991 resultados para Berkeley hundred.


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Prospective clinical case series of 100 patients receiving thoracoscopic anterior scoliosis correction surgery. The objective was to evaluate the relationship between clinical outcomes of thoracoscopic anterior scoliosis surgery and deformity correction using the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) outcomes instrument questionnaire. The surgical treatment of scoliosis is quantitatively assessed in the clinic using radiographic measures of deformity correction, as well as the rib hump, but it is important to understand the extent to which these quantitative measures correlate with self-reported improvements in patients’ quality of life following surgery. A series of 100 consecutive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients received a single anterior rod via a thoracoscopic approach at the Mater Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. Patients completed SRS outcomes questionnaires pre-operatively and at 24 months post-operatively. There were 94 females and 6 males with a mean age of 16.1 years. The mean Cobb angle improved from 52º pre-operatively to 25º post-operatively (52%) and the mean rib hump improved from 16º to 8º (51%). The mean total SRS score for the cohort was 99.4/120. None of the deformity related parameters in the multiple regression were significant. However, patients with the lowest post-operative major Cobb angles reported significantly higher SRS scores than those with the highest post-operative Cobb angles, but there was no difference on the basis of rib hump correction. There were no significant differences between patients with either rod fractures or screw-related complications compared to those without complications.


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The Osseointegrated Prosthetic Limb (OPL) was introduced in 2011. Prior to its advent all prostheses consisted of stump and socket mechanisms which did not changed dramatically since Ambroise Pare lower limb prosthesis in 1525. These socket prostheses failed to address a few major requirements of normal gait. Our hypothesis was that using an Osseointegrated Prosthetic limb will result in superior function of daily activities, without compromising patients’ safety.The aims of this paper are (A) to describe the surgical procedure of the OPL; and (B) to present data on potential risks and benefits with assessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up


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Thermodynamic model first published in 1909, is being used extensively to understand the size-dependent melting of nanoparticles. Pawlow deduced an expression for the size-dependent melting temperature of small particles based on the thermodynamic model which was then modified and applied to different nanostructures such as nanowires, prism-shaped nanoparticles, etc. The model has also been modified to understand the melting of supported nanoparticles and superheating of embedded nanoparticles. In this article, we have reviewed the melting behaviour of nanostructures reported in the literature since 1909.


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From left to right: Lotte Stern, Otto Wallerstein, Alfred Stern; Photograph taken shortly after arrival in Berkeley, California


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From left to right: Lotte Stern, Otto Wallerstein, Alfred Stern; Photograph taken shortly after arrival in Berkeley, California


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From left to right: Lotte Stern, Otto Wallerstein, Alfred Stern; Photograph taken shortly after arrival in Berkeley, California


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From left to right: Lotte Stern, Otto Wallerstein, Alfred Stern; Photograph taken shortly after arrival in Berkeley, California


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El cambio climático ha modificado el comportamiento de plagas en cultivos, provocando incidencia en momentos no previstos, afectando la calidad y rendimientos de los mismos. El cultivo del cafeto, es uno de los principales rubros de exportación en la regi ón Centroamericana y República Dominicana. No exento del cambio climático este rubro ha sufrido altos y bajos desde el punto de vista fitosanitario, precios del mercado, afectando de manera directa a grupos vulnerables que viven en zonas rurales y para qui enes las divisas provenientes de la caficultura representan su única fuente de ingreso. El reciente repunte del hongo de la roya ( Hemileia vastatrix Berkeley & Broome ) en las zonas de mayor producción ha provocado alarma entre los pequeños productores sie ndo estos las más vulnerables por los bajos rendimientos por área, sumado a una seria de consecuencias en los niveles económicos, sociales y ambientales. El sistema de alerta temprana de café (SATCAFE), que actualmente se está implementado en los países Ce ntroamericanos (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá) y República Dominicana, mediante el apoyo técnico de la oficina sub regional de FAO/SLM, está contribuyendo con los esfuerzos emprendidos por los gobiernos a través de los ministerios de agricultura , institutos de café, mediante el levantamiento de información de datos cuantitativos del comportamiento de la roya y broca del cafeto y el impacto de esta en la producción y la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las familias productoras


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The Advanced LIGO and Virgo experiments are poised to detect gravitational waves (GWs) directly for the first time this decade. The ultimate prize will be joint observation of a compact binary merger in both gravitational and electromagnetic channels. However, GW sky locations that are uncertain by hundreds of square degrees will pose a challenge. I describe a real-time detection pipeline and a rapid Bayesian parameter estimation code that will make it possible to search promptly for optical counterparts in Advanced LIGO. Having analyzed a comprehensive population of simulated GW sources, we describe the sky localization accuracy that the GW detector network will achieve as each detector comes online and progresses toward design sensitivity. Next, in preparation for the optical search with the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF), we have developed a unique capability to detect optical afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). Its comparable error regions offer a close parallel to the Advanced LIGO problem, but Fermi's unique access to MeV-GeV photons and its near all-sky coverage may allow us to look at optical afterglows in a relatively unexplored part of the GRB parameter space. We present the discovery and broadband follow-up observations (X-ray, UV, optical, millimeter, and radio) of eight GBM-IPTF afterglows. Two of the bursts (GRB 130702A / iPTF13bxl and GRB 140606B / iPTF14bfu) are at low redshift (z=0.145 and z = 0.384, respectively), are sub-luminous with respect to "standard" cosmological bursts, and have spectroscopically confirmed broad-line type Ic supernovae. These two bursts are possibly consistent with mildly relativistic shocks breaking out from the progenitor envelopes rather than the standard mechanism of internal shocks within an ultra-relativistic jet. On a technical level, the GBM--IPTF effort is a prototype for locating and observing optical counterparts of GW events in Advanced LIGO with the Zwicky Transient Facility.


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No sistema de Berkeley chamado de imaterialismo a substância material é negada, existindo apenas dois tipos de entes: aqueles que percebem (os espíritos) e aqueles que são percebidos (as ideias). Os objetos sensíveis não possuem qualquer existência além daquela que lhes é atribuída pelo ato da percepção. Assim, diz o autor, ser é ser percebido (esse est percipi), e tudo o que se conhece são as qualidades reveladas durante o processo de percepção sensível. No entanto, tal afirmação parece nos conduzir para uma forma bastante particular do relativismo, um subjetivismo individualista, que implica grandes problemas. Em suas duas obras mais importantes: Tratado sobre os princípios do conhecimento humano e Três diálogos entre Hylas e Philonous, Berkeley faz várias alusões à relatividade das qualidades sensíveis. Com efeito, as qualidades percebidas de cada objeto são diferentes, segundo os indivíduos. Entretanto, a opinião dos comentadores sobre a relevância que Berkeley atribui a tais referências relativistas é divergente. O objetivo do presente trabalho é, então, tentar apresentar uma possível solução para o problema das referências relativistas no imaterialismo de Berkeley. Pretendemos investigar ao longo dos quatro capítulos que se seguem, cada um abordando um aspecto relevante acerca da relação entre o relativismo e a teoria de Berkeley, como pode ser possível que o filósofo concilie as duas posições, conservando intacta a possibilidade de conhecimento objetivo do mundo, e a sintonia que alega manter com o senso comum.