenges is high deterioration of asbestos cement (AC) pipes. They need to replace more than 6500 km of AC pipes, which need a huge budget to be achieved. Asbestos cement is subject to deterioration due to various chemical processes that either leach out the cement material or penetrate the concrete to form products that weaken the cement matrix. This case presents an approach for geo-statistical model for modelling pipe failures in a water distribution network. Database of Syabas Company (Kuala Lumpur water company) has been used in developing the model. The statistical models have been calibrated, verified and used to predict failures for both networks and individual pipes. The mathematical formulation developed for failure frequency in Kuala Lumpur was based on different pipeline characteristics, reflecting several factors such as pipe diameter, length, pressure and failure history. Generalized linear model have been applied to predict pipe failures based on District Meter Zone (DMZ) and individual pipe levels. Based on Kuala Lumpur case study, several outputs and implications have been achieved. Correlations between spatial and temporal intervals of pipe failures also have been done using ArcGIS software. Water Pipe Assessment Model (WPAM) has been developed using the analysis of historical pipe failure in Kuala Lumpur which prioritizing the pipe rehabilitation candidates based on ranking system. Frankfurt Water Network in Germany is the third main case study. This case makes an overview for Survival analysis and neural network methods used in water network. Rehabilitation strategies of water pipes have been developed for Frankfurt water network in cooperation with Mainova (Frankfurt Water Company). This thesis also presents a methodology of technical condition assessment of plastic pipes based on simple analysis. This thesis aims to make contribution to improve the prediction of pipe failures in water networks using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). The output from the technical condition assessment model can be used to estimate future budget needs for rehabilitation and to define pipes with high priority for replacement based on poor condition. rn
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