170 resultados para Berkovich Indenter


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In this study, the deformation mechanisms of nonpolar GaN thick films grown on m-sapphire by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) are investigated using nanoindentation with a Berkovich indenter, cathodoluminescence (CL), and Raman microscopy. Results show that nonpolar GaN is more susceptible to plastic deformation and has lower hardness than c-plane GaN. After indentation, lateral cracks emerge on the nonpolar GaN surface and preferentially propagate parallel to the < 11 (2) over bar0 > orientation due to anisotropic defect-related stresses. Moreover, the quenching of CL luminescence can be observed to extend exclusively out from the center of the indentations along the < 11 (2) over bar0 > orientation, a trend which is consistent with the evolution of cracks. The recrystallization process happens in the indented regions for the load of 500 mN. Raman area mapping indicates that the distribution of strain field coincides well with the profile of defect-expanded dark regions, while the enhanced compressive stress mainly concentrates in the facets of the indentation.


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Nanoindentation tests were carried out at different locations in a Ti rich NiTi film deposited on a 3 `' silicon wafer by dc magnetron sputtering. The purpose of doing nanoindentation at different locations was to check the uniformity of the sample with respect to its mechanical behaviour and shape memory effect. The results showed that elastic modulus and hardness measured by nanoindentation was similar at different locations in the 3 `' wafer. Nanoindcntation coupled with depth profiling of residual indents using AFM also showed that the extent of shape memory recovery obtained by heating the film above its martensite to austcnite phase transformation temperature was also similar at different locations in the 3 `' wafer. However, the measured recovery ratio was lower than that predicted from theoretical calculations for indents made using Berkovich indenter. The results showed that the deposition process resulted in a NiTi film with uniform composition, mechanical properties and shape memory behaviour.


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Instrumented nanoindentation was employed to study the depth dependence of nanohardness in a CuAlNi single crystal shape memory alloy that exhibits shape memory effect (SME). A Berkovich indenter and a cube comer indenter were used in this study, and the


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Thermally induced recovery of nanoindents in a CUAINi single crystal shape memory alloy was studied by nanoindentation in conjunction with a heating stage. Nanoindents formed by a Berkovich indenter at room temperature were heated to 40, 70 and 100 degrees C. Partial recovery was observed for the nanoindents. The recovery ratio depended on the heating temperature. Indentation of CuAlNi can induce inelastic deformation via dislocation motion and a stress-induced matensitic transformation. The percentages of dislocation-induced plastic strain would affect the thermal deformation of CuAlNi, because the induced dislocations could stabilize stress-induced martensite plates even when the temperature above austenite finish temperature, A(f). When the applied indentation load is low (less than 10,000 mu N), the shape recovery strain is predominant, compared with the dislocation-induced plastic strain. Therefore, the degree of indent recovery in the depth direction, delta(D), is high (about 0.7-0.8 at 100 degrees C).


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The relationships between indentation responses and Young's modulus of an indented material were investigated by employing dimensional analysis and finite element method. Three representative tip bluntness geometries were introduced to describe the shape of a real Berkovich indenter. It was demonstrated that for each of these bluntness geometries, a set of approximate indentation relationships correlating the ratio of nominal hardness/reduced Young's modulus H (n) /E (r) and the ratio of elastic work/total work W (e)/W can be derived. Consequently, a method for Young's modulus measurement combined with its accuracy estimation was established on basis of these relationships. The effectiveness of this approach was verified by performing nanoindentation tests on S45C carbon steel and 6061 aluminum alloy and microindentation tests on aluminum single crystal, GCr15 bearing steel and fused silica.


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Nanoindentation provides the ideal framework to determine mechanical properties of bone at the tissue scale without being affected by the size, shape, and porosity of the bone. However, the values of tissue level mechanical properties vary significantly between studies. Since the differences in the bone sample, hydration state, and test parameters complicate direct comparisons across the various studies, these discrepancies in values cannot be compared directly. The objective of the current study is to evaluate and compare mechanical properties of the same bones using a broad range of testing parameters. Wild type C56BL6 mice tibiae were embedded following different processes and tested in dry and rehydrated conditions. Spherical and Berkovich indenter probes were used, and data analysis was considered within the elasto-plastic (Oliver-Pharr), viscoelastic and visco-elastic-plastic frameworks. The mean values of plane strain modulus varied significantly depending on the hydration state, probe geometry and analysis method. Indentations in dry bone analyzed using a visco-elastic-plastic approach gave values of 34 GPa. After rehydrating the same bones and indenting them with a spherical tip and utilizing a viscoelastic analysis, the mean modulus value was 4 GPa, nearly an order of magnitude smaller. Results suggest that the hydration state, probe geometry and the limitations and assumptions of each analysis method influence significantly the measured mechanical properties. This is the first time that such a systematic study has been carried out and it has been concluded that the discrepancies in the mechanical properties of bone measured by nanoindentation found in the literature should not be attributed only to the differences between the bones themselves, but also to the testing and analysis protocols.


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Silicon carbide (SiC) is an important orthopaedic material due to its inert nature and superior mechanical and tribological properties. Some of the potential applications of silicon carbide include coating for stents to enhance hemocompatibility, coating for prosthetic-bearing surfaces and uncemented joint prosthetics. This study is the first to explore nanomechanical response of single crystal 4H-SiC through quasistatic nanoindentation. Displacement controlled quasistatic nanoindentation experiments were performed on single crystal 4H-SiC specimen using a blunt Berkovich indenter (300 nm tip radius) at extremely fine indentation depths of 5 nm, 10 nm, 12 nm, 20 nm, 25 nm and 50 nm. Load-displacement curve obtained from the indentation experiments showed yielding or incipient plasticity in 4H-SiC typically at a shear stress of about 21 GPa (~an indentation depth of 33.8 nm) through a pop-in event. An interesting observation was that the residual depth of indent showed three distinct patterns: (i) Positive depth hysteresis above 33 nm, (ii) no depth hysteresis at 12 nm, and (iii) negative depth hysteresis below 12 nm. This contrasting depth hysteresis phenomenon is hypothesized to originate due to the existence of compressive residual stresses (upto 143 MPa) induced in the specimen by the polishing process prior to the nanoindentation


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An experimental study on the indentation hardness of NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) by using a spherical indenter tip and a finite element investigation to understand the experimental results are presented in this paper. It is shown that the spherical indentation hardness of NiTi SMAs increases with the indentation depth. The finding is contrary to the recent study on the hardness of NiTi SMAs using a sharp Berkovich indenter tip, where the interfacial energy plays a dominant role at small indentation depths. Our numerical investigation indicates that the influence of the interfacial energy is not significant on the spherical indentation hardness of SMAs. Furthermore, the depth dependency of SMA hardness under a spherical indenter is explained by the elastic spherical contact theory incorporating the deformation effect of phase transformation of SMAs. Hertz theory for purely elastic contact shows that the spherical hardness increases with the square root of the indentation depth. The phase transformation beneath the spherical tip weakens the depth effect of a purely elastic spherical hardness. This study enriches our knowledge on the basic concept of hardness for SMAs under spherical indentation at micro- and nanoscales.


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Carbon thin films were synthesized using the original Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method. Mechanical properties were investigated using Micro Materials NanoTest 500 instrument using a NT Berkovich indenter. XPS provides a quantitative analysis of the surface composition and X-ray generated Auger electron spectroscopy (XAES) performed by Thermoelectron ESCALAB 250 revealed information about the sp3:sp2 ratio of the carbon bondings. Structure and morphology was studied by Transmission Electron Microscope CM120ST, providing information on the grain size distribution of the crystalline diamond structures. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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A new area function is introduced and applied to a Berkovich tip in order to characterize the contact projected area between an indenter and indented material. The function can be related directly to tip-rounding, thereby having obviously physical meaning. Nanoindentation experiments are performed on a commercial Nano Indenter XPsystem. The other two area functions introduced by Oliver and Pharr and by Thurn and Cook respectively are involved in this paper for comparison. By comparison from experimental results among different area functions, the indenter tip described by the proposed area function here is very close to the experimental indenter.


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We previously proposed a method for estimating Young's modulus from instrumented nanoindentation data based on a model assuming that the indenter had a spherical-capped Berkovich geometry to take account of the bluntness effect. The method is now further improved by releasing the constraint on the tip shape, allowing it to have a much broader arbitrariness to range from a conical-tipped shape to a flat-ended shape, whereas the spherical-capped shape is just a special case in between. This method requires two parameters to specify a tip geometry, namely, a volume bluntness ratio V-r and a height bluntness ratio h(r). A set of functional relationships correlating nominal hardness/reduced elastic modulus ratio (H-n/E-r) and elastic work/total work ratio (W-e/W) were established based on dimensional analysis and finite element simulations, with each relationship specified by a set of V-r and h(r). Young's modulus of an indented material can be estimated from these relationships. The method was shown to be valid when applied to S45C carbon steel and 6061 aluminum alloy.


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Nanoindentation is a useful technique for probing the mechanical properties of bone, and finite element (FE) modeling of the indentation allows inverse determination of elasto-plastic constitutive properties. However, FE simulations to date have assumed frictionless contact between indenter and bone. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of friction in simulations of bone nanoindentation. Two dimensional axisymmetric FE simulations were performed using a spheroconical indenter of tip radius 0.6m and angle 90°. The coefficient of friction between indenter and bone was varied between 0.0 (frictionless) and 0.3. Isotropic linear elasticity was used in all simulations, with bone elastic modulus E=13.56GPa and Poisson’s ratio =0.3. Plasticity was incorporated using both Drucker-Prager and von Mises yield surfaces. Friction had a modest effect on the predicted force-indentation curve for both von Mises and Drucker-Prager plasticity, reducing maximum indenter displacement by 10% and 20% respectively as friction coefficient was increased from zero to 0.3 (at a maximum indenter force of 5mN). However, friction has a much greater effect on predicted pile-up after indentation, reducing predicted pile-up from 0.27m to 0.11m with a von Mises model, and from 0.09m to 0.02m with Drucker-Prager plasticity. We conclude that it is important to include friction in nanoindentation simulations of bone.


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Nanoindentation is a useful technique for probing the mechanical properties of bone, and finite element (FE) modeling of the indentation allows inverse determination of elasto-plastic constitutive properties. However, all but one FE study to date have assumed frictionless contact between indenter and bone. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of friction in simulations of bone nanoindentation. Two dimensional axisymmetric FE simulations were performed using a spheroconical indenter of tip radius 0.6 m and angle 90°. The coefficient of friction between indenter and bone was varied between 0.0 (frictionless) and 0.3. Isotropic linear elasticity was used in all simulations, with bone elastic modulus E=13.56GPa and Poisson‟s ratio f 0.3. Plasticity was incorporated using both Drucker-Prager and von Mises yield surfaces. Friction had a modest effect on the predicted force-indentation curve for both von Mises and Drucker-Prager plasticity, reducing maximum indenter displacement by 10% and 20% respectively as friction coefficient was increased from zero to 0.3 (at a maximum indenter force of 5mN). However, friction has a much greater effect on predicted pile-up after indentation, reducing predicted pile-up from 0.27 to 0.11 m with a von Mises model, and from 0.09 to 0.02 m with Drucker-Prager plasticity. We conclude that it is potentially important to include friction in nanoindentation simulations of bone if pile-up is used to compare simulation results with experiment.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotube arrays are attracting increasing attention for use in solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, and biomedical implants. To take full advantage of their unique physical properties, such arrays need to maintain adequate mechanical integrity in applications. However, the mechanical performance of TiO2 nanotube arrays is not well understood. In this work, we investigate the deformation and failure of TiO2 nanotube arrays using the nanoindentation technique. We found that the load–displacement response of the arrays strongly depends on the indentation depth and indenter shape. Substrate-independent elastic modulus and hardness can be obtained when the indentation depth is less than 2.5% of the array height. The deformation mechanisms of TiO2 nanotube arrays by Berkovich and conical indenters are closely associated with the densification of TiO2 nanotubes under compression. A theoretical model for deformation of the arrays under a largeradius conical indenter is also proposed.


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The effects of power-law plasticity (yield strength and strain hardening exponent) on the plastic strain distribution underneath a Vickers indenter was systematically investigated by recourse to three-dimensional finite element analysis, motivated by the experimental macro-and micro-indentation on heat-treated Al-Zn-Mg alloy. For meaningful comparison between simulated and experimental results, the experimental heat treatment was carefully designed such that Al alloy achieve similar yield strength with different strain hardening exponent, and vice versa. On the other hand, full 3D simulation of Vickers indentation was conducted to capture subsurface strain distribution. Subtle differences and similarities were discussed based on the strain field shape, size and magnitude for the isolated effect of yield strength and strain hardening exponent.